Has anybody read the part of the Constitution that allows CNN to determine our elections


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
If you have, please point it out. Oh, that's right, our Founding Fathers weren't delusional wokester idiots with no idea how a Republic works. What happens when DT doesn't concede & the rest of us don't stand down? Do the people who can't figure out which bathroom to use think the rest of us will allow them to steal an election just because they really feel like they are entitled to cheat because racism & all?
If you think it's over, you're one of the delusional ones. This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth
If you have, please point it out. Oh, that's right, our Founding Fathers weren't delusional wokester idiots with no idea how a Republic works. What happens when DT doesn't concede & the rest of us don't stand down? Do the people who can't figure out which bathroom to use think the rest of us will allow them to steal an election just because they really feel like they are entitled to cheat because racism & all?
If you think it's over, you're one of the delusional ones. This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth
It is not there. The American people called the election. CNN just reported the changes in number as it was reported to them. Sooner or later the math became insurmountable. New outlets have been reporting on elections as long as I an remember. Electors will meet and seal the deal, but it is over, by the will of the people.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth
Cool. Whatcha going to do?
Watching the riots was fun as hell. It made for good TV. Of course it was let happen. The media/entertainer shills live a great life using the peasants as weapons against each other. If I was planning vengeance it is already in the laws we have. Tell Biden to remove the Patriot Act, the TSA, the surveillance state both public and private, remove teeth from Homeland Security and so much more. Is that going to happen? Biden/Harris are tools of the globalists. And the tyranny will get you also. Therefore vengeance is complete.
This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth
Sure thing, Rambo.

You've been conned. By a buffoon. I guess I'd be angry too.
If you have, please point it out. Oh, that's right, our Founding Fathers weren't delusional wokester idiots with no idea how a Republic works. What happens when DT doesn't concede & the rest of us don't stand down? Do the people who can't figure out which bathroom to use think the rest of us will allow them to steal an election just because they really feel like they are entitled to cheat because racism & all?
If you think it's over, you're one of the delusional ones. This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth
it is right after semi automatic weapons are mentioned.
Wait until they try to remove Trump from the WH. That will be a show because he will not go quietly. He's a fighter, not a wimp.
If you have, please point it out. Oh, that's right, our Founding Fathers weren't delusional wokester idiots with no idea how a Republic works. What happens when DT doesn't concede & the rest of us don't stand down? Do the people who can't figure out which bathroom to use think the rest of us will allow them to steal an election just because they really feel like they are entitled to cheat because racism & all?
If you think it's over, you're one of the delusional ones. This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth

The states did. By holding free and fair elections. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.

I'm not delusional. And it's over. There are already rumblings that Trump is going to be "urged" to
accept defeat...oh yeah, and no one cares about your idle threats. Grow up and grow a pair. Move on.
Let's see. In 2000, Gore didn't concede until mid-Dec.. Trump should be able to hold out alot longer than that.
For all of you thinking it's a big joke... I guess we'll find out soon enough once the courts decide who actually won. Laugh it up while you can lefties.
Wait until they try to remove Trump from the WH. That will be a show because he will not go quietly. He's a fighter, not a wimp.
Here is how it will work Gracie. Secret Service staff will be given new deployments and transferred to new positions, The replacements will be working for President Biden.
For all of you thinking it's a big joke... I guess we'll find out soon enough once the courts decide who actually won. Laugh it up while you can lefties.
Ah. So Democratic. We don’t need the courts to decide who won. That’s what the people already decided.
Let's see. In 2000, Gore didn't concede until mid-Dec.. Trump should be able to hold out alot longer than that.

That's because the margin was 534 votes and there was a recount.

When the SCOTUS stopped the recount, Gore conceded graciously.
If you have, please point it out. Oh, that's right, our Founding Fathers weren't delusional wokester idiots with no idea how a Republic works. What happens when DT doesn't concede & the rest of us don't stand down? Do the people who can't figure out which bathroom to use think the rest of us will allow them to steal an election just because they really feel like they are entitled to cheat because racism & all?
If you think it's over, you're one of the delusional ones. This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth

The same new organizations called the previous Trump victory in the last election cycle well before the vote tally was official. Bottom line they all do it and it does not determine the election .

It just determines who will "Made a big boo boo" or who can claim bragging rights

Does all the polls that try to predict the election actually determine the election. Freedom of press has to mean something

Still Trump was tweeting out claiming victory in multiple state elections before the final tally. Was he trying to determine the election.
If you have, please point it out. Oh, that's right, our Founding Fathers weren't delusional wokester idiots with no idea how a Republic works. What happens when DT doesn't concede & the rest of us don't stand down? Do the people who can't figure out which bathroom to use think the rest of us will allow them to steal an election just because they really feel like they are entitled to cheat because racism & all?
If you think it's over, you're one of the delusional ones. This is going to get ugly but I have no doubt which side wins in the end.
I'll give you a hint: it's the side who saw this coming & is already armed to the teeth
Looks like the entire media is suffering from premature ejaculation.
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Wait until they try to remove Trump from the WH. That will be a show because he will not go quietly. He's a fighter, not a wimp.

If you cover him with Vaseline, he will back his head out. Then you can grab him with tweezers and flush him down the toilet.

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