Has the debt economy reached its limit? Solutions? Fascism? War?

Chicken little sky is falling! The economy has been resilient through a pandemic, it is not weak. The current noise in the economy is a result of high savings rates, pent up demand, low inventories, an inconsistent supply chain, and some money that was not means tested and became discretionary.

There is no underlying issue that isn’t a derivative of the above. Are debt ratio is higher than optimal but no where near a problem. Yet.
Oh my gawd----the economy is on a sugar rush now that is going to result in a giant tummy ache here soon enough. Then likely acting like sugar on a diabetic... causing massive long term damage. Inflation is setting in and when the interest rates start to go up ---------------------the cost to maintain this debt will destroy our economy and dollar.

Meaning that we won't be able to buy parts for our military or ourselves--------lots of hungry people are coming and CHINA IS going to step in both financially and with their military to take over. The US will no longer be able to stop the bad guys from around the world attacking ---which means wars as the dictators try to take over all over.

Destroying the $$$ is meant to switch the US to a global currency which is bad bad for the US.....its a way for the communists and globalists to seize control of the unruly US citizens. Last I heard that wanted first Canada, the US, and Mexico to combine for a currency that would then eventually merge into a more global currency. The Chinese have set up a chinese cybercurrency which I think they are hoping to be the global currency of the future for all especially americans.
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It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

It was one month, kid. Give it a bit.

Joe's asking for another 8 trillion...you think it's going to get better?

It will get better if the $8 trillion goes into the pockets of working Americans to improve infrastructure, education, and the lives of working Americans, and isn't used to give tax breaks to billionaires, or to blow shit up in a foreign country.

Why not $800 trillion go big or go home.
Ya gotta love "born again debt scolds" who fully supported trump additions to the debt (that did nothing but spike the stock market).

NOW the sky is falling?

Debt only matters to these nutjobs when a Dem President is in office
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It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

It was one month, kid. Give it a bit.

Joe's asking for another 8 trillion...you think it's going to get better?

It will get better if the $8 trillion goes into the pockets of working Americans to improve infrastructure, education, and the lives of working Americans, and isn't used to give tax breaks to billionaires, or to blow shit up in a foreign country.

No, actually it won't, Dragonlady! Pumping that much cash into the economy will give us runaway inflation. We're already seeing it now! Prices are going through the roof. Didn't any of you liberals study Economics in college?

Prices are going through the roof because of shortages which are due, in part, to the pandemic lockdowns. You've had no people working for the past year due to the pandemic. Food processing plants have been shut down, and migrants workers can't come in through the closed borders.

Trump closed the South Border and didn't let anyone in to harvest the crops, so surprise!!! prices went up. Republicans really are that stupid. Sucks to be you!!!!

OPEC cut production of oil, because of the pandemic and the glut of oil worldwide, and now prices have gone up as a result and you blame Biden. Trump agreed to the productions cuts, because higher prices are good for business, and Trump is all about doing what's good for business.

Biden is shutting down the pandemic, getting everyone vaccinated, and getting schools re-opened, so people can go back to work. He's also trying to bring your infrastructure into the 21st Century in terms of nationwide broadband WIFI, road, bridges, infrastructure, and family care infrastructure - expanding public schools and early learning centers.

Day care and elder care is a HUGE issue for working families. Fortunately I live in a country where the government provides income supports and solutions for working families, and doesn't just leave them hanging. Well the feds do at least. Too many provinces have useless dickheads . . . Conservatives as Premiers, running them.

It's long past time when American workers had mandated vacations, maternity leave, and sick days, like the rest of the first world.

It's Supply and Demand, Dragonlady...not just Supply. We have fewer goods because businesses can't get workers to work (they make more money sitting at home collecting unemployment!) so goods aren't being produced. At the same time the Government is pumping Trillions of dollars into the economy as a stimulus which means there is an abundance of money competing for fewer goods. None of the above is something that Trump had anything to do with. This is Joe Biden's economy and he's clueless about what his economic policies DO to an economy!

There has been no demand for the past decade because workers have no money. There is a huge pent up demand among working people and the middle class. You have students living in the parents' basements because of their student debt. And you have students going $50,000 or more into debt to qualify for a job that pays $40,000 per year.
You have students living in the parents' basements because of their student debt. And you have students going $50,000 or more into debt to qualify for a job that pays $40,000 per year.
Yeah, the Obama government takeover of the student loan system didn't help students.
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

It was one month, kid. Give it a bit.

