CDZ Has multiculturalism doomed America--as in has it made us unable to compete with other nations?

Multi ethnic societies like the US do work...The Germans, French, Dutch and English all get along without trying to force the others capitulations and booty grabs..
Bull. Assimilation works but multiculturalism does not. "Multiculturalism" is a term contrived at the failure of assimilation. The Europeans have coalesced to various degrees based on shared culture and religion and yet have countries and languages of their own. That is not multiculturalism.
Yes it is....And the injuns have to agree...

The 'injuns' were an assortment of savages who tortured for sport, practiced slavery, rabid sexism, and highly racist themselves, far more so than whites ever were, and they also had zero cultural and intellectual advancement over thousands of years, largely due to genociding and looting each other at every opportunity, so do cry us a river over their highly deserved reduction to living on reservations and sniveling about whitey.
That is not the issue, the issue is multiculturalism dipshit..The injuns are still around and still make an impact on society...and if you don't like it tough shit bitch...

They're still around because whitey saved them from extinction, dipshit, and no, they don't contribute squat as distinct 'tribes' but a lot of whining and parasitic sniveling for more stuff. Even most of their 'dances' they do for the tourist trade is faked. lol
Yeah you tell that to the tribes buying up Okiehoma as the white man's economy falters, sputters and dies slowly...
As a relatively new member, I understand that the "Clean Debate" forum has strict rules, so I will be very careful.

1. I agree that the United States is a now a multicultural nation.

2. Yes, I believe that multiculturalism will eventually "doom" the United States of America.

3. I believe that the United States is no longer a "melting pot."

4. I believe that we are becoming what some history books used in public schools call a "salad bowl." That is to say, a nation made up of separate groups, each with its own cultural values and goals.

5. I believe that all the current unpleasantness shows us to be a very divisive society.

a. I believe that this divisiveness is only bound to get worse in the coming decades.

This issue turned with the proliferation of Identity Politics. "Diversity" is certainly a strength, but only when those involved have a shared foundation. What Identity Politics has done is purposely divided this country into competing grievance groups, i.e., the "salad bowl" concept.

Without a common bond, a society will fall apart. And that's precisely what we're seeing.
That is an illogical fallacy because it only entails what people look like on the exterior it never involves those with available DNA samples to observe to find the so-called true race for compatibility...That concept is that several people want to change the world to suit themselves instead of changing themselves to interact amongst humans better .

True.Excellent point, as usual ... We failed to want to change to what Hitler wanted, and instead he declared war on us because of our bigoted inability to assimilate to his cultural desires, and millions died. Same in the Pacific, when we irrationally and racistly refused to understand and accept Japanese dominion and conquests. All that disgust of pitchforking babies is just our own limited backwardness and refusal to accept other cultural values as valid n stuff.. We White Americans are just so evul n stuff ... injuns are noble and wise .... just ignore the stench of native history' and the bodies it left behind.
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Multiculturalism has made this country what it is today ... great.


If not for multiculturalism we'd all look like this ...

Multiculturalism has made this country what it is today ... great.


If not for multiculturalism we'd all look like this ...


Making fun of the devastated Natives, eh?

Yet, you fight vigorously for Jewish Israel.

No wonder why a lot of people don't like Jew.
As a relatively new member, I understand that the "Clean Debate" forum has strict rules, so I will be very careful.

1. I agree that the United States is a now a multicultural nation.

2. Yes, I believe that multiculturalism will eventually "doom" the United States of America.

3. I believe that the United States is no longer a "melting pot."

4. I believe that we are becoming what some history books used in public schools call a "salad bowl." That is to say, a nation made up of separate groups, each with its own cultural values and goals.

5. I believe that all the current unpleasantness shows us to be a very divisive society.

a. I believe that this divisiveness is only bound to get worse in the coming decades.

This issue turned with the proliferation of Identity Politics. "Diversity" is certainly a strength, but only when those involved have a shared foundation. What Identity Politics has done is purposely divided this country into competing grievance groups, i.e., the "salad bowl" concept.

