Hawaii proves gun control laws don't stop criminals....felon, with 10 convictions, living on an island...gets guns easily.

Why do the democrats keep releasing violent gun offenders? You won't address this, since it is the actual problem that we have....we do not have a problem with the legal gun owners in this country..
Really? More than 80% of mass shooters over the last 3 decades purchased their guns legally..
Really? More than 80% of mass shooters over the last 3 decades purchased their guns legally..

Do you understand why? You dumb ass......

Because before the mass public shooting they had no criminal record which would have barred them from buying a gun.....

And to put this "problem," in perspective.....

Americans own 600 million guns, and over 19.4 million legally carry their legal guns out in public for self defense.....

.......total number of people who engaged in mass public shootings in 2019....

12, out of over 320 million people in the United States.

Total number of people killed in those 12 mass public shootings?


Compared to?

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people a year.

Ladders kill 200 people a year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year.

In Japan, bathtubs actually kill between 14,000 and 19,000 people a year.

gun grabbers push mass public shootings for one particular reason......

Almost 99.99% of gun murder is not mass public shootings......they are criminals shooting other criminals in tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities.....

Of the 10,258 gun murders 70-80% of the gun murder victims are actual criminals....they are not normal Americans going about their normal lives.

That leaves about 2,051 actual innocent (?) people as victims of gun murder...but of those, the vast majority are the friends, family and associates of criminals..or people who attend block parties or birthday parties where criminals show up and get shot at by other criminals........


Most Americans are not criminals.

If you are not a criminal.

If you are not a family member of a criminal.

If you are not an associate of a criminal.

If you don't live in the tiny, democrat party controlled areas of cities where criminals control the streets.

If you don't attend block parties and birthday parties where criminals show up.........

If you are none of the above, the odds of you getting shot by a criminal are almost zero.....

And Americans know this both instinctively and statistically....so they do not actual fear getting shot and killed by criminals....

However.....when a mass public shooting happens, where an individual with a gun enters a public space and shoots random strangers......that may effect normal Americans..........this is not true....but that is the one type of gun murder that most Americans fear...since it is random and effects normal places where people go...

Again......320,000,000 million people in the U.S......

12 people out of those 320,000,000 engaged in mass public shootings in 2019.......killing a total of 73 people.....

The rarest of rare events.............

So anti-gun extremists push mass public shootings because they are covered 24/7 by the democrat party press while the black on black gun murder that is the majority of shootings in our country go uncovered because they occur in democrat party controlled cities.....
Really? More than 80% of mass shooters over the last 3 decades purchased their guns legally..

Are you really this stupid?

Gun murders in the U.S.......2019...


Gun murders in mass public shootings in 2019....


How many individuals committed mass public shootings in 2019?

12, out of 320,000,000 people.....

You idiot.....

Sell your crap to biden voters...
Do you understand why? You dumb ass......

Because before the mass public shooting they had no criminal record which would have barred them from buying a gun.....

And to put this "problem," in perspective.....

Americans own 600 million guns, and over 19.4 million legally carry their legal guns out in public for self defense.....

.......total number of people who engaged in mass public shootings in 2019....

12, out of over 320 million people in the United States.

Total number of people killed in those 12 mass public shootings?


Compared to?

Deer kill 200 people a year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people a year.

Ladders kill 200 people a year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year.

In Japan, bathtubs actually kill between 14,000 and 19,000 people a year.

gun grabbers push mass public shootings for one particular reason......

Almost 99.99% of gun murder is not mass public shootings......they are criminals shooting other criminals in tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities.....

Of the 10,258 gun murders 70-80% of the gun murder victims are actual criminals....they are not normal Americans going about their normal lives.

That leaves about 2,051 actual innocent (?) people as victims of gun murder...but of those, the vast majority are the friends, family and associates of criminals..or people who attend block parties or birthday parties where criminals show up and get shot at by other criminals........


Most Americans are not criminals.

If you are not a criminal.

If you are not a family member of a criminal.

If you are not an associate of a criminal.

If you don't live in the tiny, democrat party controlled areas of cities where criminals control the streets.

If you don't attend block parties and birthday parties where criminals show up.........

If you are none of the above, the odds of you getting shot by a criminal are almost zero.....

And Americans know this both instinctively and statistically....so they do not actual fear getting shot and killed by criminals....