Joe's asking for another 8 trillion...you think it's going to get better?

It will get better if the $8 trillion goes into the pockets of working Americans to improve infrastructure, education, and the lives of working Americans, and isn't used to give tax breaks to billionaires, or to blow shit up in a foreign country.

No, actually it won't, Dragonlady! Pumping that much cash into the economy will give us runaway inflation. We're already seeing it now! Prices are going through the roof. Didn't any of you liberals study Economics in college?

Prices are going through the roof because of shortages which are due, in part, to the pandemic lockdowns. You've had no people working for the past year due to the pandemic. Food processing plants have been shut down, and migrants workers can't come in through the closed borders.

Trump closed the South Border and didn't let anyone in to harvest the crops, so surprise!!! prices went up. Republicans really are that stupid. Sucks to be you!!!!

OPEC cut production of oil, because of the pandemic and the glut of oil worldwide, and now prices have gone up as a result and you blame Biden. Trump agreed to the productions cuts, because higher prices are good for business, and Trump is all about doing what's good for business.

Biden is shutting down the pandemic, getting everyone vaccinated, and getting schools re-opened, so people can go back to work. He's also trying to bring your infrastructure into the 21st Century in terms of nationwide broadband WIFI, road, bridges, infrastructure, and family care infrastructure - expanding public schools and early learning centers.

Day care and elder care is a HUGE issue for working families. Fortunately I live in a country where the government provides income supports and solutions for working families, and doesn't just leave them hanging. Well the feds do at least. Too many provinces have useless dickheads . . . Conservatives as Premiers, running them.

It's long past time when American workers had mandated vacations, maternity leave, and sick days, like the rest of the first world.

It's Supply and Demand, Dragonlady...not just Supply. We have fewer goods because businesses can't get workers to work (they make more money sitting at home collecting unemployment!) so goods aren't being produced. At the same time the Government is pumping Trillions of dollars into the economy as a stimulus which means there is an abundance of money competing for fewer goods. None of the above is something that Trump had anything to do with. This is Joe Biden's economy and he's clueless about what his economic policies DO to an economy!

There has been no demand for the past decade because workers have no money. There is a huge pent up demand among working people and the middle class. You have students living in the parents' basements because of their student debt. And you have students going $50,000 or more into debt to qualify for a job that pays $40,000 per year.

Students are going $50,000 in debt (or far more than that!) because the cost of going to college has skyrocketed over the past forty years. My tuition at UMass was about $2,400 a year when I graduated in '78. It's $16,500 now. I was able to pay for college myself back then but the college system has made that impossible now. That's on the colleges themselves. Now Joe Biden is calling for free college? You know what that means? As soon as the Government starts paying the bill that cost of going to college is going to explode.

As for "demand" among working people? Of course they would like to buy more things. What will make that a reality is a good paying job that isn't accompanied by run away inflation. Joe Biden's economic policies are so inept that even dyed in the wool Keynesians like Larry Summers are warning him that we need to stop injecting so much money into the economy!
Faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could solve this problem and simple poverty in the process.
Faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could solve this problem and simple poverty in the process.
You keep repeating that same gibberish, Daniel and it makes as little sense now as the first time. Please stop pretending you're not the dumbest guy on this board!
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

There will be no war over the debt. The reserve is still soaking up 800 billion a month from government borrowings.
Trump was doing th e same but you were deathly silent. Republican debt is ok if it's to give it to wall street apparently.
The debt will continue to increase and will never be repaid. Never.
Keep in mind a great portion of it was to ease the suffering of the same people you suggest will revolt. That makes no sense at all.

Your problem is your post is purely taking a dig at Biden. Try again.
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

There will be no war over the debt. The reserve is still soaking up 800 billion a month from government borrowings.
Trump was doing th e same but you were deathly silent. Republican debt is ok if it's to give it to wall street apparently.
The debt will continue to increase and will never be repaid. Never.
Keep in mind a great portion of it was to ease the suffering of the same people you suggest will revolt. That makes no sense at all.

Your problem is your post is purely taking a dig at Biden. Try again.

What reserve? You do realize that we have to pay interest on our debt? Nobody has added this amount of debt since FDR back in World War II. It's economic suicide.
Chicken little sky is falling! The economy has been resilient through a pandemic, it is not weak. The current noise in the economy is a result of high savings rates, pent up demand, low inventories, an inconsistent supply chain, and some money that was not means tested and became discretionary.

