Have two minimum wages. One for under 18 and a living wage for over 18.

Have two minimum wages. One for under 18 and a living wage for over 18. Let these employers start paying a living wage or fill all their slots with kids. No more taking advantage of the poor!
Your thoughts.
No link needed.
Employers already prefer to hire high school and college students so this would only give them a legit reason.

College students are already over 18, so you must mean only high school students who can’t usually work between the hours of 6 am and 4 pm, when most people work. High school kids fill in the time most others would prefer to not work, evenings and weekends. So I’m trying to find what “legit” reason you are talking about.

If I am paying the same wage for a high school student as an adult, I’ll take the adult any day.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.
why , because they are a threat to Trump. I swear, Trump is above the law and can't be indicted because he would have to indict himself.

Good going Cons, we now have a Potus who is above the law and is going to take down the FBI with Fox's help.

You are in favor of age discrimination?

Age discrimination definition
Definition: Age Discrimination. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits age discrimination against older workers (persons 40 or older) in all aspects of employment. The Minnesota Human Rights Act more broadly protects all people over the age of 18 years from age discrimination as students and employees.
Definition: Age Discrimination | Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
What part of 18 did you have trouble understanding?

You are unaware that "18" and "over 18" are in fact ages? Did you miss this part of the definition you quote:
"It is unlawful to discriminate against an employee or applicant on the basis of age with respect to any term or condition of employment including but not limited to hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments, and training."

Age discrimination.

Age discrimination applies in the federal law is those over 40. Younger workers aren’t protected unless a state has a lower age standard and I believe Minnesota is the only state that does.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.
no one would force them to take the job
no one would force them to go to college
no one would force them to do much unless its a liberal then they would try and force you to do it however they felt it should be done.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.

If they don't borrow money to get educated for better pay.......conservatives mock them for having minimum wage jobs

Can't win
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.

If they don't borrow money to get educated for better pay.......conservatives mock them for having minimum wage jobs

Can't win

One doesn't need a 4 year degree to get a job over minimum wage. Plenty of places will do on job training once they find people who are reliable enough. And you prove your reliability by showing up for your minimum wage burger flipping job for 1/2 a year and then trying to get something better.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly
why should they make $15 to flip a burger when that is more than the market can really bear for that position?

as an employer it is not my job to pay you enough for your choices. it is up to you to find a job that will sustain your chosen lifestyle and improve your skills to the point where you can do this.

The "market" hasn't raised minimum wage in nine years
During that time, the price of beef for that burger has more than doubled
Somehow "the market" compensated

i don't give a shit what the market does. my job as an employer is to figure out how much i can pay a given position and find people to fill said position. if you need $60k a year to live then don't take my $35k a year job and bitch i'm not paying enough.
You are the one who brought up the market....I merely demonstrated that the market is capable of adjusting

Low wage workers are exploited because they lack bargaining power in the workforce. Doesn't justify their being exploited
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly
why should they make $15 to flip a burger when that is more than the market can really bear for that position?

as an employer it is not my job to pay you enough for your choices. it is up to you to find a job that will sustain your chosen lifestyle and improve your skills to the point where you can do this.

The "market" hasn't raised minimum wage in nine years
During that time, the price of beef for that burger has more than doubled
Somehow "the market" compensated

i don't give a shit what the market does. my job as an employer is to figure out how much i can pay a given position and find people to fill said position. if you need $60k a year to live then don't take my $35k a year job and bitch i'm not paying enough.
You are the one who brought up the market....I merely demonstrated that the market is capable of adjusting

Low wage workers are exploited because they lack bargaining power in the workforce. Doesn't justify their being exploited

They are being pad the value of the labor they add to the product or service.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly
why should they make $15 to flip a burger when that is more than the market can really bear for that position?

as an employer it is not my job to pay you enough for your choices. it is up to you to find a job that will sustain your chosen lifestyle and improve your skills to the point where you can do this.

The "market" hasn't raised minimum wage in nine years
During that time, the price of beef for that burger has more than doubled
Somehow "the market" compensated

i don't give a shit what the market does. my job as an employer is to figure out how much i can pay a given position and find people to fill said position. if you need $60k a year to live then don't take my $35k a year job and bitch i'm not paying enough.
You are the one who brought up the market....I merely demonstrated that the market is capable of adjusting

Low wage workers are exploited because they lack bargaining power in the workforce. Doesn't justify their being exploited
they lack the skills to ask for more.

they are more than welcome to take any gov program out there to improve their skillset for a better paying job. if you want bargaining power, be able do to more than ask if i want fries with that.
Have two minimum wages. One for under 18 and a living wage for over 18.

Yeah, that's retarded.
Let's create a caste system wherein people are paid differently for the same work.

Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.

If they don't borrow money to get educated for better pay.......conservatives mock them for having minimum wage jobs

Can't win

Funny, I managed to put myself through school without going into debt... I worked full time and went to school part time. It was just he way I had to do it. Nobody forced me to borrow money.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly
why should they make $15 to flip a burger when that is more than the market can really bear for that position?

as an employer it is not my job to pay you enough for your choices. it is up to you to find a job that will sustain your chosen lifestyle and improve your skills to the point where you can do this.

