Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

We have a situation where almost half of all Americans pay nothing in taxes, and the other half pays taxes to support people who don't work. What more do you want?
A level playing field so there are less poor which we need to support.
There is no possible way to create a level playing field. Even the Communists didn't create a level playing field. The party elite were very privileged and had everything they needed, and almost everyone else starved.

That’s not communism though that’s oligarchy, which surprise surprise Russian became the moment the Soviet Union collapses

There will never be a perfect level playing field. Like ever. However it is def a goal to strive for.
Unfortunately, too many people have gotten the crazy idea that trying to remove the vampire legislation sucking the life out of the middle class and poor is "socialism".

Far from it. The existing scheme will be the death of capitalism. Leveling the playing field IS capitalism.

Socialism is a dirty word. It’s been a dirty word for a century. “Socialism is creeping, it’s coming and it’s right around the corner”. Here we are 100 years later and it’s still just around the corner. That’s a big ass building its trying to circumnavigate
Socialism represents government stealing from me and giving to someone else. That's why its a dirty word to me.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


I see you as a Jesuit in a few years
The greedy bastards wouldn’t pay a nickel to see Christ walk on the water.
A level playing field so there are less poor which we need to support.
The "level playing field" is as big a Utopian myth as a "world without poverty" or a "drug-free America".
Again, you are excusing the very real fact of the playing field being deliberately twisted abnormally.

You are mistaking a "level playing field" with "everyone earns the same amount of money". That is not what I am talking about.

For example, if the government decided to tax everyone more and then give that money to the top one percent, would you whine that a "level playing field is a Utopian myth" to excuse that corruption?

That is precisely what you are doing, because that is precisely what is happening. I have illustrated this countless times on this forum.
A level playing field will exist after the last human is dead and buried under the ground.
Humans are not an altruistic species. The reason we have thrived is due to the people who have acted in their own rational self-interest. The ones who promote altruism as being good intend to enslave the ones who are productive.

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.” - R.A. Heinlein
A level playing field will exist after the last human is dead and buried under the ground.

The last human will be lying in the open to rot or to be devoured by rabid zombie dogs.
It's amazing just how blind some people are to the corruption which has created this artificial and unnatural government redistribution of wealth up the food chain.

Positively amazing.
A level playing field so there are less poor which we need to support.
There is no possible way to create a level playing field. Even the Communists didn't create a level playing field. The party elite were very privileged and had everything they needed, and almost everyone else starved.

That’s not communism though that’s oligarchy, which surprise surprise Russian became the moment the Soviet Union collapses

There will never be a perfect level playing field. Like ever. However it is def a goal to strive for.
Unfortunately, too many people have gotten the crazy idea that trying to remove the vampire legislation sucking the life out of the middle class and poor is "socialism".

Far from it. The existing scheme will be the death of capitalism. Leveling the playing field IS capitalism.

Socialism is a dirty word. It’s been a dirty word for a century. “Socialism is creeping, it’s coming and it’s right around the corner”. Here we are 100 years later and it’s still just around the corner. That’s a big ass building its trying to circumnavigate
Socialism represents government stealing from me and giving to someone else. That's why its a dirty word to me.

Price/Cost of a social contract.
A level playing field so there are less poor which we need to support.
There is no possible way to create a level playing field. Even the Communists didn't create a level playing field. The party elite were very privileged and had everything they needed, and almost everyone else starved.

That’s not communism though that’s oligarchy, which surprise surprise Russian became the moment the Soviet Union collapses

There will never be a perfect level playing field. Like ever. However it is def a goal to strive for.
Unfortunately, too many people have gotten the crazy idea that trying to remove the vampire legislation sucking the life out of the middle class and poor is "socialism".

Far from it. The existing scheme will be the death of capitalism. Leveling the playing field IS capitalism.

Socialism is a dirty word. It’s been a dirty word for a century. “Socialism is creeping, it’s coming and it’s right around the corner”. Here we are 100 years later and it’s still just around the corner. That’s a big ass building its trying to circumnavigate
I have big problems with socialism. And it has been creeping more and more into our society. Our government is vastly larger and more intrusive and more controlling of wealth than ever before.

In fact, the redistribution of wealth UP the chain is just as socialistic as redistributing it to the poor.

Socialism is simply the means of controlling production. It does not mean in one direction.

That's an excellent way of putting it. The issue i have with the misuse of the word is that it is use to attack the use of safety nets. People forget what pitchforks look like with a landlord stuck on the wrong end of one.
It just requires everyone waking up to the fact they are being robbed. I see people on here defend the robbery from their own pockets tooth and nail all the time.

And then there are those who turn a willfully blind eye to it.

When the rich and powerful and the people elected to represent the electorate become one in the same, the class divide tends to get a bit more aggressive. It's akin to sheep being outraged that the wolves in charge continue to eat them.
Primitive people had another way of dealing with slackers. The Native Americans took the very sick and the very old out into the wilderness and abandoned them to die alone. Those who did not hunt or work were simply banished to live with out the support and protection of the tribe.
Obama had a similar philosophy. "Give grandma a pill and be done with it (her)."
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


No. Americans are the most generous people in the world....we give more time and money and in the case of protecting other countries, our blood, than any other country.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


No. Americans are the most generous people in the world....we give more time and money and in the case of protecting other countries, our blood, than any other country.
And yet, liberals hate our country the most. Go figure.
Quit watching after 10 seconds....Wealth is earned, not distributed....The wealthy deprive nobody of anything by being wealthy.

More divide-and-conquer BS.

Thanks for showing what a dead brain looks like.

I thought welfare was supposed to take care of this problem.

Have you looked at the poor health stats of the poor in you country?

We do not have that as badly with our single payer health system. I hear you guys have even pulled you breakfast for poor students out. Nice welfare.

The topic starting sentence is anti-semitic, since because of 911, Jews now control about 80% of US wealth, and have 8 out of the top 10 wealthiest.

So if you think the wealthy today aren't wonderful, you are just a blah blah blah anti semite.....

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