There is no underlying issue that isn’t a derivative of the above. Are debt ratio is higher than optimal but no where near a problem. Yet.
You would have to complete hours of searching to find a post as ignorant as this one.
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

It was one month, kid. Give it a bit.

Joe's asking for another 8 trillion...you think it's going to get better?

It will get better if the $8 trillion goes into the pockets of working Americans to improve infrastructure, education, and the lives of working Americans, and isn't used to give tax breaks to billionaires, or to blow shit up in a foreign country.

No, actually it won't, Dragonlady! Pumping that much cash into the economy will give us runaway inflation. We're already seeing it now! Prices are going through the roof. Didn't any of you liberals study Economics in college?

Prices are going through the roof because of shortages which are due, in part, to the pandemic lockdowns. You've had no people working for the past year due to the pandemic. Food processing plants have been shut down, and migrants workers can't come in through the closed borders.

Trump closed the South Border and didn't let anyone in to harvest the crops, so surprise!!! prices went up. Republicans really are that stupid. Sucks to be you!!!!

OPEC cut production of oil, because of the pandemic and the glut of oil worldwide, and now prices have gone up as a result and you blame Biden. Trump agreed to the productions cuts, because higher prices are good for business, and Trump is all about doing what's good for business.

Biden is shutting down the pandemic, getting everyone vaccinated, and getting schools re-opened, so people can go back to work. He's also trying to bring your infrastructure into the 21st Century in terms of nationwide broadband WIFI, road, bridges, infrastructure, and family care infrastructure - expanding public schools and early learning centers.

Day care and elder care is a HUGE issue for working families. Fortunately I live in a country where the government provides income supports and solutions for working families, and doesn't just leave them hanging. Well the feds do at least. Too many provinces have useless dickheads . . . Conservatives as Premiers, running them.

It's long past time when American workers had mandated vacations, maternity leave, and sick days, like the rest of the first world.

It's Supply and Demand, Dragonlady...not just Supply. We have fewer goods because businesses can't get workers to work (they make more money sitting at home collecting unemployment!) so goods aren't being produced. At the same time the Government is pumping Trillions of dollars into the economy as a stimulus which means there is an abundance of money competing for fewer goods. None of the above is something that Trump had anything to do with. This is Joe Biden's economy and he's clueless about what his economic policies DO to an economy!

There has been no demand for the past decade because workers have no money. There is a huge pent up demand among working people and the middle class. You have students living in the parents' basements because of their student debt. And you have students going $50,000 or more into debt to qualify for a job that pays $40,000 per year.

How stupid do you have to be to go to school incurring $50,000 in debt for a $40,000 job?
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

It was one month, kid. Give it a bit.

Joe's asking for another 8 trillion...you think it's going to get better?

It will get better if the $8 trillion goes into the pockets of working Americans to improve infrastructure, education, and the lives of working Americans, and isn't used to give tax breaks to billionaires, or to blow shit up in a foreign country.

No, actually it won't, Dragonlady! Pumping that much cash into the economy will give us runaway inflation. We're already seeing it now! Prices are going through the roof. Didn't any of you liberals study Economics in college?

Prices are going through the roof because of shortages which are due, in part, to the pandemic lockdowns. You've had no people working for the past year due to the pandemic. Food processing plants have been shut down, and migrants workers can't come in through the closed borders.

Trump closed the South Border and didn't let anyone in to harvest the crops, so surprise!!! prices went up. Republicans really are that stupid. Sucks to be you!!!!

OPEC cut production of oil, because of the pandemic and the glut of oil worldwide, and now prices have gone up as a result and you blame Biden. Trump agreed to the productions cuts, because higher prices are good for business, and Trump is all about doing what's good for business.

Biden is shutting down the pandemic, getting everyone vaccinated, and getting schools re-opened, so people can go back to work. He's also trying to bring your infrastructure into the 21st Century in terms of nationwide broadband WIFI, road, bridges, infrastructure, and family care infrastructure - expanding public schools and early learning centers.

Day care and elder care is a HUGE issue for working families. Fortunately I live in a country where the government provides income supports and solutions for working families, and doesn't just leave them hanging. Well the feds do at least. Too many provinces have useless dickheads . . . Conservatives as Premiers, running them.

It's long past time when American workers had mandated vacations, maternity leave, and sick days, like the rest of the first world.

