Has the GOP blown it on the Jan 6 committee?

The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
My guess is Mitch and Charlie McCarthy would rather be in the position they've taken where they will say the Commission is a political stunt, and they agree Jan 6 was "just terrible" but Antifa and Blm pose dangers the dems refuse to address
It IS a political stunt, the idea that there needs to be a Congressional Commission surrounding this incident is ludicrous and nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at a partisan attack using taxpayer funds.

We already have law enforcement agencies that can handle the investigations and prosecutions in this case, Congress Critters need to knock off the attempts at grandstanding, get out of the way and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

We send Congress Critters to Washington to act as legislators not to live out their out their Dick Tracy fantasies on our dime.

The Capitol Police sent a note to the Congress in Support of the Commission. The FBI is already doing what they do and that is to investigate, and to make arrests; the US Attorney's will indict and prosecute these rogues.

The Congress, including all of the employees in the Capitol were terrorized by trump supporters; let's support every LE Agency and a then let the Commission to put all the evidence together and make sure that justice is meted out, and the security of Capitol, the Supreme Court and the White House have sufficient security to protect the people and the structures.
Well, the capitol police are the undisputed expert on this weighty matter. We should do whatever they say, even if they tell us to slit our own throats.

Is there any excuse so idiotic that your morons won't resort to it?
Look at the Trumpster, mocking the cops his Jihadist friends attacked and injured.

I'll give Trump this: He's brought out your true colors.
So if the capitol police tell you to blow your brains out, you'll do it?
No. What a characteristically bizarre and ignorant question.

I can certainly understand why you people are now on Homeland Security's radar.
How is it any more bizzare than your claim that no one is allowed to criticize the capitol police?
Quote me saying that, please.

And when you can't, you'll run.

You're a liar and a coward.
I just criticized the capitol police for sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong, and you attacked me for it.

Am I allowed to criticize them or not?
You really don't understand this stuff.

I want you to say exactly what you're thinking. I want you to be free to show us exactly what you are. Loud and clear.

I hope that's simple enough for you.
Answer the question: am I allowed to criticize the capitol police or not?
Of course, yes.



And then I am allowed to point at you and say, "see?"

If you don't like that, tough shit.
I must say that I am at a complete loss here. Since January I have read that BLM and Antifa were behind the insurrection.

And the Dems foolishly want to set up a hearing to expose these commie bastards.

But the QOP dont want any part of this. Are they out of their fucking minds ? Open Goal and they pass it up.

What the fuck is going on America ?
We're existing now in two separate realities. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's essentially true.

I don't know how we're supposed to survive like this. Maybe that's the plan. Many of these people want us to split the country up, and maybe this is their way of getting that done.

They're at war, even though we're not. America said the same thing after 9/11.
Its 3. The conservative delusion. You and your ilks delusion, and then sane, decent people, like me enjoy reality.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
My guess is Mitch and Charlie McCarthy would rather be in the position they've taken where they will say the Commission is a political stunt, and they agree Jan 6 was "just terrible" but Antifa and Blm pose dangers the dems refuse to address
It IS a political stunt, the idea that there needs to be a Congressional Commission surrounding this incident is ludicrous and nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at a partisan attack using taxpayer funds.

We already have law enforcement agencies that can handle the investigations and prosecutions in this case, Congress Critters need to knock off the attempts at grandstanding, get out of the way and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

We send Congress Critters to Washington to act as legislators not to live out their out their Dick Tracy fantasies on our dime.

The Capitol Police sent a note to the Congress in Support of the Commission. The FBI is already doing what they do and that is to investigate, and to make arrests; the US Attorney's will indict and prosecute these rogues.

The Congress, including all of the employees in the Capitol were terrorized by trump supporters; let's support every LE Agency and a then let the Commission to put all the evidence together and make sure that justice is meted out, and the security of Capitol, the Supreme Court and the White House have sufficient security to protect the people and the structures.
Well, the capitol police are the undisputed expert on this weighty matter. We should do whatever they say, even if they tell us to slit our own throats.