The "market" hasn't raised minimum wage in nine years
During that time, the price of beef for that burger has more than doubled
Somehow "the market" compensated

i don't give a shit what the market does. my job as an employer is to figure out how much i can pay a given position and find people to fill said position. if you need $60k a year to live then don't take my $35k a year job and bitch i'm not paying enough.
You are the one who brought up the market....I merely demonstrated that the market is capable of adjusting

Low wage workers are exploited because they lack bargaining power in the workforce. Doesn't justify their being exploited
they lack the skills to ask for more.

they are more than welcome to take any gov program out there to improve their skillset for a better paying job. if you want bargaining power, be able do to more than ask if i want fries with that.

The overwhelming majority of workers eventually do move on to higher paying jobs

That does not excuse exploiting them while they are low skilled
Have two minimum wages. One for under 18 and a living wage for over 18. Let these employers start paying a living wage or fill all their slots with kids. No more taking advantage of the poor!
Your thoughts.
No link needed.

Guess who will do all the minimum wage jobs? The day they turn 18, they either have to get another, more valuable job in the company, or they'll get cut loose. A minimum wage job doesn't require much talent or ability, so that unskilled guy trying to raise a family on minimum wage still isn't going to be helped. The poor will still be poor, only now cut out of even the minimum wage jobs.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.

If they don't borrow money to get educated for better pay.......conservatives mock them for having minimum wage jobs

Can't win

Funny, I managed to put myself through school without going into debt... I worked full time and went to school part time. It was just he way I had to do it. Nobody forced me to borrow money.

Interesting....what year?
My first year tuition was $650. I paid for it earning $2.10 an hour over the summer

Todays minimum wage doesn't come close to paying for tuition
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly

Nobody is forced to borrow money.

If they don't borrow money to get educated for better pay.......conservatives mock them for having minimum wage jobs

Can't win

Funny, I managed to put myself through school without going into debt... I worked full time and went to school part time. It was just he way I had to do it. Nobody forced me to borrow money.

Interesting....what year?
My first year tuition was $650. I paid for it earning $2.10 an hour over the summer

Todays minimum wage doesn't come close to paying for tuition

Started college in 1982. I really don't remember what tuition was to be honest, but I believe it was around $500 or so for part time.
You are in favor of age discrimination?
The age of majority is generally 18. Those underage cannot vote, join the armed services or buy liquor.

When I turned 18, I had been in the Navy for 8 months.
Were you a liar then too?

I never have been a liar and never been a liberal. Is there a point to your insult? If there is, only you know what it might be.
Did you lie to your recruiter, an agent of the federal government?
You are in favor of age discrimination?
The age of majority is generally 18. Those underage cannot vote, join the armed services or buy liquor.

When I turned 18, I had been in the Navy for 8 months.
Were you a liar then too?

I never have been a liar and never been a liberal. Is there a point to your insult? If there is, only you know what it might be.
Did you lie to your recruiter, an agent of the federal government?

How did I lie? You seem to have issues with that definition. Too close?
It a perfect economic system (I know we don’t have one) there would be no need for a minimum wage. Employers would be free to pay the market rate for labor, and workers would be free to expect pay commensurate with the work/value they provide. Those workers who provide more would move up the wage scale.

If employers were free to pay "market" rates, and presuming the elimination of unions, wages would follow the up and down cycles of labor availability. Put simply, every sumer when the kids get out of school, wages would plummet, and when they return to school, wages would sky rocket.

There may be added volatility, plummet and skyrocket is an overstatement. Employers understand the value of good employees, and the wages for part time/temporary employees are generally lower than permanent/full time workers.

The reality is the number of people who actually work for minimum wage is a small percentage of the work force, they are generally young, unmarried, and uneducated. Having a dual pay scale for such a small group seems like much ado about nothing.
Why should someone's labor be exploited just because they are 18?

18 year olds need to pay for college. Because minimum wage is so low, they are forced to borrow money and go into debt just because employers refuse to compensate fairly
why should they make $15 to flip a burger when that is more than the market can really bear for that position?

as an employer it is not my job to pay you enough for your choices. it is up to you to find a job that will sustain your chosen lifestyle and improve your skills to the point where you can do this.

The "market" hasn't raised minimum wage in nine years
During that time, the price of beef for that burger has more than doubled
Somehow "the market" compensated

Nine years is a long time to stay at a minimum wage job. Someone isn't taking advantage of opportunities or learning new skills.
Have two minimum wages. One for under 18 and a living wage for over 18. Let these employers start paying a living wage or fill all their slots with kids. No more taking advantage of the poor!
Your thoughts.
No link needed.

NEGATIVE, your suggestion is just another not so clever way to funnel more American money to the pockets of illegal and barely legal wetbacks.

Now on to an Econ 101 lesson for the ignorant and confused...most of us learned this in third grade.
Employers pay whatever employees are willing to work for.
Humberto and his 17 cousins, with phony documents whore the trade out by being willing to hang drywall for $9 per hour, they have little overhead as they share expenses and all live together like the cockroaches they are in a two bedroom shithole. Brian, an American, a 20 year journeyman drywall professional with two children and a wife has REAL world, first world overhead and needs to earn $19 per hour to live a decent life without imposing on others.
Are you starting to get it now Loons?
There's another basic principle of supply vs. demand that often applies ...you learned this in third grade as well. It goes like this:
Fewer potential employees available equals higher wages.
Massive amounts of potential employees equals lower wages
Fewer beaners equals higher wages....
SIMPLE SHIT...Eradicate the cockroaches, build the fucking wall...TA-DA!
What else can I teach you Loons? You're welcome in advance.

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