Has The Curtain Finally Been Pulled Back On Candidate Trump?

Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
Assuming he loses, I wonder if his vote total will be smaller and if so how much. I'm also curious about how many will vote overall
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
The child in the White House tweets this out, then wonders why seniors are leaving him:


Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Well the tax cuts hurt revenue growth and trump drastically increased military spending. The combination gave us a trillion dollar deficit last year. This year will be over $3 trillion.
I think we really disagree on trade. I think it’s great China has been sending us their resources for next to nothing. Getting stuff cheap is the point of trade. Tariffs are the government trying to influence industry so I’d say he did increase government.

For me the country was just so much better 4 years ago. I look around and see huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, most pandemic deaths . Repubs just offering excuses. I really don’t think trump figured out he is president of the whole USA, not just republican areas.
The child in the White House tweets this out, then wonders why seniors are leaving him:


He always makes fun of short people too. There are lots of reasons not to vote for him...
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Well the tax cuts hurt revenue growth and trump drastically increased military spending. The combination gave us a trillion dollar deficit last year. This year will be over $3 trillion.
I think we really disagree on trade. I think it’s great China has been sending us their resources for next to nothing. Getting stuff cheap is the point of trade. Tariffs are the government trying to influence industry so I’d say he did increase government.

For me the country was just so much better 4 years ago. I look around and see huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, most pandemic deaths . Repubs just offering excuses. I really don’t think trump figured out he is president of the whole USA, not just republican areas.

Know how folks know you're a PROG without reading your material?

It's because you sport a brain for an avatar, and PROGS consistently describe themselves with antonyms.

Everything you said here supports that. Change your avatar to Stain for more appropriate.
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Well the tax cuts hurt revenue growth and trump drastically increased military spending. The combination gave us a trillion dollar deficit last year. This year will be over $3 trillion.
I think we really disagree on trade. I think it’s great China has been sending us their resources for next to nothing. Getting stuff cheap is the point of trade. Tariffs are the government trying to influence industry so I’d say he did increase government.

For me the country was just so much better 4 years ago. I look around and see huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, most pandemic deaths . Repubs just offering excuses. I really don’t think trump figured out he is president of the whole USA, not just republican areas.

Know how folks know you're a PROG without reading your material?

It's because you sport a brain for an avatar, and PROGS consistently describe themselves with antonyms.

Everything you said here supports that. Change your avatar to Stain for more appropriate.
I’m a fiscally responsible free market capitalist. Is that PROG now? It sure isn’t Trump.
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Assuming he gets elected, I think Biden may surprise on trade. But then I don't think the EU was truly assraping us. GM and Ford just don't build cars that compete with BMW and Mercedes. Leaving out car engines and parts assembled here, there wasn't that much an imbalance. Not that I'd want either of those.

And Lexus is imo superior to both. And for the life us, we can't build as good a small suv as Honda.

Jina is a true predator, and it has no interest in participatory democracy.

I'm not doing cartwheels here, though. But the bar is soooooo low. Maybe not so low as Buchanan, but Lincoln started a war that should have lasted weeks, but lingered for 4 years and at a casualty rate that would have left 10 million casualties plus today. And even then he's rates as the GOAT! JFC, if Biden can just stay upright for 4 years, he'll punk Trump's enomouslyfatass! (-:
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Well the tax cuts hurt revenue growth and trump drastically increased military spending. The combination gave us a trillion dollar deficit last year. This year will be over $3 trillion.
I think we really disagree on trade. I think it’s great China has been sending us their resources for next to nothing. Getting stuff cheap is the point of trade. Tariffs are the government trying to influence industry so I’d say he did increase government.

For me the country was just so much better 4 years ago. I look around and see huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, most pandemic deaths . Repubs just offering excuses. I really don’t think trump figured out he is president of the whole USA, not just republican areas.

Know how folks know you're a PROG without reading your material?

It's because you sport a brain for an avatar, and PROGS consistently describe themselves with antonyms.

Everything you said here supports that. Change your avatar to Stain for more appropriate.
I’m a fiscally responsible free market capitalist. Is that PROG now? It sure isn’t Trump.

Hah, you're PROG. I only read your first two sentences, PROG through & through
Last edited:
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Well the tax cuts hurt revenue growth and trump drastically increased military spending. The combination gave us a trillion dollar deficit last year. This year will be over $3 trillion.
I think we really disagree on trade. I think it’s great China has been sending us their resources for next to nothing. Getting stuff cheap is the point of trade. Tariffs are the government trying to influence industry so I’d say he did increase government.

For me the country was just so much better 4 years ago. I look around and see huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, most pandemic deaths . Repubs just offering excuses. I really don’t think trump figured out he is president of the whole USA, not just republican areas.

Know how folks know you're a PROG without reading your material?

It's because you sport a brain for an avatar, and PROGS consistently describe themselves with antonyms.