Is there any excuse so idiotic that your morons won't resort to it?
Look at the Trumpster, mocking the cops his Jihadist friends attacked and injured.

I'll give Trump this: He's brought out your true colors.
So if the capitol police tell you to blow your brains out, you'll do it?
No. What a characteristically bizarre and ignorant question.

I can certainly understand why you people are now on Homeland Security's radar.
How is it any more bizzare than your claim that no one is allowed to criticize the capitol police?
Quote me saying that, please.

And when you can't, you'll run.

You're a liar and a coward.
I just criticized the capitol police for sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong, and you attacked me for it.

Am I allowed to criticize them or not?
You really don't understand this stuff.

I want you to say exactly what you're thinking. I want you to be free to show us exactly what you are. Loud and clear.

I hope that's simple enough for you.
Answer the question: am I allowed to criticize the capitol police or not?
Of course, yes.



And then I am allowed to point at you and say, "see?"

If you don't like that, tough shit.
And I'm allowed to point out that you're a buffoon and a weasel who refuses to answer simple questions when called on his bullshit.

Answer the question: am I allowed to criticize the capitol police or not?
I must say that I am at a complete loss here. Since January I have read that BLM and Antifa were behind the insurrection.

And the Dems foolishly want to set up a hearing to expose these commie bastards.

But the QOP dont want any part of this. Are they out of their fucking minds ? Open Goal and they pass it up.

What the fuck is going on America ?
Not our issue that you are slow on the uptake. Maybe you should stick to worrying about your miserable nation and all it's issues.
Why do you want to give these commie bastards a pass on this ?
Where did I say give anyone a pass, I am asking you to get up to speed. First off they aren't commies, you nuts just love throwing the word out there and not knowing what it means. Secondly, it is none of your business what we do or don't do in our own sovereign country. I don't care what you do in Wales, it isn't my business, but you sure love to pop off about the US. Maybe you should find a hobby, not sure what, maybe you can take photos of people wearing masks, that is probably all you got.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
My guess is Mitch and Charlie McCarthy would rather be in the position they've taken where they will say the Commission is a political stunt, and they agree Jan 6 was "just terrible" but Antifa and Blm pose dangers the dems refuse to address
It IS a political stunt, the idea that there needs to be a Congressional Commission surrounding this incident is ludicrous and nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at a partisan attack using taxpayer funds.

We already have law enforcement agencies that can handle the investigations and prosecutions in this case, Congress Critters need to knock off the attempts at grandstanding, get out of the way and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

We send Congress Critters to Washington to act as legislators not to live out their out their Dick Tracy fantasies on our dime.

The Capitol Police sent a note to the Congress in Support of the Commission. The FBI is already doing what they do and that is to investigate, and to make arrests; the US Attorney's will indict and prosecute these rogues.

The Congress, including all of the employees in the Capitol were terrorized by trump supporters; let's support every LE Agency and a then let the Commission to put all the evidence together and make sure that justice is meted out, and the security of Capitol, the Supreme Court and the White House have sufficient security to protect the people and the structures.
Well, the capitol police are the undisputed expert on this weighty matter. We should do whatever they say, even if they tell us to slit our own throats.

Is there any excuse so idiotic that your morons won't resort to it?
Look at the Trumpster, mocking the cops his Jihadist friends attacked and injured.

I'll give Trump this: He's brought out your true colors.
So if the capitol police tell you to blow your brains out, you'll do it?
No. What a characteristically bizarre and ignorant question.

I can certainly understand why you people are now on Homeland Security's radar.
How is it any more bizzare than your claim that no one is allowed to criticize the capitol police?
Quote me saying that, please.

And when you can't, you'll run.

You're a liar and a coward.
I just criticized the capitol police for sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong, and you attacked me for it.

Am I allowed to criticize them or not?
You really don't understand this stuff.

I want you to say exactly what you're thinking. I want you to be free to show us exactly what you are. Loud and clear.

I hope that's simple enough for you.
Answer the question: am I allowed to criticize the capitol police or not?
Of course, yes.