Without a common bond, a society will fall apart. And that's precisely what we're seeing.
That is an illogical fallacy because it only entails what people look like on the exterior it never involves those with available DNA samples to observe to find the so-called true race for compatibility...That concept is that several people want to change the world to suit themselves instead of changing themselves to interact amongst humans better .

True.Excellent point, as usual ... We failed to want to change to what Hitler wanted, and instead he decalred war on us because of out bigoted inability to assimilate to his cultural desires, and milliions died. Same in the Pacific, when we irrationally and racistly refused to understand and accept Japanese dominion and conquests. All that disgust of pitchforking babies is just our own limited backwardness and refusal to accept other cultural values as valid n stuff..
It's a human trait. Those that are aristocrats wants their power back with help from the low class....A perfect example is Europe after Napoleon was defeated, Kaiser and Adolf....The aristocrats of the world do not like it when an upstart non aristocrat takes what they claim God has given them to hold dominion over...
Bull. Assimilation works but multiculturalism does not. "Multiculturalism" is a term contrived at the failure of assimilation. The Europeans have coalesced to various degrees based on shared culture and religion and yet have countries and languages of their own. That is not multiculturalism.
Yes it is....And the injuns have to agree...

The 'injuns' were an assortment of savages who tortured for sport, practiced slavery, rabid sexism, and highly racist themselves, far more so than whites ever were, and they also had zero cultural and intellectual advancement over thousands of years, largely due to genociding and looting each other at every opportunity, so do cry us a river over their highly deserved reduction to living on reservations and sniveling about whitey.
That is not the issue, the issue is multiculturalism dipshit..The injuns are still around and still make an impact on society...and if you don't like it tough shit bitch...

They're still around because whitey saved them from extinction, dipshit, and no, they don't contribute squat as distinct 'tribes' but a lot of whining and parasitic sniveling for more stuff. Even most of their 'dances' they do for the tourist trade is faked. lol
Yeah you tell that to the tribes buying up Okiehoma as the white man's economy falters, sputters and dies slowly...

lol okay ... so they're 'buying up' what, exactly? Oh yeah, land that was only made viable and worth anything because of the 'white man's economy', and as usual they will go bankrupt due to corruption and stupid decisions, as they always do. Most of the oil already sucked out, not much water left underground, cotton specially modified in whitey labs, not indians', and of course they rely on Whitey for infrastructure, technical services, etc., as always. I suppose they might someday invent better bongs, maybe. They even need outside organized crime to keep their casinos open.
Yes it is....And the injuns have to agree...

The 'injuns' were an assortment of savages who tortured for sport, practiced slavery, rabid sexism, and highly racist themselves, far more so than whites ever were, and they also had zero cultural and intellectual advancement over thousands of years, largely due to genociding and looting each other at every opportunity, so do cry us a river over their highly deserved reduction to living on reservations and sniveling about whitey.
That is not the issue, the issue is multiculturalism dipshit..The injuns are still around and still make an impact on society...and if you don't like it tough shit bitch...

They're still around because whitey saved them from extinction, dipshit, and no, they don't contribute squat as distinct 'tribes' but a lot of whining and parasitic sniveling for more stuff. Even most of their 'dances' they do for the tourist trade is faked. lol
Yeah you tell that to the tribes buying up Okiehoma as the white man's economy falters, sputters and dies slowly...

lol okay ... so they're 'buying up' what, exactly? Oh yeah, land that was only made viable and worth anything because of the 'white man's economy', and as usual they will go bankrupt due to corruption and stupid decisions, as they always do. Most of the oil already sucked out, not much water left underground, cotton specially modified in whitey labs, not indians', and of course they rely on Whitey for infrastructure, technical services, etc., as always. I suppose they might someday invent better bongs, maybe.
Better bongs come from all walks of life try it sometimes..It comes without the hangups..
Multiculturalism has made this country what it is today ... great.


If not for multiculturalism we'd all look like this ...


Making fun of the devastated Natives, eh?

Yet, you fight vigorously for Jewish Israel.

No wonder why a lot of people don't like Jew.