Everything you said here supports that. Change your avatar to Stain for more appropriate.
I’m a fiscally responsible free market capitalist. Is that PROG now? It sure isn’t Trump.

Han, you're PROG. I only read your first two sentences, PROG through & through
You managed TWO sentences? I doubt this.
What it means about America, is we ain't buy'n the commie shit you're sell'n.
What communist proposals am I advocating?

Go ahead. Back up your ignorant words.

Try every screwed up thing that would happen with a Trump defeat.

Govt take over of the health care system.
Open borders
Early indoctrination of children
Shit like the 1619 project
Green raw deal

I could go on, but you're not worth the effort

You guys said that when Obama was elected, that there was going to be a government takeover of healthcare. That never materialized. Hell, we didn't even get a public option out of the deal.

What action taken by Democrats leads you to believe that "open borders" is even a thing? What laws have they attempted to pass? Did Obama "open the borders" ? Why was Obama called "the deporter in chief"?

Indoctrination into what, education?

What's your issue with the 1619 project? What is wrong with learning about the contributions made by slaves to America?

I'm not even going to bother with the Green New Deal. You flat earthers don't recognize the issue of climate change so why would you bother with solutions.

You didn't get a public option only because there were a few moderate dems in the congress at the time. Those moderates have since been expunged from the party.

You got the wrong party, pumpkin, that's kicking out moderates. The Democrats still have plenty, Republicans have none.

But the country has shifted quite a bit since the ACA was first introduced. None of the GOP lies about it came true and it gained in popularity. (Just like Nancy Pelosi said in that speech Republicans try to mischaracterize) Maybe we actually will get a public option. Here's hoping.

I know you commies have no problem with schools being the government halls of indoctrination, but I disagree that pushing 3 year olds into those halls is a good thing. They are not mature enough to understand the structure of schools or reject the propaganda being pushed by many so called educators.

Pre-K won't be mandatory, dolt. Waiting for specifics on this "indoctrination" ...unless you actually believe education is "indoctrination" . :lol:

Some of the nation's top researchers who've spent their careers studying early childhood education recently got together in Washington with one goal in mind: to cut through the fog of studies and the endless debates over the benefits of preschool.
They came away with one clear, strong message: Kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don't.

Even the author of the 1619 project has admitted that it is not historically accurate. But I see you have no problem teaching lies to American students.

Why are all of your posts so devoid of links to support your assertions?

Even if your claim is true, do you care as deeply about schools that teach "intelligent design"?

And of course you will never admit the hubris of the commies thinking man can alter the natural cycles of the earth. That would be having to admit that the all powerful government god you serve, isn't really all powerful.

Of course man is contributing to the changing climate. To ignore it is just silly at this point. Flat earthers. Not worth discussing the roundness of the earth with you. You think you're going to fall off the edge and no amount of fact will deter you. It's what helps make the perfect Trump psychophant.

Really, name a commie moderate in congress. Joe Mansion is the only one that I can think of the was once. Not so much now, he's been towing the party line lately.

The majority of them are moderate. Very few are Bernie Sanders or AOC.

The ACA was unconstitutional the day it was passed and no amount of popularity will make it constitutional. If you bothered to actually read the decision you would know the acrobatics the Roberts court went through to uphold the law. He invented a tax that was not contained in the law, he severed portions they found unconstitutional, even though there was no severance clause in the law that would allow him to do so. Then in subsequent decisions he invented congressional intent, that was not expressed in the law, in fact the law read the opposite of his decision and forced the congress to fund portions of the law, even though congress refused to provide those funds in the legislative process. You have proven you don't want a court that follows the law and the Constitution, but a super legislature that will fulfill your wish list. And you will try to destroy anyone who doesn't share you views.

And yet it WAS, in fact, found to be Constitutional. You can parrot whatever talking points make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it was found to be constitutional. And despite the Trump administration waiving the penalty tax (that was found to be Constitutional) millions continue to sign up for the popular ACA plans.

You couldn't destroy it legislatively so now you want the court to do it for you. Such hypocrisy.

You also can pretend that pre K is not mandatory, but tell me the average American family won't choose to send their child to a free pre K over paying for child care. Besides getting people free child care, the intent is getting children in school at the earliest possible age so the commies at the NEA can get their hooks in them and replace the parents roll in early development. BTW kindergarten was designed to prepare children for first grade at an age where they were mature enough to adapt to what was usually a half day in the schoolhouse.
:lol: You don't care that it won't be mandatory, people will like it and therefore it's bad.

Pre-K is good for the children, especially disadvantaged children. The rest of your paragraph is tinfoil nonsense.

As for the 1619 project, there have been threads on it showing where the author of the project admitted it wasn't based in true history. If you are incapable of paying attention to what has been posted in this forum, perhaps you should google the topic to cure your ignorance.

Again, so what? Curriculum based around the concept doesn't have to be. Why are you opposed to learning the history of America as it relates to slavery? You also didn't answer the question as to whether you show as much concern with schools that teach intelligent design.