And then I am allowed to point at you and say, "see?"

If you don't like that, tough shit.
And I'm allowed to point out that you're a buffoon and a weasel who refuses to answer simple questions when called on his bullshit.

Answer the question: am I allowed to criticize the capitol police or not?
What is wrong with you? I said "yes" three times. I want you to be what you are.

I've made this so simple, that even YOU should understand it. Instead, you're completely confused and trying to put me on the defensive.

You're just gone.
I must say that I am at a complete loss here. Since January I have read that BLM and Antifa were behind the insurrection.

And the Dems foolishly want to set up a hearing to expose these commie bastards.

But the QOP dont want any part of this. Are they out of their fucking minds ? Open Goal and they pass it up.

What the fuck is going on America ?
We're existing now in two separate realities. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's essentially true.

I don't know how we're supposed to survive like this. Maybe that's the plan. Many of these people want us to split the country up, and maybe this is their way of getting that done.

They're at war, even though we're not. America said the same thing after 9/11.

I used to think that it was very important to keep the nation together.

I've been rethinking that in the last few years.

A lot of the people in the red states hate the people in the blue states with a passion. It's like a drug for them. They seem to get off on the hate. I experienced it again last month when I took a road trip through 16 states, 8 were red states.

While at the same time taking our tax dollars and harming our environment. While not contributing much beyond what's grown in what's called America's bread basket and oil. Which the blue states also grow the same crops and in some of those blue states the crops can be grown in longer growing seasons than the red. Red states aren't the only place on in the world that has oil. So we really don't need them for that oil either.

I'm sick and tired of them leaching off our tax dollars while their politicians prevent anything positive from going through our congress. I'm sick and tired of those red states leaching off us.

The truth is those red states wouldn't be able to function and would be bankrupt without the tax dollars from us blue states.

They want to have their own nation. Let them have it. They already live in very close to 3rd world conditions in their states. Let them actually live in the hell they want to force on the rest of us. They are nothing but a stain and a leach on the rest of us.

I just want them to pay the federal government for all the federal property in their states. They shouldn't get all that for free. I would also divide our national debt and deficit by 50 to find out how much of the debt and deficit that each state would owe then have those red states pay their share of the debt and deficit. They don't get to walk away from debt mostly created by republican politicians they voted for.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":

The GOP simply wanted to investigate all the unrest, not just the January 6 dust up and the DNC won't dare investigate the blacks. The Pelosi select committee can do their partisan witch hunt until they turn blue, but only the left will give it any merit and the right will never give it any merit.

What did "blacks" do to Federal government?

They protested DC treating them like rioters in June so DC decided not to treat rioters like rioters because that is "racist" which resulted in DC's clusterfuck response to the January riot.
The former guy has again put the GOP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GOP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":

Well, they've seemingly enjoyed blowing Trump, so there's no reason to think they didn't blow this too...
I'm sick and tired of them leaching off our tax dollars while their politicians prevent anything positive from going through our congress. I'm sick and tired of those red states leaching off us.

The truth is those red states wouldn't be able to function and would be bankrupt without the tax dollars from us blue states.

Bitch, don't whine about the cost of the programs the stupid motherfuckers you elected insisted on passing ... :thup:
If you had minded your own damn business to start with, and passed the programs you wanted at the State Level like you should have ...
Then you wouldn't have anything to complain about,

It's the same as setting yourself on fire and then crying because it's hot.

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The former guy has again put the GOP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GOP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":

Wonder what the Republicans are hiding. The GOP keeps writing Democrat attack ads for 2022.
With the cooperation of their minions in the media, democrats seem to be following the script. The plan is to take the focus off the doddering old fool in the W.H. and the mess the Country is in and turn the focus on the former president. It's pretty easy to entertain the hard core democrat base with hate speech but I doubt if it is resonating with the rest of the Country.