However.....when a mass public shooting happens, where an individual with a gun enters a public space and shoots random strangers......that may effect normal Americans..........this is not true....but that is the one type of gun murder that most Americans fear...since it is random and effects normal places where people go...

Again......320,000,000 million people in the U.S......

12 people out of those 320,000,000 engaged in mass public shootings in 2019.......killing a total of 73 people.....

The rarest of rare events.............

So anti-gun extremists push mass public shootings because they are covered 24/7 by the democrat party press while the black on black gun murder that is the majority of shootings in our country go uncovered because they occur in democrat party controlled cities.....
You're trying to say 80% of mass shooters over the last 3 decades never said or did anything to indicate what they eventually did? You are stupider than I thought, and that's pretty hard to do.
Are you really this stupid?

Gun murders in the U.S.......2019...


Gun murders in mass public shootings in 2019....


How many individuals committed mass public shootings in 2019?

12, out of 320,000,000 people.....

You idiot.....

Sell your crap to biden voters...
If you think I'm trying to convince you of anything, you're wrong again. You are obviously a wasted mind, incapable of rational thought.
The point of "well regulated militia" means that by having arms they will already be familiar with them and ready to go if the time comes for an armed defense to be needed.
Regulated means well functioning on a regular basis, like a well regulated clock or regular bowel movements.
It does NOT mean restricted.
When the constitution gives the feds authority to regulate instate commerce, they did not intend that to mean restriction.
They means the opposite, to prevent restrictions by any one state, so that interstate commerce could remain regular and unrestricted.

Actually. No.

In context of the era the Second was written in Well Regulated meant when activated the Militia would obey Military Type orders from officers appointed by the various Governors. Very few States had any kind of training program for the Militias.

A close but by no means exact modern equivalent was the Draft. Each area was given a quota and each area had to provide bodies for the Militia when activated.
You're trying to say 80% of mass shooters over the last 3 decades never said or did anything to indicate what they eventually did? You are stupider than I thought, and that's pretty hard to do.

Wow....the stupid is strong with you...you should actually understand the topic before you post on it.

When you go to a gun store to buy a gun, you submit a form to have a background check. The gun store runs that form thru the NICS system....if you are not a criminal with a record, you get passed......these guys did not get flagged because they did not have criminal records....

What their families knew...what their schools knew....what their psychiatrists knew is not in the background check, nor should it be unless they really think they are a danger to society...since 99% of the mentally ill are not dangerous to others.........

You are an idiot....
Wow....the stupid is strong with you...you should actually understand the topic before you post on it.

When you go to a gun store to buy a gun, you submit a form to have a background check. The gun store runs that form thru the NICS system....if you are not a criminal with a record, you get passed......these guys did not get flagged because they did not have criminal records....

What their families knew...what their schools knew....what their psychiatrists knew is not in the background check, nor should it be unless they really think they are a danger to society...since 99% of the mentally ill are not dangerous to others.........

You are an idiot....
Come on down to Texas. You can buy a truck load of guns with no background check. Hell, they won't even ask your name.
Come on down to Texas. You can buy a truck load of guns with no background check. Hell, they won't even ask your name.

Moron, these guys didn't do that.........they went to gun stores.....or murdered the owners and stole the guns.......or used straw buyers...you idiot.....do some basic research...
Moron, these guys didn't do that.........they went to gun stores.....or murdered the owners and stole the guns.......or used straw buyers...you idiot.....do some basic research...
So no gun crime has ever been committed by someone who bought a gun from an individual? You got a link showing that?
So no gun crime has ever been committed by someone who bought a gun from an individual? You got a link showing that?

Hmmmm....did I post that....?

Moron.... you posted about mass public shooters......not criminals in general.

You idiot....but like a typical leftist, when the facts, truth and reality show you don't know what you are talking about, you engage in moving the goal post or the gun control bait and switch......

There were 12 mass public shooters in 2019........most if not all did not have criminal records...so could buy their gun from a gun store......you can go through each history to find out which ones and how they acquired their guns....

As to the actual other criminals.....of the other 10,185 gun murders in 2019, the majority of those criminals with actual criminal records purchased their guns from straw buyers, usually baby mommas, grand mothers, mothers, sisters of gang members.......or they stole their guns......and I have posted this information for years now........
Hmmmm....did I post that....?