And you are correct, you're not worth a discussion about what was once :global cooling" (mini ice age), changed to "global warming", changed to what has been occurring throughout the history of the earth, "climate change". Funny no matter the iteration, the solutions are always the same, more government control from your government god and less freedom for America.

What is happening now with the planet is not it's natural cycle, but a flat earther wouldn't understand. Careful you don't fall off the edge!!!!

Hey stupid, America didn't exist in 1619, and you don't teach curricula around a known false concept. Also intelligent design is just as credible as the "big bang theory". I have yet to have one of you commies explain what caused the big bang to occur in an otherwise stable nothingness? Was all the matter in all the galaxies just one giant ball that suddenly hiccuped. Also, if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? So many questions, sooooo little proof.

The land existed. Schools teach about the "discovery" of America and the people that fled here. What's wrong with also teaching about the slaves they brought that were essential to the actual founding of this country? These things actually happened.

So I was right. You are fine with actual unsupported bovine excrement, but some factual inaccuracies regarding slaves....ooh, that gets you hot and bothered. :lol:


Poor little commie, when those inaccuracies are intentional to push a political agenda, hell yes I object. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would as well.

You have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be historically inaccurate.

You mean other than the author of it admitted it?

That was her piece that contained inaccuracies not the curriculum based on her concept.

Proof? Your opinion isn't worth much.


I can't prove a negative. You must provide proof that curriculum based on the author's concept of following slavery from the founding to freedom is historically inaccurate. Just because the author's piece was does not mean a history class based on her concept would be. You still haven't said why you are opposed to following the path and plight of slaves being brought to America. Why does that bother you?

It is beyond the height of hypocrisy to oppose actual factual history that might contain some inaccuracies, but fully support and embrace the teaching of "intelligent design" which has zero basis in fact or science. It's ridiculous even.

Poor little commie, actual factual history isn't actual or factual if it contains inaccuracies. I'm curious, why did you dodge my questions on the big bang theory?

Of course it is. And you still have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be inaccurate. Since the original article is known to contain errors, history teachers would make the appropriate adjustments to curriculum.

The Big Bang model is supported by evidence

Unlike “intelligent design”

Still laughing, the op-ed dude said the universe was once the size of a peach, yet he never even speculated where the peach came form. How about you tell me, where did the tiny ball of densely packed matter come from?

And I thank you for the video, it was great for several belly laughs. That dude is a fucking idiot.


The previous article explained the evidence for the model. You can dismiss science all you want, flat earthier.
Give me a Dem candidate who is for liberty (all liberty) and that person will have my vote.

Right now, most Dems are:
  • gun-grabbers
  • communists/socialists
  • big spending tax rapists
  • free speech haters
  • race baters
  • PC super nazis
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick suckers
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • global economic redistributionists (see global warming/climate change BS)
    • see also One World Order asswipes

Give me a Republican candidate with a fucking spine who is not:
  • gun-grabber
  • a Jesus Nazi
  • free speech hater
  • PC super nazi
  • Military/Industrial Complex dick sucker
  • Spend-Thrift Asswipe
  • One World Order cocksucker

It's really quite simple. I bet I represent about 85% of the electorate on these issues.
Gonna be a long time before you get those. Outside of guns we are probably mostly in agreement. What is it you would say trump has done well? I look around and 4 years ago looks great. Most his big policy I feel failed. Tariffs hurt our manufacturing. Tax cuts lead to giant deficits.
First, I would say that Tax Cuts do not lead to deficits. SPENDING leads to deficits. That includes unnecessary MILITARY spending. If there was ZERO spending, we would have a $3 Trillion surplus WITH the tax cuts. If you want to complain about the order of operations, fine, but if we are NEVER going to stop spending, fuck them. Give us the fucking tax cuts.

The main thing Trump accomplished was what he didn't do. He didn't continue the march toward government takeover of all industry.

I did not agree with his protectionist policies, but I STRONGLY SUPPORTED his efforts to get the rest of the world's hands out of our pockets. Even if it didn't work, at least he is doing SOMETHING other than doubling down on American Ass Rape.

If you ask yourself who will be better for America on the global trade issue, and you say "Biden" then you are very much in denial.

As for guns, most Americans do not mind background checks (even if I do). Most Americans also do not support further limitations on what law abiding citizens can purchase. I would bet most Americans do not want to expand what we already have either. They want the status quo. If I don't push for machine guns, the status quo will not hold. Get my drift? Leave well enough alone on what we can purchase right now. Anything more, and I am going to push for belt-fed machine guns legally carried by felons in every school and courthouse in America. Don't push it further. Be pleased with what you have now.
Well the tax cuts hurt revenue growth and trump drastically increased military spending. The combination gave us a trillion dollar deficit last year. This year will be over $3 trillion.
I think we really disagree on trade. I think it’s great China has been sending us their resources for next to nothing. Getting stuff cheap is the point of trade. Tariffs are the government trying to influence industry so I’d say he did increase government.

