Has The Curtain Finally Been Pulled Back On Candidate Trump?

under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.
under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.

Rump is an ass but perhaps you'll be one of those who ......will go.
under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.

Rump is an ass but perhaps you'll be one of those who ......will go.

Hell, we all have to go sometime. Only God knows when. But I don't need to try and hasten it along foolishly. Due to the occupation I once had, I wrote my ass of decades ago. But out of that came a deep appreciation of Life of others. If I have to give my life to save others, I am ready, willing and able. Okay, not as able as I once was. And if wearing a Mask helps to save lives, I wear a mask when I enter into the public and I expect every other Patriot make that small sacrifice as well. It's such a small thing. When I see that the Testing and contact tracing isn't being done then I get angry. And guess who the blame for that falls on? The one in Charge, Rump. No free rides.

And I firmly believe God sent Rump a message and he's completely bungled it.
100 percent of people who died from covid were gonna die soon anyway. that's not Trump's fault, my friend

With my health, if I avoid the Flu and things like that I'll live for another 15 or so years at least. But with my respiratory health, if I do catch Covid, it's lights out. And there are millions like me in that same boat. Do you wish for all of us to Die? Is this part of Rumps Medical plan? Don't get sick but if you do, die quickly.
100 percent of people who died from covid were gonna die soon anyway. that's not Trump's fault, my friend

With my health, if I avoid the Flu and things like that I'll live for another 15 or so years at least. But with my respiratory health, if I do catch Covid, it's lights out. And there are millions like me in that same boat. Do you wish for all of us to Die? Is this part of Rumps Medical plan? Don't get sick but if you do, die quickly.

Gee, what goes around comes around....imagine that.
under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.

When this began, some were saying 2 million plus deaths in the USA. Trump's actions have held it to 10% of that number. And, he was able to do it without destroying every business in the country. No one could have prevented all deaths from COVID. Great President to be sure.
“We really need to examine this, what it means about the country…”

It means the same as in 2016: that a significant number of Americans have fallen prey to fear, ignorance, and hate.

It means that Trump voters fear positive, beneficial change; that they fear diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Trump voters seek to return to an idealized American past that never existed – a past far from ideal for Americans of color, gay and transgender Americans, immigrants, and religious minorities.

And it illustrates the authoritarianism Trump supporters desire, for more government, bigger government compelling conformity and silencing dissent.

This November we’ll know if Trump is able to once again exploit white grievance politics, exploit the wrongheaded notion that white culture is under attack, and the ridiculous perception that Trump will champion besieged white Americans who believe they’ve lost their country.
Are you high?

It’s the liberal elites who love big government, who are filled with hate, who want to compel conformity and stifle free speech!

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under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.

When this began, some were saying 2 million plus deaths in the USA. Trump's actions have held it to 10% of that number. And, he was able to do it without destroying every business in the country. No one could have prevented all deaths from COVID. Great President to be sure.

Trumps actions or Inactions caused it to be 10 times more lethal than it already has been. We should be at an acceptable level of 100K affected with 20K dead or thereabouts. Those over 40,000 that were allowed to enter the US from China after you claim Rump did a shutdown of Asian Airfare means it went from 15 case to thousands almost overnight. Same goes for incoming European flights. You can't change history no matter how bad you try.

We need a new leader that is will to work with the Governors and Scientist instead of against them. No more half baked ideas that overrides what should be done. No more "We'll have the Cure by....." will be accepted. No more Voodoo Magic Management.
Okay so here we have Joe and Kamala having some type of Campaign Rally in Arizona and nobody turned up for it except Biden Campaign Staffers and some random journalists. WHERE are ALL the ENTHUSIASTIC SCREAMING Joe and Kamala supporters?

The below is a news report that was live outside the building that Joe and Kamala were having their Campaign Rally in yet ANOTHER random parking lot, the end footage shows Joe and Kamala walking in said random parking lot with the Whore of that Neo-Conservative Warmonger Turned Worm Food John McInsane and there is TOTAL SILENCE, no CHEERING and no CLAPPING and so we seem to have ANOTHER empty parking lot event for Creepy Joe like that one he had last week in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The below news report is 2 minutes and 8 seconds in duration:

To just remind everyone RealClearPolitics Poll Average for Arizona, that 2.7% for Biden is within the Margin of Error:

View attachment 399857

To also just remind everyone the below is the RealClearPolitics Poll Average for the SAME POINT in the 2016 Election and it shows Hillary 43% and Trump 38% that's a 5% Hillary lead and another shows Hillary 44% and Trump 42% that's a 2% Hillary lead and the last one shows both Hillary and Trump on 42%

View attachment 399865

The actual result was Trump 48.1% and Hillary 44.6% and you notice that the RCP above Polls of Biden vs Trump are ALL Head to Head, they are NOT including the Libertarian or the Green this time. Why? Well IF they did it would probably show Trump in the lead which is SOMETHING ALL these MSM Polls do NOT want to show, they want to show Trump losing everywhere as a way to discourage and/or demoralise Trump Supporters. DON'T fall for IT, go out in person and vote like your life depends on it.

