Has The Curtain Finally Been Pulled Back On Candidate Trump?

Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.
The screwing over of people must stop. Deplorables are not quite as helpful as they used to be. Progs have burned most of their bridges to people who are not that. And people who are Democrats better realize that the rulers of their party are Progs.
Well, the nuttier nutters in the Democratic Party played a large role in animating the turnout for Trump, by being so repulsive for so long. Especially with PC and Identity Politics. Now that they've made themselves even MORE repulsive with Cancel Culture, it's clear they didn't learn a thing.

But it may not matter this time. We'll find out soon enough.

What we learned was, turning America over to people even loonier than the Democrats has not been a good thing. Where are the sane people when you need them. Pat Paulson would be a better choice.
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
The Democrats are anxious because they know all the polls predicting a Trump defeat in a landslide are even faker than they were in 2016.

Here in Ohio, the Dems gave up months ago. Their own fake news pundits don't even consider Ohio to be a swing state anymore.
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Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

You really need a TDS vaccine
Too late, his case is terminal.
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.
what it means mac is the democrats pick some pretty shitty people to run......
Can't argue, but there's more to it than that.
not much more....pick some quality people and things might be different....
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.
what it means mac is the democrats pick some pretty shitty people to run......
Can't argue, but there's more to it than that.

And the Party of the Rump picked even shittier people and won. Makes me wish for this on Nov 2nd.

Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.
The screwing over of people must stop. Deplorables are not quite as helpful as they used to be. Progs have burned most of their bridges to people who are not that. And people who are Democrats better realize that the rulers of their party are Progs.
Well, the nuttier nutters in the Democratic Party played a large role in animating the turnout for Trump, by being so repulsive for so long. Especially with PC and Identity Politics. Now that they've made themselves even MORE repulsive with Cancel Culture, it's clear they didn't learn a thing.

But it may not matter this time. We'll find out soon enough.

What we learned was, turning America over to people even loonier than the Democrats has not been a good thing. Where are the sane people when you need them. Pat Paulson would be a better choice.

Sane people don't "fire up the base", and that's a problem.
“We really need to examine this, what it means about the country…”

It means the same as in 2016: that a significant number of Americans have fallen prey to fear, ignorance, and hate.

It means that Trump voters fear positive, beneficial change; that they fear diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Trump voters seek to return to an idealized American past that never existed – a past far from ideal for Americans of color, gay and transgender Americans, immigrants, and religious minorities.

And it illustrates the authoritarianism Trump supporters desire, for more government, bigger government compelling conformity and silencing dissent.

This November we’ll know if Trump is able to once again exploit white grievance politics, exploit the wrongheaded notion that white culture is under attack, and the ridiculous perception that Trump will champion besieged white Americans who believe they’ve lost their country.
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
You are nothing more than a partisan hack.

Welcome to my ignore list, you loser moron.
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.

We need to examine your crap
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

You really need a TDS vaccine
I was wondering how long it would take for one of the little trumplings to pull the "tds" crap out of their little $hit bag. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Gfy. How's that your TDS inflicted moron?

You daffy dumbfucks are sad and a little comical....you however are just sad. Reply? Off to Iggy you go little man. Sick of your leftoonism.

You assholes grasp at shit your media masters spoon feed you.... you're sheeple and never to be taken seriously. Worthless and weak, man up already
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.

We need to examine your crap
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

You really need a TDS vaccine
I was wondering how long it would take for one of the little trumplings to pull the "tds" crap out of their little $hit bag. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Gfy. How's that your TDS inflicted moron?

You daffy dumbfucks are sad and a little comical....you however are just sad. Reply? Off to Iggy you go little man. Sick of your leftoonism.

You assholes grasp at shit your media masters spoon feed you.... you're sheeple and never to be taken seriously. Worthless and weak, man up already

Sorry, but the daily TDS Fruitcake award has already been handed out. If it makes you feel any better, you can have the 2nd place prize of.....

“We really need to examine this, what it means about the country…”

It means the same as in 2016: that a significant number of Americans have fallen prey to fear, ignorance, and hate.

It means that Trump voters fear positive, beneficial change; that they fear diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Trump voters seek to return to an idealized American past that never existed – a past far from ideal for Americans of color, gay and transgender Americans, immigrants, and religious minorities.

And it illustrates the authoritarianism Trump supporters desire, for more government, bigger government compelling conformity and silencing dissent.

This November we’ll know if Trump is able to once again exploit white grievance politics, exploit the wrongheaded notion that white culture is under attack, and the ridiculous perception that Trump will champion besieged white Americans who believe they’ve lost their country.

Oh shut up, you wannabe constitutional scholar, your shit is past old
he is already in another thread doing the same thing there......doing another post driveby....
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

You really need a TDS vaccine
I was wondering how long it would take for one of the little trumplings to pull the "tds" crap out of their little $hit bag. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing spells VICTORY on a thread as much as Conservatives whining TDS, TDS

Means they got NOTHING
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.