The trouble is that the country does not agree with you. It is Republican hate speech that is driving Americans away from Republicans.
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The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":

35 House Republicans turned on Trump yesterday.
Here's the list of Republicans who put their heads on the chopping block:
  • French Hill, Arkansas
  • Steve Womack, Arkansas
  • David Valadao, California
  • Carlos Gimenez, Florida
  • Maria Salazar, Florida
  • Mike Simpson, Idaho
  • Rodney Davis, Illinois
  • Adam Kinzinger, Illinois
  • Trey Hollingsworth, Indiana
  • Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Iowa
  • Meijer Peter, Michigan
  • Fred Upton, Michigan
  • Michael Guest, Mississippi
  • Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska
  • Don Bacon, Nebraska
  • Chris Smith, New Jersey
  • Andrew Garbarino, New York
  • Tom Reed, New York
  • John Katko, New York
  • Chris Jacobs, New York
  • David Joyce, Ohio
  • Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio
  • Stephanie Bice, Oklahoma
  • Cliff Bentz, Oregon
  • Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania
  • Tom Rice, South Carolina
  • Dusty Johnson, South Dakota
  • Van Taylor, Texas
  • Tony Gonzales, Texas
  • Blake Moore, Utah
  • John Curtis, Utah
  • Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington
  • Dan Newhouse, Washington
  • David McKinley, West Virginia
  • Liz Cheney, Wyoming
Will these RINOs ever learn?

I suspect a lot of Republicans are putting their heads on the chopping block by voting against it.
With the cooperation of their minions in the media, democrats seem to be following the script. The plan is to take the focus off the doddering old fool in the W.H. and the mess the Country is in and turn the focus on the former president. It's pretty easy to entertain the hard core democrat base with hate speech but I doubt if it is resonating with the rest of the Country.

The trouble is that the country does not agree with you. It is Republican hate speech that is driving Americans away Republicans.

As usual, you cannot form a coherent sentence.
The former guy has again put the GQP in a lousy situation: They can't risk angering him by backing the Jan 6 Committee, and their cowardice may make things even worse for them.

At least with an even-numbered, bipartisan committee they could have controlled some of what took place and what was released. But if Pelosi puts together a select committee, and they find irrefutable evidence that harms the GQP, the Trumpsters will just have to bend over and take it.

Oh well. Another example of what happens when you choose to sell your soul to a weak man who cares nothing about you.

Embarrassed Republican Max Boot (now most likely a an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult) makes good points here, including gung ho the GQP was with its Benghazi "investigations":
What have they "blown?" The Dims plan to put the entire Republican party on trial. This is a witch hunt. Any Republican who supports it will get his ass handed to him in the next election.

Republicans in swing districts will likely be booted out.
With the cooperation of their minions in the media, democrats seem to be following the script. The plan is to take the focus off the doddering old fool in the W.H. and the mess the Country is in and turn the focus on the former president. It's pretty easy to entertain the hard core democrat base with hate speech but I doubt if it is resonating with the rest of the Country.

The trouble is that the country does not agree with you. It is Republican hate speech that is driving Americans away Republicans.

As usual, you cannot form a coherent sentence.

You get the point. Sad you cannot refute it.
With the cooperation of their minions in the media, democrats seem to be following the script. The plan is to take the focus off the doddering old fool in the W.H. and the mess the Country is in and turn the focus on the former president. It's pretty easy to entertain the hard core democrat base with hate speech but I doubt if it is resonating with the rest of the Country.

The trouble is that the country does not agree with you. It is Republican hate speech that is driving Americans away Republicans.

As usual, you cannot form a coherent sentence.

You get the point. Sad you cannot refute it.

You assume, way, way too much.
Apparently these clowns don't know that most people see these committees and hearings for what they are - political circle jerks that do nothing productive for the people they are supposed to represent. As soon as you think they can't be more of a parody of an effective legislature, they find another way to get eyes rolling in disbelief.
Apparently these clowns don't know that most people see these committees and hearings for what they are - political circle jerks that do nothing productive for the people they are supposed to represent. As soon as you think they can't be more of a parody of an effective legislature, they find another way to get eyes rolling in disbelief.

Partisan dog and pony shows, window dressing all rolled into one.

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