Harvard law professor: Twitter cannot violate the First Amendment

A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
it's a first amendment violation-----------------they are basically denying communication for anyone that they don't agree with. That's fascism and dangerous.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.

Totally wrong.
ORIGINALLY, the first amendment was not just restricted to government, but only the federal government, and the states and cities were free to infringe as they wanted to.
But NOT after the 14th amendment.
The 14th amendment "incorporated" individual rights as implied by the Bill of Rights, to be protected from ALL infringement, by anyone.

And Twitter most definitely is NOT a "private actor", but a public medium that is supported by the government created Internet. If Twitter wants to be private and make its own rules, then it should go make its own global network and stop using the public internet, because the public internet comes with rules against infringement of individual rights.

Twitter most certainly be capable of being prosecuted for violating individual rights.
Just not sure that applies in this particular case.
That is for the courts to decide.

Nope. The incorporation doctrine selectively extends the Bill of Rights to the States. Not to 'anyone'.

"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Neither the incorporation doctrine nor the 14th amendment have a thing to do with twitter or other private businesses. They are about extending the limitations on the federal government to the states.

That is wrong.
Look as cases like where companies were denying abortion rights to employees, or fired people who campaigned for certain candidates off work hours.
The 14 amendment no only prohibits state laws from being used to infringe upon individual rights, but also to uphold individual rights when states have failed to pass legislation that would defend individual rights.

If you go back to the original context of the the Reconstruction era, what you are suggesting is that there was no legal recourse to stop the KKK from extorting and murdering Blacks, because the KKK was not an official act by government. And clearly that is wrong. The feds sent in troops to arrest KKK type private groups.

The 'denying abortion rights to employees' was an ACA violation. Its a specific federal law that was being violated. It had nothing to do with the 'selective incorportion doctrine'. As it was a federal law....you don't need the 14th amendment to extend the Bill of Rights to the Federal Government. The constitution already did that.

You need to actually read the arguments being offered by Bingham and Howard when presenting the 14th amendment to congress. The states were flagrantly violating the rights of recentl released slaves. And they had no recourse as the Bill of Rights didn't extend to the States. The express purpose of the 14th was to do exactly that: extend the bill of rights to the states.

A supreme court ruling Barron v. Baltimore prevented that, explicitly finding that the Bill of Rights did not apply to the States. The 14th was created to rectify that.

Senator Howard went so far as to read the 1st through 8th amendment.

"Such is the character of the privileges and immunities spoken of in the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution. To these privileges and immunities, whatever they may be - for they are not and cannot be fully defined in their entire extent and precise nature - to these should be added the personal rights guarantied and secured by the first eight amendments of the Constitution; such as the freedom of the speech and of their press, the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances, a right appertaining to each and all the people; the right to keep and bear arms; the right to be exempted from the quartering of soldiers in a house with the consent of the owner; the right to be exempt from unreasonable searches and seizures, and from any search or seizure except by virtue of a warrant issued upon a formal oath or affidavit; the right of an accused person to be informed of the nature of the accusation against him; and his right to be tried by an impartial jury of the vicinage; and also the right to be secure against excessive bail and against cruel and unusual punishments....

The great object of the first section of this amendment is, therefore, to restrain the power of the States and compel them at all times to respect these fundamental guarantees. "

- Senator Howard introducing the 14th amendment to the Senate

It was about restraining State power. Not about private busineses.

You're simply mistaken

There is no argument at all that the original point of the 14th amendment was only to prevent state violations of individual rights, and was specifically over ex-slave rights.

But the POINT is that put the federal government in the position of having jurisdiction over individual rights protection, and that is NOT at all limited. It can't be limited. And the SCOTUS has continually expanded its incorporation over time, to now also include all individual rights against abuse by ANYONE.
And it obviously had to be that way. NO ONE has the authority or right to ever abuse or infringe upon any individual rights at all.

The mistake you are making is that you think there has to be specific legislation authorizing federal protection of individual rights before any action could be prosecuted. That is not a correct understanding of law. Rights and protects are infinite. They do not have to be codified and really can't be since they are infinite. When rights not listed specifically are violated, such as rights to privacy, then the violator is still prosecuted under some more general statute.

