Has USmessageboard become a alt right echo chamber?

About three of four posters are conservatives

Look at any thread and do the math
Three out of four are conservative on MY feed ---- If I didn't have to boot so many leftists onto my Ignore list for their obscenity shrieking, there would be more lefties.

And a lot more Russkies, too.
Is there one, single leftist here who has ANY understanding of what actual liberal ideology entails?

Actual Liberalism is egalitarian in nature. It does not assign people to tribes and then pit tribes against one another.

Actual Liberalism is not coercive in nature. It does not demand lock-step conformity or be cancelled.

Actual Liberalism acts to protect the weak against the powerful. It does not shut down the little guy so Jeff Bezos can become the world's first trillionaire.

Actual Liberalism is predicated upon the notion of free speech. It does not act as the chief agent restricting it.

Actual liberalism maximizes people's ability to make their own decisions in life. It does not demand they inject unproven substances into their body.

The problem in perception here isn't so much of left vs right, but between ignorant, ultra-conformist authoritarians and those intelligent enough to see through all their bullshit.
No I've never been in one. I'm not a libturd so sexually confused I have a 50% chance of offing

You people are dangerous and mentally ill you GD brainwashed fairy
Why worry about having gay sex when only gays do? You should feel comfortable knowing they won't have anything to do with you. Man up dude.
Why worry about having gay sex when only gays do? You should feel comfortable knowing they won't have anything to do with you. Man up dude.
I'm not going to listen to gender confused fools like you, danny, Colon and all your other anal cavity buddies
I'm not going to listen to gender confused fools like you, danny, Colon and all your other anal cavity buddies
I bet you think that you might give off gay pheromones and somehow it may result into gay submission.

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