Have you noticed how republicans and Fox News talk a lot about veterans getting the shaft yet...

Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.
I've noticed that Republicans and Fox talk a lot about having things thrust down their throats...a lot...they talk about it a lot!
that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


I missed that, how is that going to work?

Which part, the cola or the taxes?


The taxes, the COLA I knew about.

My taxable income is less than what the new standard deduction will be. Simple.


Gotcha. Sorry. Was confused.
Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.

Yes, America is recovering from the BushCo caused 2008 economic meltdown.

Point. You stated 'several years', that would mean you had a raise during the Obama administration?

Yeah, I think one time, 1%, yippee.


Every time there is a CPI increase in social security the sitting President signs an order to raise our disability by the same percentage. I don't remember a time we got one when social security didn't raise. The President didn't have anything to do with the social security increase.
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?

Stop lying.
Nowhere did she refer to military or veterans as deplorable, and the whole "deplorable" smear pales next to things Republicans have DONE to both.
Did Obama want vets to pay for their own insurance after they got home?
You sir, clearly do not have any vets in your family, or veteran friends.
The proposal was supposed to save the federal government an estimated $540 million per year by billing veterans’ private insurance companies for the treatment of their combat injuries and other service-related health problems.
(Currently only non-service-related medical treatments are so billed.) The proposal would not have, as was often misreported, forced veterans to pay for the treatment of their injuries out of their own pockets or required them to buy private insurance.
And it was dropped within 36 hours, especially after IAVA spox Paul Rieckhoff specifically said, "The President needs to drop this. We don’t understand why he’s picking this fight.”

Compare that to Trump's plan to PRIVATIZE (and even VOUCHERIZE) the ENTIRE VA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM:
Trump’s plan to privatize the VA will hurt vets

Let me know when you figure out how the private sector can profit off 90% of the medical needs faced by disabled veterans.
The same way Obama care was gonna save families $2500 a year?
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?
I asked the question, I think I remember something like it. I was sure Obama worshippers would remember. Oh, yeah they don't know anything negative.
Nothing to support it then.
Republicans and Fox News lie a lot about veterans getting the shaft, when in fact no one is purposely trying to disadvantage veterans.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.

Yes, America is recovering from the BushCo caused 2008 economic meltdown.

Point. You stated 'several years', that would mean you had a raise during the Obama administration?

Yeah, I think one time, 1%, yippee.


Every time there is a CPI increase in social security the sitting President signs an order to raise our disability by the same percentage. I don't remember a time we got one when social security didn't raise. The President didn't have anything to do with the social security increase.

SS cola 2009, 2010 & 2015 raise 0.0%, 2016 0.3%

Cost-Of-Living Adjustments

Can't find a long term chart for VA.

Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.

Yes, America is recovering from the BushCo caused 2008 economic meltdown.

Point. You stated 'several years', that would mean you had a raise during the Obama administration?

Yeah, I think one time, 1%, yippee.


Every time there is a CPI increase in social security the sitting President signs an order to raise our disability by the same percentage. I don't remember a time we got one when social security didn't raise. The President didn't have anything to do with the social security increase.

SS cola 2009, 2010 & 2015 raise 0.0%, 2016 0.3%

Cost-Of-Living Adjustments

Can't find a long term chart for VA.


You quoted obama years for a reason? Like I said the sitting President has nothing to do with ss cola raises. Low inflation those years, maybe?
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?

Stop lying.
Nowhere did she refer to military or veterans as deplorable, and the whole "deplorable" smear pales next to things Republicans have DONE to both.
Did Obama want vets to pay for their own insurance after they got home?
You sir, clearly do not have any vets in your family, or veteran friends.
The proposal was supposed to save the federal government an estimated $540 million per year by billing veterans’ private insurance companies for the treatment of their combat injuries and other service-related health problems.
(Currently only non-service-related medical treatments are so billed.) The proposal would not have, as was often misreported, forced veterans to pay for the treatment of their injuries out of their own pockets or required them to buy private insurance.
And it was dropped within 36 hours, especially after IAVA spox Paul Rieckhoff specifically said, "The President needs to drop this. We don’t understand why he’s picking this fight.”

