Have Republicans flip-flopped on "Trickle Down"?

Boss, they don't pay corporate taxes. There are so many fookin' loopholes and shelters that we the taxpayers are giving them refunds!

You wanna suck up to them, fine, but the rest of America's sick of it.

No, we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. There are some loopholes but most of them are creations of establishment politicians from both sides to repay their donors. I don't stick up for crony corporatists, they are killing American small business faster and more efficiently than liberal socialists. But none of this has anything to do with income tax rates or the "top 1%" of wealth in the country.

And I think what America is sick of is a bunch of rich liberals telling us we're poor because of other rich people.
More Than 90% Of US Businesses Don't Pay The Corporate Income Tax

Don't be such an idiot. It embarrasses the board.
Now that the GOP has flip flopped on the income gap, do they still subscribe to "trickle down"?

"Many big companies have not created jobs in the U.S. Instead, they’ve taken many of their jobs to countries with the cheapest labor, the least regulations and few employee rights. This flies in the face of the Republicans’ concern that taxes on the rich means fewer jobs," she said.

Betty Sutton says that on average, 15 U.S. factories close each day

jobs to countries with the cheapest labor, the least regulations and few employee rights
Now that's what Republicans call "good business".
Now that the GOP has flip flopped on the income gap, do they still subscribe to "trickle down"?

"Many big companies have not created jobs in the U.S. Instead, they’ve taken many of their jobs to countries with the cheapest labor, the least regulations and few employee rights. This flies in the face of the Republicans’ concern that taxes on the rich means fewer jobs," she said.

Betty Sutton says that on average, 15 U.S. factories close each day

jobs to countries with the cheapest labor, the least regulations and few employee rights
Now that's what Republicans call "good business".

Betty Sutton is an idiot moron like you. What corporations do is UNRELATED to individual US income tax rates! The businesses affected by an increase in top marginal income tax rates are the small businesses who file as individuals on tax returns... they don't outsource.
Boss, they don't pay corporate taxes. There are so many fookin' loopholes and shelters that we the taxpayers are giving them refunds!

You wanna suck up to them, fine, but the rest of America's sick of it.

No, we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. There are some loopholes but most of them are creations of establishment politicians from both sides to repay their donors. I don't stick up for crony corporatists, they are killing American small business faster and more efficiently than liberal socialists. But none of this has anything to do with income tax rates or the "top 1%" of wealth in the country.

And I think what America is sick of is a bunch of rich liberals telling us we're poor because of other rich people.
More Than 90% Of US Businesses Don't Pay The Corporate Income Tax

Don't be such an idiot. It embarrasses the board.

WTF? I just said that crony corporatists exploit loopholes which are created for them by politicos whom they own. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.. go fact check that if you don't believe me. However, as you say, 90% of them don't pay it because they have their loopholes! That's simply not going to change by raising the tax rates. If anything, it just gives the politicos another opportunity to create more loopholes for their crony corporatist donors.
Boss, they don't pay corporate taxes. There are so many fookin' loopholes and shelters that we the taxpayers are giving them refunds!

You wanna suck up to them, fine, but the rest of America's sick of it.

No, we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. There are some loopholes but most of them are creations of establishment politicians from both sides to repay their donors. I don't stick up for crony corporatists, they are killing American small business faster and more efficiently than liberal socialists. But none of this has anything to do with income tax rates or the "top 1%" of wealth in the country.

And I think what America is sick of is a bunch of rich liberals telling us we're poor because of other rich people.
More Than 90% Of US Businesses Don't Pay The Corporate Income Tax

Don't be such an idiot. It embarrasses the board.

WTF? I just said that crony corporatists exploit loopholes which are created for them by politicos whom they own. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.. go fact check that if you don't believe me. However, as you say, 90% of them don't pay it because they have their loopholes! That's simply not going to change by raising the tax rates. If anything, it just gives the politicos another opportunity to create more loopholes for their crony corporatist donors.
Then why bring up the high corporate tax rate if they don't pay? That's just plain stupid.

