Haw! ANOTHER "missing link" discovered!

Yes, my link was a sarcastic one off reply to another poster thinking that saying "Link?" is a real argument.

My disagreement is with Darwinism, not so much evolution.
You're LYING Again
You only believe in god-guided/"designed" 'evolution' which is NOT evolution, but serial creationism.
100% Fraudulent post.
If species can't evolve into one another they were CREATED roughly as is.
NO choice.
NOT evolution.


PS: the OCD troll 'ding' is now on ignore due to endless stalking and gratuitous harassment of my threads/posts in Environment with repeat and already answered baits. Recently even following me down here to the Sci section where he doesn't post, just to do the same. ie, Look at his 6, 7, 8. (and counting) vengeful out of control/No content snippets. Obsessed Mad Dog even taking third party swipes as well as nonsense one-line 'replies.' (nothing to shoot at in Env this AM, so he's here. He's GOT to have his Hate/endless losses sated.)
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You're LYING Again
You only believe in god-guided/"designed" 'evolution' which is NOT evolution, but serial creationism.
100% Fraudulent poster.

Calm down, ma'am. And please stop accusing others of what you do.
These evolutionists just luurve announcing the latest "missing link," don't they?

About 1.5 million years ago, a child died near the Sea of Galilee. All that remains of the youngster is a single bone, a vertebra. But that skeletal fragment, first unearthed in 1966 and only now recognized for what it actually is – the earliest large-bodied hominin found in the Levant – changes the story of human evolution.

So keep in mind, they are hanging their hat on one single bone, that was found 55 years ago, but that they have suddenly announced is "the missing link." Here is a photograph* of the fossil:

View attachment 596658

That is four different angles of the same bone, not four bones. It is only one.

But look at all they claim to "know" from that one bone:

Among other things, that one bone proves for the first time that there were multiple exits by archaic humans from Africa. At 1.5 million years of age, the bone is the second-oldest hominin fossil to be found outside Africa. The oldest date to 1.8 million years ago and were found in Dmanisi, Georgia, and that difference of about 300,000 years proves in and of itself that there was more than one exit.

More? This archaic child in the Jordan Valley and the hominins at Dmanisi were not the same species.

This is absurd, but I await several well thought-out attempts at a reasonable defense of this. Just kidding! I await nothing more than ad hominem attacks (insults for the less literate of you).

*That's a photograph. Why do Darwinists find it so hard to show a photograph of a fossil? I asked them to show me the fossils in a thread of the same title and got several paintings and fill in the gap models, but few if any photographs. Wadup with dat?
ONE BONE with a lot DNA and other information in it.

I don't understand how this is hard to grasp.

One drop of blood ...
One Hair...

Always contains a lot of information
You're LYING Again
You only believe in god-guided/"designed" 'evolution' which is NOT evolution, but serial creationism.
100% Fraudulent poster.
If species can't evolve into one another they were CREATED roughly as is.
NO choice.
NOT evolution.

Dude, if I'm "lying," there's no point in debating me, is there?

I never said "God did it." I never said that species "can't" evolve into one another. You attributing positions to me that I haven't taken and then yelling at me about them, is a little bizarre.

Your all-caps reveal a level of frustration not appropriate for an internet forum.

Please seek help.
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ONE BONE with a lot DNA and other information in it.

I don't understand how this is hard to grasp.

One drop of blood ...
One Hair...

Always contains a lot of information
That's interesting.

Tell me about the DNA that has been extracted from that vertabra in the article. I saw nothing in the article about it. DNA is very difficult to extract from bones which have been fossilized.
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Those aren't fossils.
Those pics are chicken mc nuggets, fruit pies, hash browns, and a hot pocket.
Dude, if I'm "lying," there's no point in debating me, is there?

I never said "God did it." I never said that species "can't" evolve into one another. You attributing positions to me that I haven't taken and then yelling at me about them, is a little bizarre.

Your all-caps reveal a level of frustration not appropriate for an internet forum.

Please seek help.
I'm not debating you as much s outing your Fraud.
"apparent design" all over the place (ID too), and of course:

More Strong Evidence for Evolution: Anatomical Vestiges

Seymour Flops said:
Who sent the meteor that came Right in Time for the smart little rodent proto-mammals to be Saved from the far less intelligent, but ravenously hunting dinosaurs?
Was that another co-inkie-dink?
Then I said:
Now you're really outing yourself boy.
Oh yeah, 'god sent the meteor.'
And what is that?
An 'intelligent'/'designed' way to work?
Wiping out more than half of 'his creation' because it was imperfect/a Mistake.
Punishing the dinosaurs and much other life for their sins!! LOL
Billions of years wasted, billions of species extinct Instead of more coherent True 'design' to get to where we are now?
You just set your @ss on fire again.

