Hate crimes in the us , notice none are of the slightest interest to democrats.


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016

Everyone of these are hate party issues , not one that democrats care about.
Can I just point out that between Votto and the OP there is no sense to be made between the two. The OP is I think saying that Democrats ignore hate crimes and Votto seems to be saying the Dems politicize them.
Can I just point out that between Votto and the OP there is no sense to be made between the two. The OP is I think saying that Democrats ignore hate crimes and Votto seems to be saying the Dems politicize them.
All the while refusing to recognize what the Repubs do on the subject.
Tell me of a political party that doesn't do that.
The GOP does not seem to care about obtaining power. You have morons like "W" and Romney voting for Biden, for example.

Really there is only one party in Washington, and it is dedicated to giving power to the DNC.
All the while refusing to recognize what the Repubs do on the subject.
Encourage it?

Really ,the reason these hate crimes are all committed by the right is because they are their issues , Democrats don't give a dam about any of these. All this type of hate is right wing.

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Oooohhhhh. I thought you were saying Democrats don't care about hate crimes like as whether they happen or not. You mean Democrats aren't involved in the feelings and issues that create hate crimes.

Mostly I agree.
They only care about what they can politicize.

Power is what they care about, not people.
LOL If you truly believe this you are insane. But I doubt you're insane, you are a damn liar and a hater of democracy and the Democratic Party.

Q. Why?

[The facts are the Democratic Party passed the ACA, Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Medicaid, the Democratic Party is The Big Tent Party, it integrated our armed forces in 1948; further integrated Women and homosexuals to serve in combat unit: Each one of these equal opportunities and equal rights have been opposed by the Republican Party.]

A. You cannot respond and answer the question honestly.
Can I just point out that between Votto and the OP there is no sense to be made between the two. The OP is I think saying that Democrats ignore hate crimes and Votto seems to be saying the Dems politicize them.
Both are true. When the democrats are out of power they politicize hate crimes, when they are in power, they ignore them. It’s all about power politics.
It's not about democrats, it's about the MSM media that has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. If it becomes politically expedient to hunt down "rednecks" for abusing dykes on bikes or hairy guys in dresses it will become a major issue once again.
Both are true. When the democrats are out of power they politicize hate crimes, when they are in power, they ignore them. It’s all about power politics.
That's so stupid , why would democrats do that, hate crimes by definition, which I gave on the first comment here are all done by the right. Democrats don't give a dam about race religion or sexual orientation. Since that makes up just about every hate crime that exists then we know who does these hate crimes by them just telling us all what they hate . Yup that would be your red neck, right wing bigots, Muslim hating immigrant haters, Xenophobes and homophobic. .
Both are true. When the democrats are out of power they politicize hate crimes, when they are in power, they ignore them. It’s all about power politics.
Not true. Recent example are the violent attacks on Asians and the hateful comments of those on our Southern Border.
Hate crimes?

Democrats only care about hate crimes of a certain very rare type that they can use to say that anyone who doesn't vote Democrat is a Nazi.

This is how the DemocraTaliban operates.
Stupid. Hate crimes is defined by someone other then the brain dead Right. Hate crimes are against race . religion and sexual orientation , showing a bias against these. Democrats have no bias against any of these , only you haters do.

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