For me the country was just so much better 4 years ago. I look around and see huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, increasing crime, recession, most pandemic deaths . Repubs just offering excuses. I really don’t think trump figured out he is president of the whole USA, not just republican areas.

Know how folks know you're a PROG without reading your material?

It's because you sport a brain for an avatar, and PROGS consistently describe themselves with antonyms.

Everything you said here supports that. Change your avatar to Stain for more appropriate.
I’m a fiscally responsible free market capitalist. Is that PROG now? It sure isn’t Trump.

Hah, you're PROG. I only read your first two sentences, PROG through & through
Well Trump is neither fiscally responsible or a free market capitalist.
What it means about America, is we ain't buy'n the commie shit you're sell'n.
What communist proposals am I advocating?

Go ahead. Back up your ignorant words.

Try every screwed up thing that would happen with a Trump defeat.

Govt take over of the health care system.
Open borders
Early indoctrination of children
Shit like the 1619 project
Green raw deal

I could go on, but you're not worth the effort

You guys said that when Obama was elected, that there was going to be a government takeover of healthcare. That never materialized. Hell, we didn't even get a public option out of the deal.

What action taken by Democrats leads you to believe that "open borders" is even a thing? What laws have they attempted to pass? Did Obama "open the borders" ? Why was Obama called "the deporter in chief"?

Indoctrination into what, education?

What's your issue with the 1619 project? What is wrong with learning about the contributions made by slaves to America?

I'm not even going to bother with the Green New Deal. You flat earthers don't recognize the issue of climate change so why would you bother with solutions.

You didn't get a public option only because there were a few moderate dems in the congress at the time. Those moderates have since been expunged from the party.

You got the wrong party, pumpkin, that's kicking out moderates. The Democrats still have plenty, Republicans have none.

But the country has shifted quite a bit since the ACA was first introduced. None of the GOP lies about it came true and it gained in popularity. (Just like Nancy Pelosi said in that speech Republicans try to mischaracterize) Maybe we actually will get a public option. Here's hoping.

I know you commies have no problem with schools being the government halls of indoctrination, but I disagree that pushing 3 year olds into those halls is a good thing. They are not mature enough to understand the structure of schools or reject the propaganda being pushed by many so called educators.

Pre-K won't be mandatory, dolt. Waiting for specifics on this "indoctrination" ...unless you actually believe education is "indoctrination" . :lol:

Some of the nation's top researchers who've spent their careers studying early childhood education recently got together in Washington with one goal in mind: to cut through the fog of studies and the endless debates over the benefits of preschool.
They came away with one clear, strong message: Kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don't.

Even the author of the 1619 project has admitted that it is not historically accurate. But I see you have no problem teaching lies to American students.

Why are all of your posts so devoid of links to support your assertions?

Even if your claim is true, do you care as deeply about schools that teach "intelligent design"?

And of course you will never admit the hubris of the commies thinking man can alter the natural cycles of the earth. That would be having to admit that the all powerful government god you serve, isn't really all powerful.

Of course man is contributing to the changing climate. To ignore it is just silly at this point. Flat earthers. Not worth discussing the roundness of the earth with you. You think you're going to fall off the edge and no amount of fact will deter you. It's what helps make the perfect Trump psychophant.

Really, name a commie moderate in congress. Joe Mansion is the only one that I can think of the was once. Not so much now, he's been towing the party line lately.

The majority of them are moderate. Very few are Bernie Sanders or AOC.

The ACA was unconstitutional the day it was passed and no amount of popularity will make it constitutional. If you bothered to actually read the decision you would know the acrobatics the Roberts court went through to uphold the law. He invented a tax that was not contained in the law, he severed portions they found unconstitutional, even though there was no severance clause in the law that would allow him to do so. Then in subsequent decisions he invented congressional intent, that was not expressed in the law, in fact the law read the opposite of his decision and forced the congress to fund portions of the law, even though congress refused to provide those funds in the legislative process. You have proven you don't want a court that follows the law and the Constitution, but a super legislature that will fulfill your wish list. And you will try to destroy anyone who doesn't share you views.

And yet it WAS, in fact, found to be Constitutional. You can parrot whatever talking points make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it was found to be constitutional. And despite the Trump administration waiving the penalty tax (that was found to be Constitutional) millions continue to sign up for the popular ACA plans.

You couldn't destroy it legislatively so now you want the court to do it for you. Such hypocrisy.

You also can pretend that pre K is not mandatory, but tell me the average American family won't choose to send their child to a free pre K over paying for child care. Besides getting people free child care, the intent is getting children in school at the earliest possible age so the commies at the NEA can get their hooks in them and replace the parents roll in early development. BTW kindergarten was designed to prepare children for first grade at an age where they were mature enough to adapt to what was usually a half day in the schoolhouse.
:lol: You don't care that it won't be mandatory, people will like it and therefore it's bad.

Pre-K is good for the children, especially disadvantaged children. The rest of your paragraph is tinfoil nonsense.