No wonder nobody cares if a lot of people like or don't like Jews; Eastern Europeans have regressed so far back into their pre-medieval paganism it's a wonder they can still remember to use toilets and take baths once in a while.
Can Multi-Racial States ever function? Some examples with caveats.

Much has been written about the failure of multi-racial and multi-ethnic states. Pierre L van den Berghe, Frank Salter, Steve Sailer, Robert D. Putnam, J. Phillipe Rushton, Jared Taylor, Satoshi Kanazawa, Kevin MacDonald, Miller McPherson, Neil Munro, Alex Rutherford, Rob Waugh and others have all written about the problems with multi-ethnic and multi-racial states.

From an evolutionary perspective, the instability of multi-racial states makes sense. The more genetically diverse a state, the less likely people are willing to invest in the overall societal well-being. For instance, small homogenous states (e.g. Sweden or Japan) of Europeans or North Asians seem to be at the pinnacle of state-wide altruism. Everyone is closely related so by investing in the state (taxes, welfare, etc) one can still maximize his inclusive fitness. But in multi-racial states, people aren’t so closely related, so there is probably no great desire to invest in the general well-being. In fact, the more extreme — not only not investing in the general well-being but the general hostility between races — seems to be the norm in multi-racial states. As Lawrence H Keeley points out in War Before Civilization, pre-modern history has really been a history of inter-tribal genocide.

OK, multi-racial states are failures. Have they ever worked? Can they?

Can Multi-Racial States Ever Function? Some Examples with Caveats.
I grew up in a multi-ethnic country and it worked just fine. NYC was where many immigrants came when they first arrived in the US. They segregated themselves into homogeneous neighborhoods of Jews, Italians, Irish, etc. The language of the neighborhood was usually not English and the stores catered to the immigrants tastes. The first generation learned enough English to get by but it was always their 2nd language. Their kids spoke both languages and often attended schools with a mix of ethnicities and stayed in the neighborhood they grew up in. The 3rd generation spoke English primarily and often exclusively. They followed the American dream and moved to the suburbs for a better life.
Multicultural and multiracial states never work. .....

The greatest, strongest, wealthiest country in the history of mankind is multicultural and multiracial (and multilingual). It's called the United States of America.

The U.S.A long supported assimilation, had they not we'd be more like the Balkans, which is what's happening with Mexicans in the U.S South-West...
As a relatively new member, I understand that the "Clean Debate" forum has strict rules, so I will be very careful.

1. I agree that the United States is a now a multicultural nation.

2. Yes, I believe that multiculturalism will eventually "doom" the United States of America.

3. I believe that the United States is no longer a "melting pot."

4. I believe that we are becoming what some history books used in public schools call a "salad bowl." That is to say, a nation made up of separate groups, each with its own cultural values and goals.

5. I believe that all the current unpleasantness shows us to be a very divisive society.

a. I believe that this divisiveness is only bound to get worse in the coming decades.

The Melting Pot is still working just fine.
lol The Democratic Party is a violent racist cesspool; it's more like Weimar Gemany than 'working just fine', and the neo-nazis are winning, having control of one of the country's best funded and entrenched political Parties, and the GOP establishment allying with them.
The 'injuns' were an assortment of savages who tortured for sport, practiced slavery, rabid sexism, and highly racist themselves, far more so than whites ever were, and they also had zero cultural and intellectual advancement over thousands of years, largely due to genociding and looting each other at every opportunity, so do cry us a river over their highly deserved reduction to living on reservations and sniveling about whitey.
That is not the issue, the issue is multiculturalism dipshit..The injuns are still around and still make an impact on society...and if you don't like it tough shit bitch...

