Harvard Economist: Immigration Costs US Workers $500 Billion A Year

If that were the case w

Hey Brian. Can you tell me what has happened here?
On the one hand, most of these right wingers on here who oppose immigration are the exact same ones who have shown even more opposition to increasing MW.

Exactly who is it that will force the following;
Companies to increase wages for unskilled American labor.

Force Americans to apply for and take the low skilled or semi skilled job the immigrant was doing.

Who will tell American companies they need to be happy that their low pay, trained workforce has been replaced by higher cost, less skilled American labor? (If they show up to work that is).

We now have republicans acting like democrats protecting those low skilled, poorly educated Americans and republicans being mad at the very capitalists they normally worship. WTF is going on?
Oh, lets not let this thread slip away. No way Jose! This needs discussing lefties, or are you in to screwing over your fellow Americans-)
I linked to the Harvard professor's findings above, instead of quoting from a known propaganda piss outlet.

In his findings, he states people without high school diplomas, who are living in poverty, suffer the largest negative impact of immigration.

These are the same American born workers who have been asking for a higher minimum wage. When they do, the Right scorns them, telling them they should have not made bad choices in life.
A better solution is to deport all the cheap labor that's taking their jobs and driving their wages down.
Immigrants do a lot of jobs most Americans won't do. Every prosperous society has a large immigrant population which does the shit jobs.

And are you willing to pay more for your stuff? That's what the Right always claims when higher wages come up.


And yes.
If that were the case w

Hey Brian. Can you tell me what has happened here?
On the one hand, most of these right wingers on here who oppose immigration are the exact same ones who have shown even more opposition to increasing MW.

Exactly who is it that will force the following;
Companies to increase wages for unskilled American labor.

Force Americans to apply for and take the low skilled or semi skilled job the immigrant was doing.

Who will tell American companies they need to be happy that their low pay, trained workforce has been replaced by higher cost, less skilled American labor? (If they show up to work that is).

We now have republicans acting like democrats protecting those low skilled, poorly educated Americans and republicans being mad at the very capitalists they normally worship. WTF is going on?

A healthy growing economy without an infinite supply of cheap labor will result in a natural upward pressure on wages.

A stagnate economy with an increased minimum wage will just lead to employers cutting the work force to the bone and putting more work on those left behind.

That you can't see any difference between the two scenarios...

I can't help you with that.
If that were the case w

Hey Brian. Can you tell me what has happened here?
On the one hand, most of these right wingers on here who oppose immigration are the exact same ones who have shown even more opposition to increasing MW.

Exactly who is it that will force the following;
Companies to increase wages for unskilled American labor.

Force Americans to apply for and take the low skilled or semi skilled job the immigrant was doing.

Who will tell American companies they need to be happy that their low pay, trained workforce has been replaced by higher cost, less skilled American labor? (If they show up to work that is).

We now have republicans acting like democrats protecting those low skilled, poorly educated Americans and republicans being mad at the very capitalists they normally worship. WTF is going on?

It is a strange time. I think it mostly has to do with they are ok with increased wages if it isn't government forced.

Who would think the majority would support the candidate that agreed with the Dems about bush? All very strange.
A healthy growing economy without an infinite supply of cheap labor will result in a natural upward pressure on wages.

You must have missed all the words that have been written about how forcing companies to pay workers more than the value of the work being performed is un American.

All these immigrants working for 8 bucks are getting paid what the job is worth, according to many.

How did a low skill, low pay job automatically become worth more money?

And why as a.job creator will I be happy that my labor costs.just jumped and my quality of laborers has declined. Why will that make the job creators happy?

And I thought you republicans were all about protecting the job creators?

Are you secretly a democrat?
How can anyone honestly claim immigration doesn't harm American workers if data like that is accurate?

Immigration effectively redistributes half a trillion dollars from U.S. workers to the businesses that hire immigrants each year, Harvard economist and immigration and wages expert George Borjas testified before Congress Wednesday.

What's your plan for stopping illegal immigration?
How can anyone honestly claim immigration doesn't harm American workers if data like that is accurate?

Immigration effectively redistributes half a trillion dollars from U.S. workers to the businesses that hire immigrants each year, Harvard economist and immigration and wages expert George Borjas testified before Congress Wednesday.

Oh, lets not let this thread slip away. No way Jose! This needs discussing lefties, or are you in to screwing over your fellow Americans-)
Republicans don't give a shit either. Both of them benefit from illegals. Corrupt fucks.

And don't omit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
How can anyone honestly claim immigration doesn't harm American workers if data like that is accurate?

Immigration effectively redistributes half a trillion dollars from U.S. workers to the businesses that hire immigrants each year, Harvard economist and immigration and wages expert George Borjas testified before Congress Wednesday.