As for the 1619 project, there have been threads on it showing where the author of the project admitted it wasn't based in true history. If you are incapable of paying attention to what has been posted in this forum, perhaps you should google the topic to cure your ignorance.

Again, so what? Curriculum based around the concept doesn't have to be. Why are you opposed to learning the history of America as it relates to slavery? You also didn't answer the question as to whether you show as much concern with schools that teach intelligent design.

And you are correct, you're not worth a discussion about what was once :global cooling" (mini ice age), changed to "global warming", changed to what has been occurring throughout the history of the earth, "climate change". Funny no matter the iteration, the solutions are always the same, more government control from your government god and less freedom for America.

What is happening now with the planet is not it's natural cycle, but a flat earther wouldn't understand. Careful you don't fall off the edge!!!!

Hey stupid, America didn't exist in 1619, and you don't teach curricula around a known false concept. Also intelligent design is just as credible as the "big bang theory". I have yet to have one of you commies explain what caused the big bang to occur in an otherwise stable nothingness? Was all the matter in all the galaxies just one giant ball that suddenly hiccuped. Also, if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? So many questions, sooooo little proof.

The land existed. Schools teach about the "discovery" of America and the people that fled here. What's wrong with also teaching about the slaves they brought that were essential to the actual founding of this country? These things actually happened.

So I was right. You are fine with actual unsupported bovine excrement, but some factual inaccuracies regarding slaves....ooh, that gets you hot and bothered. :lol:


Poor little commie, when those inaccuracies are intentional to push a political agenda, hell yes I object. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would as well.

You have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be historically inaccurate.

You mean other than the author of it admitted it?

That was her piece that contained inaccuracies not the curriculum based on her concept.

Proof? Your opinion isn't worth much.


I can't prove a negative. You must provide proof that curriculum based on the author's concept of following slavery from the founding to freedom is historically inaccurate. Just because the author's piece was does not mean a history class based on her concept would be. You still haven't said why you are opposed to following the path and plight of slaves being brought to America. Why does that bother you?

It is beyond the height of hypocrisy to oppose actual factual history that might contain some inaccuracies, but fully support and embrace the teaching of "intelligent design" which has zero basis in fact or science. It's ridiculous even.

Poor little commie, actual factual history isn't actual or factual if it contains inaccuracies. I'm curious, why did you dodge my questions on the big bang theory?

Of course it is. And you still have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be inaccurate. Since the original article is known to contain errors, history teachers would make the appropriate adjustments to curriculum.

The Big Bang model is supported by evidence

Unlike “intelligent design”

Still laughing, the op-ed dude said the universe was once the size of a peach, yet he never even speculated where the peach came form. How about you tell me, where did the tiny ball of densely packed matter come from?

And I thank you for the video, it was great for several belly laughs. That dude is a fucking idiot.


The previous article explained the evidence for the model. You can dismiss science all you want, flat earthier.

No it didn't, it explained the evidence of the expansion of the universe, it dodged the question of the origin of the universe, like you just did.

Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

Even if Trump were to lose, he just beat Hillary and spent four years as President after having no political experience. Then he did more than Clinton, W and Obama did in 24. And more than Biden did in 47. That you think that isn't a win is of course the useless partisan hack you are
What it means about America, is we ain't buy'n the commie shit you're sell'n.
What communist proposals am I advocating?

Go ahead. Back up your ignorant words.

Try every screwed up thing that would happen with a Trump defeat.

Govt take over of the health care system.
Open borders
Early indoctrination of children
Shit like the 1619 project
Green raw deal

I could go on, but you're not worth the effort

You guys said that when Obama was elected, that there was going to be a government takeover of healthcare. That never materialized. Hell, we didn't even get a public option out of the deal.

What action taken by Democrats leads you to believe that "open borders" is even a thing? What laws have they attempted to pass? Did Obama "open the borders" ? Why was Obama called "the deporter in chief"?

Indoctrination into what, education?

What's your issue with the 1619 project? What is wrong with learning about the contributions made by slaves to America?

I'm not even going to bother with the Green New Deal. You flat earthers don't recognize the issue of climate change so why would you bother with solutions.

You didn't get a public option only because there were a few moderate dems in the congress at the time. Those moderates have since been expunged from the party.

You got the wrong party, pumpkin, that's kicking out moderates. The Democrats still have plenty, Republicans have none.

But the country has shifted quite a bit since the ACA was first introduced. None of the GOP lies about it came true and it gained in popularity. (Just like Nancy Pelosi said in that speech Republicans try to mischaracterize) Maybe we actually will get a public option. Here's hoping.

I know you commies have no problem with schools being the government halls of indoctrination, but I disagree that pushing 3 year olds into those halls is a good thing. They are not mature enough to understand the structure of schools or reject the propaganda being pushed by many so called educators.

