Hawaii sovereignty and independence


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
In 1993, the US government formally conceded that Hawaii was not legally made the 50th state.

THE APOLOGY - United States Public Law 103-150 (hawaii-nation.org)

Therefore we should grant them independence and send their Senators and Reps back from whence they came.

They can have Obama back too. We'll trade him for Pearl Harbor.

Since Hawaii wasn't legally a part of the USA, Obama was not born on US soil and therefore was never legally the US president. He was a usurper.
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Since Dems consider themselves so "liberal" and "progressive," the (Biden)-Harris administration should at the very least grant more autonomy to Hawaii.

And, by the way, reparations should be paid to people of Hawaiian ancestry because the Caucasian residents back in the day overthrew their queen and took over the islands.

Since Dems consider themselves so "liberal" and "progressive," the (Biden)-Harris administration should at the very least grant more autonomy to Hawaii.

And, by the way, reparations should be paid to people of Hawaiian ancestry because the Caucasian residents back in the day overthrew their queen and took over the islands.
If it weren't for that the Hawaiians would be extinct my now.
Weird how so many of these natives never can accept that they are lucky and that they are nolonger at the mercy of Mother Nature anymore....thanks to the British and the US.
If it weren't for that the Hawaiians would be extinct my now.
Weird how so many of these natives never can accept that they are lucky and that they are nolonger at the mercy of Mother Nature anymore....thanks to the US.

That's ignorant, and you would rightfully get your ass kicked for saying something like that to a native Hawaiian. I heard the same bullshit from rednecks when I lived there for three years while in the Army.

I think we could make D.C. the 50th state and make Hawaii free again, and then sign a long term lease agreement for our military bases there. At the very least, have a plebiscite among all registered residents of Hawaii to determine their own fate.

If it weren't for that the Hawaiians would be extinct my now.
Weird how so many of these natives never can accept that they are lucky and that they are nolonger at the mercy of Mother Nature anymore....thanks to the US.

That's ignorant, and you would rightfully get your ass kicked for saying something like that to a native Hawaiian. I heard the same bullshit from rednecks when I lived there for three years while in the Army.

I think we could make D.C. the 50th state and make Hawaii free again, and then sign a long term lease agreement for our military bases there. At the very least, have a plebiscite among all registered residents of Hawaii to determine their own fate.

I lived there too....and it is a fact that just not being born there could get your ass kicked, dipshit.
Hawaiians are as racist as they come.
They resent whites being on the island....but they couldn't survive without help from the mainland.
Just pointing this fact out doesn't make me a red-neck. It makes me a realist.
I lived there too....and it is a fact that just not being born there could get your ass kicked, dipshit.
Hawaiians are as racist as they come.
They resent whites being on the island....but they couldn't survive without help from the mainland.
Just pointing this fact out doesn't make me a red-neck. It makes me a realist.

You're wrong, they could survive, as an agrarian society that has tourism as their source of revenue. Guess what would happen if the U.S. pulled out of Oahu? Costs of housing would go down, for one. They could still retain their sovereignty by leasing military bases to the U.S. and avoid that end.

It's like the Philippine's, once under U.S. control, and regaining its own control by kicking out the U.S. military, only this time, a hijacked country becomes free and leases its property to our military. And Hawaii would do just fine without being a 50th state, with its leasing agreement and tourism revenue.
I've long heard that back in 1803 there wasn't some paperwork done when Ohio was admitted to Union and finally in 1956 1953 they got around to rectifying the situation.

Got curious and found this: Ohio became a state on March 1, 1803, although no formal declaration was made until 1953, when President Dwight Eisenhower officially signed the documents making it a state, retroactive to the original date.

That would disqualify at least seven past Republican presidents. Plus we have Republicans furthering their election fraud by nominating Goldwater in '64 and McCain in '08.
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I lived there too....and it is a fact that just not being born there could get your ass kicked, dipshit.
Hawaiians are as racist as they come.
They resent whites being on the island....but they couldn't survive without help from the mainland.
Just pointing this fact out doesn't make me a red-neck. It makes me a realist.

You're wrong, they could survive, as an agrarian society that has tourism as their source of revenue. Guess what would happen if the U.S. pulled out of Oahu? Costs of housing would go down, for one. They could still retain their sovereignty by leasing military bases to the U.S. and avoid that end.

It's like the Philippine's, once under U.S. control, and regaining its own control by kicking out the U.S. military, only this time, a hijacked country becomes free and leases its property to our military. And Hawaii would do just fine without being a 50th state, with its leasing agreement and tourism revenue.
You're living in a fantasyland.
There wouldn't be any tourism because they would kill anyone who tried visiting them.....then they would start murdering each other like they did hundreds of years ago.