Moron.... you posted about mass public shooters......not criminals in general.

You idiot....but like a typical leftist, when the facts, truth and reality show you don't know what you are talking about, you engage in moving the goal post or the gun control bait and switch......

There were 12 mass public shooters in 2019........most if not all did not have criminal records...so could buy their gun from a gun store......you can go through each history to find out which ones and how they acquired their guns....

As to the actual other criminals.....of the other 10,185 gun murders in 2019, the majority of those criminals with actual criminal records purchased their guns from straw buyers, usually baby mommas, grand mothers, mothers, sisters of gang members.......or they stole their guns......and I have posted this information for years now........
Exactly how does a straw buyer differ from purchase from an individual? Since there is no obligation to even care if a purchaser can even legally own a gun, how can you differentiate between them and a straw buyer?
I guess that whole “well-regulated militia” thing confuses you
What about the whole "well-regulated militia"?

You idiots always make general suggestions about a militia but you never actually offer any sort of argument or reasoning in support of whatever it is you are vaguely suggesting.

Here's what the entire amendment means:

Because states need to draw from the populace, a militia consisting of people who are armed and familiar with their own weapons, and because the United States will also call upon those militia of each state for the common defense, neither the state nor the federal government shall infringe on the right of the people to keep arms and to bear those arms in defense of the respective states or the United States.

Is that clear enough for you?

Let's hear your interpretation so we can all laugh.
Exactly how does a straw buyer differ from purchase from an individual? Since there is no obligation to even care if a purchaser can even legally own a gun, how can you differentiate between them and a straw buyer?

A straw buyer is knowingly going to break the law by supplying a gun to a criminal...so they already know they are in legal trouble. They don't care about the background check.
Exactly how does a straw buyer differ from purchase from an individual? Since there is no obligation to even care if a purchaser can even legally own a gun, how can you differentiate between them and a straw buyer?

And here is the test.....about how serious you are about stopping criminals versus simply trying to jam up normal gun owners.

The simple solution is to open up the Federal data base for criminals to everyone....that way, if you are selling a gun to an individual, and you want to make sure they aren't a criminal, you go to an app...on your phone, punch in the buyers name, birthdate, and social security number......and if they are a felon, have warrants or a hold for mental health issues, you will know right away....no fee, no wait.

You also don't set up a permanent record of the sale.....

This covers all of the bases you say you are concerned about but doesn't allow you to jam up normal gun owners......'

You would support this?
What about the whole "well-regulated militia"?

You idiots always make general suggestions about a militia but you never actually offer any sort of argument or reasoning in support of whatever it is you are vaguely suggesting.

Here's what the entire amendment means:

Because states need to draw from the populace, a militia consisting of people who are armed and familiar with their own weapons, and because the United States will also call upon those militia of each state for the common defense, neither the state nor the federal government shall infringe on the right of the people to keep arms and to bear those arms in defense of the respective states or the United States.

Is that clear enough for you?

Let's hear your interpretation so we can all laugh.
My “interpretation, little twit, is what every justice until Scalia knew was true.

or are those words not there, dumbo? I’m always amused by pretend constitutionalists who never took a con law class. Your ignorance is always fun though.
My “interpretation, little twit, is what every justice until Scalia knew was true.
You mean, what YOU THINK every justice MAY HAVE thought. It doesn't get any more speculative than that shit.
or are those words not there, dumbo?
Those words are there. I asked you to explain why that makes any fucking difference whatsoever to "the right of the people....shall not be infringed."
I’m always amused by pretend constitutionalists who never took a con law class. Your ignorance is always fun though.
I took such a class. I assume you are familiar with the "rules of construction" are you not? If the language of a term or clause is not susceptible to multiple interpretations, it will be given its ordinary, plain meaning.

Please make your argument as to why this restatement of the 2A is not the plain, ordinary fucking meaning of the 2A:
Because states need to draw from the populace, a militia consisting of people who are armed and familiar with their own weapons, and because the United States will also call upon those militia of each state for the common defense, neither the state nor the federal government shall infringe on the right of the people to keep arms and to bear those arms in defense of the respective states or the United States.
I will wait for your scholarly remarks.
And laws against robbery don’t stop all robberies. We still have laws.

you’re welcome
And you still advocate those that break the law be let go based on their skin color, so those laws are worthless when you lack stiff penalties to enforce those laws!

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