Have we become a better nation by deviating from the intent of our founders?

Let’s get back to the meat on the bone Golfing Gator
So you feel as though AMERICA and the majority of it’s people have benefited by freeing the slaves and by allowing needy, dependent leeches with no skin in the game AND WOMEN the right to vote?
Surely you can show us with stats or something...right?
We can’t really go on “because I said so”.....Your turn

Yep, just because I said so.

Now, you promised that you had stats to prove being able to own other humans is better than not, I am still waiting on them.
More bitchy snarky comments that attempt to be clever, but are stupid as hell. Does Golfing Gator have a billion dollar heritage waiting or how hasn't he been dumped yet?

In the actual, real world, the capabilities of women are below that of men. I doubt anyone but the most stupid question that. Women expect that of you, so perhaps start acting like it.

Nope, in the real world the capabilities of women are the same as that of men.

Not exactly. For example, consider the world of women's sports when they are forced to compete against transsexual men.

Both sexes have different skills and physical abilities, that does not make one superior to the other.

I did not say that it did.

You wrote "Nope, in the real world the capabilities of women are the same as that of men." They are not. They are different. The reverse is also true.

Also, we are not speaking of a sports field, we are speaking of marriage.

You did not specify. You made a general statement.

Do you feel you are superior to your wife?

In many things, yes. Again, the reverse is also true.

Do you command her as these other claim to do?

Now THAT'S funny! :auiqs.jpg:
Every sane woman expects the man to have the shit figured out. Screaming "equality" does not absolve you from your responsibilities as a man. It must be mind-wrenching for a wife to put up with this kind of loserdom. This is how the 20 year celibacy happens.

I have the shit figured out, that is how I know that women are not inferior. You cavemen are the ones that have not figured it out yet, you do not want a spouse, you want a possession. You do not want a marriage, you want ownership.

I showed my wife this post, she spit out our diet coke laughing at the idea of 20 year celibacy.

You are truly clueless. You will never know what love can do for a sexual relationship, since all you will ever have is ownership. You are missing out on the best parts of marriage by remaining a caveman.
What makes you think real men have to look like cavemen?

Some of them are quite handsome, cultured, educated, well groomed, and sculpted, like me.

Do you know one of the most common things women say to me when they meet me?


I am not talking about looks, I am talking about brains.
You will find that conservative men are the only ones that have both.

So they should be allowed to compete in the NFL, NBA, MLB, Soccer, Track, and other sports against men?

They don't have the aggression, muscle mass, lung capacity, strength to compete with men.

This is true, they do not have the muscle mass or strength in general of men. This does not make them inferior, just different.

Business and other Economic activities also takes a certain amount of aggression and ruthlessness and most women also cannot compete on this level.

What a load of horseshit.

Right now, I am the Women's Bench Press Record Holder by 100 lbs.....that is, if I chose to compete as a woman....and I am not the strongest man in the world, not even close. Just stronger than the average man.

You bench 412 pounds?


you are so full of shit!

If you don't have my muscle mass, strength, and aggression, you are Inferior to me.
The Law of The Jungle.
But at least you are finally admitting that you are stronger than your wife. After a difficult journey we are finally able to put the equality delusion to rest.

I never denied it. You think that being stronger make you superior, but you are a fucking moron so what you think does not really matter.

Being different does not make us unequal, it is what makes us one.

As long as you equate different with inferior you will always be nothing more than a backwards caveman.

You have a strange notion of equality. Being different means we are NOT equal. This is first grade math.

Equal under the law, sure that is true. Except for the few extra privileges granted to women.

And yes, physically men are generally superior.
So they should be allowed to compete in the NFL, NBA, MLB, Soccer, Track, and other sports against men?

They don't have the aggression, muscle mass, lung capacity, strength to compete with men.

This is true, they do not have the muscle mass or strength in general of men. This does not make them inferior, just different.

Business and other Economic activities also takes a certain amount of aggression and ruthlessness and most women also cannot compete on this level.

What a load of horseshit.

Right now, I am the Women's Bench Press Record Holder by 100 lbs.....that is, if I chose to compete as a woman....and I am not the strongest man in the world, not even close. Just stronger than the average man.

You bench 412 pounds?


you are so full of shit!

If you don't have my muscle mass, strength, and aggression, you are Inferior to me.
The Law of The Jungle.

