Hate crime charges dropped for assaulting white couple

on the night of june 1, 2008, a mob of nearly two dozen black teenagers stormed through the streets of mount clemens, michigan, robbing and beating any white person who crossed their path (see article here).

One white man was talking on a payphone outside a gas station when he was accosted by the mob. He tried to run into the gas station to safety, but the attendant had already locked the door when he saw the mob approaching. As the man desperately pounded on the locked door, he was surrounded by the mob and savagely beaten. Workers would later have to wash the victim's blood from the front of the door.

Not a hate crime per Eric Holder...the victim was white.
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We really could start a thread of racist attacks on whites all over the world but it would just get moved to badlands or some such crap. I don't even waste my time really...
In an even more violent incident, a car driven by Andy Kaufmann, a 29-year-old white father of three, was surrounded and a brick was thrown through the window. Andy was beaten unconscious and left with a fractured skull. He sustained permanent brain damage and will never be the same. Andy's wife Angelina, who was sitting in the passenger seat on the night of the attack and who watched helplessly as her husband was nearly killed, laments, “I miss the Andy I used to know."

Not a hate crime per Eric Holder...the victim was white.
In hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder settled Hackel's question of whether hate crime laws protect whites: they don't.
In hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder settled Hackel's question of whether hate crime laws protect whites: they don't.

Yep, I've been telling people the same shit forever.
Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, June 25. Holder said that hate crime laws are designed to protect only groups such that have been targeted on a "historical basis" such as African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, and gays.

Let's see the law on that, Holder. Let's see the damn law!

The scum should be bred out of existence.

I prefer a quicker response than that.Sterilize them maybe but I want faster...like bullet quick!
The law actually says...

A hate crime is a criminal offense committed against persons, property or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by an offender's bias against an individual's or a group's race, religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. (Definition developed at the 1998 IACP Summit on Hate Crime in America.) - See more at:
Responding to Hate Crimes: Police Officer's Guide

Responding to Hate Crimes: Police Officer's Guide

Holder is a RACIST!

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