Compare that to Trump's plan to PRIVATIZE (and even VOUCHERIZE) the ENTIRE VA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM:
Trump’s plan to privatize the VA will hurt vets

Let me know when you figure out how the private sector can profit off 90% of the medical needs faced by disabled veterans.
The same way Obama care was gonna save families $2500 a year?

Too bad that didn't come true but what IS going to come true:

Mortgage interest deduction - GONE
Student loan interest deduction - GONE
Medical expense deduction - GONE (including catastrophic expenses)
State and local tax deduction - GONE
And - - the POS piddling tax cut some will receive will disappear in five years.
Gary Cohn apparently doesn’t know what things cost
And - - Medicare/Social Security - GONE ASAP, soon as Paul Ryan can shove it through.
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?
I asked the question, I think I remember something like it. I was sure Obama worshippers would remember. Oh, yeah they don't know anything negative.

No, you didn't ASK anything, you employed alternative facts, sometimes called lying or fabricating, in some circles. This is just ONE MORE endless "But Shrillary" pivot.
The thread is about veterans but it could be about ANYTHING and you morons immediately

Is that the best you can do?
Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?

Stop lying.
Nowhere did she refer to military or veterans as deplorable, and the whole "deplorable" smear pales next to things Republicans have DONE to both.
Did Obama want vets to pay for their own insurance after they got home?
You sir, clearly do not have any vets in your family, or veteran friends.
The proposal was supposed to save the federal government an estimated $540 million per year by billing veterans’ private insurance companies for the treatment of their combat injuries and other service-related health problems.
(Currently only non-service-related medical treatments are so billed.) The proposal would not have, as was often misreported, forced veterans to pay for the treatment of their injuries out of their own pockets or required them to buy private insurance.
And it was dropped within 36 hours, especially after IAVA spox Paul Rieckhoff specifically said, "The President needs to drop this. We don’t understand why he’s picking this fight.”

Compare that to Trump's plan to PRIVATIZE (and even VOUCHERIZE) the ENTIRE VA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM:
Trump’s plan to privatize the VA will hurt vets

Let me know when you figure out how the private sector can profit off 90% of the medical needs faced by disabled veterans.
The same way Obama care was gonna save families $2500 a year?

Too bad that didn't come true but what IS going to come true:

Mortgage interest deduction - GONE
Student loan interest deduction - GONE
Medical expense deduction - GONE (including catastrophic expenses)
State and local tax deduction - GONE
And - - the POS piddling tax cut some will receive will disappear in five years.
Gary Cohn apparently doesn’t know what things cost
And - - Medicare/Social Security - GONE ASAP, soon as Paul Ryan can shove it through.
Don't you support everyone paying their fair share?
Veterans are collateral damage?

Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


And yet you're STILL PAYING taxes anyway.
A lot of people who get everything back at the end of the cycle are still paying a lot of taxes anyway.
Not only that but the government makes money off the interest generated during the withholding period until you get your money back, and you don't get that back, just the withholding, or a percentage of it.

Plus, if your income is in that low of a bracket, any and all taxes that you DO PAY are a much higher percentage of your total earnings than anyone in the one percent.
This is something to bear in mind when people refer to lower income earners as deadbeats and moochers "who don't have to pay taxes"....which is a bullshit statement.

This is also why all those proposed FLAT TAX ideas are especially bad for lower income people.
Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.

Yes, America is recovering from the BushCo caused 2008 economic meltdown.

Point. You stated 'several years', that would mean you had a raise during the Obama administration?

Yeah, I think one time, 1%, yippee.


Every time there is a CPI increase in social security the sitting President signs an order to raise our disability by the same percentage. I don't remember a time we got one when social security didn't raise. The President didn't have anything to do with the social security increase.

SS cola 2009, 2010 & 2015 raise 0.0%, 2016 0.3%

Cost-Of-Living Adjustments

Can't find a long term chart for VA.


You quoted obama years for a reason? Like I said the sitting President has nothing to do with ss cola raises. Low inflation those years, maybe?

I quoted the most recent years that were zero or less than 1%. BTW the colas for SS and VA are computed under different laws and budget programs.

