Zone1 Hate Preacher Gives Vile Sermon Calling for LGBTQ+ to Be ‘Shot in the Back of the Head’

That was just phony resistance talk trying to distract from the real truth. So, what about MLK's statement against abortion calling in murder? Do you liberals now cast away MLK as your prophet and now reject the civil right's fight? See, I really believe liberal Democrats to day are flaming racists and show it through CRT. As far as good or bad, there is only one choice, good or bad. You try to justify choosing bad by this idea of gray areas. LOL!
Holy shit you are dense! Or are you just playing stupid. Not sure which. Actually I think that you are just playing a sick and depraved game here. I do have a problem with anyone who bleats that abortion is murder. But as I said, I can respect someone who opposes abortion if they are really pro life in all respects as was MLK. THe so called pro lifers of today who scream that abortion is murder do not have a problem with allowing weapons of war to flood out communities, or taking health care away from families That is just sick!

Pushing CRT is racist? That is totally stupid and dishonest. How the fuck is teaching the truth about the history of racism racist. What you actually mean is that it exposes the white to criticism for past and prensent transgessions. You are terrified of that because YOU are a racist. I am white and have no problem facing the truth and taking responsibility for historic and current systemic racism.

But thank you for admitting that you are only capable of simplist, binary thinking as opposed to having the intellect to understand the complexity of these issues
Shall we take these one at a time? Start with Guns.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Do you have comprehension problems with this? Democrat leftists are the exact reason for this as we see now your true colors over this 4th of July weekend. Statements from politicians, actors and leftwing media pundits stating we have to tear down the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and start over. Which has been the Progressive desire for the past 100 years. No, we are not going to tear down our Country just because you lost your precious Roe decision and gave back democracy to the people in the states they live in. You aren't getting your way with the right to bear Arms either. You are seeing the destruction of the country due to Biden and see this as a good time to try and tear it all down. Well, we aren't going to let you. The last time I looked, conservatives by far have more guns than liberals. And we sill not allow that to be infringed. Aside of the militia and police, the people get to keep our guns and religion and you have no authority to infringe upon this.
Back to the gun issue and I'm assuming you are talking about the deaths of mass shootings. Yet, you liberals Democrats say nothing about the deaths from gang members killing each other by the thousands each year. You want to take guns from the good people when you know very well that the bad people will not turn their guns in. They will continue to get guns illegally. Then, there is the fact that statistics say from the police and federal agencies that over 2 million people a year are alive because they were carrying a gun to stop a potential murder and other violent attacks by criminals. But, you want to take away guns so those people will die by the millions. Guess that will help in your stupid population control nonsense.
Holy Shit WHAT Gish Gallop much ? Get a fucking grip!

His speech is ridiculous and since he appointed himself a leader of the flock, he should spare a moment to think about what God might have lined up for him (as he will be judged more harshly than his congregants).

That said--I hope you're not really serious about sending him to GITMO for these vile sermons. They are vile. But they are also...sermons. Speeches, IOW. You don't send people to prison for speech. First Amendment, anyone?

The first amendment actually has limits.

Like you can't shout "fire" in a crowded theater, you can't say certain words like "bomb" on a airplane or at a airport.

I think i read where Don Imus(yes i know he's dead) got fired from his radio show or such over using the N word.

The first amendment actually has limits.

Like you can't shout "fire" in a crowded theater, you can't say certain words like "bomb" on a airplane or at a airport.

I think i read where Don Imus(yes i know he's dead) got fired from his radio show or such over using the N word.

Of course your employer can fire you for saying the wrong thing. That's...not first amendment protection. 1st Amendment protection means you cannot persecute this guy, the preacher in the video, like jailing him which was drunkenly proposed in this thread, for saying things you don't like.

Now, how many more anti-Christian threads is USMB gonna endure from you before we get to the real issue here? Or will we ever.
Holy shit you are dense! Or are you just playing stupid. Not sure which. Actually I think that you are just playing a sick and depraved game here. I do have a problem with anyone who bleats that abortion is murder. But as I said, I can respect someone who opposes abortion if they are really pro life in all respects as was MLK. THe so called pro lifers of today who scream that abortion is murder do not have a problem with allowing weapons of war to flood out communities, or taking health care away from families That is just sick!