Oh, lets not let this thread slip away. No way Jose! This needs discussing lefties, or are you in to screwing over your fellow Americans-)
Republicans don't give a shit either. Both of them benefit from illegals. Corrupt fucks.

And don't omit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
YES! Those repubs sure like them. Paul Ryan even hired one of their lobbyists for his chief of staff!
How can anyone honestly claim immigration doesn't harm American workers if data like that is accurate?

Immigration effectively redistributes half a trillion dollars from U.S. workers to the businesses that hire immigrants each year, Harvard economist and immigration and wages expert George Borjas testified before Congress Wednesday.

What's your plan for stopping illegal immigration?

Mine is quite simple:

Better border security
Make it very difficult to get work without proper credentials
Stop the deluge of cash sent out of the U.S.
Deal harshly with those caught here illegally
End the "Anchor Baby" stupidity.

If we disincentivise illegal immigration, it will stem the tide and many will self-deport. Will it stop it completely? Of course not.
How can anyone honestly claim immigration doesn't harm American workers if data like that is accurate?

Immigration effectively redistributes half a trillion dollars from U.S. workers to the businesses that hire immigrants each year, Harvard economist and immigration and wages expert George Borjas testified before Congress Wednesday.

What's your plan for stopping illegal immigration?

Mine is quite simple:

Better border security
Make it very difficult to get work without proper credentials
Stop the deluge of cash sent out of the U.S.
Deal harshly with those caught here illegally
End the "Anchor Baby" stupidity.

If we disincentivise illegal immigration, it will stem the tide and many will self-deport. Will it stop it completely? Of course not.

The key really is making it hard for them to work here. I don't see this wall idea making much of a difference.

Now if all jobs here were Union they wouldn't be able to work here, problem solved. The decline of unions is one reason we have an immigrant problem.
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A healthy growing economy without an infinite supply of cheap labor will result in a natural upward pressure on wages.

You must have missed all the words that have been written about how forcing companies to pay workers more than the value of the work being performed is un American.

All these immigrants working for 8 bucks are getting paid what the job is worth, according to many.

How did a low skill, low pay job automatically become worth more money?

And why as a.job creator will I be happy that my labor costs.just jumped and my quality of laborers has declined. Why will that make the job creators happy?

And I thought you republicans were all about protecting the job creators?

Are you secretly a democrat?

All that was answered in the post you "replied" to.
Here's how the transfer of wealth works.

An investor wants to squeeze as many profits out of a corporation as possible. To please the investors, the CEO will squeeze his suppliers to lower their prices more and more.

For a grocery outlet corporation, that means squeezing farmers to lower their prices, always threatening to find another supplier.

To the farmer, that means paying his workers as little as possible. And that means a wage most Americans will not accept. So the farmer has no choice but to hire the people who show up for the job, legally or illegally.

All to increase the corporate share price.

You guys want to upset that apple cart? Go right ahead. Get rid of the Mexicans, and start paying pickers 25 bucks an hour, see what happens to your grocery bill and your 401k.

Getting rid of investors would be easier.
I am of the opinion that going public is not always the best idea for a corporation. Especially financial firms.
The Democrats whined and pleaded with Reagan to sign the amnesty bill.
What a complete crock of shit.

Reagan address on immigration and refugee policy:
Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
I love it when the Wetbacks are beating Whitey as his own game, and whitey can't stop whining about it.

Aren't we all losing when wages are stagnant?
Immigrants are not the reason wages are stagnant.

Maybe not the only reason, but it isn't helping. Immigrants aren't being hired because they drive up wages...
Blaming immigrants is a way of avoiding the much, much bigger causes of stagnant wages. Immigrants are being used as scapegoats and red herrings.

It's a bullshit tactic the rubes fall for every time because no one wants to hear it is their own fault. They prefer half truths and lies to the whole truth.
The Democrats whined and pleaded with Reagan to sign the amnesty bill.
What a complete crock of shit.

Reagan address on immigration and refugee policy:
Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

That generosity was ill advised then, and is more so now.
I love it when the Wetbacks are beating Whitey as his own game, and whitey can't stop whining about it.

Aren't we all losing when wages are stagnant?
Immigrants are not the reason wages are stagnant.

Maybe not the only reason, but it isn't helping. Immigrants aren't being hired because they drive up wages...
Blaming immigrants is a way of avoiding the much, much bigger causes of stagnant wages. Immigrants are being used as scapegoats and red herrings.

It's a bullshit tactic the rubes fall for every time because no one wants to hear it is their own fault. They prefer half truths and lies to the whole truth.

Trump is running on Immigration AND Trade.

Your assumption that we don't want to address the other issues is... uninformed.

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