Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Quit watching after 10 seconds....Wealth is earned, not distributed....The wealthy deprive nobody of anything by being wealthy.

More divide-and-conquer BS.

No, Reagan's tax code changes in the 1980's ensured that the wealthy got a bigger share of the pie than the workers and the middle class. Those changes have ushered in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, from the working class and the middle class, to the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans.

The elites in the USA, under Reagan's tax code and subsequent tax cuts by Bush 43, and Trump, have cement the working class as a permanent underclass in American culture. The working class held 5% of the wealth of the nation, when Reagan came into office, and overall poverty had been reduced from 25% in the 1960's, to around 15% when Reagan came into office. When Reagan ended the "War on Poverty", food stamp useage doubled within 2 years.

A strong social safety net is a necessity for a healthy thriving capitalist society. Capitalism is subject to periods of expansion, and periods of contraction. During the contractions ("recessions"), the social safety net protects those most likely to be affected by the economic downturn. The US is eliminating the social safety net leaving the most vulnerable in danger of falling into poverty without a steady paycheck. Generations of wage stagnation since the union movement was destroyed have left these workers more vulnerable than ever, as have years of Republicans undercutting worker protections.

The overall effect is that the US is being run for the benefit of its corporations and its wealthy, and not in the best interests of its citizens. The American people are preparing to take back their country. It is happening. People are walking away from the Republican Party.
Quit watching after 10 seconds....Wealth is earned, not distributed....The wealthy deprive nobody of anything by being wealthy.

More divide-and-conquer BS.

No, Reagan's tax code changes in the 1980's ensured that the wealthy got a bigger share of the pie than the workers and the middle class. Those changes have ushered in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, from the working class and the middle class, to the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans.

The elites in the USA, under Reagan's tax code and subsequent tax cuts by Bush 43, and Trump, have cement the working class as a permanent underclass in American culture. The working class held 5% of the wealth of the nation, when Reagan came into office, and overall poverty had been reduced from 25% in the 1960's, to around 15% when Reagan came into office. When Reagan ended the "War on Poverty", food stamp useage doubled within 2 years.

A strong social safety net is a necessity for a healthy thriving capitalist society. Capitalism is subject to periods of expansion, and periods of contraction. During the contractions ("recessions"), the social safety net protects those most likely to be affected by the economic downturn. The US is eliminating the social safety net leaving the most vulnerable in danger of falling into poverty without a steady paycheck. Generations of wage stagnation since the union movement was destroyed have left these workers more vulnerable than ever, as have years of Republicans undercutting worker protections.

The overall effect is that the US is being run for the benefit of its corporations and its wealthy, and not in the best interests of its citizens. The American people are preparing to take back their country. It is happening. People are walking away from the Republican Party.
There's no limit to "the pie"....Even using that analogy exposes your economic ignorance.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


No. Americans are the most generous people in the world....we give more time and money and in the case of protecting other countries, our blood, than any other country.

You are protecting others by selling arms to kill others and profiting from others killing each other.

You were as you say in past years. Not in present times.

Justice used to be your intent. Now it is just profits.

Why should I waste my time on a fool?

If others are foolish enough to believe you, there is nothing I can say to move them.

If you will take the time for this link, then take it as it refutes your idea of people earning their wealth. It speaks of inheritance.


Paul Krugman....LMAO!!!!

Quit watching after 10 seconds....Wealth is earned, not distributed....The wealthy deprive nobody of anything by being wealthy.

More divide-and-conquer BS.

No, Reagan's tax code changes in the 1980's ensured that the wealthy got a bigger share of the pie than the workers and the middle class. Those changes have ushered in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, from the working class and the middle class, to the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans.

The elites in the USA, under Reagan's tax code and subsequent tax cuts by Bush 43, and Trump, have cement the working class as a permanent underclass in American culture. The working class held 5% of the wealth of the nation, when Reagan came into office, and overall poverty had been reduced from 25% in the 1960's, to around 15% when Reagan came into office. When Reagan ended the "War on Poverty", food stamp useage doubled within 2 years.

A strong social safety net is a necessity for a healthy thriving capitalist society. Capitalism is subject to periods of expansion, and periods of contraction. During the contractions ("recessions"), the social safety net protects those most likely to be affected by the economic downturn. The US is eliminating the social safety net leaving the most vulnerable in danger of falling into poverty without a steady paycheck. Generations of wage stagnation since the union movement was destroyed have left these workers more vulnerable than ever, as have years of Republicans undercutting worker protections.

The overall effect is that the US is being run for the benefit of its corporations and its wealthy, and not in the best interests of its citizens. The American people are preparing to take back their country. It is happening. People are walking away from the Republican Party.
There's no limit to "the pie"....Even using that analogy exposes your economic ignorance.

That is a total fallacy. You ignorant trolls have no clue as to finance, economics or taxes, or how any of it works together, and how governments manipulate who gets what.

The "pie" is the share of sales that everyone in the corporation receives. That runs the gamut from shareholders to suppliers. Reagan's tax code, and the undercutting of unions had lead to wages for workers, as a percentage of production costs, being at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age. While salaries for management have risen an average of 270% since the Reagan years, the purchasing power of the wages of American workers have fallen in real terms during the same period. Every other production cost has increased - facilities, equipment, utilities, insurance, transportation, raw materials, office supplies, and been absorbed by corporations, and yet worker wages have stagnated.

