Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Only true saints are truly altruistic. Show me a person who give up their wealth for the sake of others, I may listen.

Which is why I hate liberals (socialists we call liberals.) Especially the rich ones. Especially the rich white ones.

They prop themselves up on these moral platitudes. Always parading around holding banners about the "good works" they are doing.

If there was some liberal out there that actually stood up and lived what they profess, I may, just may show some respect.

None of them do. They point, accuse and are smug hypocritical losers. Expecting others (the government) to do the good works they themselves are capable of.

When they do "good works" they draw attention to it. Sean penn took his own private camera crew for example, down to New Orleans during Katrina.

Steve Buscemi on the other hand. He did actual good things. He was a NYC Firefighter and he went down to New York during the 911 cleanup and recovery every day. Didn't tell anyone. Held friends to secrecy about it. It came out years later, when a Firefighter revealed it.

Liberals, suck.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?

Don’t think they ever had them
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


Starving to death?

Are you again talking about your Venezuelan utopia?

I can tell you what makes us lose the altruistic instinct quicker than anything else - leftist socialist idiots ABUSING such instincts. The socialists ready to abuse altruism of others need to starve, they don't contribute anything to society.

Altruistic instincts are for people going through tough time, not for socialists wanting endless free shit and determined to contribute nothing to society.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


They lost that when the Govt. decided that we the tax payer were into the charity business.

Providing welfare, Medicaid, section 8 and all the other things the freeloaders get at tax payer expense.

No need for altruistic rich folks to provide for the poor, the tax payer does it now.


Strange you do not think the rich should pay their share.


The rich already pay 60% of the taxes paid. They pay their share and if they didn't pay what they pay the rest of us would be paying it.

I guess you want them to pay all??

Look at that graph in the O.P. for the first time and tell us who has the wealth to put to taxes more. Those under the poverty line or those above?


The rich already pay 60 percent of the taxes paid. The poor pay none.

I have no sympathy for the rich or the poor.

The poor pay for nothing yet expect other to pay for them.

If that's your idea of a great America then you and I have a difference of opinion.
The rich already pay 60% of the taxes paid. They pay their share and if they didn't pay what they pay the rest of us would be paying it.

I guess you want them to pay all??

And yet somehow they manage to get by.

Yes they do. Very well in fact. You appear to be jealous of rich people.

Most of them earned their money though some inherited theirs. Someone in the family earned it.

If you want to be rich, get off your ass and make yourself rich. They did.
The greedy bastards wouldn’t pay a nickel to see Christ walk on the water.
Christ was a liberal
Fair taxation is looting to you is it?

All taxation is theft...The funds are taken from you without your consent, and you'll ultimately have all your belongings looted and be kidnapped by The State if you resist.....Your opinion about "fair" theft is non sequitur.

If all taxation is theft, then what do you name what you are doing when using the roads that taxes pay for without paying anything extra?

Would you prefer toll roads and sidewalks everywhere?

Do you want to go empty your chamber pot in your back yard all the time or let the sewers take it?

Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?

Don’t think they ever had them

Science has shown that we are all born with it as a part of our selfish gene package.

That fact is likely why we are presently living in the best statistical times as far as our moral conduct is concerned. All one needs do is check the markers for evil to confirm that we now enjoy the best stats we have ever enjoyed.

We still have a ways to go and should not stop pushing.

The greedy bastards wouldn’t pay a nickel to see Christ walk on the water.
Christ was a liberal

No one can fly straight if one wing of his thinking is too far from his other wing. Those who do not follow the 80-20 rule are not thinking the best way.

Look at the carnage that the polarising into the 20 side is doing to the free nations of the world. Yuk.

We are pleasing the extremists on both sides as they see themselves pulling the country apart, which is their goal. IMO.

The poor pay for nothing yet expect other to pay for them.

Do you live in a controlled economy. Yes.

Should you control just how hungry or dead the poor will be? Yes.

If you do not want to step up and allow the violence your country does to it's poor, then ------

If all taxation is theft, then what do you name what you are doing when using the roads that taxes pay for without paying anything extra?

Would you prefer toll roads and sidewalks everywhere?

Do you want to go empty your chamber pot in your back yard all the time or let the sewers take it?

The greedy bastards wouldn’t pay a nickel to see Christ walk on the water.
Christ was a liberal
View attachment 234094

Did the governments or the religions build the roads?

Note that they are the Kings highways.

Perhaps you prefer how the early temples raised funds. With Temple Prostitutes.


For some, yes.

Not for many whose employers do the governments bidding of collecting it for them.

Do you expect free services?

For none are taxes voluntary.

The old "employer pays " bit is a statist ruse, that preys upon the uninformed...Those funds come out of the percentage of business costs allocated for labor...You know nothing about business models and accounting, do you?

And that "Do you expect free services?" bit is BS, based upon the fallacy of government solipitence.

The claim that if the government is not doing something about a problem,
then nothing CAN be done about it. ONLY the government can solve society's

Handbook of Fallacies

Your Marxist bromides and tropes are ineffective with me, comrade.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


It was not there to lose in the first place. In the past the 'rich and powerful" took care of the peasants to keep them from forming a mob and taking over, not out of some need to do good.

BS! You know the wrong people or your attitude is wrong. The rich give billions to charity.

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