Have you noticed how republicans and Fox News talk a lot about veterans getting the shaft yet...

Kinda stretching the truth there, aren't you? She said half of Trumps supporters were deplorable. I think she judged a little low.
Oh well, she still called a lot of Americans deplorable. I thought the president, works for all Americans. I guess not, if you're a liberal.

She's not the president. If you want to discuss working for all Americans, how do you justify that fat orange idiot pushing a tax bill that gives more to the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class?
Have you read it? The same was said about the Bush's tax cuts, which was total bullshit.

Yes. Tell me all about the Bush tax cuts that ushered in the economy collapse.

harden, coolidge and hovers great depression

Every time cut, slash and burn is put into place = a depression is sure to happen.

I guess that's why your dear leader and the commiecrats made them permanent, right?

We’re ready for you to tell us about the growing pains obama experienced while trying to fix this problem, Billy000.
Give us just one example of obama ever making an attempt to fix the problems our veterans have been dealing with over the past several years.
He increased homeless veteran funds and homeless vet numbers decreased under him.We got the Veteran's Choice program.
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.
You’re still loved and respected, Coyote. :)
I got curious about what presidents have done for veterans....

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.
You’re still loved and respected, Coyote. :)

and feared. Don’t forget that bit.
I got curious about what presidents have done for veterans....

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.
You’re still loved and respected, Coyote. :)

and feared. Don’t forget that bit.

I’m sure you know I don’t fear anyone. I am quick to love and appreciate those who I can respect. :)
I got curious about what presidents have done for veterans....

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.
You’re still loved and respected, Coyote. :)

and feared. Don’t forget that bit.

I’m sure you know I don’t fear anyone. I am quick to love and appreciate those who I can respect. :)
Ah well...I guess I will keep having to work on the fear factor :p
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.

I disagree. I've had excellent care through the VA.

I got curious about what presidents have done for veterans....

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are about Veterans | PolitiFact
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.
You’re still loved and respected, Coyote. :)

and feared. Don’t forget that bit.

I’m sure you know I don’t fear anyone. I am quick to love and appreciate those who I can respect. :)
Ah well...I guess I will keep having to work on the fear factor :p
There isn’t anything you need to work on, Coyote. You’ve already earned my love and respect.
Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.

I disagree. I've had excellent care through the VA.


The VA is very hit and miss. There are great VA clinics and there are shitty ones. You are lucky if you live by one of the good ones. I do not so I do not even waste my time going to them for things they are required to deal with, I would rather go to a good doctor.
Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.

Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?

Where are you credible links to these accusations?
She called every American that didn't support her deplorable. Well most in the military are conservative, so there you go, and most liberals applauded her for calling conservatives deplorable.

Jesus, you must be Karnac if you know most everyone in the military are conservative. I'll get back to your bullshit when you prove it, until then boy take a hike.
Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


I missed that, how is that going to work?
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.

I disagree. I've had excellent care through the VA.


The VA is very hit and miss. There are great VA clinics and there are shitty ones. You are lucky if you live by one of the good ones. I do not so I do not even waste my time going to them for things they are required to deal with, I would rather go to a good doctor.

My old clinic was run down, but the care was good. We got a new clinic about 1 1/2 years ago, top notch. They have their own lab and imaging equipment, my congressman is pushing to get an MRI machine. They also added an optometrist and a couple of other specialist so we don't have to go downtown for those.

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


I missed that, how is that going to work?

Which part, the cola or the taxes?

when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.

I disagree. I've had excellent care through the VA.


The VA is very hit and miss. There are great VA clinics and there are shitty ones. You are lucky if you live by one of the good ones. I do not so I do not even waste my time going to them for things they are required to deal with, I would rather go to a good doctor.

My old clinic was run down, but the care was good. We got a new clinic about 1 1/2 years ago, top notch. They have their own lab and imaging equipment, my congressman is pushing to get an MRI machine. They also added an optometrist and a couple of other specialist so we don't have to go downtown for those.


Good to see they are improving them, it is a long time coming. Ours has some good points but they suck with lung issues so I have stayed away. I guess maybe they have gotten better but I have not felt the desire to test it out.
Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


I missed that, how is that going to work?

Which part, the cola or the taxes?


The taxes, the COLA I knew about.
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....

But you YOURSELF are not a veteran, I take it.
My wife is, she is a 100% service connected disabled Navy veteran, and we've lived through the Bush and Obama administrations as such, and we both noticed some distinct changes.
To Mr. Bush's credit, most of the proposed changes were not catastrophic like Trump's proposal to PRIVATIZE AND VOUCHERIZE disabled veteran health care. I would have to research the specifics but here is the one GLARING error Bush's era is responsible for that I know for sure:

The VA facilities budget is NON-discretionary spending.
The actual VA HEALTH CARE budget IS discretionary.

Anyone with more than a fifth-grade education and an ounce of compassion for disabled vets would know that this should be flipped 180 degrees...you DO NOT MESS with the health care budget for disabled vets or let it be a political football. Barack Obama might have wanted to switch that back, or maybe it never crossed his mind, I do not know but I suspect with an obstructionist Congress, if he had suggested it, it would have been knocked down by McConnell and his buddies, because that is what they do and it's what they did, for all eight years.
So it is STILL that way, but NOW, disabled vets might be facing a future where critically ill vets get a voucher for two grand, a kick in the teeth and a "thank you for your service" as they shut down the whole thing and sell it to some insurance company.

One of the other noticeable things we saw during Bush was the flood of evangelicals running around, both in volunteer and staff positions. It was interesting to see a disabled veteran friend who was a lesbian get chewed out in the office of a nurse practitioner.

Lincy Pandithurai, Texas Nurse Practitioner Who Harassed Lesbian Veteran, Removed From Job | HuffPost

Of all the healthcare programs operating in the United States however, the one which has experienced the most DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT OVERALL has BEEN the VA Health Care System, and I will gladly give credit
to both the Bushes and the Obamas for that. The first act of office Obama did, the very first week, was to push an across the board 15% budget increase for the entire VA.

Updated - The Obameter: Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?
I asked the question, I think I remember something like it. I was sure Obama worshippers would remember. Oh, yeah they don't know anything negative.
Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


I missed that, how is that going to work?

Which part, the cola or the taxes?


The taxes, the COLA I knew about.

My taxable income is less than what the new standard deduction will be. Simple.


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