Harvard Professor: Evidence Against Trump There...Why People don't care


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Harvard Constitutional Law Professor: The Evidence Against Donald Trump Is All There

It's always nice to know that our Academic giants are concerned for the future of our nation yes? So this fellow from Harvard had decided to add his intellectual heft to the charges against Donald Trump in the Ukraine scampeachment efforts. For what it's worth I found his comments interesting though totally lacking in substance. Perhaps he has some details for sale? But let's cut to the chase here. This guy is is his late fifties or early sixties and has been a Professor at Harvard for the past thirty years. So he was there when Obama was POTUS and when HIllary was SECSTATE. Where was his voice then?

THIS...is why dear lefty the words ring empty and change nothing except the ring of your hypocritical fever pitched double standard soliloquies. Everyone knows Harvard is a dedicated progressive bastion of Alinskyism and pseudo Communism ( So what doesn't Harvard give out fee education based on their nearly 40 billion endowment?) Everyone expects them to be coopted as part of the scam. At least is this instance you cannot say the same for the GOP. Half of the GOP are Never-Trumpers who readily point out what they feel is Trump's lawlessness.

So now we ask: Where were the voices on the left when Obama broke the laws of this nation every day of the week for eight years? Where were they when the DNC screwed Bernie? Where were they when Hillary Clinton was selling acess to the State department through the Clinton Foundation? I'll tell you where they were...nowhere. Trump was right about the democrats and the left. They stick together...but then again so does decomposed cadaver flesh and cotton weave clothing.

When the outcry stops being generated strictly on a partisan basis perhaps it will have more effect...but until then people quietly understand what it is they are seeing and hearing.

I'm not sure how much I care, but the man is an utter hypocrite considering the Biden's corruption dwarfs that of Trump.

It's kind of like obsessing over a leaky faucet while your house is flooding.
I'm not sure how much I care, but the man is an utter hypocrite considering the Biden's corruption dwarfs that of Trump.

It's kind of like obsessing over a leaky faucet while your house is flooding.

They think that people don't notice the double standard.

Lawrence Tribe's Ass.

He's been screaming to impeach Trump for about as long as Maxine Waters and just as loud.
Another Harvard professor disagrees with Larry Tribe. Alan Dershowitz says "no crime was committed", let alone anything impeachable
Trump's Ukraine transcript: Unwise words but no proof of a crime

GW law professor Jonathon Turley agrees that no crime was committed and impeachment is unwarranted
Why the Framers would reject the Democrats' impeachment criteria

Can the USSC weigh in to break the tie and recommend if the threshold was reached for impeachment based on the evidence and the rules of evidence setup by the Senate?
What remedy would the Constitution advise, if any for Trump.

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