Pre-K won't be mandatory, dolt. Waiting for specifics on this "indoctrination" ...unless you actually believe education is "indoctrination" . :lol:

Some of the nation's top researchers who've spent their careers studying early childhood education recently got together in Washington with one goal in mind: to cut through the fog of studies and the endless debates over the benefits of preschool.
They came away with one clear, strong message: Kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don't.

Even the author of the 1619 project has admitted that it is not historically accurate. But I see you have no problem teaching lies to American students.

Why are all of your posts so devoid of links to support your assertions?

Even if your claim is true, do you care as deeply about schools that teach "intelligent design"?

And of course you will never admit the hubris of the commies thinking man can alter the natural cycles of the earth. That would be having to admit that the all powerful government god you serve, isn't really all powerful.

Of course man is contributing to the changing climate. To ignore it is just silly at this point. Flat earthers. Not worth discussing the roundness of the earth with you. You think you're going to fall off the edge and no amount of fact will deter you. It's what helps make the perfect Trump psychophant.

Really, name a commie moderate in congress. Joe Mansion is the only one that I can think of the was once. Not so much now, he's been towing the party line lately.

The majority of them are moderate. Very few are Bernie Sanders or AOC.

The ACA was unconstitutional the day it was passed and no amount of popularity will make it constitutional. If you bothered to actually read the decision you would know the acrobatics the Roberts court went through to uphold the law. He invented a tax that was not contained in the law, he severed portions they found unconstitutional, even though there was no severance clause in the law that would allow him to do so. Then in subsequent decisions he invented congressional intent, that was not expressed in the law, in fact the law read the opposite of his decision and forced the congress to fund portions of the law, even though congress refused to provide those funds in the legislative process. You have proven you don't want a court that follows the law and the Constitution, but a super legislature that will fulfill your wish list. And you will try to destroy anyone who doesn't share you views.

And yet it WAS, in fact, found to be Constitutional. You can parrot whatever talking points make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it was found to be constitutional. And despite the Trump administration waiving the penalty tax (that was found to be Constitutional) millions continue to sign up for the popular ACA plans.

You couldn't destroy it legislatively so now you want the court to do it for you. Such hypocrisy.

You also can pretend that pre K is not mandatory, but tell me the average American family won't choose to send their child to a free pre K over paying for child care. Besides getting people free child care, the intent is getting children in school at the earliest possible age so the commies at the NEA can get their hooks in them and replace the parents roll in early development. BTW kindergarten was designed to prepare children for first grade at an age where they were mature enough to adapt to what was usually a half day in the schoolhouse.
:lol: You don't care that it won't be mandatory, people will like it and therefore it's bad.

Pre-K is good for the children, especially disadvantaged children. The rest of your paragraph is tinfoil nonsense.

As for the 1619 project, there have been threads on it showing where the author of the project admitted it wasn't based in true history. If you are incapable of paying attention to what has been posted in this forum, perhaps you should google the topic to cure your ignorance.

Again, so what? Curriculum based around the concept doesn't have to be. Why are you opposed to learning the history of America as it relates to slavery? You also didn't answer the question as to whether you show as much concern with schools that teach intelligent design.

And you are correct, you're not worth a discussion about what was once :global cooling" (mini ice age), changed to "global warming", changed to what has been occurring throughout the history of the earth, "climate change". Funny no matter the iteration, the solutions are always the same, more government control from your government god and less freedom for America.

What is happening now with the planet is not it's natural cycle, but a flat earther wouldn't understand. Careful you don't fall off the edge!!!!

Hey stupid, America didn't exist in 1619, and you don't teach curricula around a known false concept. Also intelligent design is just as credible as the "big bang theory". I have yet to have one of you commies explain what caused the big bang to occur in an otherwise stable nothingness? Was all the matter in all the galaxies just one giant ball that suddenly hiccuped. Also, if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? So many questions, sooooo little proof.

The land existed. Schools teach about the "discovery" of America and the people that fled here. What's wrong with also teaching about the slaves they brought that were essential to the actual founding of this country? These things actually happened.

So I was right. You are fine with actual unsupported bovine excrement, but some factual inaccuracies regarding slaves....ooh, that gets you hot and bothered. :lol:


Poor little commie, when those inaccuracies are intentional to push a political agenda, hell yes I object. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would as well.

You have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be historically inaccurate.

You mean other than the author of it admitted it?

That was her piece that contained inaccuracies not the curriculum based on her concept.

Proof? Your opinion isn't worth much.


I can't prove a negative. You must provide proof that curriculum based on the author's concept of following slavery from the founding to freedom is historically inaccurate. Just because the author's piece was does not mean a history class based on her concept would be. You still haven't said why you are opposed to following the path and plight of slaves being brought to America. Why does that bother you?

It is beyond the height of hypocrisy to oppose actual factual history that might contain some inaccuracies, but fully support and embrace the teaching of "intelligent design" which has zero basis in fact or science. It's ridiculous even.

Poor little commie, actual factual history isn't actual or factual if it contains inaccuracies. I'm curious, why did you dodge my questions on the big bang theory?