They're still around because whitey saved them from extinction, dipshit, and no, they don't contribute squat as distinct 'tribes' but a lot of whining and parasitic sniveling for more stuff. Even most of their 'dances' they do for the tourist trade is faked. lol
Yeah you tell that to the tribes buying up Okiehoma as the white man's economy falters, sputters and dies slowly...

lol okay ... so they're 'buying up' what, exactly? Oh yeah, land that was only made viable and worth anything because of the 'white man's economy', and as usual they will go bankrupt due to corruption and stupid decisions, as they always do. Most of the oil already sucked out, not much water left underground, cotton specially modified in whitey labs, not indians', and of course they rely on Whitey for infrastructure, technical services, etc., as always. I suppose they might someday invent better bongs, maybe.
Better bongs come from all walks of life try it sometimes..It comes without the hangups..

lol yeah sure .... A 'culture' that was made up of savages who were nothing but cheap hired killers and thieves was never going to succeed against any more advanced culture, and that is a good thing, and for modern 'natives' it is a great blessing that white people have a high tolerance for other races and peoples instead of the norms for most of the world. If we were like the rest of the planet, including the 'natives', we wouldn't have to worry at all about racism or diversity, since they would all be dead a long time ago.
The United States of Decline

See No Evil--Hear no evil--Speak no evil. blahblahblah....aka can anyone say Naive much?

Meanwhile back at the ranch..................................... America unravels at an increasingly dizzying pace. America is unraveling at a stunning speed and to a staggering degree. This decline is breathtaking, and the prognosis is dim.

.Earth’s sole superpower is sagging where it should be No. 1. Almost miracuously we elected a leader who wants to make America great again.....but look at all those who oppose that....get is not The Donald they is his policies. JFK admonished not ax what America can do for you....but what you can do for America....and he was a democrat....of course he would not be called a democrat today....what is known as a democrat today was called a marxist/socialist/communist back then. What happened.....political correctness aka marxist culturalism....aka the me me generation aka the milennials aka the stupids.

'On the Great Seal of the United States, first suggested by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, there was to be emblazoned a new motto: “E Pluribus Unum” – “Out of many, one.”

It was in their unity, not their diversity, that the strength of the colonies resided. So Patrick Henry believed, as he declared, “The distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an American.”

National identity must supersede state identity for America to survive.

Yet it has lately become fashionable to say that America is great not because she is united, but because she is diverse. It is because America is a multicultural, multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual nation that she is a great nation. A corollary is that the more diverse America becomes, the better and greater she becomes.

After the Los Angeles riot of 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle was asked by his Japanese hosts if perhaps America did not suffer from too much diversity. “I begged to differ with my hosts,” Quayle retorted. “I explained that our diversity is our strength.”

And so our rulers, marinated in the myths that we “are a nation of immigrants” and “our diversity is our strength,” continue to embrace mass immigration – the more the better. But are the myths true?

America was settled by colonists from the British Isles. In 1789, two centuries after Jamestown and Plymouth Rock, we were 99 percent Protestant. Until the Irish came in 1845, there was almost no immigration. Even during the Great Wave of 1890-1920, the number of immigrants was a fraction of the 38 million here today. And all had come from Europe. By 1960, we were almost 90 percent European and more than 90 percent Christian – of one nationality, American, one language, English, and one culture.

That America is gone forever.

Last week, we learned that in the last seven years 10.3 million people, almost all from the Third World, entered the United States, more than half illegally. The nation that was one-tenth minority in 1960 is now one-third minority. European-Americans will soon be a minority in the nation, as they are today in California, Texas and most large American cities.

And when that day comes, what then will unite us as a people?

Certainly not religious faith, for the last 40 years have seen a large influx of Muslims, the rise of a rabid secularism and the break-up of Christian churches – the Episcopalians most recently – over issues of morality: abortion, civil unions, homosexual bishops, assisted suicide, stem cell research, Darwin, creationism. No longer are we united by a common language, as the fastest growing radio and TV stations are Hispanic. And certainly not culture, as we are in a cultural war over history, heroes and holidays.

And how can we say diversity is a strength, when the most diverse nations of Europe, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union, shattered into 22 nations as soon as they became free, and Slovaks and Czechs divorced? Ethnic and linguistic diversity is now pulling Belgium apart, as they tore Cyprus in two.

Since World War II, diversity – racial, religious, ethnic, cultural – has pulled Malaysia, the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan, Indonesia and Ethiopia apart, and is today pulling Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon apart. How, when tribalism is everywhere ascendant, is diversity a strength?