It's Supply and Demand, Dragonlady...not just Supply. We have fewer goods because businesses can't get workers to work (they make more money sitting at home collecting unemployment!) so goods aren't being produced. At the same time the Government is pumping Trillions of dollars into the economy as a stimulus which means there is an abundance of money competing for fewer goods. None of the above is something that Trump had anything to do with. This is Joe Biden's economy and he's clueless about what his economic policies DO to an economy!

There has been no demand for the past decade because workers have no money. There is a huge pent up demand among working people and the middle class. You have students living in the parents' basements because of their student debt. And you have students going $50,000 or more into debt to qualify for a job that pays $40,000 per year.

How stupid do you have to be to go to school incurring $50,000 in debt for a $40,000 job?

How long do you think a job lasts?
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

There will be no war over the debt. The reserve is still soaking up 800 billion a month from government borrowings.
Trump was doing th e same but you were deathly silent. Republican debt is ok if it's to give it to wall street apparently.
The debt will continue to increase and will never be repaid. Never.
Keep in mind a great portion of it was to ease the suffering of the same people you suggest will revolt. That makes no sense at all.

Your problem is your post is purely taking a dig at Biden. Try again.

What reserve? You do realize that we have to pay interest on our debt? Nobody has added this amount of debt since FDR back in World War II. It's economic suicide.

Why do you believe that? The stock market is still making new highs and the richest are richer than ever.
Faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could solve this problem and simple poverty in the process.
You keep repeating that same gibberish, Daniel and it makes as little sense now as the first time. Please stop pretending you're not the dumbest guy on this board!
What part is "gibberish"? You have had plenty of time to stop appealing to ignorance of economics, the law, and politics by now.
It does seem like the economy are very close to falling apart. Inflation is high and will continue higher but Federal Reserve sems to be powerless.

In our economy debt must grow. Only new debt can pay for old debt. At some point debt can not be repayed.

So a new system is necessary. Something with much more control over each individual. People have to live in fear so they do not revolt when their standard of living plummets. The few that are left because they do not want billions of people. Something similar to Chinas social credits. And only digital currencies so anyone will know they are watched in real time.

But Covid fascism is not working well enough for them.

So my question is, can war be a solution for them? A larger one where people feel that fascism/communism is nothing in comparison. Because i am spiritually told that some in the Biden administration want war.

Also please discuss solutions. If we have reached the limit for the debt economy can they through cooperation between the larger nations cancel debts without turmoil in markets?

There will be no war over the debt. The reserve is still soaking up 800 billion a month from government borrowings.
Trump was doing th e same but you were deathly silent. Republican debt is ok if it's to give it to wall street apparently.
The debt will continue to increase and will never be repaid. Never.
Keep in mind a great portion of it was to ease the suffering of the same people you suggest will revolt. That makes no sense at all.

Your problem is your post is purely taking a dig at Biden. Try again.

What reserve? You do realize that we have to pay interest on our debt? Nobody has added this amount of debt since FDR back in World War II. It's economic suicide.

Why do you believe that? The stock market is still making new highs and the richest are richer than ever.

Joe Biden's economic policies won't do a thing to the rich, Daniel! The people it will harm will be the poor and the Middle Class! You're about to see some serious inflation and that takes money out of the pockets of those least able to afford it! Your gas price has increased. Your food prices have increased. The price of the used car you want to buy is way up. We're only four months into Biden's four years and already his economic policies are hitting Americans hard! The scary thing is that it's just beginning. Biden is asking to spend 10 Trillion dollars this year. That's unprecedented in a time of peace. He thinks if he gives away enough stuff to people...that he'll stand a better chance of being reelected. He thinks that because he's an idiot surrounded by liberals that ignore fundamental economic principles!
Faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could solve this problem and simple poverty in the process.
You keep repeating that same gibberish, Daniel and it makes as little sense now as the first time. Please stop pretending you're not the dumbest guy on this board!
What part is "gibberish"? You have had plenty of time to stop appealing to ignorance of economics, the law, and politics by now.
Pretty much everything you post is gibberish, Daniel! That last sentence a prime example!
Faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could solve this problem and simple poverty in the process.
You keep repeating that same gibberish, Daniel and it makes as little sense now as the first time. Please stop pretending you're not the dumbest guy on this board!
What part is "gibberish"? You have had plenty of time to stop appealing to ignorance of economics, the law, and politics by now.
Pretty much everything you post is gibberish, Daniel! That last sentence a prime example!
All you have, right-winger, is nothing but fallacy. If it weren't for fallacy you would have no arguments at all. Nothing but fantasy from the right-wing.

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