Have you ever noticed?

He’s never held a rally in DC?

He has not held a rallly iin thee bblackk commmunity duuring thiis campaign. If Trump held a rally at Howard, he would be in DC's black community. He hasn't.
Um, let's go to the tape....

Here are your EXACT WORDS, you lying sack of KKKanadian vermin:

The one thing that I noted during lockdown that I haven't seen anyone comment about was Donald Trump lifting lockdowns during covid.

Saying no one has commented on Donald Trump lifting lockdowns, isn't saying "Donald Trump lifted or was capable of lifting lockdowns at all". And you quoted that sentence without quoting the rest of what I said.

"Then reports started coming out that covid deaths were highest in minorities and the elderly, and within days Trump started demanding everyone re-open now." Nowhere do I suggest that Trump had the power to control the lockdowns, just that he was telling everyone to open.

You're a complete fucking idiot..
He didn't hold a rally in the black community in Cleveland.

Downtown St. Louis is not the black community.
How do you explain Downtown St Louis not being a black community when there are more blacks than any other race?

Perhaps it's time for you to define "black community", since the real definition has kicked your ass, Vermin.
That trump has not held a rally in a black community?

Trump made claims about how much he did for black people. You would think that if this were true he would be going into black neighborhoods and campaigning. But he's not and he are some of the reasons.

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View attachment 861875

I’m too busy watching the numbers where more Blacks are voting for Trump and Republicans.

Democrats have rallies for every group they consider to be Blocks…. Including Blacks!
Saying no one has commented on Donald Trump lifting lockdowns, isn't saying "Donald Trump lifted or was capable of lifting lockdowns at all". And you quoted that sentence without quoting the rest of what I said.

"Then reports started coming out that covid deaths were highest in minorities and the elderly, and within days Trump started demanding everyone re-open now." Nowhere do I suggest that Trump had the power to control the lockdowns, just that he was telling everyone to open.

You're a complete fucking idiot..
Do you really believe any thinking person is buying your complete and utter bullshit spin?

Seriously, just slink away. You lost. You got your considerably wide and dimpled lilly white ass kicked.

Now go away and try to save a little face, Vermin.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
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Really. You have a much higher opinion of your links than the rest of us have.
US Census data?

Ok, you have gone off the deep end...........even for you. Perhaps you should put the bottle of Ripple down and go to bed, Granny.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
No you haven't.
Yes, I have.

I have provided US Census data proving you are a lying sack of shit for claiming Trump has never held a rally in a minority location.

Accept the fact I have proven you are a liar, liar. Then move on.

You are free to start a few more of your dumbass race baiting threads tomorrow. Your race baiting threads today bit you in your ass.
It ain't downtown St. Louis. So don't play stupid
I never said it was. I am asking you to define a generic term you are using so we can understand exactly what you are referring to as the black community.
He has not held a rallly iin thee bblackk commmunity duuring thiis campaign. If Trump held a rally at Howard, he would be in DC's black community. He hasn't.
During the 2015 campaign

Mobile Alabama. 52% black
Greemville, SC. 23%
Birmingham Al. 68%
Etc. From Wikipedia.
Easy….Because Obama knew better than to do something that specifically helped his race.
He understood how quickly Republicans would jump all over it

So, instead….Obama did things to help ALL Americans
Why he is one of the greatest modern Presidents

Exactly. Had Obama did something just for blacks, cucks like BrokeLoser would have ran his mouth about Obamas racism.
Hahaha…hold the fuck on…is that really the spin you’ve been programmed to parrot?
The first black President couldn’t help black people because “RACISM”….Are you fools fucking serious?
Yes, I have.

I have provided US Census data proving you are a lying sack of shit for claiming Trump has never held a rally in a minority location.

Accept the fact I have proven you are a liar, liar. Then move on.

You are free to start a few more of your dumbass race baiting threads tomorrow. Your race baiting threads today bit you in your ass.
Again trump has not held a rallly in the black community..

You guys do all the race baiting around here. Then you whine about somebody racee baiitiing when you get called out..

Doing a rally in a white neighborhood in a city that's 47 percent black is not holding a rally in the black community.
Hahaha…hold the fuck on…is that really the spin you’ve been programmed to parrot?
The first black President couldn’t help black people because “RACISM”….Are you fools fucking serious?
He did help blacks but had he exclusively done things for blacks, people like you would have barked about him being a racist. Look at how you idiots acted when he called the white moron cop who ruffed up Professor Gates in his own home stupid. Or when he said that if he had a son it would look like Trayvon Martin. That racist Marathon Mikke iis stilll crying about that now.
Stapling posters to telephone poles does not impress me. He didn't do jack squat as a Senator or President. Obama is the root cause for BLM, George Floyd, and the division in this country.
So… you’re just mush mouthing then?
That tracks.
We asked why Trump didn't hold any his dozens of rallies in black communities. Biden wasn't even mentioned. Trump held rallies everywhere, but not in black communitiies.

You're the one who asked how many rallies Biden held in black communities, well the same number he held in white communities - none.

Open wider. You can get the other foot in.
Who cares what you asked? We all know you're a sleazy lying piece of shit.

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