The only expense that employers have consistently said would be "devasting" to the economy is to raise worker wages. They haven't railed against other cost increases, but raises for the people actually doing the work they were profitting from, was a no go zone. Reagan promised workers a big raise once the corrupt unions were gone, and that never happened. Trump promised workers a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cut, and that never happened.

Please go back and learn how to read a balance sheet before you tell me there's no "pie" to be divvied up. And for your own sake, take an economics course or two.
Humans are not an altruistic species. The reason we have thrived is due to the people who have acted in their own rational self-interest. The ones who promote altruism as being good intend to enslave the ones who are productive.

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.” - R.A. Heinlein

We are not altruistic to you, even though science and our history show the opposite. Ok.


That is utter nonsense.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


They lost that when the Govt. decided that we the tax payer were into the charity business.

Providing welfare, Medicaid, section 8 and all the other things the freeloaders get at tax payer expense.

No need for altruistic rich folks to provide for the poor, the tax payer does it now.
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


They lost that when the Govt. decided that we the tax payer were into the charity business.

Providing welfare, Medicaid, section 8 and all the other things the freeloaders get at tax payer expense.

No need for altruistic rich folks to provide for the poor, the tax payer does it now.


Strange you do not think the rich should pay their share.

nothing changes a person's attitude towards money like earning a lot of it

its hard to feel rage towards the establishment when you're buying a ski house in sun valley
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


They lost that when the Govt. decided that we the tax payer were into the charity business.

Providing welfare, Medicaid, section 8 and all the other things the freeloaders get at tax payer expense.

No need for altruistic rich folks to provide for the poor, the tax payer does it now.


Strange you do not think the rich should pay their share.


The rich already pay 60% of the taxes paid. They pay their share and if they didn't pay what they pay the rest of us would be paying it.

I guess you want them to pay all??
Have the rich and powerful lost their altruistic instincts?

Humans are the most altruistic and good of all the animal species, yet at present, our rich and powerful allow the poorest of us to starve to death by hoarding their wealth. This is unheard of in the animal world.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact.

Generally speaking, in ancient days the rich and powerful insured that the poor were taken care of to the best of their ability. In the past, the rank and file demanded that the rich and powerful live up to that good altruistic trait by revolting against them. The French Revolution is a good example of this. Have the rank and file lost their altruistic and good characters by allowing the rich and powerful to let people starve to death while doing nothing?

Are the notions of liberty, equality, and fraternity dead in the world?

Is mankind at the point of losing the altruistic instincts that has made us the greatest animal that the world has ever produced?


They lost that when the Govt. decided that we the tax payer were into the charity business.

Providing welfare, Medicaid, section 8 and all the other things the freeloaders get at tax payer expense.

No need for altruistic rich folks to provide for the poor, the tax payer does it now.


Strange you do not think the rich should pay their share.


The rich already pay 60% of the taxes paid. They pay their share and if they didn't pay what they pay the rest of us would be paying it.

I guess you want them to pay all??

Look at that graph in the O.P. for the first time and tell us who has the wealth to put to taxes more. Those under the poverty line or those above?

The rich already pay 60% of the taxes paid. They pay their share and if they didn't pay what they pay the rest of us would be paying it.

I guess you want them to pay all??

Ohhhh the poor rich. How will they EVER survive!

They might have to eat cereal and bologna!
The rich already pay 60% of the taxes paid. They pay their share and if they didn't pay what they pay the rest of us would be paying it.

I guess you want them to pay all??

And yet somehow they manage to get by.
No, Reagan's tax code changes in the 1980's ensured that the wealthy got a bigger share of the pie than the workers and the middle class. Those changes have ushered in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, from the working class and the middle class, to the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans.

The elites in the USA, under Reagan's tax code and subsequent tax cuts by Bush 43, and Trump, have cement the working class as a permanent underclass in American culture. The working class held 5% of the wealth of the nation, when Reagan came into office, and overall poverty had been reduced from 25% in the 1960's, to around 15% when Reagan came into office. When Reagan ended the "War on Poverty", food stamp useage doubled within 2 years.

A strong social safety net is a necessity for a healthy thriving capitalist society. Capitalism is subject to periods of expansion, and periods of contraction. During the contractions ("recessions"), the social safety net protects those most likely to be affected by the economic downturn. The US is eliminating the social safety net leaving the most vulnerable in danger of falling into poverty without a steady paycheck. Generations of wage stagnation since the union movement was destroyed have left these workers more vulnerable than ever, as have years of Republicans undercutting worker protections.

The overall effect is that the US is being run for the benefit of its corporations and its wealthy, and not in the best interests of its citizens. The American people are preparing to take back their country. It is happening. People are walking away from the Republican Party.
The biggest run-on delusion I've encountered in quite awhile.
Look at that graph in the O.P. for the first time and tell us who has the wealth to put to taxes more. Those under the poverty line or those above?

Translation: Loot the rich neighborhoods first.
nothing changes a person's attitude towards money like earning a lot of it

its hard to feel rage towards the establishment when you're buying a ski house in sun valley
Nobody earns a lot of money by having the attitudes toward it that poor people do.
Fair taxation is looting to you is it?

All taxation is theft...The funds are taken from you without your consent, and you'll ultimately have all your belongings looted and be kidnapped by The State if you resist.....Your opinion about "fair" theft is non sequitur.

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