Betty Sutton is an idiot moron like you. And she is right. Just like me. If corporations don't pay taxes, then that has to be made up from somewhere. And where do you think that somewhere is?
Boss, they don't pay corporate taxes. There are so many fookin' loopholes and shelters that we the taxpayers are giving them refunds!

You wanna suck up to them, fine, but the rest of America's sick of it.

No, we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. There are some loopholes but most of them are creations of establishment politicians from both sides to repay their donors. I don't stick up for crony corporatists, they are killing American small business faster and more efficiently than liberal socialists. But none of this has anything to do with income tax rates or the "top 1%" of wealth in the country.

And I think what America is sick of is a bunch of rich liberals telling us we're poor because of other rich people.
More Than 90% Of US Businesses Don't Pay The Corporate Income Tax

Don't be such an idiot. It embarrasses the board.

WTF? I just said that crony corporatists exploit loopholes which are created for them by politicos whom they own. The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.. go fact check that if you don't believe me. However, as you say, 90% of them don't pay it because they have their loopholes! That's simply not going to change by raising the tax rates. If anything, it just gives the politicos another opportunity to create more loopholes for their crony corporatist donors.
Then why bring up the high corporate tax rate if they don't pay? That's just plain stupid.

Betty Sutton is an idiot moron like you. And she is right. Just like me. If corporations don't pay taxes, then that has to be made up from somewhere. And where do you think that somewhere is?

No... SOME corporations pay high corporate tax rates. And what the fuck do you mean it has to be be made up? Do you somehow think you are entitled to someone's money? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You'll need to cut some of those entitlement programs! We've got a $19 trillion debt. Do you just think we're going to keep on taxing and spending money? NO! It's fucking got to STOP!

The US Corporate tax rate needs to be at about 10% and eliminate the loopholes. I would like to see it at 0% for a period of time in order to stimulate growth. BUT... NONE of this has anything to do with Income Tax rates. You can raise the top marginal income tax rates to 100% and it doesn't affect Corporations. They don't pay income taxes. Neither do most wealthy people... they've already earned their incomes... they're wealthy now.

When you reduce the top marginal income tax rates it generates MORE revenue! This has been proven time and time again. You cut the rate and more people are encouraged to earn higher income, thus more taxes are collected. When you increase the top marginal rate, the opposite happens. people are discouraged from earning higher incomes and there are less taxes collected as a result. PLUS... cutting the top marginal rates helps small businesses who hire 80% of the people in this country.

And here is another thing to try and get through your thick bony head... EVERY free market economy is "trickle down" because that is precisely how economics work in a free market.
The problem is that with corporations claiming personhood and individual rights, there is no check on these collective institutions with greater power, similar to govt, vs. individuals.

Corporations did not claim personhood. That is a liberal left-wing meme which you apparently bought into. Back during the 2008 elections, a company produced a video about then-candidate Hillary Clinton. The FEC declared the company had violated CFR laws which were new and unchallenged in court... the company sued and their case went before SCOTUS. The Supreme Court ruled the company was within it's 1st Amendment rights to free political speech to release and sell the video. This nullified that aspect of CFR as unconstitutional. Prior to CFR there wouldn't have been a case and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Corporations are comprised of people and people retain their constitutional rights without regard for the group they belong to. It's unconstitutional to deny them rights on the basis of their group. Corporations are not humanless lumbering entities operating of their own volition... they are groups of people who have the same constitutional rights as everyone else.

Fucking horsehit.

Where in the COtUS does it address that corporations have the same rights as citizens ie people?

Point that out to me.

You really believe that a person lets say making 80k a year wouldnt accept a job paying 200k a year BECAUSE they would be in a higher tax bracket?

LMAO. Boss, you are that stupid but the rest of us working folks are not.

Bos says; NONONO dont offer me that high paying job, my taxes will go up.

