Have you ever noticed?

How do you explain Downtown St Louis not being a black community when there are more blacks than any other race?

Perhaps it's time for you to define "black community", since the real definition has kicked your ass, Vermin.

"Black community" means a black audience. A building full of white people located in a black neighbourhood or town, isn't a rally in the "black community".

Why does this need to be explained to you. Are you so stupid, you can't figure this stuuu
I’m too busy watching the numbers where more Blacks are voting for Trump and Republicans.

Democrats have rallies for every group they consider to be Blocks…. Including Blacks!

Has Trump been on the ballot in any election anywhere. Where did they vote for him?

Celebrating Trump's polling numbers when the polls have been wrong in every election since 2016 is a really useful thing. I'm sure things will only get better for Trump as he's convicted in one court after another.

Trump received 8% of the black vote in 2020. Even though polls show black people being sympathetic to Trump being unfairly arrested, they're not stupid enough to vote for him.

"Support for the Democratic presidential candidate reached a new low among Black men this year, according to the NBC News poll of early and Election Day voters.

Eighty percent of Black men supported Joe Biden, down slightly from Hilary Clinton’s 82 percent in 2016 but significantly down from Barack Obama’s level of support among Black men in 2012 and 2008.

In Obama’s first presidential campaign, 95 percent of Black male voters and 96 percent of Black women chose him. Four years later, support from Black women remained at 96 percent for Obama’s 2012 re-election, while the figure for Black men slid to 87 percent."

Sounds exciting until you look at the actual numbers, and notice it's only black men who support Trump. Black women are going NOWHERE.
During the 2015 campaign

Mobile Alabama. 52% black
Greemville, SC. 23%
Birmingham Al. 68%
Etc. From Wikipedia.
Mobile Alabama. 52% black
This Black community?


Do you really believe any thinking person is buying your complete and utter bullshit spin?

Seriously, just slink away. You lost. You got your considerably wide and dimpled lilly white ass kicked.

Now go away and try to save a little face, Vermin.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

What bullshit is that, FuckBoi? Trolling no content is proof positivie you have nothing. Aren't you ever embarassed about whoring yourself for that loser Trump?

Black people are too smart to vote for Trump. They have the good sense not to vote for him. They have more than 200 years experience of being screwed over by rich white guys who lie to them, and they're smarter than you are by far.
Obama is not stupid

Republicans were waiting for Obama to show favoritism

So your story is that Barry didn't want to appear 'stupid" so he ignored the black community.

Thanks for your first time honesty on this board, Vermin.
What bullshit is that, FuckBoi? Trolling no content is proof positivie you have nothing. Aren't you ever embarassed about whoring yourself for that loser Trump?

Black people are too smart to vote for Trump. They have the good sense not to vote for him. They have more than 200 years experience of being screwed over by rich white guys who lie to them, and they're smarter than you are by far.
Unfortunately for you moron, those rich white guys lying to the blacks have been Dimwingers like you. Racist to the core.

Your ilk gave us the KKK, Jim Crow, and filibustering of the Civil Rights Act.............as well as electing a Grand Kleagle of the KKK to the Senate until he went toes up in 2010.''
"Black community" means a black audience. A building full of white people located in a black neighbourhood or town, isn't a rally in the "black community".
Thanks for moving the goal posts after you Dimtards have had your ass kicked with your blatant lies.

Maybe you should go back and read the OP, Shitface.

That trump has not held a rally in a black community?

Trump made claims about how much he did for black people. You would think that if this were true he would be going into black neighborhoods and campaigning. But he's not and he are some of the reasons.
That trump has not held a rally in a black community?

Trump made claims about how much he did for black people. You would think that if this were true he would be going into black neighborhoods and campaigning. But he's not and he are some of the reasons.

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Wrong again, race baiter. The reason Trump doesn't hold rallies in black communities is they don't tend to have venues that are large enough. I guess you can thank your commiecrat overlords for that.

Wrong again, race baiter. The reason Trump doesn't hold rallies in black communities is they don't tend to have venues that are large enough. I guess you can thank your commiecrat overlords for that.

There are stadiums and venues in black areas you jackass.
That trump has not held a rally in a black community?

Trump made claims about how much he did for black people. You would think that if this were true he would be going into black neighborhoods and campaigning. But he's not and he are some of the reasons.

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You are kinda of a dumbshit that have trouble remembering that when Trump was President the Negroes had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the country, aren't you?

The Negroes are the ones that mostly helped to produce the fraudulent ballots in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes that allowed Potatohead to steal the election so they are treasonous to this country, aren't they?

Trump didn't promise them enough welfare, did he? Just jobs. What Negros really want a job when they can get welfare, huh?
Wrong again, race baiter. The reason Trump doesn't hold rallies in black communities is they don't tend to have venues that are large enough. I guess you can thank your commiecrat overlords for that.

Is 1700 big enough ? (Apollo theater)

17,000? Barclays Center in Brooklyn

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