So can employers punish political expressions?
Absolutely and definitely NOT!
That has always been totally and completely illegal.
You can not possibly have a democratic republic with fair elections if you allow any political extortion.
While legislators are slow to actually write the specific legislation, it is easy to see political extortion is illegal, and it could be prosecuted under dozens of more general existing legislation, and would even violate privacy rights.

Again, just as the SCOTUS used to allow slavery and no longer does, the interpretation of individual rights being supreme is always the goal of any democratic republic, and the fact that trend has been slow is only due to confusion over who should ensure those individual rights best.
Anyone who thinks individuals can legally abuse the inherent rights of others, just does not at all understand what a democratic republic is.
Employers can punish political expressions on the job, absolutely!
And I’m sure you know that political ideology is not a protected class under our constitution.
of course I have a dog in this,,,

youre just mad I think you dems are far worse than the repubes and trump,,,

my statement stands,,
Your statement is a spelling/grammar error filled incoherent rant.

It's like a stool missing a leg.
OMG!! you got me there,,,

now go club a baby seal or something,,,

better yet why dont you go fight those endless wars instead of sending our children,,,
OH thats right youre a coward,,,
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
Then why haven’t you and every Marxist boot licker been banned?

Oh yea, because you’re full of shit.
I have been banned. As for "marxist boot lickers," since you rightwingnuts have such a distorted view about Marxism, who the fuck knows who you're talking about?
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

you sound desperate for people to believe you,,,


Obama trolling Trump, priceless.

A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

you sound desperate for people to believe you,,,
Anyone with a functioning brain who reads my post will believe me. You idiotically claimed Twitter only enforces their rules "against one political side." I posted an Antifa group that was banned. That proves you wrong. It's not my problem that rendered you pouting like a 4 year old girl.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
Then why haven’t you and every Marxist boot licker been banned?

Oh yea, because you’re full of shit.
I have been banned. As for "marxist boot lickers," since you rightwingnuts have such a distorted view about Marxism, who the fuck knows who you're talking about?
Apparently a temporary ban.

Marxism is what you people preach. Everything the Dems do is out of the Marx playbook. Of course you maybe ignorant of what Marxism is, it doesn’t make you any less a Marxist.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

you sound desperate for people to believe you,,,
Anyone with a functioning brain who reads my post will believe me. You idiotically claimed Twitter only enforces their rules "against one political side." I posted an Antifa group that was banned. That proves you wrong. It's not my problem that rendered you pouting like a 4 year old girl.
Besides, if Twitter wanted to be one-sided, it wouldn't be illegal. Private companies don't have to be "fair and balanced".
There's no law against bias in banning.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

you sound desperate for people to believe you,,,
Anyone with a functioning brain who reads my post will believe me. You idiotically claimed Twitter only enforces their rules "against one political side." I posted an Antifa group that was banned. That proves you wrong. It's not my problem that rendered you pouting like a 4 year old girl.
you gave me one while there are tens of thousands on the other side,,,
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
Then why haven’t you and every Marxist boot licker been banned?

Oh yea, because you’re full of shit.
I have been banned. As for "marxist boot lickers," since you rightwingnuts have such a distorted view about Marxism, who the fuck knows who you're talking about?
Apparently a temporary ban.

Marxism is what you people preach. Everything the Dems do is out of the Marx playbook. Of course you maybe ignorant of what Marxism is, it doesn’t make you any less a Marxist.

And thanks for affirming what I said about rightwingnuts' distorted view on Marxism. Wasn’t necessary but thanks just the same.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
Then why haven’t you and every Marxist boot licker been banned?

Oh yea, because you’re full of shit.
I have been banned. As for "marxist boot lickers," since you rightwingnuts have such a distorted view about Marxism, who the fuck knows who you're talking about?
Apparently a temporary ban.

Marxism is what you people preach. Everything the Dems do is out of the Marx playbook. Of course you maybe ignorant of what Marxism is, it doesn’t make you any less a Marxist.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
I really get tired of how on one side says it's alright for these private companies for doing what they want because they are private.
But, they have to go in front of congress and plead for their Section 230 protection which protects them from being held liable for
posts, photos, and videos they allow or remove.