You are ignorant dude.
The problem is that with corporations claiming personhood and individual rights, there is no check on these collective institutions with greater power, similar to govt, vs. individuals.

Corporations did not claim personhood. That is a liberal left-wing meme which you apparently bought into. Back during the 2008 elections, a company produced a video about then-candidate Hillary Clinton. The FEC declared the company had violated CFR laws which were new and unchallenged in court... the company sued and their case went before SCOTUS. The Supreme Court ruled the company was within it's 1st Amendment rights to free political speech to release and sell the video. This nullified that aspect of CFR as unconstitutional. Prior to CFR there wouldn't have been a case and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Corporations are comprised of people and people retain their constitutional rights without regard for the group they belong to. It's unconstitutional to deny them rights on the basis of their group. Corporations are not humanless lumbering entities operating of their own volition... they are groups of people who have the same constitutional rights as everyone else.

Fucking horsehit.

Where in the COtUS does it address that corporations have the same rights as citizens ie people?

Point that out to me.
Mitt Romney says corporations are people. Isn't that enough
The problem is that with corporations claiming personhood and individual rights, there is no check on these collective institutions with greater power, similar to govt, vs. individuals.

Corporations did not claim personhood. That is a liberal left-wing meme which you apparently bought into. Back during the 2008 elections, a company produced a video about then-candidate Hillary Clinton. The FEC declared the company had violated CFR laws which were new and unchallenged in court... the company sued and their case went before SCOTUS. The Supreme Court ruled the company was within it's 1st Amendment rights to free political speech to release and sell the video. This nullified that aspect of CFR as unconstitutional. Prior to CFR there wouldn't have been a case and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Corporations are comprised of people and people retain their constitutional rights without regard for the group they belong to. It's unconstitutional to deny them rights on the basis of their group. Corporations are not humanless lumbering entities operating of their own volition... they are groups of people who have the same constitutional rights as everyone else.

Fucking horsehit.

Where in the COtUS does it address that corporations have the same rights as citizens ie people?

Point that out to me.

The corporate entity doesn't have citizen rights and no one has ever claimed that. If that were the case, corporations could vote, corporations could draw Social Security, corporations could hold political offices, etc. Obviously, this is ridiculous. It is the MEME that has developed in light of the recent Citizens United ruling of SCOTUS... and it's total absolute BULLSHIT!

Corporations are groups comprised of individual people. According to our Constitution, those people have inherent and unalienable rights which cannot be denied on the basis of the group in which they belong.... in this case, a Corporation. Because they act together as a Corporation, does not diminish their rights in any way. It's no different than saying... we want to deny the rights of people to speak because they belong to the KKK or Black Panthers. We can't do that... they have their rights regardless of their group.
The problem is that with corporations claiming personhood and individual rights, there is no check on these collective institutions with greater power, similar to govt, vs. individuals.

Corporations did not claim personhood. That is a liberal left-wing meme which you apparently bought into. Back during the 2008 elections, a company produced a video about then-candidate Hillary Clinton. The FEC declared the company had violated CFR laws which were new and unchallenged in court... the company sued and their case went before SCOTUS. The Supreme Court ruled the company was within it's 1st Amendment rights to free political speech to release and sell the video. This nullified that aspect of CFR as unconstitutional. Prior to CFR there wouldn't have been a case and it wouldn't have been an issue.

Corporations are comprised of people and people retain their constitutional rights without regard for the group they belong to. It's unconstitutional to deny them rights on the basis of their group. Corporations are not humanless lumbering entities operating of their own volition... they are groups of people who have the same constitutional rights as everyone else.

Fucking horsehit.

Where in the COtUS does it address that corporations have the same rights as citizens ie people?

Point that out to me.

