Have you considered what life will be like in post-democracy America?

First, when I say “democracy “I mean in the loose sense that we talk about it here in the United States, where we have a representative republic. By “democracy “I mean that the people get to make the decisions that the constitution allows us to make by vote.

This principle took a big hit when the leaders and senior advisors of the Democratic Party decided to overthrow the elected president and elected nominee for a second term.

Some of us may think that Trump winning the general election is the hope for democracy. Maybe. But there are several possibilities.

One Trump could definitely lose. nearly any mainstream Republican could easily be Kamala Harris. But with the media being so hysterical over Trump, they will pull out all stops and there is no telling what they will come up with between now and November.

Trump could win and not be able to accomplish the deep cleaning of the executive branch that would need to happen in order for democracy to have a chance to take route again. Trump could win and simply not live long enough to accomplish that. Trump could win, deep, clean the executive branch, but still be defeated by political parties, willing to go around voters as the Democrats did this time and courts willing to allow them to do it.

So… think about what life will be like.I have some ideas, but I’d rather this thread be an open discussion of how we would live when political parties and not voters choose our leaders.

Because my guess is that if Trump is not able to bring about this return to democracy, the Republican party will quickly jump on board with making the choices themselves. After all their senior leader ship was never happy with the voters choosing Trump in the first place.

I’d like to hear from Sirius posters and learn what they think.
Sirius posters? Take Route?

Trump didn't win the Popular vote in 2016, but because we are using an anachronism from the 19th century, he got in despite 54% of the electorate being against him.

He got thrown out on his ass in 2020.

And after his crazy ranting about eating cats, he's pretty much done this time.
So, you are saying that prior to the 1950s when the current primary system became widely used we did not have democracy in the United States?
Prior to the 1950's, while we had a representative government, Dixie Democrats continued doing all it could to keep blacks from voting, after the Civil War. When it became crystal clear that they could no longer stop blacks from voting, they decided to give government handouts to minorities to bring in their votes but keep them in inner-city areas with poor schools and ensure the women could get more money if they didn't marry the fathers of their children.
Democrats like to say we are a democracy, but in actuality, we are only a direct democracy when it comes to electing our congressional representative and senators (which, regardless of a state's size, can only have two). Our President is and always has been, elected by our Electoral College (for good reason).
As to what life would be after losing our Constitutional Republic, well just look at China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, Venezuela, the old Soviet Union, heck, even the current Oligarchy in Russia. Since Muslims are pouring into Europe, especially England, as well as here, that would lead to a Theocracy, or there could be a military junta, or just some despotic leader. How we would be living under it. Expect, authoritarianism, oppression, persecution, tyranny and outright murderous acts against our own people. There would be internment camps, concentration camps, gulags (prisons) and mass killings. That always happens under One-Party Only Governments.
The Democrats not being allowed to choose their own representative at the DNC is how it starts.
Democrats like to say we are a democracy, but in actuality, we are only a direct democracy when it comes to electing our congressional representative and senators (which, regardless of a state's size, can only have two). Our President is and always has been, elected by our Electoral College (for good reason).

The Democrats not being allowed to choose their own representative at the DNC is how it starts.
I see the flaw in your logic. You say here that a democracy and a direct democracy are the same thing; they are not. That would like saying a car and a sports car are the same thing.

No one is arguing that we are a direct democracy. We obviously are not. We are a representative democracy, which the Electoral College supports.

Also, the Democrats did choose their own representatives at the DNC, and the system worked exactly as it did for the RNC, but that's another issue.
...that doesn't give a damn about its constituents,

been that way for a long time.

but really, who do we have to blame but ourselves since it is "we the people" that keep voting them back into office.

Incumbents win reelection at around a 90% clip
been that way for a long time.

but really, who do we have to blame but ourselves since it is "we the people" that keep voting them back into office.

Incumbents win reelection at around a 90% clip
Yes, but in defense of "we the people", our minds and perceptions have been and still are manipulated by propagandists. We The People are treated like mushrooms--fed fecal matter 24/7 for a century at least. As former CIA man Casey noted 40 years ago, when everything the American people believe is false....

The American people have been conditioned to believe all sorts of falsehoods. The sad part is that so few of them realize they've been lied to.
In what way would Trump winning damage democracy? The primary voters chose him, and the general election voters would be chosing him.

That's democracy init?
Adolf Hitler achieved the highest vote count, as well... it wasn't the election... it's what he and his party did AFTER the election, yes?
Adolf Hitler achieved the highest vote count, as well... it wasn't the election... it's what he and his party did AFTER the election, yes?
So, Hitler was elected with a fair vote count, and therefore . . . election's with fair vote counts are fascist?
Nope... not what I said or meant, and you darned-well know it...
Then what was your point?

Was it just your Tourettes-like condition of being unable to discuss Donald Trump without blurting out "Hitler!" or calling his supporters "Nazi?"
First, when I say “democracy “I mean in the loose sense that we talk about it here in the United States, where we have a representative republic. By “democracy “I mean that the people get to make the decisions that the constitution allows us to make by vote.

This principle took a big hit when the leaders and senior advisors of the Democratic Party decided to overthrow the elected president and elected nominee for a second term.

Um....Biden is still president. No seat of power in government changed. How was the elected president 'overthrown'?

Trump says AI photo, you say AI photo. Trump says Biden was overthrown. You say Biden was overthrown.

You're kinda unnecessary to your own arguments.
Um....Biden is still president. No seat of power in government changed. How was the elected president 'overthrown'?

Trump says AI photo, you say AI photo. Trump says Biden was overthrown. You say Biden was overthrown.

You're kinda unnecessary to your own arguments.
Not sure what you mean by "AI photo," but bizarre accusations about Trump come so fast and furious that it's hard to keep track of them all.

Biden was overthrown as candidate for re-election. He made it crystal clear over and over that he had no plan so step down. Then he stepped down. That was not voluntary.

If you repeat the claim that it was, you should change yoru screen name to "What the Dems Say," rather than pretending to share your own thoughts.

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