Pushing CRT is racist? That is totally stupid and dishonest. How the fuck is teaching the truth about the history of racism racist. What you actually mean is that it exposes the white to criticism for past and prensent transgessions. You are terrified of that because YOU are a racist. I am white and have no problem facing the truth and taking responsibility for historic and current systemic racism.

But thank you for admitting that you are only capable of simplist, binary thinking as opposed to having the intellect to understand the complexity of these issues
Abortion on demand is murder for the purpose of killing unborn children as MLK said. And, with blacks, it was instituted with Sanger's Plan Parenthood to eliminate blacks or at least control their numbers growth. That's what MLK was talking about. You are really dense.
Yes, CRT calls out white people today being racist because of our ancestors. That is what they actually teach. You can listen and watch TV programs with you side's pundits saying the same thing. And, CRT tries to judge the people back in 1776 with our standards of today. There would never be a United States of America without Jefferson or Washington, two southerners who owned slaves. In the south, rich and land owners, you were required to own slaves, especially as a politician. Jefferson was the perfect person to get the country united from the beginning in 1776, not 1619. Almost a sheep in wolveskins. Think about that statement. Without the southern colonies, we would not have won the Revolutionary War, there would have been no Lincoln and possibly still having states with slaves. CRT doesn't recognize this. It's you that doesn't understand the complexity of the beginnings of what is now the beacon of liberty and freedom where we have hundreds of thousands of people fighting to get into our country every month. No, we are not racist because we are white and we have no reason to be ashamed of those who owned slaves just because they were white. There were also blacks who owned slaves as well. So did American Indians like the Apache. Like a baby, the country had to grow up over time. It has and now you guys on the left want to tear it all down and can the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Stupid is as stupid does.
Abortion on demand is murder for the purpose of killing unborn children as MLK said. And, with blacks, it was instituted with Sanger's Plan Parenthood to eliminate blacks or at least control their numbers growth. That's what MLK was talking about
that changes nothing. I stand by what I said. The anti abortion stance of MLK was a lot differennt than the so called right to life crowd today. King was really pro life and while I do not agree with the abortion is murder rhetoric, I can respect someone who believes that if they are truely pro life in all respects
Yes, CRT calls out white people today being racist because of our ancestors. That is what they actually teach. You can listen and watch TV programs with you side's pundits saying the same thing. And, CRT tries to judge the people back in 1776 with our standards of today. There would never be a United States of America without Jefferson or Washington, two southerners who owned slaves. In the south, rich and land owners, you were required to own slaves, especially as a politician. Jefferson was the perfect person to get the country united from the beginning in 1776, not 1619. Almost a sheep in wolveskins. Think about that statement. Without the southern colonies, we would not have won the Revolutionary War, there would have been no Lincoln and possibly still having states with slaves. CRT doesn't recognize this. It's you that doesn't understand the complexity of the beginnings of what is now the beacon of liberty and freedom where we have hundreds of thousands of people fighting to get into our country every month. No, we are not racist because we are white and we have no reason to be ashamed of those who owned slaves just because they were white. There were also blacks who owned slaves as well. So did American Indians like the Apache. Like a baby, the country had to grow up over time. It has and now you guys on the left want to tear it all down and can the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Stupid is as stupid does.
You have an abysmal understanding of CRT. It is not just about the past. It is about the continuation of systemic and institutional racism today. Children havebeen short chanedby an educational system that has largely white washed the passed and ignores the problems of the present . We cannot move forward until we acknowkedge and understand how we got here andthe lingering effects of the past
that changes nothing. I stand by what I said. The anti abortion stance of MLK was a lot differennt than the so called right to life crowd today. King was really pro life and while I do not agree with the abortion is murder rhetoric, I can respect someone who believes that if they are truely pro life in all respects
You are just using phony resistance by your smoke screen that republican right to lifers don't also believe in the right to life after birth. That is just the most ignorant and really stupid statement of the century. The right to life also includes defending oneself. If you really believe I have a right to life being born already, then you should also let me defend myself against someone with a gun, or any other weapon, with a gun too. Libs like yourself think that the victims have no rights and certainly no right to defend themselves. When is the last time you heard a politician in a large city with gang shootings every day talk about disarming the criminals doing the killing? Never! All they talk about are AR-15 when there is a mass shooting of mostly white victims or little children. There's little coverage of mass shootings done at black churches. This is all about centering in on confiscating guns from white people, isn't it?
