Have you signed a loyalty oath to Mitt Romney?

Aren't delegates generally asked to pledge support in advance? Why is that supposed to be news? Personally - I think parties should get rid of delegates. Why should an elected official's vote in the process count more than thousands of people's of votes (let alone one person's vote)? And that's on both parties.
]A commentary about Republicans from the MSDNC Obamabot Maddow.
That is why the republican party is doomed, If they can't inspire loyalty, maybe they can coerce it.

Always fun watching people predict the GOP's Doom. Works out so well for you guys every time.

Every time you say they are dead, They hand you a stunning Defeat at the Ballot Box.
Yep, Ronbots are are nutty as Obamabots..
Except the Dr. Paul nutters are a small, albeit very vocal, minority of his total supporters, while the Ozombies comprise virtually the entirety of the DNC.

Actually, the Democratic Party is a coalition party. Which is why you have Democrats voting against the president.

Unlike Republicans. 90% white. And cheering for "Less Police, less Firemen, less Teachers and no Health Care". Are these people sane? Or should be "let them die"?
Yep, Ronbots are are nutty as Obamabots..
Except the Dr. Paul nutters are a small, albeit very vocal, minority of his total supporters, while the Ozombies comprise virtually the entirety of the DNC.

Actually, the Democratic Party is a coalition party. Which is why you have Democrats voting against the president.

Unlike Republicans. 90% white. And cheering for "Less Police, less Firemen, less Teachers and no Health Care". Are these people sane? Or should be "let them die"?
STFU, Gomer.
Yep, Ronbots are are nutty as Obamabots..
Except the Dr. Paul nutters are a small, albeit very vocal, minority of his total supporters, while the Ozombies comprise virtually the entirety of the DNC.

Actually, the Democratic Party is a coalition party. Which is why you have Democrats voting against the president.

AKA as the party of vote pandering. If they don't get their groups special goodies, they get made and take their ball home.
It's true, and it's BULLSHIT!

Mass. Republicans oust Ron Paul delegates - Boston.com

Change the fucking rules in the middle of the game, you fucking establishment cocksuckers!! And all you so-called Republicans that support this kind of coercion,


Now, see?

Even though GuyPinesta is an unhinged, emotional wingnut, at LEAST he knows how to watch a news report, THEN research to find out if it's true.

A pos rep for the honest Rightwinger! :clap2:

Unlike Wingnut Echo Chamber participants/jackoffs like braveman, blackhawk, Charles_Main, TheGreatGatsby, predfan, idiot savant Stephanie, and my bitch - Oddball. :lol:
It's true, and it's BULLSHIT!

Mass. Republicans oust Ron Paul delegates - Boston.com

Change the fucking rules in the middle of the game, you fucking establishment cocksuckers!! And all you so-called Republicans that support this kind of coercion,


Now, see?

Even though GuyPinesta is an unhinged, emotional wingnut, at LEAST he knows how to watch a news report, THEN research to find out if it's true.

A pos rep for the honest Rightwinger! :clap2:

Unlike Wingnut Echo Chamber participants/jackoffs like braveman, blackhawk, Charles_Main, TheGreatGatsby, predfan, idiot savant Stephanie, and my bitch - Oddball. :lol:

I also salute GuyPinesta for being rightly outraged.
Aren't delegates generally asked to pledge support in advance? Why is that supposed to be news? Personally - I think parties should get rid of delegates. Why should an elected official's vote in the process count more than thousands of people's of votes (let alone one person's vote)? And that's on both parties.

Not all delegates are pledged, in fact according to RNC rules none of them are. In MA they know that the delegates are Paul supporters and they are supposed to be bound to Romney but because the RNC rules trump the state rules they are not in fact bound. Unless they sign this pledge. Watch for legal battles galore this summer.

Oh and we live in a republic which means we elect representatives to vote in conventions. Those that get involved have more of a say than those that don't. Everyone has the right to get involved and have more of a say but most would rather not so they get what they get.
Yep, Ronbots are are nutty as Obamabots..
Except the Dr. Paul nutters are a small, albeit very vocal, minority of his total supporters, while the Ozombies comprise virtually the entirety of the DNC.

Actually, the Democratic Party is a coalition party. Which is why you have Democrats voting against the president.

Unlike Republicans. 90% white. And cheering for "Less Police, less Firemen, less Teachers and no Health Care". Are these people sane? Or should be "let them die"?

whats that have to do with it?

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