But the hearing instead left Facebook, Google and Twitter facing conflicting pressures -- from Democrats who say they should patrol their sites and services more aggressively and Republicans who felt the companies should have a more hands-off role with most political speech. The mixed signals threatened to add new complications to the tech giants’ already controversial work to protect the world’s most popular digital communications channels from abuse. And it evoked the lingering, widespread unease in Washington with the political and economic leverage the three companies have amassed and the ways they seek to wield it.

“Democrats often say that we don’t remove enough content, and Republicans often say we remove too much,” Zuckerberg said in his opening remarks. “The fact that both sides criticize us doesn’t mean that we’re getting this right, but it does mean there are real disagreements about where the limits of online speech should be.”

Something is broke and needs to get fixed. These media giants are wielding way too much power, and proved it with all the
right wing censoring prior to the election. Their is a fix, but it takes a government that isn't corrupt.
I don't think our government will fix it.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

you sound desperate for people to believe you,,,
Anyone with a functioning brain who reads my post will believe me. You idiotically claimed Twitter only enforces their rules "against one political side." I posted an Antifa group that was banned. That proves you wrong. It's not my problem that rendered you pouting like a 4 year old girl.
you gave me one while there are tens of thousands on the other side,,,
I only needed one to prove you wrong.

"its only enforced against one political side,,," ~ a pouting retard

No, shvantz, it's not enforced against only one political side.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.
yes they do,, but thats not what twitter is doing and you know it,,
Nutcase, Twitter banned Impeached Trump to prevent him from further incitement of violence.
thats not the issue,,,
and you playing word games to fit your false narrative is the same as lying,,, so stop lying,,,
That is exactly why they banned him.
liar,,, this goes far beyond just trump,,
True, it applies to all Twitter members who do what Trump did. Same as this forum.
but its only enforced against one political side,,,

but you knew that and why you lied,,
I didn't lie just because you're an ignorant buffoon. Here's Twitter banning an Antifa group because they used Twitter to incite violence...

OMG!!! they did one group,,,

what about th other hundreds if not thousands of other accounts??
If l looked, i could find more, but I didn't need to to prove your idiotic claim that Twitter only does this to "one political side."
you do know I am giving you the benefit of the doubt when I call you a liar dont you???

the only other option is an ignorant fool and useful idiot,,,

I'm ignorant or a liar for proving you wrong?

That's an interesting approach.

you didnt prove anything,,

You keep telling yourself that, shvantz. Whatever makes you feel better about being proven wrong.

you sound desperate for people to believe you,,,
Anyone with a functioning brain who reads my post will believe me. You idiotically claimed Twitter only enforces their rules "against one political side." I posted an Antifa group that was banned. That proves you wrong. It's not my problem that rendered you pouting like a 4 year old girl.
Besides, if Twitter wanted to be one-sided, it wouldn't be illegal. Private companies don't have to be "fair and balanced".
There's no law against bias in banning.
It’s not about it be legal or not. It’s about them silencing free speech and being a bunch of fascists.
“Democrats often say that we don’t remove enough content, and Republicans often say we remove too much,” Zuckerberg said in his opening remarks. “The fact that both sides criticize us doesn’t mean that we’re getting this right, but it does mean there are real disagreements about where the limits of online speech should be.”

Something is broke and needs to get fixed. These media giants are wielding way too much power, and proved it with all the
right wing censoring prior to the election. Their is a fix, but it takes a government that isn't corrupt.
I don't think our government will fix it.
You have a fight between the truthers, and the propagandists. One side wants lies removed from the platforms, the other wants to be able to spread lies without being challenged.

One side wants "alternative facts" while the other wants only real facts. That's because the different ideologies requite different information to influence the electorate.
A poll says that 40% of people believe the 2020 election had rampant election fraud. That's from all the "alternative facts" being spread by one side.

As they say, if you repeat a lie often enough. If you get enough people to repeat that lie. Pretty soon people believe it to be the truth.

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