You have an abysmal understanding of CRT. It is not just about the past. It is about the continuation of systemic and institutional racism today. Children havebeen short chanedby an educational system that has largely white washed the passed and ignores the problems of the present . We cannot move forward until we acknowkedge and understand how we got here andthe lingering effects of the past
No, you haven't looked at CRT training, have you? It's all about white shaming in the present calling white's racist because of the past. Let me also remind you that most of the large cities in the country where most of the problems exist like Chicago are run by Democrats who are Black. So are their educational organizations as well. The National Education Department is run by liberal Democrats as well and has been for decades. The Teacher's Unions are all run by liberal Democrats too. If you think that black children are being short changed, then look no further than the Democrat Party and their CRT-1619 Projects. Instead of teaching the children reading, writing and arithmetic, they are teaching Black children to hate White children and for White children to hate themselves. No wonder we have more and more mass shootings by white young men.
You have a very different version of the Bible than I do. Is that the special ISIL edition?
Well, he didn't stone the adulterous prostitute. But, he also told her to go and sin no more. I'm sure he probably did speak on LGBTQ activities in the house of ill-repute. And, as you remember, he was chased out with the sinners trying to stone him to death. His mouth piece, Paul, certainly did speak on the issue as well as did other apostles in the New Testament. Romans chapter one is a prime example.
As soon as we see and hear the left stop their (your) insane desire to tear down the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and call them written by white racists and too old to be useful today in our society. Both are even more important in today's world than ever before.
Who the fuck suggested tearing up the Constitution? Oh, right. Trump actually did tear it up
No, you haven't looked at CRT training, have you? It's all about white shaming in the present calling white's racist because of the past. Let me also remind you that most of the large cities in the country where most of the problems exist like Chicago are run by Democrats who are Black. So are their educational organizations as well. The National Education Department is run by liberal Democrats as well and has been for decades. The Teacher's Unions are all run by liberal Democrats too. If you think that black children are being short changed, then look no further than the Democrat Party and their CRT-1619 Projects. Instead of teaching the children reading, writing and arithmetic, they are teaching Black children to hate White children and for White children to hate themselves. No wonder we have more and more mass shootings by white young men.
More inane equine excrement. I doubt that you read a damned thing about CRT except what is published in right wing propaganda rags
You are just using phony resistance by your smoke screen that republican right to lifers don't also believe in the right to life after birth. That is just the most ignorant and really stupid statement of the century. The right to life also includes defending oneself. If you really believe I have a right to life being born already, then you should also let me defend myself against someone with a gun, or any other weapon, with a gun too. Libs like yourself think that the victims have no rights and certainly no right to defend themselves. When is the last time you heard a politician in a large city with gang shootings every day talk about disarming the criminals doing the killing? Never! All they talk about are AR-15 when there is a mass shooting of mostly white victims or little children. There's little coverage of mass shootings done at black churches. This is all about centering in on confiscating guns from white people, isn't it?
Let me see if Igot this right. You are saying that you don't know that for the most part, the people who cry "abortion is murder" are the same people who appose universal health care, want to cut nutritional programs, oppose affordable pre school and day care, and much more in the way of programs that improve the lives of children and families? If that is your position, you are either lying or living in an air tight bubble

As for as guns go, many more kids die frpom guns than will ever be saved by them. Having said that ,no oneis saying that you can't have a gun

I don't doubt that there is a high degree of correlation between the "right to lifers" and those who do not want the AR 15 banned. That is a real fucking joke!
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Who the fuck suggested tearing up the Constitution? Oh, right. Trump actually did tear it up
Baloney! No, he did not tear anything up. Look at some of the threads in this forum and you will find statement from the loony left that we declare independence from our Constitution and start over. Over with what? Communism of course. That's what your side wants. Google this and you will hear it. Watch CNN, MSNBC.
Baloney! No, he did not tear anything up. Look at some of the threads in this forum and you will find statement from the loony left that we declare independence from our Constitution and start over. Over with what? Communism of course. That's what your side wants. Google this and you will hear it. Watch CNN, MSNBC.
I realize that your concrete thinking results in your taking it literally when I say that Trump tore up the Constitution. No he did not physically tear it up. He figurativly pissed all over it and showed no respect for it such as when he declaired that the Presidenthas unlimited power

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