Yeah and Hillary called over half the military deplorable, and liberals supported it. Shows what you think of them. Didn't Obama want them to pay for their own insurance after they got home from war?

Stop lying.
Nowhere did she refer to military or veterans as deplorable, and the whole "deplorable" smear pales next to things Republicans have DONE to both.
Did Obama want vets to pay for their own insurance after they got home?
You sir, clearly do not have any vets in your family, or veteran friends.
The proposal was supposed to save the federal government an estimated $540 million per year by billing veterans’ private insurance companies for the treatment of their combat injuries and other service-related health problems.
(Currently only non-service-related medical treatments are so billed.) The proposal would not have, as was often misreported, forced veterans to pay for the treatment of their injuries out of their own pockets or required them to buy private insurance.
And it was dropped within 36 hours, especially after IAVA spox Paul Rieckhoff specifically said, "The President needs to drop this. We don’t understand why he’s picking this fight.”

Compare that to Trump's plan to PRIVATIZE (and even VOUCHERIZE) the ENTIRE VA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM:
Trump’s plan to privatize the VA will hurt vets

Let me know when you figure out how the private sector can profit off 90% of the medical needs faced by disabled veterans.
The same way Obama care was gonna save families $2500 a year?

Too bad that didn't come true but what IS going to come true:

Mortgage interest deduction - GONE
Student loan interest deduction - GONE
Medical expense deduction - GONE (including catastrophic expenses)
State and local tax deduction - GONE
And - - the POS piddling tax cut some will receive will disappear in five years.
Gary Cohn apparently doesn’t know what things cost
And - - Medicare/Social Security - GONE ASAP, soon as Paul Ryan can shove it through.
Don't you support everyone paying their fair share?

Is that what you call fair?
Really, we're getting a raise for the first time in several years. Now that the dear leader is gone things are starting to look up.


Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


And yet you're STILL PAYING taxes anyway.
A lot of people who get everything back at the end of the cycle are still paying a lot of taxes anyway.
Not only that but the government makes money off the interest generated during the withholding period until you get your money back, and you don't get that back, just the withholding, or a percentage of it.

Plus, if your income is in that low of a bracket, any and all taxes that you DO PAY are a much higher percentage of your total earnings than anyone in the one percent.
This is something to bear in mind when people refer to lower income earners as deadbeats and moochers "who don't have to pay taxes"....which is a bullshit statement.

This is also why all those proposed FLAT TAX ideas are especially bad for lower income people.

Yeah, I pay sales taxes and excise taxes on my smokes. Also I have no class envy, so I couldn't care less what the total % of income the 1% pay. I only care about what I pay.

Who is "we" in this?

Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


And yet you're STILL PAYING taxes anyway.
A lot of people who get everything back at the end of the cycle are still paying a lot of taxes anyway.
Not only that but the government makes money off the interest generated during the withholding period until you get your money back, and you don't get that back, just the withholding, or a percentage of it.

Plus, if your income is in that low of a bracket, any and all taxes that you DO PAY are a much higher percentage of your total earnings than anyone in the one percent.
This is something to bear in mind when people refer to lower income earners as deadbeats and moochers "who don't have to pay taxes"....which is a bullshit statement.

This is also why all those proposed FLAT TAX ideas are especially bad for lower income people.

Yeah, I pay sales taxes and excise taxes on my smokes. Also I have no class envy, so I couldn't care less what the total % of income the 1% pay. I only care about what I pay.


It's not class envy, it's sound advice.
If the one percent earned their money, glad to see them enjoy it.
If they want to weaponize the budget in ways that hurt working people, I'm going to use my common sense and oppose it.
That's because you're supposed to support your own best interests.
...they don’t actually come up with any policy ideas to help them? Hell, Republicans in Congress have cut food stamps which is a program that benefits a lot of veterans. It’s just easier for outlets like Fox to pretend they give a shit about veterans so their dumbass viewers will be blind to the fact that nothing for veterans is actually done to help them by republicans.

