Has USmessageboard become a alt right echo chamber?

What on earth does USMB have to do with Congress making no law to abridge free speech? USMB does not allow 'free speech'. Speech on USMB is abridged, one has only to look at the rules to understand that.
There are legitimate restrictions on free speech like shouting "fire" in a crowded venue but the USMB is the best and most tolerant forum around. What's the problem?
I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
You really should see a professional about that. It could be macular degeneration!
And the left are intellectual giants who doesn't know how to google, or can't pull down their pants and figure out if they are a boy or girl?
Did I say that? Or was that your lack of self-esteem talking? (or lack of something else..................for sure)
Like those religious schools that hide the priest/ministers' molestation of children....even the killing of some and tens of secret graves.
The difference being Christians condemn the harm done to children by the gay priests whereas libs applaud pushing children toward alternative lifestyles
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Always has been
Leftwhiner’s usual ^baseless crap.

Never has been. Still isn’t.

In reality, USMB is infested with a pretty significant percentage of liberals or progressives or their ilk. It has a few “alt right” types — which is often conflated with “conservatives.” They aren’t the same. Neither is “neocon” of which there are some.

And then there are some conservatives.
I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.

You are spot on. This place is the tabernacle of right wing politics. Lefties enter at their peril.
But don't be afraid. All they post is lies, hate and hypocrisy. Thats easy to debate.
Dictionary.com {also "doesn't exist" in simple minded Lalaland}
a political movement originating on social media and online forums, composed of a segment of conservatives who support extreme right-wing ideologies, including white nationalism and anti-Semitism (often used attributively):
the face of the alt-right;
an alt-right candidate.
Dictionary.com {also "doesn't exist" in simple minded Lalaland}
Simple minded is going to the dictionary for political definitions.

Invented on social media, that's what your link says. Some little 5 year old kid came up with a meme and you fell for it


Lefties are so gullible they'll believe just about anything.

As a matter of fact they're so gullible they'll believe the same lie three times.

Russia Russia Russia

I'll bet that's in the dictionary too. :p
Leftwhiner’s usual ^baseless crap.

Never has been. Still isn’t.

In reality, USMB is infested with a pretty significant percentage of liberals or progressives or their ilk. It has a few “alt right” types — which is often conflated with “conservatives.” They aren’t the same. Neither is “neocon” of which there are some.

And then there are some conservatives.
About three of four posters are conservatives

Look at any thread and do the math

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