Of course it is. And you still have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be inaccurate. Since the original article is known to contain errors, history teachers would make the appropriate adjustments to curriculum.

The Big Bang model is supported by evidence

Unlike “intelligent design”

Still laughing, the op-ed dude said the universe was once the size of a peach, yet he never even speculated where the peach came form. How about you tell me, where did the tiny ball of densely packed matter come from?

And I thank you for the video, it was great for several belly laughs. That dude is a fucking idiot.


The previous article explained the evidence for the model. You can dismiss science all you want, flat earthier.

No it didn't, it explained the evidence of the expansion of the universe, it dodged the question of the origin of the universe, like you just did.


The Big Bang is a model to explain the origins of the universe. It is supported by evidence, unlike “intelligent design” which is supported by fairy dust and faith. You have gone beyond ridiculous in opposing teaching about slavery while embracing schools teaching actual fairytales.
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

Even if Trump were to lose, he just beat Hillary and spent four years as President after having no political experience. Then he did more than Clinton, W and Obama did in 24. And more than Biden did in 47. That you think that isn't a win is of course the useless partisan hack you are
Oh, he’s done more all right. He’s been more corrupt, he’s been a bigger danger to national security, and his incompetence has probably killed more Americans. Winning!!!
Anxious Democrats imagine Donald Trump as a political Houdini—a genius at escaping the most dire political straits. Somehow, they fear, he will summon serial October surprises beyond the capacity of lesser mortals.


In truth, Trump is America’s ersatz Wizard of Oz—a one-trick faux populist with deep but finite appeal who, in 2016, filled the mother of inside straights. By 2018, he had squandered his winnings. In 2020, he’s become the little man behind the curtain, brutally exposed by his own incompetence and instability.

After the interviews with the rightwing vomit machines this week, even they threw up in their mouths a little bit.

Even if Trump were to lose, he just beat Hillary and spent four years as President after having no political experience. Then he did more than Clinton, W and Obama did in 24. And more than Biden did in 47. That you think that isn't a win is of course the useless partisan hack you are
More? Like biggest deficits and bailouts? More crime and riots? More pandemic deaths?

Clinton was way better. Balanced the budget with a stronger economy. Welfare reform. Crime went way down...
What it means about America, is we ain't buy'n the commie shit you're sell'n.
What communist proposals am I advocating?

Go ahead. Back up your ignorant words.

Try every screwed up thing that would happen with a Trump defeat.

Govt take over of the health care system.
Open borders
Early indoctrination of children
Shit like the 1619 project
Green raw deal

I could go on, but you're not worth the effort

You guys said that when Obama was elected, that there was going to be a government takeover of healthcare. That never materialized. Hell, we didn't even get a public option out of the deal.

What action taken by Democrats leads you to believe that "open borders" is even a thing? What laws have they attempted to pass? Did Obama "open the borders" ? Why was Obama called "the deporter in chief"?

Indoctrination into what, education?

What's your issue with the 1619 project? What is wrong with learning about the contributions made by slaves to America?

I'm not even going to bother with the Green New Deal. You flat earthers don't recognize the issue of climate change so why would you bother with solutions.

You didn't get a public option only because there were a few moderate dems in the congress at the time. Those moderates have since been expunged from the party.

You got the wrong party, pumpkin, that's kicking out moderates. The Democrats still have plenty, Republicans have none.

But the country has shifted quite a bit since the ACA was first introduced. None of the GOP lies about it came true and it gained in popularity. (Just like Nancy Pelosi said in that speech Republicans try to mischaracterize) Maybe we actually will get a public option. Here's hoping.

I know you commies have no problem with schools being the government halls of indoctrination, but I disagree that pushing 3 year olds into those halls is a good thing. They are not mature enough to understand the structure of schools or reject the propaganda being pushed by many so called educators.

Pre-K won't be mandatory, dolt. Waiting for specifics on this "indoctrination" ...unless you actually believe education is "indoctrination" . :lol:

Some of the nation's top researchers who've spent their careers studying early childhood education recently got together in Washington with one goal in mind: to cut through the fog of studies and the endless debates over the benefits of preschool.
They came away with one clear, strong message: Kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don't.

Even the author of the 1619 project has admitted that it is not historically accurate. But I see you have no problem teaching lies to American students.

Why are all of your posts so devoid of links to support your assertions?

Even if your claim is true, do you care as deeply about schools that teach "intelligent design"?

And of course you will never admit the hubris of the commies thinking man can alter the natural cycles of the earth. That would be having to admit that the all powerful government god you serve, isn't really all powerful.

Of course man is contributing to the changing climate. To ignore it is just silly at this point. Flat earthers. Not worth discussing the roundness of the earth with you. You think you're going to fall off the edge and no amount of fact will deter you. It's what helps make the perfect Trump psychophant.

Really, name a commie moderate in congress. Joe Mansion is the only one that I can think of the was once. Not so much now, he's been towing the party line lately.

