Have you noticed how republicans and Fox News talk a lot about veterans getting the shaft yet...

...they don’t actually come up with any policy ideas to help them? Hell, Republicans in Congress have cut food stamps which is a program that benefits a lot of veterans. It’s just easier for outlets like Fox to pretend they give a shit about veterans so their dumbass viewers will be blind to the fact that nothing for veterans is actually done to help them by republicans.

Oh, and democrats like Bernie have done a lot for veterans in comparison.
I'm a Conservative and a Veteran. I vote Republican because I know exactly what I'll get when democrats are in power. The shaft.

Which is the same thing you get when the Repubs are in power.
Oh well, she still called a lot of Americans deplorable. I thought the president, works for all Americans. I guess not, if you're a liberal.

She's not the president. If you want to discuss working for all Americans, how do you justify that fat orange idiot pushing a tax bill that gives more to the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class?
Have you read it? The same was said about the Bush's tax cuts, which was total bullshit.

Have you?
Nope, but a couple of things I heard about if true,is good. Your just spouting old unfounded liberal talking points. The last tax cut democrats claimed was only for the rich was bogus. Everyone got a tax cut with Bush's tax cut.

Yep everybody got one. Mine was pocket change. The rich got millions.
Lol, if you got pocket change, then that means you make pocket change. Everyone got the same percentage. Even if you didn't pay taxes, you received more income tax credit money on your tax returns. Sorry, I guess you work at McDonald's.
Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.

Yes, America is recovering from the BushCo caused 2008 economic meltdown.

Point. You stated 'several years', that would mean you had a raise during the Obama administration?

Yeah, I think one time, 1%, yippee.

What democrats need to get through their heads is the reality that taking away Vet healthcare and benefits is part of the liberterian republican parties goals.

So the next time they whine about how the democrats hate our vets our vets need to remember this.

Remember what dumb ass, regressive lies?

So, she did call people in the military deplorable as she called conservatives deplorable.

Kinda stretching the truth there, aren't you? She said half of Trumps supporters were deplorable. I think she judged a little low.
Oh well, she still called a lot of Americans deplorable. I thought the president, works for all Americans. I guess not, if you're a liberal.

She's not the president. If you want to discuss working for all Americans, how do you justify that fat orange idiot pushing a tax bill that gives more to the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class?
Have you read it? The same was said about the Bush's tax cuts, which was total bullshit.

Yes. Tell me all about the Bush tax cuts that ushered in the economy collapse.

harden, coolidge and hovers great depression

Every time cut, slash and burn is put into place = a depression is sure to happen.
What democrats need to get through their heads is the reality that taking away Vet healthcare and benefits is part of the liberterian republican parties goals.

So the next time they whine about how the democrats hate our vets our vets need to remember this.
When are you going to understand that men don’t wear dresses?
VA kills plan to cut homeless-vet program after outcry

"Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin has killed a plan to shift money from a major homelessness program in response to a wave of protest from veterans' advocates, who said the move would aggravate conditions for chronically ill and vulnerable vets.

Advocates for veterans, state officials and even officials from HUD, which co-sponsors the $460 million program, had attacked the decision, saying the service has helped dramatically reduce homelessness among veterans. After POLITICO published a story about their anger, Shulkin reversed course late Wednesday."

So yeah, when I hear about Republicans supporting veterans, I instinctively hold back my vomit, or think about reaching for my pistol.
Republican support for vets consists of waving flags and kicking them in the teeth if it costs anything.

republicans are just idiots that use our troops as trash and tools for their religious wars.
So, she did call people in the military deplorable as she called conservatives deplorable.

Kinda stretching the truth there, aren't you? She said half of Trumps supporters were deplorable. I think she judged a little low.
Oh well, she still called a lot of Americans deplorable. I thought the president, works for all Americans. I guess not, if you're a liberal.

She's not the president. If you want to discuss working for all Americans, how do you justify that fat orange idiot pushing a tax bill that gives more to the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class?
Have you read it? The same was said about the Bush's tax cuts, which was total bullshit.

Have you?

No body has, the final bill isn't finished. But you can't give tax cuts to people that don't pay taxes. I'm amazed you regressives can't grasp the concept.

VA kills plan to cut homeless-vet program after outcry

"Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin has killed a plan to shift money from a major homelessness program in response to a wave of protest from veterans' advocates, who said the move would aggravate conditions for chronically ill and vulnerable vets.

Advocates for veterans, state officials and even officials from HUD, which co-sponsors the $460 million program, had attacked the decision, saying the service has helped dramatically reduce homelessness among veterans. After POLITICO published a story about their anger, Shulkin reversed course late Wednesday."

So yeah, when I hear about Republicans supporting veterans, I instinctively hold back my vomit, or think about reaching for my pistol.
Republican support for vets consists of waving flags and kicking them in the teeth if it costs anything.
We’re ready for you to tell us about the growing pains obama experienced while trying to fix this problem.
Give us just one example of obama ever making an attempt to fix the problems our veterans have been dealing with over the past several years.

We’re ready for you to tell us about the growing pains obama experienced while trying to fix this problem, Billy000.
Give us just one example of obama ever making an attempt to fix the problems our veterans have been dealing with over the past several years.
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?
But the Vets vote for the GOP in overwhelming numbers because they have
always known what happens to them when the GOP is running the show
or the worthless, anti-American democrats.

Obama fucked our military every which way he could.

We can't even get half our aircraft into the sky because of that ape.
What did he have to do with it?
when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....
I would agree, veterans have historically gotten short shrift from most administrations. They are taken care of while fighting and that is it.
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?

Stop lying.
Nowhere did she refer to military or veterans as deplorable, and the whole "deplorable" smear pales next to things Republicans have DONE to both.
Did Obama want vets to pay for their own insurance after they got home?
You sir, clearly do not have any vets in your family, or veteran friends.
The proposal was supposed to save the federal government an estimated $540 million per year by billing veterans’ private insurance companies for the treatment of their combat injuries and other service-related health problems.
(Currently only non-service-related medical treatments are so billed.) The proposal would not have, as was often misreported, forced veterans to pay for the treatment of their injuries out of their own pockets or required them to buy private insurance.
And it was dropped within 36 hours, especially after IAVA spox Paul Rieckhoff specifically said, "The President needs to drop this. We don’t understand why he’s picking this fight.”

Compare that to Trump's plan to PRIVATIZE (and even VOUCHERIZE) the ENTIRE VA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM:
Trump’s plan to privatize the VA will hurt vets

Let me know when you figure out how the private sector can profit off 90% of the medical needs faced by disabled veterans.
Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.

...they don’t actually come up with any policy ideas to help them? Hell, Republicans in Congress have cut food stamps which is a program that benefits a lot of veterans. It’s just easier for outlets like Fox to pretend they give a shit about veterans so their dumbass viewers will be blind to the fact that nothing for veterans is actually done to help them by republicans.

Oh, and democrats like Bernie have done a lot for veterans in comparison.
I have noticed how leftists seem to watch more Fox News than most republicans. Then they whine and moan just like you're doing now.

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