When Islam arose in the 7th century, our world became more diverse. Fourteen centuries of war followed. When Catholic Europe became more diverse with the Protestant Reformation, a century of war followed, ending in a Thirty Years War that carried away a third of all the German people.

There came a new diversity when the English came to the Red Man’s continent in 1607 and Africans were brought as slaves in 1619. From that diversity came the near annihilation of American Indians and a racial divide that led to the American Civil War, bloodiest in the West in the 19th century.

Our racial diversity has ever been the most divisive issue in America – and remains so, as we see daily from Jena, the Imus affair and the Duke rape case.

Britain is more diverse than in the time of Victoria and Churchill. Is Britain a better, stronger nation now that London is Londonistan, madrassas defend the London bombers and race riots are common in the industrial north? If diversity is a strength, why do Scots wish to follow the Irish and secede?

Has Germany been strengthened by the diversity the Turks brought? Is France a stronger nation for the 5 million to 8 million Muslims concentrated in the banlieus? How have the Japanese suffered from their lack of diversity?

The Melting Pot – language, law, culture – worked to make us one nation and one people. But that Melting Pot, cracked and broken, is rejected by multiculturalists as an instrument of cultural genocide, crafted by white Europeans to annihilate native cultures.

This generation is witnessing the Deconstruction of America. Out of one, many.

Can Diversity Destroy Us?
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As a relatively new member, I understand that the "Clean Debate" forum has strict rules, so I will be very careful.

1. I agree that the United States is a now a multicultural nation.

2. Yes, I believe that multiculturalism will eventually "doom" the United States of America.

3. I believe that the United States is no longer a "melting pot."

4. I believe that we are becoming what some history books used in public schools call a "salad bowl." That is to say, a nation made up of separate groups, each with its own cultural values and goals.

5. I believe that all the current unpleasantness shows us to be a very divisive society.

a. I believe that this divisiveness is only bound to get worse in the coming decades.

The Melting Pot is still working just fine.
Can Multi-Racial States ever function? Some examples with caveats.

Much has been written about the failure of multi-racial and multi-ethnic states. Pierre L van den Berghe, Frank Salter, Steve Sailer, Robert D. Putnam, J. Phillipe Rushton, Jared Taylor, Satoshi Kanazawa, Kevin MacDonald, Miller McPherson, Neil Munro, Alex Rutherford, Rob Waugh and others have all written about the problems with multi-ethnic and multi-racial states.

From an evolutionary perspective, the instability of multi-racial states makes sense. The more genetically diverse a state, the less likely people are willing to invest in the overall societal well-being. For instance, small homogenous states (e.g. Sweden or Japan) of Europeans or North Asians seem to be at the pinnacle of state-wide altruism. Everyone is closely related so by investing in the state (taxes, welfare, etc) one can still maximize his inclusive fitness. But in multi-racial states, people aren’t so closely related, so there is probably no great desire to invest in the general well-being. In fact, the more extreme — not only not investing in the general well-being but the general hostility between races — seems to be the norm in multi-racial states. As Lawrence H Keeley points out in War Before Civilization, pre-modern history has really been a history of inter-tribal genocide.

OK, multi-racial states are failures. Have they ever worked? Can they?

Can Multi-Racial States Ever Function? Some Examples with Caveats.

Don't let the racists talk you into something.

At one point we drew lines between the Irish, Poles, Germans, Italians, each was like a race not as good as the previous. My grandmother's generation taught me derogatory names for each and would tell 60 year old men they never should have married that @#$#@ from outside the clan.

Our two party system and lack of a real threatening enemy (that's you Germany and Japan) has created a division among us.

IMO all that talk is bunk.

Heck, leave the Germans alone in their "single race" state enough and suddenly there are Jewish Germans to round up that people can spot from a mile away. Get rid of the Jews in Germany and you'll have the multi-ethnic protestant vs catholic hate going on. Eliminate the catholics and the Zwingli's and Lutherans will go at it. No Zwingli's? Well then the Missouri Synod and them other Lutherans will go at it because those folks are ruining the country.

After that we'll beat old people then women back into the ground.

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