Have you guys heard the joke about ebola?

I snickered. Maybe I should not have given it is making light of something which is wrecking havoc and killing many. But I did snicker.

"These official assurances should not have passed the smell test. They contrast with the videos of Emory University’s Ebola specialists (and other caregivers and decontamination crews) who, when yards away from Ebola patients, were suited up—head to toe, with multiple layers of clothing, goggles, and respirators—with their gear appearing to be as protective as that worn by Japanese workers who in 2011 began seeking to contain the radiation leaks at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear workers. The Emory Ebola caregivers got hosed down with chemicals on exiting the isolation rooms. They also suited up and disrobed following strict protocols, with supervisors watching.
"Healthcare officials and media critics expressed some distress that one of the Dallas nurses who caught Ebola reportedly left for a time a small portion of the back of her neck exposed. This was at a time when they were assuring everyone that Ebola couldn’t be transmitted without direct contact with bodily fluids, or through dry skin.

"We Were Just Following Government Orders
"Dallas Health Presbyterian Hospital, including the infected nurses, made care mistakes (from which New York City’s Bellevue Hospital learned and advanced its Ebola care), but it can be forgiven, at least partially, for following closely CDC protocols at the time that all, including the CDC, now agree were more lax than they should have been. This may have been the case because CDC officials at the time they staunchly supported their original protocols believed their own press pronouncements, leading to what a former CDC veteran with 25 years of service now concedes, belatedly, “was overconfidence on every side.”

Medical Science Doesn t Support Official Rhetoric On Ebola

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