That would be a good idea.
Ya might learn something....but I doubt it.
The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.

I've been saying this since Trump was elected, but Dems just keep steering around it. By any sane presumption, the Democrats should have been able to present a candidate and a platform that utterly crushed Trump. But doing that would require admitting their mistakes and addressing them. I haven't seen any of that.
under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate
Finding articles void of political biases is a rare find, and this particular author, R. N. Patterson followed his command post to write an "anti-Trump for conservatives" type of article. The Bulwark's rating given by Media Bias/Fact Check can be found here: The Bulwark - Media Bias/Fact Check

This is far from the first type of political persuasion piece that's been written to sway opinion as you know. The use of emotional appeal, loaded words, and other tactics are used by various political media writers of various parties. Media Bias/Fact Check writes that: "In review, The Bulwark has essentially started where the Weekly Standard left off, which is as a conservative publisher who does not support President Trump. Please do not confuse this with a left-biased source. They are a right-leaning source and reject most progressive and mainstream democratic ideals." This is quite a contrast from what The Bulwark says under its About section which reads as follows: The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices. LOL... Sorry, my own bias against BS coming through there;)

An example from Patterson's piece that contains loaded words due to political bias is the following: "Unsurprisingly, a CNN poll found that 63 percent of Americans believed the president had acted “irresponsibly” in “handling the risk of coronavirus infection to the people who have been around him.” His poll numbers slipped further, fresh confirmation of Trump’s distinctive gifts." I already know you're smart enough to determine which words are loaded and which words are the author's opinion, not factual. I would love to read the questionnaire cited to check for wording and options for the "irresponsibly" answer. Those polled might have been given legitimate alternatives, or, the other options could have been bogus choices such as: Trump is always right, Trump should have gone to more rallies without masks, or I hate all people whose surname starts with a T. Hard to know with polling unless one reviews it word by word.

A political poll often has a political agenda. Certainly partisans who compose a political poll certainly have agendas. What kind of flack does a person, who works for a left or right leaning polling firm, receive when the results are not what they wanted? Are all poll results released or is it an option to go out and get a "better result"?

The polls are overwhelmingly inaccurate but that's likely not a surprise to you or any other reader on this forum. There are a few polling orgs that actually do a good job with polling large, cross-sectional voters of different economic situations, different locations, different age groups, etc. to give a better representation of potential voters. That still doesn't mean, however, that a poll's results are valid. The way questions are worded, having questions with only yes or no answers, forcing choices that are almost ludicrous, the way they interpret the results can also be tainted. I will spare you and stop here. I'm not familiar with CNN's style of wording political polling questions, but I would love to be informed;) Hey, by the way! Where are these mysterious pollsters and why don't they ever call me? Oh wait that's right, I ignore all polling type of calls, usually around dinner, and who knows how they tweak the questions to obtain a specific response as I eluded to earlier. It would be pretty useless to get into a debate about biased questions with one of these callers, although thinking more about that I might answer next time-lol

For the record, I'm not inferring that political polling is inherently evil, but conducting a poll while having a political agenda makes most a waste of time and effort. We all have agendas whether we realize it or not, and certainly good journalists and article writers (who actually believe they are good journalists but far from the case) have some type of "agenda". They just shouldn't conduct a bogus poll and expect people to think the findings are valid.

I'll close here with a question, just for fun:) A person graduates from a top college with honors, has exceptional credentials, presents well, and has a likeable personality. I'll use CNN as the potential employer since it was quoted in the aforementioned article. So, can we assume that this person would be hired (scratch that, I'll go one further and say be considered for the job) if he or she said during the interview, when asked for their off-the-cuff honest answer, about the upcoming election: "I am personally supporting Trump, but as a good newscaster I would never mix my own opinions, nor anyone else's, when giving a factual report." I'll go out of a limb here and say they came up with a "better" candidate. No doubt that person would fare much better interviewing with FOX. I have to wonder how far networks actually go in this realm, considering the legal aspect of hiring the most qualified candidate. If anyone can enlighten me I will appreciate it:) I'm betting that once a person accepts a mainstream media position, they're instantly hamstrung at the get-go or soon out looking for another job. Do some journalists, who are dedicated to getting at the truth, accept true journalist endeavors at lower pay just to avoid the required mainstream mud-slinging? Hats off to true journalists who fight the good fight, stick to the facts, and do not attempt to tell the audience WHAT to think about any given report! These article writers do little in the way of reducing the "US versus Them" mentality (my main beef) that's permeated our society since its inception. The idea that "You MUST take a side as a reporter of the news, and that you cannot report facts without taking a side is...rubbish.
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