Dear Wilbur Right and Boss
Do you mind stepping out and taking this into the Bullring:
I'd like to see it settled how can Corporations be given equal rights WITHOUT CHECK
compared to individual citizens, when Corporations can just disband under one name,
then reincorporate under another entity name and continue doing the same abuses without check
after they are caught. What individual has the right to change names, expunge their past record of abuses, and continue under a new persona? Even if you declare bankruptcy that is on your credit under your name. You can't go grab another ID and start over as a new person. But Corporations can.
Boss do you want to address that?

EX1: MAXXAM corporation and the Headwaters Forest
What individuals can mow down whole sectors of endangered redwood, rainforest and river ecosystems,
while "individuals" who try to petition have to face (A) board and bureaucratic rules for addressing this "corporation" in charge, a whole team of people all blaming "the board" instead of individual accountability; where even the SHAREHOLDERS complaining could not influence "the board" without massive lawsuits the "average individual CANNOT AFFORD" (B) a corporate entity with a million times more money, influence and ability to hire lawyers to defend their interests that is NOT EQUAL to a "single human being" or three or a whole union of workers trying to save sustainable logging jobs that were lost.

Boss the fact that taxpayers spent est. 1.6 BILLION dollars bailing out junk bonds that MAXXAM corporation used to seize pristine wilderness for gutting, before it went under and ran off with the profits it bled out,
doesn't that tell you that corporations have UNEQUAL power that "individual citizens" cannot check and balance without some CONSTITUTIONAL CHECKS on the collective authority, influence and resources?

EX2: This happened in Houston: a "nonprofit" was caught in a conflict of interest with the City Mayor who gave them a 3.4 million dollar grant from taxpayer's money; the AG received complaints and confirmed the conflict so the head of the nonprofit stepped down, but this "nonprofit" continued anyway, paying their board high salaries, and doing the same abusive seizure and destruction of nation history instead of building houses as under the contract. the nonprofit even CHANGED the contract from 350 houses to 150 and the same Mayor approved letting them keep the same money. Went they went bankrupt, the property got laundered over to some other "nonprofit" run by the city. So with the historic houses destroyed by a "private nonprofit that didn't have to follow federal laws" now the city can take over the land devoid of the houses that would have incurred federal preservation laws they didn't want to follow. Money and property laundering abusing nonprofit corps.

Boss can you honestly tell me that any individual is going to have equal legal protection from what a corporation like MAXXAM can do or has done?

Do you remember the international lawsuits by CORPORATIONS claiming the individual right to pollute water systems with hazardous substances in order to conduct business under the free trade acts or "their business would otherwise be harmed by the ban of certain toxins."

Wilbur Right I am coming at this from the viewpoint that Corporations can do more UNCHECKED damage to individuals than a single individual. Collective power requires some collective check, like the Bill of Rights is used to check government. I am arguing that Corporations have something MORE than just the individual rights combined, but COLLECTIVE influence that becomes an entity on its own that none of the individual members can check by themselves.

Boss keeps arguing about CU and the campaign financing which is just one issue and not what I am worried about. I am worried about mass destruction and mass pollution by Corporate entities that can just dissolve and go bankrupt and nobody has to answer for the damages.

Boss and Wilbur Right can we address this? here or in the Bullring?
I don't believe the Right is flip flopping on income equality ... it just takes them 3 or 4 decades to figure out they are wrong about something.

Remember when Democrats brought up the fact that the top 1% weren't being taxed fairly? Republicans would say you are just jealous. That those are the "job CREATORS" and the "Producers"?

Their entire plan was that if you get enough money to the "job CREATORS" they will create jobs.

Well, now the corporations are making money hand over fist. The income gap is enormous.

And Republicans are now complaining about the income gap? But I thought that was the plan?

Who is complaining about the income gap?

The only time I hear it mentioned by Republicans is when we point out that it got larger under Obama, despite his claim that it's a bad thing.
Remember when Democrats brought up the fact that the top 1% weren't being taxed fairly? Republicans would say you are just jealous. That those are the "job CREATORS" and the "Producers"?

