Has USmessageboard become a alt right echo chamber?

Wrong. Perfect example of my point. I'm against illegal immigration. I want to absolutely minimize it.

Thank you for, once again, proving my point about you.

Much appreciated.


To quote Ned Pepper in True Grit: “Thats bold talk from a one-eyed fat man”

I’m willing to consider your long-term approach if you are willing to deal with the immediate problem

we have a wound and the first step is to stop the bleeding

thats means zero illegal aliens entering the country through the southern border and summary deportation of the majority of illegals already here
Obviously you know more about baby dicks than I do.
I have 2 grandsons, and a half dozen nephews and great nephews that I have been required to change diapers on while babysitting.

Next bullshit post referring to me as a pedophile will not be taken well.
If leftists could make rational arguments for their beliefs, instead of screeching how unfair it is that people are allowed to disagree with them, perhaps you wouldn't think it's an echo chamber.
There are liberals willing to debate – but conservatives are unwilling to engage in good-faith debate.

Conservatives only respond with ridiculous fallacies, inane conspiracy theories, and lies.
And you're exactly the sort of leftist I was talking about.
you do know the alt right thing is all made of for simple minded people to focus on dont you??
There seems be an abundance of Democrat Posters on USMB.
Maybe some have left because they are in indefensible positions on the issues.
But most of the time Left Wingers just accuse mainstream people of being "racist".
It is their only tool and it is very dull from over usage.
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There seems be an abundance of Democrat Posters on USMB.
Maybe some have left because they are in indefensible positions on the issues.
But most of the time Left Wingers just accuse mainstream people of being "racist".
It is their only tool and it is very dull from over usage.
shout racism.jpg
I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
Sadly, most Social Media and many forums ban those disagreeing with Progressives. Many cyberrefugees come here.
Conservatives have been trying to get liberals to dabate them on t.v. and in public forever but they just won't. How many time did Hillary appear on fox news? "0". How about Obama? Twice, but sent his people in first to tell the show what they could asked and what they couldn't. Hannity has offered all of his air time to several leftist if they would come on his show. But again they won't. The left doesn't have the truth on their side, so will not debate because they know conservatives will use it against them.
And when Hannity doesn't like what he hears he cuts them off.
I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
You actually have to address the senior mod as mein Fuhrer Flatcan.

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