Oh, and democrats like Bernie have done a lot for veterans in comparison.
I'm a Conservative and a Veteran. I vote Republican because I know exactly what I'll get when democrats are in power. The shaft.
And what, specifically, do republicans offer you in comparison?
Well. Trump is cleaning up the VA. They can fire incompetent f*cks now.
Retired and disabled Vets, who the hell were we talking about, I happen to be both.


that makes two of us. Tell me about this "raise" you speak of? You mean the 2% COLA increase?

Yep and cutting my taxes to zero if the bill passes.


And yet you're STILL PAYING taxes anyway.
A lot of people who get everything back at the end of the cycle are still paying a lot of taxes anyway.
Not only that but the government makes money off the interest generated during the withholding period until you get your money back, and you don't get that back, just the withholding, or a percentage of it.

Plus, if your income is in that low of a bracket, any and all taxes that you DO PAY are a much higher percentage of your total earnings than anyone in the one percent.
This is something to bear in mind when people refer to lower income earners as deadbeats and moochers "who don't have to pay taxes"....which is a bullshit statement.

This is also why all those proposed FLAT TAX ideas are especially bad for lower income people.

Yeah, I pay sales taxes and excise taxes on my smokes. Also I have no class envy, so I couldn't care less what the total % of income the 1% pay. I only care about what I pay.


It's not class envy, it's sound advice.
If the one percent earned their money, glad to see them enjoy it.
If they want to weaponize the budget in ways that hurt working people, I'm going to use my common sense and oppose it.
That's because you're supposed to support your own best interests.

So tell me oh wise one, how does the 1% not earn their money?

when i worked in the PO a good 30% of the work force is veterans from WW2 up to Iraq and Afghanistan....just about every one of these people said that EVERY administration republican and democrat only talked about them at election time.....any other time they were invisible....especially the ones coming home from a conflict....you party people are as gullible as they want you to be....

But you YOURSELF are not a veteran, I take it.
My wife is, she is a 100% service connected disabled Navy veteran, and we've lived through the Bush and Obama administrations as such, and we both noticed some distinct changes.
To Mr. Bush's credit, most of the proposed changes were not catastrophic like Trump's proposal to PRIVATIZE AND VOUCHERIZE disabled veteran health care. I would have to research the specifics but here is the one GLARING error Bush's era is responsible for that I know for sure:

The VA facilities budget is NON-discretionary spending.
The actual VA HEALTH CARE budget IS discretionary.

Anyone with more than a fifth-grade education and an ounce of compassion for disabled vets would know that this should be flipped 180 degrees...you DO NOT MESS with the health care budget for disabled vets or let it be a political football. Barack Obama might have wanted to switch that back, or maybe it never crossed his mind, I do not know but I suspect with an obstructionist Congress, if he had suggested it, it would have been knocked down by McConnell and his buddies, because that is what they do and it's what they did, for all eight years.
So it is STILL that way, but NOW, disabled vets might be facing a future where critically ill vets get a voucher for two grand, a kick in the teeth and a "thank you for your service" as they shut down the whole thing and sell it to some insurance company.

One of the other noticeable things we saw during Bush was the flood of evangelicals running around, both in volunteer and staff positions. It was interesting to see a disabled veteran friend who was a lesbian get chewed out in the office of a nurse practitioner.

Lincy Pandithurai, Texas Nurse Practitioner Who Harassed Lesbian Veteran, Removed From Job | HuffPost

Of all the healthcare programs operating in the United States however, the one which has experienced the most DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT OVERALL has BEEN the VA Health Care System, and I will gladly give credit
to both the Bushes and the Obamas for that. The first act of office Obama did, the very first week, was to push an across the board 15% budget increase for the entire VA.

Updated - The Obameter: Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals
i delivered mail for years to a veterans assist center.....the majority of those guys as well as the ones i worked with were not impressed with any of the administrations.....like i said they said,during election time they were very concerned about them,afterwards....just talk.....
i delivered mail for years to a veterans assist center.....the majority of those guys as well as the ones i worked with were not impressed with any of the administrations.....like i said they said,during election time they were very concerned about them,afterwards....just talk.....

What is a "veterans assist center", is it a VA Clinic or a VA Hospital, a group home?

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