Has Fox News turned against Trump?

Maybe you are right and shouldn´t vote for a Democrat. But I doubt this means one should vote for a Republican. I´d vote for people like Richard Black. Trump is a gambler and dealt huge damage to America. Waited for the Republicans to lose the House, then demanded cash for the wall knowing the time frame has passed, for example. Even shut down the government, leaving the employees without money knowing he can´t win. Big show to blame the Democrats and gain approval this way. He could have done that before the midterms, then the Republicans maybe wouldn´t have lost the House.
Hence the midterms mostly go to the opposition party, the President´s non-action is a good excuse to continue with the non-action after them, whether he´s Democrat or Republican. It all looks like bullshit to me.
I would like to see a younger President the nest time around and I am Trump’s age. At this point DeSantis fits the bill for me but I refuse to vote for a Democrat until the Democratic Party regains its sanity.
I would like to see a younger President the nest time around and I am Trump’s age. At this point DeSantis fits the bill for me but I refuse to vote for a Democrat until the Democratic Party regains its sanity.
All I know about DeSantis is that he is about to "ban" black history. No idea for what that could be good.
All I know about DeSantis is that he is about to "ban" black history. No idea for what that could be good.
As usual that is totally false liberal propaganda.


Most of the people lambasting the governor and Florida Republicans over the Stop WOKE Act fall into two categories: Those who haven't read the law, and those who have read it, but are lying about it. The text of the legislation actually mandates the teaching of "[t]he history of African Americans," which includes the "development of slavery, the passage to America, the enslavement experience, abolition, and the history and contributions of African Americans of the African diaspora."

Indeed, this is only a sliver of the teachings on Black history required under the Stop WOKE Act. This is not to say that the legislation does not have any issues. The law also applies to private businesses and universities, meaning that DeSantis is essentially using the state to dictate what private institutions are discussing with employees and college students. From where I sit, this is an example of overreach.

Nevertheless, while the application of the Stop WOKE Act has its problems, the notion that it is intended to somehow erase Black history is easily disprovable.
As usual that is totally false liberal propaganda.


Most of the people lambasting the governor and Florida Republicans over the Stop WOKE Act fall into two categories: Those who haven't read the law, and those who have read it, but are lying about it. The text of the legislation actually mandates the teaching of "[t]he history of African Americans," which includes the "development of slavery, the passage to America, the enslavement experience, abolition, and the history and contributions of African Americans of the African diaspora."

Indeed, this is only a sliver of the teachings on Black history required under the Stop WOKE Act. This is not to say that the legislation does not have any issues. The law also applies to private businesses and universities, meaning that DeSantis is essentially using the state to dictate what private institutions are discussing with employees and college students. From where I sit, this is an example of overreach.

Nevertheless, while the application of the Stop WOKE Act has its problems, the notion that it is intended to somehow erase Black history is easily disprovable.
Thanks for the info. So it seems to be totally made up. I don´t think that law makes much sense and I agree with the author, though.
Maybe it is meant to build a bridge and it is certainly right to teach that part of history in schools too, but I guess that already happens.
Can you blame him?
Neocon robber barons hate Trump's populist, America first policies. Neocons prefer slavery. Ryan and Murdock are neocon robber barons. Fox's new attitude is going to cost them millions of viewers. FUK FOX, but I still like Gutfeld, Tucker and Laura.
Thanks for the info. So it seems to be totally made up. I don´t think that law makes much sense and I agree with the author, though.
Maybe it is meant to build a bridge and it is certainly right to teach that part of history in schools too, but I guess that already happens.
I anticipate numerous lies about DeSantis to be published by the liberal media in the coming months. They will do their best to convince you DeSantis is the most evil man in the world.

To many in the Democratic Party and the liberal media, the end justifies the means. Republicans and the conservative press is not all that much better.

Take everything you read with a grain of salt.
I would like to see a younger President the nest time around and I am Trump’s age. At this point DeSantis fits the bill for me but I refuse to vote for a Democrat until the Democratic Party regains its sanity.
And we have so-called Americans in here with Ukrainian flags in there avatar trying to tell us how to live trying to tell us what to do it’s absurd. They are the ones voting for racist politicians, they’re the ones voting for politicians that uphold discriminatory hiring processes. And then they keep on claiming that we are using propaganda.
FOX absolutely turned on Trump. Murdock never did like him. But by turning on Trump they have also stupidly turned on themselves. I don't watch much any more and there are a lot like me.
FOX News distorts truth like a hippo in a thong! i still watch for the entertainment though

They have a silent ban on Trump as they refused to cover his speech in Ohio after the train disaster.
Fox is no different than all the other globalists…they like it just the way they built it.

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