PS: the OCD troll 'ding' is now on ignore due to endless stalking and gratuitous harassment of my threads/posts in Environment with repeat and already answered baits. Recently even following me down here to the Sci section where he doesn't post, just to do the same. ie, Look at his 10, 12, 14? (and counting) vengeful out of control/No content snippets. Obsessed Mad Dog even taking third party swipes as well as nonsense one-line 'replies.' (nothing to shoot at in Env this AM, so he's here. He's GOT to have his Hate/endless losses sated.)
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That's interesting.

Tell me about the DNA that has been extracted from that vertabra in the article. I saw nothing in the article about it DNA is very difficult to extract from bones which have been fossilized.
HUN, the world has progressed quite a bit and you obviously do not understand how much information can be extracted from the tiniest of things at this point.

I'm not debating you as much s outing your Fraud.
"apparent design" all over the place (ID too), and of course:

More Strong Evidence for Evolution: Anatomical Vestiges

Then I said:
Now you're really outing yourself boy.
Oh yeah, 'god sent the meteor.'
And what is that?
An 'intelligent'/'designed' way to work?
Wiping out more than half of 'his creation' because it was imperfect/a Mistake.
Punishing the dinosaurs and much other life for their sins!! LOL
Billions of years wasted, billions of species extinct Instead of more coherent True 'design' to get to where we are now?
You just set your @ss on fire again.

PS: the OCD troll 'ding' is now on ignore due to endless stalking and gratuitous harassment of my threads/posts in Environment with repeat and already answered baits. Recently even following me down here to the Sci section where he doesn't post, just to do the same. ie, Look at his 10, 12, 14? (and counting) vengeful out of control/No content snippets. Obsessed Mad Dog even taking third party swipes as well as nonsense one-line 'replies.' (nothing to shoot at in Env this AM, so he's here. He's GOT to have his Hate/endless losses sated.)
Are you seriously arguing that God can't exist because he's a meanie?
Did that link not work?

If you're interested in a real debate, I'm happy to have one. If you really think a one word post like "Link?" is part of an actual debate I'm not going to take you seriously, so you get what you get.

I believe in the merit system not the entitlement system.

No, I mean a real, serious link.
Not a nutjob link.
How do gaps disprove how evolution works?
Long periods of stasis followed by rapid changes - which is the norm in the geologic record - and leaves gaps (aka lack of transitional fossils) in the fossil record go against Darwin's idea of slight successive changes.

Check out punctuated equilibrium. It fits the fossil record better than Darwin's model does.
Link? isn't an argument, it's a question.

Are you a moron? < That's another question.
He doesn't seem like he's a moron. Maybe you haven't asked the right question and he's not feeling very forthcoming because he senses you aren't genuine in your quest. But I could be wrong. I am still asking soup questions so my opinion is subject to change.
Long periods of stasis followed by rapid changes - which is the norm in the geologic record - and leaves gaps (aka lack of transitional fossils) in the fossil record go against Darwin's idea of slight successive changes.

Check out punctuated equilibrium. It fits the fossil record better than Darwin's model does.

Periods of quick evolutionary change disprove how evolution works?
Or they conflict with Darwin's original idea?
Yes, my link was a sarcastic one off reply to another poster thinking that saying "Link?" is a real argument.

My disagreement is with Darwinism, not so much evolution.
It's obvious your disagreement with "Darwinism" is a function of religious extremism, not on the merits of the theory. The efficacy of the theory is not in question among the relevant science community. It's in the fundamentalist ministries and ID'iot creationer "institutes" where the science loathing charlatans become frantic about facts upsetting their notions of gods, a young earth and angels dancing on the heads of pins.
Periods of quick evolutionary change disprove how evolution works?
Or they conflict with Darwin's original idea?
Long periods of stasis followed by rapid changes - which is the norm in the geologic record - and leaves gaps (aka lack of transitional fossils) in the fossil record go against Darwin's idea of slight successive changes.

I prefer to say punctuated equilibrium fits the observed data better and does a better job explaining how evolution works when it comes to speciation.

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