Their entire plan was that if you get enough money to the "job CREATORS" they will create jobs.

Well, now the corporations are making money hand over fist. The income gap is enormous.

And Republicans are now complaining about the income gap? But I thought that was the plan?

Which GOP are you talking about? The Establishment GOP who are beholden to crony corporatists and Big Government? Or the Conservative base of the GOP?

And why do you continue to yammer about the "top 1%" in relation to income taxes? We don't tax wealth in America, we tax earned incomes. Those who are paying the taxes on the top 1% of earned income are not "the wealthiest 1%" Two different things.

Corporations don't pay income tax. They pay corporate taxes. You can raise the income tax rates to 100% and it doesn't bother corporations at all. The top income earners in America are mostly small business entrepreneurs. They create about 80% of the jobs in America and when you raise their taxes it hurts their ability to create new jobs. The ones who capitalize on this are the corporations who don't have to pay the income tax.

Leftists don't understand numbers, math, money, or economics.
Remember when Democrats brought up the fact that the top 1% weren't being taxed fairly? Republicans would say you are just jealous. That those are the "job CREATORS" and the "Producers"?

Their entire plan was that if you get enough money to the "job CREATORS" they will create jobs.

Well, now the corporations are making money hand over fist. The income gap is enormous.

And Republicans are now complaining about the income gap? But I thought that was the plan?

Which GOP are you talking about? The Establishment GOP who are beholden to crony corporatists and Big Government? Or the Conservative base of the GOP?

And why do you continue to yammer about the "top 1%" in relation to income taxes? We don't tax wealth in America, we tax earned incomes. Those who are paying the taxes on the top 1% of earned income are not "the wealthiest 1%" Two different things.

Corporations don't pay income tax. They pay corporate taxes. You can raise the income tax rates to 100% and it doesn't bother corporations at all. The top income earners in America are mostly small business entrepreneurs. They create about 80% of the jobs in America and when you raise their taxes it hurts their ability to create new jobs. The ones who capitalize on this are the corporations who don't have to pay the income tax.

Leftists don't understand numbers, math, money, or economics.
And Republican DO!
Are you a sit-down comic?
I don't believe the Right is flip flopping on income equality ... it just takes them 3 or 4 decades to figure out they are wrong about something.


When have they ever said they are wrong on it? The OP can't seem to answer, maybe you can. Who in the GOP is complaining about income inequality?
I don't believe the Right is flip flopping on income equality ... it just takes them 3 or 4 decades to figure out they are wrong about something.


When have they ever said they are wrong on it? The OP can't seem to answer, maybe you can. Who in the GOP is complaining about income inequality?
The Republicans who voted for Obama and who are going to vote for Trump.
Remember when Democrats brought up the fact that the top 1% weren't being taxed fairly? Republicans would say you are just jealous. That those are the "job CREATORS" and the "Producers"?

Their entire plan was that if you get enough money to the "job CREATORS" they will create jobs.

Well, now the corporations are making money hand over fist. The income gap is enormous.

And Republicans are now complaining about the income gap? But I thought that was the plan?

Which GOP are you talking about? The Establishment GOP who are beholden to crony corporatists and Big Government? Or the Conservative base of the GOP?

And why do you continue to yammer about the "top 1%" in relation to income taxes? We don't tax wealth in America, we tax earned incomes. Those who are paying the taxes on the top 1% of earned income are not "the wealthiest 1%" Two different things.

Corporations don't pay income tax. They pay corporate taxes. You can raise the income tax rates to 100% and it doesn't bother corporations at all. The top income earners in America are mostly small business entrepreneurs. They create about 80% of the jobs in America and when you raise their taxes it hurts their ability to create new jobs. The ones who capitalize on this are the corporations who don't have to pay the income tax.

Leftists don't understand numbers, math, money, or economics.
And Republican DO!
Are you a sit-down comic?

Well, considering we have to school you retards on it constantly, yes.

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