Has Trump actually requested a recount in any state?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.
recount not necessary.

1. trump claimed the electoral votes by tweet, using the magic word "hereby"

2. it is prima facie evident that votes not for trump are fraudulent.

Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
recount not necessary.

1. trump claimed the electoral votes by tweet, using the magic word "hereby"

2. it is prima facie evident that votes not for trump are fraudulent.


4. He claimed a whole bunch of swing states before Biden, which means he gets to keep them. I saw it on Newsmax, so it must be true.

Off the topic, but those of us who have been watching the NC vote (like, those of us who live and vote here), have seen that after election day plus 12 hours, the reported totals froze in place like Alaska. There was a small update yesterday and nothing since. Provisional ballots and mail-in ballots received after Monday, day before election day, were and still are the bulk of the uncounted. So yes there are many votes yet to be reported, which is why neither the POTUS race nor the Senate race has been called.
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What you all fail to realize is the Dems in charge of counting were mixing the fraudulent ballots in with the legit ones. If a recount can't distinguish between them, the only remedy may be new voting in specific places where the fraud was the most egregious.
You may think that's a long shot but with the amount of corruption involved it may be the only remedy
What you all fail to realize is the Dems in charge of counting were mixing the fraudulent ballots in with the legit ones. If a recount can't distinguish between them, the only remedy may be new voting in specific places where the fraud was the most egregious.
You may think that's a long shot but with the amount of corruption involved it may be the only remedy

The only time in recent memory that a re-vote was called was here in North Carolina where a (Republican) House candidate was found to be engaging in massive fraud and the whole election was thrown out.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

I'd make sure I'd cache it for the legal issues no doubt coming his way after he leaves office.
But hey, didn't Lindsey just front him 500K? That's a start. :)
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)
He doesn't need a recount-------he needs to prove election FRAUD. A recount just counts the ballots---it doesn't necessarily show where or how FRAUDULENT VOTES were put in say with dem poll workers "fixing" the ballots, or feinstein,pelosi,clinton computer software flipping votes from Trump to biden among other downhill races, or where poll workers were removing and destroying trump ballots. Testimony, video, and computer experts IN COURT do this--meaning Barrett (so happy RBG went away--far away.)
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

We Patriots would come up with that in 48 hours

Mr. President....if you need help please don't hesitate to let us know. It's not JUST YOUR fight.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

We Patriots would come up with that in 48 hours

Mr. President....if you need help please don't hesitate to let us know. It's not JUST YOUR fight.

I'm sure you suckers...erm...patriots would. You really believe this man is your savior.
Problem is, that money would all go to fund his legal issues...especially the ones he's going
to face when he's out of office.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

I'd make sure I'd cache it for the legal issues no doubt coming his way after he leaves office.
But hey, didn't Lindsey just front him 500K? That's a start. :)
Lindsey gave him 500K ? Wow! Bet it didn't come out of Lindsey's pocket. Probably be a down payment on the Media network Donnie wants to start. He ought to cut a deal with Rush to buy the EIB network.
I'm sure you suckers...erm...patriots would. You really believe this man is your savior.
Problem is, that money would all go to fund his legal issues...especially the ones he's going
to face when he's out of office.

Has noting to do with trump.

What part of "Corruption Bad" can you not relate to ?

Because the corruption is currently sitting in the White House and you people haven't said boo for four years.
But, that will be rectified shortly.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

We Patriots would come up with that in 48 hours

Mr. President....if you need help please don't hesitate to let us know. It's not JUST YOUR fight.
Doubt he really wants to blow money on a losing game.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

We Patriots would come up with that in 48 hours

Mr. President....if you need help please don't hesitate to let us know. It's not JUST YOUR fight.

Actually it is. Biden's popular vote margin is well past 4.8 million, heading for 5 (6?). And while that was going on Republicans in other Congressional contests didn't suffer the same repudiation. That means it was all about Rump.
Even a state where it is so close that he doesn't have pay for it. (Not that he is actually gonna reimburse any state even if he legally has to do so)

Not yet. I don't believe he can do that until the election is canvassed and certified. Right now, Georgia is the only state destined for an automatic recount because of the margin of vote separation.
WI is in that ballpark too but I have learned that the Trump campaign will actually have to pay for that recount if they request it. (and I wouldn't lift a finger for his campaign until that check clears).
The other states are outside the margin for an automatic recall. Elected officials are free to tell them to go pound sand and they are free to try and force it in court. But they better have a valid reason with concrete proof.
Otherwise, out those lawsuits go.

In WI, an automatic recount is triggered when the margin of the vote is <0.25%. A recount can be triggered if the margin is <1.0%, but it has to be paid for by the party requesting the vote.

The cost is $3 million. The Trump campaign has not put up the money.
Must not be worth it to them. Maybe the trumpers on here can start a Go-Fund-Me page.

We Patriots would come up with that in 48 hours

Mr. President....if you need help please don't hesitate to let us know. It's not JUST YOUR fight.

I'm sure you suckers...erm...patriots would. You really believe this man is your savior.
Problem is, that money would all go to fund his legal issues...especially the ones he's going
to face when he's out of office.
So like any good bananna republic---the communist dems plan on going after trouble even out of office to punish him for daring to stand up to him. I am still donating money to him....screw the evil fascist communists.

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