Has USmessageboard become a alt right echo chamber?

I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
I think the problem is Democrat supporters have become so detached from reality that everyone else seems conservative to them.

I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
You've been here less than 2 years. You have NO POINT OF REFERENCE for what this board was or has become lol
We are all banned from Democrat underground or political forums to name a few
14-15 years ago or so, I was a member of a conservative message board. Some of the members had successfully moled DU for years without ever being discovered. However, no liberal ever moled the conservative board. They'd out themselves immediately by saying stupid shit like "Hey, guys, staunch Republican here! I think I'll go to my local Walmart this weekend and shoot some black people!"

The moral of the story: Conservatives can fool liberals into believing they're liberal. Liberals can't fool conservatives.
14-15 years ago or so, I was a member of a conservative message board. Some of the members had successfully moled DU for years without ever being discovered. However, no liberal ever moled the conservative board. They'd out themselves immediately by saying stupid shit like "Hey, guys, staunch Republican here! I think I'll go to my local Walmart this weekend and shoot some black people!"

The moral of the story: Conservatives can fool liberals into believing they're liberal. Liberals can't fool conservatives.
I was on a message board years ago that had a liberal only room.

It's been a few years since I bothered to look around I like USMB
I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
I don't disagree, but I don't like extremists of any kind. They are rarely rational. Many or most of the alt-right posters preach to their choir, and I prefer intelligent discussion with facts, preferably.
Like the GOP, the USMB is a big tent. You can post what you think and defend it or you can whine about the unfairness of the 1st Amendment. Your choice.
I see mostly Conservative types posting on here and seems to be a echo chamber of alt right types who agree with one another and no liberals to debate them on the issues.
One can only hope so ---- I wish. There are a lot of cursing leftists, however, always swearing dirty, and a bazumpteen Russian paid propagandists for Putin. You can tell them by their awkward bad syntax, and they are here only to cause dissention.
Like the GOP, the USMB is a big tent. You can post what you think and defend it or you can whine about the unfairness of the 1st Amendment. Your choice.
What on earth does USMB have to do with Congress making no law to abridge free speech? USMB does not allow 'free speech'. Speech on USMB is abridged, one has only to look at the rules to understand that.
I was on a message board years ago that had a liberal only room.

It's been a few years since I bothered to look around I like USMB
This is the only political board I've EVER been on. And the only reason I'm still here is the people.
Politics really isn't that high on my list of priorities believe it or not.
I joined when the economy collapsed and just kind of stuck around out of habit.
The harm done to children is everyone’s business
Like those religious schools that hide the priest/ministers' molestation of children....even the killing of some and tens of secret graves.

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