Your muscle mass, strength, and aggression are all meaningless when I take you out from a half a mile away with a single shot.
Every sane woman expects the man to have the shit figured out. Screaming "equality" does not absolve you from your responsibilities as a man. It must be mind-wrenching for a wife to put up with this kind of loserdom. This is how the 20 year celibacy happens.

I have the shit figured out, that is how I know that women are not inferior. You cavemen are the ones that have not figured it out yet, you do not want a spouse, you want a possession. You do not want a marriage, you want ownership.

I showed my wife this post, she spit out our diet coke laughing at the idea of 20 year celibacy.

You are truly clueless. You will never know what love can do for a sexual relationship, since all you will ever have is ownership. You are missing out on the best parts of marriage by remaining a caveman.
What makes you think real men have to look like cavemen?

Some of them are quite handsome, cultured, educated, well groomed, and sculpted, like me.

Do you know one of the most common things women say to me when they meet me?


I am not talking about looks, I am talking about brains.
You will find that conservative men are the only ones that have both.

I also graduated Suma with a 4.0 with a Bachelors in Science and Technology, and Associates in Applied Science, And No, that is not a lie, and I am not making that up.
You have a strange notion of equality. Being different means we are NOT equal. This is first grade math.

Equal under the law, sure that is true. Except for the few extra privileges granted to women.

And yes, physically men are generally superior.

No, I have the correct notion of equality. Being different does not make something better or worse than something else, just different.
So they should be allowed to compete in the NFL, NBA, MLB, Soccer, Track, and other sports against men?

They don't have the aggression, muscle mass, lung capacity, strength to compete with men.

This is true, they do not have the muscle mass or strength in general of men. This does not make them inferior, just different.

Business and other Economic activities also takes a certain amount of aggression and ruthlessness and most women also cannot compete on this level.

What a load of horseshit.

Right now, I am the Women's Bench Press Record Holder by 100 lbs.....that is, if I chose to compete as a woman....and I am not the strongest man in the world, not even close. Just stronger than the average man.

You bench 412 pounds?


you are so full of shit!

If you don't have my muscle mass, strength, and aggression, you are Inferior to me.
The Law of The Jungle.

Your muscle mass, strength, and aggression are all meaningless when I take you out from a half a mile away with a single shot.

We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates the obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face. War is domain where women are very inferior to men.
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So they should be allowed to compete in the NFL, NBA, MLB, Soccer, Track, and other sports against men?

They don't have the aggression, muscle mass, lung capacity, strength to compete with men.

This is true, they do not have the muscle mass or strength in general of men. This does not make them inferior, just different.

Business and other Economic activities also takes a certain amount of aggression and ruthlessness and most women also cannot compete on this level.

What a load of horseshit.

Right now, I am the Women's Bench Press Record Holder by 100 lbs.....that is, if I chose to compete as a woman....and I am not the strongest man in the world, not even close. Just stronger than the average man.

You bench 412 pounds?


you are so full of shit!

If you don't have my muscle mass, strength, and aggression, you are Inferior to me.
The Law of The Jungle.

Your muscle mass, strength, and aggression are all meaningless when I take you out from a half a mile away with a single shot.
So you need a tool or weapon to even the odds? What happens when I have the same tool or a better one?

You see, the tools and technology we use have helped to create the illusion that we are all Equal. We are not. The best we can do is create a country that allows Equal Opportunity for everyone.

That is not The Soviet Union.

It is The United States of America.
I have the shit figured out, that is how I know that women are not inferior. You cavemen are the ones that have not figured it out yet, you do not want a spouse, you want a possession. You do not want a marriage, you want ownership.

I showed my wife this post, she spit out our diet coke laughing at the idea of 20 year celibacy.

You are truly clueless. You will never know what love can do for a sexual relationship, since all you will ever have is ownership. You are missing out on the best parts of marriage by remaining a caveman.
What makes you think real men have to look like cavemen?

Some of them are quite handsome, cultured, educated, well groomed, and sculpted, like me.

Do you know one of the most common things women say to me when they meet me?


I am not talking about looks, I am talking about brains.
You will find that conservative men are the only ones that have both.

I also graduated Suma with a 4.0 with a Bachelors in Science and Technology, and Associates in Applied Science, And No, that is not a lie, and I am not making that up.