View attachment 399866

under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.

When this began, some were saying 2 million plus deaths in the USA. Trump's actions have held it to 10% of that number. And, he was able to do it without destroying every business in the country. No one could have prevented all deaths from COVID. Great President to be sure.

Trumps actions or Inactions caused it to be 10 times more lethal than it already has been. We should be at an acceptable level of 100K affected with 20K dead or thereabouts. Those over 40,000 that were allowed to enter the US from China after you claim Rump did a shutdown of Asian Airfare means it went from 15 case to thousands almost overnight. Same goes for incoming European flights. You can't change history no matter how bad you try.

We need a new leader that is will to work with the Governors and Scientist instead of against them. No more half baked ideas that overrides what should be done. No more "We'll have the Cure by....." will be accepted. No more Voodoo Magic Management.

Governors sending COVID patients into nursing homes surely didn't help.
Oh brother....You nutbars must really want guys like me who drooped out years ago to go vote this time around.

View attachment 399838

I think as many on the Right will go nuts as leftists did in 2016..........should Trump lose in November

No such thing as an election "guarantee"

It will be extremely interesting to see how the Right will respond when the Left starts actually taking the guns
and revoking rights by stacking the courts and generally Transforming America into a Socialist nation.
In the words of one.....the right will never ever, under any circumstances fight for their rights.

Based on past performance....you can't really argue his point

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
under pressure that would break ordinary men, Trump broke the corona, and he will break Biden down on voting day and in the upcoming debate

Yah, he's broke the Corona Virus. And by the end of the year, the death count will exceed 300,000 and be well over 2 million cases. Aren't you tired of winning yet? We certainly are.

When this began, some were saying 2 million plus deaths in the USA. Trump's actions have held it to 10% of that number. And, he was able to do it without destroying every business in the country. No one could have prevented all deaths from COVID. Great President to be sure.

Trumps actions or Inactions caused it to be 10 times more lethal than it already has been. We should be at an acceptable level of 100K affected with 20K dead or thereabouts. Those over 40,000 that were allowed to enter the US from China after you claim Rump did a shutdown of Asian Airfare means it went from 15 case to thousands almost overnight. Same goes for incoming European flights. You can't change history no matter how bad you try.

We need a new leader that is will to work with the Governors and Scientist instead of against them. No more half baked ideas that overrides what should be done. No more "We'll have the Cure by....." will be accepted. No more Voodoo Magic Management.

There is nothing you or anyone can present to actually support that horse shit nonsense.
He's not perfect....but he surely isn't all you loons say.
No, you've just sucked too hard on the cock of ignorance for too long.......is the naked truth. :itsok:
President Trump is the best American president we have yet witnessed.

Four more years!
Better stop drinking the koolaide,LOL he is better than all the clowns we have had from Reagan to Obama but that’s about it,the best is our last great one we had JFK that the bastards in the CIA killed for wanting world peace which prevents the war machine from making profits.
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Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

ROFLMAO, hey commie, it's your guy that saying his policies are none of your business or he refuses to answer till after the election. If Trump said shit like that, there's not enough duct tape on the fucking planet to keep you commies heads from exploding. But hey, you love bidens hocus-pocus.

Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

ROFLMAO, hey commie, it's your guy that saying his policies are none of your business or he refuses to answer till after the election. If Trump said shit like that, there's not enough duct tape on the fucking planet to keep you commies heads from exploding. But hey, you love bidens hocus-pocus.



These MFers are undeniably Batshit Insane
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

It must be such a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life as compensation for your lack of an actual one.
He indeed lives in a fantasyland the fact he thinks Obama was class instead of an ass,comedy gold. He is a sick monster who knows nothing about humanity same as his hero Obama,the Kenyon traiter mass murdering president who lied to the people about ending the war and the UNpatriot act that stripped away our freedoms allowing the NSA to illegally spy on us.he Expanded the UNpatriot act and the war.,this mass murderer murdered many women and children around the world,he keeps lying,we went from ASS with Obama,to Class with trump.

like someone just said,he is a fucking commie American hatersame as his hero Obama.
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.
If Trump were to (again) lose the popular vote and (this time) the election, it would certainly be a good thing. '

The problem is that there are still so many who are willing to vote for him. We really need to examine this, what it means about the country, and what it also means about the Democrats.

What it means about America, is we ain't buy'n the commie shit you're sell'n.

Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

You really need a TDS vaccine
He needs to get off the crack he is smoking with his outright lies Obama had class,that HE was the ass not trump.lol

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