The majority of them are moderate. Very few are Bernie Sanders or AOC.

The ACA was unconstitutional the day it was passed and no amount of popularity will make it constitutional. If you bothered to actually read the decision you would know the acrobatics the Roberts court went through to uphold the law. He invented a tax that was not contained in the law, he severed portions they found unconstitutional, even though there was no severance clause in the law that would allow him to do so. Then in subsequent decisions he invented congressional intent, that was not expressed in the law, in fact the law read the opposite of his decision and forced the congress to fund portions of the law, even though congress refused to provide those funds in the legislative process. You have proven you don't want a court that follows the law and the Constitution, but a super legislature that will fulfill your wish list. And you will try to destroy anyone who doesn't share you views.

And yet it WAS, in fact, found to be Constitutional. You can parrot whatever talking points make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it was found to be constitutional. And despite the Trump administration waiving the penalty tax (that was found to be Constitutional) millions continue to sign up for the popular ACA plans.

You couldn't destroy it legislatively so now you want the court to do it for you. Such hypocrisy.

You also can pretend that pre K is not mandatory, but tell me the average American family won't choose to send their child to a free pre K over paying for child care. Besides getting people free child care, the intent is getting children in school at the earliest possible age so the commies at the NEA can get their hooks in them and replace the parents roll in early development. BTW kindergarten was designed to prepare children for first grade at an age where they were mature enough to adapt to what was usually a half day in the schoolhouse.
:lol: You don't care that it won't be mandatory, people will like it and therefore it's bad.

Pre-K is good for the children, especially disadvantaged children. The rest of your paragraph is tinfoil nonsense.

As for the 1619 project, there have been threads on it showing where the author of the project admitted it wasn't based in true history. If you are incapable of paying attention to what has been posted in this forum, perhaps you should google the topic to cure your ignorance.

Again, so what? Curriculum based around the concept doesn't have to be. Why are you opposed to learning the history of America as it relates to slavery? You also didn't answer the question as to whether you show as much concern with schools that teach intelligent design.

And you are correct, you're not worth a discussion about what was once :global cooling" (mini ice age), changed to "global warming", changed to what has been occurring throughout the history of the earth, "climate change". Funny no matter the iteration, the solutions are always the same, more government control from your government god and less freedom for America.

What is happening now with the planet is not it's natural cycle, but a flat earther wouldn't understand. Careful you don't fall off the edge!!!!

Hey stupid, America didn't exist in 1619, and you don't teach curricula around a known false concept. Also intelligent design is just as credible as the "big bang theory". I have yet to have one of you commies explain what caused the big bang to occur in an otherwise stable nothingness? Was all the matter in all the galaxies just one giant ball that suddenly hiccuped. Also, if man evolved from apes, why are there still apes? So many questions, sooooo little proof.

The land existed. Schools teach about the "discovery" of America and the people that fled here. What's wrong with also teaching about the slaves they brought that were essential to the actual founding of this country? These things actually happened.

So I was right. You are fine with actual unsupported bovine excrement, but some factual inaccuracies regarding slaves....ooh, that gets you hot and bothered. :lol:


Poor little commie, when those inaccuracies are intentional to push a political agenda, hell yes I object. If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would as well.

You have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be historically inaccurate.

You mean other than the author of it admitted it?

That was her piece that contained inaccuracies not the curriculum based on her concept.

Proof? Your opinion isn't worth much.


I can't prove a negative. You must provide proof that curriculum based on the author's concept of following slavery from the founding to freedom is historically inaccurate. Just because the author's piece was does not mean a history class based on her concept would be. You still haven't said why you are opposed to following the path and plight of slaves being brought to America. Why does that bother you?

It is beyond the height of hypocrisy to oppose actual factual history that might contain some inaccuracies, but fully support and embrace the teaching of "intelligent design" which has zero basis in fact or science. It's ridiculous even.

Poor little commie, actual factual history isn't actual or factual if it contains inaccuracies. I'm curious, why did you dodge my questions on the big bang theory?

Of course it is. And you still have zero proof that curriculum based on the concept of the 1619 project would be inaccurate. Since the original article is known to contain errors, history teachers would make the appropriate adjustments to curriculum.

The Big Bang model is supported by evidence

Unlike “intelligent design”

Still laughing, the op-ed dude said the universe was once the size of a peach, yet he never even speculated where the peach came form. How about you tell me, where did the tiny ball of densely packed matter come from?

And I thank you for the video, it was great for several belly laughs. That dude is a fucking idiot.


The previous article explained the evidence for the model. You can dismiss science all you want, flat earthier.

No it didn't, it explained the evidence of the expansion of the universe, it dodged the question of the origin of the universe, like you just did.


The Big Bang is a model to explain the origins of the universe. It is supported by evidence, unlike “intelligent design” which is supported by fairy dust and faith. You have gone beyond ridiculous in opposing teaching about slavery while embracing schools teaching actual fairytales.

You're really a pathetic liar.


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