Going on 27 years together as equals, the way it should be.

Once again, it is the Trump worshipers that hold this view that women are inferior to men. And once again, nobody is surprised to see such a view from Trump worshipers.
Except Kelly Ann Conway She's superior,,,,,the alternate truth lady

They all look down on her as well, she is just Trump's property in their eyes.

This has been a very productive thread. First we get the white supremacist to come out and say they think that only white people should be allowed to vote and then we get the misogynist to out themselves by pronouncing that women are inferior and need to be commanded.

I am not sure what is left for them to expose themselves over next.

You’re right, this has been productive; we’ve learned that Gator doesn’t have the balls to lead, guide and COMMAND his family like real men do...I’ll bet the pistol is in the wife’s nightstand and not yours...huh?
We’ve also learned that Gator doesn’t give two fucks about this nation as a WHOLE....he’s just piss himself happy that Negroes are free to rape and kill and women can vote....”fuck the whole”.
Haha...I always knew the dude was nutless...probably drives a Prius and has a three inch penis.
I admit mine is only 3 inches. But there are some women that don't like it that wide.
you mean to say yours doesn't hit the bottom
But at least you are finally admitting that you are stronger than your wife. After a difficult journey we are finally able to put the equality delusion to rest.

I never denied it. You think that being stronger make you superior, but you are a fucking moron so what you think does not really matter.

Being different does not make us unequal, it is what makes us one.

As long as you equate different with inferior you will always be nothing more than a backwards caveman.
Guess they never watch the lady gymnasts especially the one who recently broke all records
Let’s get back to the meat on the bone Golfing Gator
So you feel as though AMERICA and the majority of it’s people have benefited by freeing the slaves and by allowing needy, dependent leeches with no skin in the game AND WOMEN the right to vote?
Surely you can show us with stats or something...right?
We can’t really go on “because I said so”.....Your turn

Yep, just because I said so.

Now, you promised that you had stats to prove being able to own other humans is better than not, I am still waiting on them.

Damn...you’re going to run on FEELZ huh? I didn’t know you were that type...I thought you’d always allow logic, reason, FACTS and stats to prevail....no?
You have a strange notion of equality. Being different means we are NOT equal. This is first grade math.

Equal under the law, sure that is true. Except for the few extra privileges granted to women.

And yes, physically men are generally superior.

No, I have the correct notion of equality. Being different does not make something better or worse than something else, just different.
Being different does not apply in Genetics, The Law of The Jungle or someone's drive and determination.

You could be genetically superior to someone, but your competition could have Superior Drive and Out Work You.

You then, are Inferior to them, because they will eventually beat you through superior effort and determination.

Things like social promotion based on superficial factors are a detriment to society. The best thing to do for society is guarantee equal opportunity and see which people rise to the top.

Being different has nothing to do with it.
We all know the superior effectiveness of the female armies during WWII. That's what everybody used.

Unfortunately Gator, women are not better marksmans and even if they were war is a lot more than being able to shoot straight. As someone who has been in the army, you should know all of this, yet for some reason refuse to accept it.

Again, I don't understand how any woman who is worth a shit tolerates this sort of obvious lies. No one believes the bullshit with a straight face.

In WWII brute strength was important. That is less so in today's world.

They are better marksmen, it is a fact. It is one that was told to me by my PMI in the Marine Corps.

I was not in the Army, I was in the Marines. Women made just as good a Marine as did the men.
Let’s get back to the meat on the bone Golfing Gator
So you feel as though AMERICA and the majority of it’s people have benefited by freeing the slaves and by allowing needy, dependent leeches with no skin in the game AND WOMEN the right to vote?
Surely you can show us with stats or something...right?
We can’t really go on “because I said so”.....Your turn

Yep, just because I said so.

Now, you promised that you had stats to prove being able to own other humans is better than not, I am still waiting on them.

Damn...you’re going to run on FEELZ huh? I didn’t know you were that type...I thought you’d always allow logic, reason, FACTS and stats to prevail....no?

Something are self evident. When it is snowing outside and I say "it is cold", there does not need to be an exact temperature given for this fact to be self evident.

Equality is better than treating 3/4 of the copulation as less than human being...this is a given. Most people understand this, most do not need to be taught that is it wrong to treat people as less than human.
This place is going bonkers I'm going back to the stock markets where that make more sense

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