You see your problem is you have this hatred of white people....blaming all of the evils in the world on white settlers.
But unlike you...I've been where there are no whites in places like Africa in Somalia.....and I know from what I've seen that whites brought the future to those countries while the natives are still living in the past with their constant tribal clashes. 3 clans in Mogadishu still fight on a regular basis. Some of them are still today living in grass huts along riverbanks.

I wonder if you've ever been living out in the wilderness and had to live off of the land....dealing with starvation and extremes in weather. Under those conditions....the land can only support so many people. Any more than that and you have to either get rid of some of them or you have to move alot. In Hawaii....there's no place to move other than another island....and that's when the wars start.
You're living in a fantasyland.
There wouldn't be any tourism because they would kill anyone who tried visiting them.....then they would start murdering each other like they did hundreds of years ago.

You say I'm living in fantasyland and post something this unhinged? I don't know where you learned your history, or if you ever did, but that is nonsense, and their murder rate is LOWER than your exalted white race murder rate in the lower 48.
In 1993, the US government formally conceded that Hawaii was not legally made the 50th state.

THE APOLOGY - United States Public Law 103-150 (hawaii-nation.org)

Therefore we should grant them independence and send their Senators and Reps back from whence they came.

They can have Obama back too. We'll trade him for Pearl Harbor.

Since Hawaii wasn't legally a part of the USA, Obama was not born on US soil and therefore was never legally the US president. He was a usurper.

Where does it say that Hawaii was never legally made the 50th state? I see exactly the opposite:

" Whereas, on August 21,1959, Hawaii became the 50th State of the United States;"
You're living in a fantasyland.
There wouldn't be any tourism because they would kill anyone who tried visiting them.....then they would start murdering each other like they did hundreds of years ago.

You say I'm living in fantasyland and post something this unhinged? I don't know where you learned your history, or if you ever did, but that is nonsense, and their murder rate is LOWER than your exalted white race murder rate in the lower 48.
Murder rate???
WTF are you talking about?

Shit.....who do you think is committing at least half of those murders, motherfucker?

Oahu.....they used to beat people up.....now they're shooting each other. All of these homeless people are just compounding the problem. This is the left's socialist utopia. And the Japanese drove up the cost of housing in Hawaii....not Howlies. They came in and bought everything up in the 70s and 80s.

You see the difference between you and me is I learned history before communists started taking over our schools.
And I also have been all over the world and talked to the locals.
I also have had to live off of the land for extended periods.....and it's not like you can get up from your couch and go get a Whopper from Burger King. You have to catch what you eat....and you have to know where to look to find food....and once you eat you have to either conserve your food sources or move to another spot to find new food sources....because there would be no refrigeration. On Hawaii they wouldn't be able to survive because once they cut themselves off from the mainland....they would have to start producing their own food and clothing. They wouldn't have any trade. They would have to go back to wearing grass skirts.
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...That's ignorant, and you would rightfully get your ass kicked for saying something like that to a native Hawaiian...
Threats of personal a$$-kicking aside... he's probably right... the Hawaiians would be extinct by now... slaughtered by Japan or any other developed nation.

When discovered by European explorers, Pacific Islanders were stalled at the Neolithic hunter-gatherer stage, and had been for 10,000 years or more.

...I heard the same bullshit from rednecks when I lived there for three years while in the Army...
It's not bull$hit if it's true.

...I think we could make D.C. the 50th state...
The whole point behind setting up a District of Columbia was so that no individual State would host the Seat of Government.

I, for one, believe that old intent is (and should continue to be) operative, and am NOT in favor of Statehood for D.C.

Don't like the situation in DC? Move.

...and make Hawaii free again, and then sign a long term lease agreement for our military bases there...
Hawaii is ALREADY free. Nothing more need be done along those lines.

...At the very least, have a plebiscite among all registered residents of Hawaii to determine their own fate...
They already had one.


Ninety-three (93%) percent voted in favor of joining the Union.

As with all States, this is a one-time shot... there are no do-overs.

End of discussion.
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I think we could make D.C. the 50th state and make Hawaii free again, and then sign a long term lease agreement for our military bases there. At the very least, have a plebiscite among all registered residents of Hawaii to determine their own fate.
Regardless of what you and the DNC wants the District of Columbia cannot become a state without a
Constitutional amendment.

And that...is a very high bar to get over. An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.
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Leave it to a Dem President to illegally invade and take over a country...geez....
I've long heard that back in 1803 there wasn't some paperwork done when Ohio was admitted to Union and finally in 1956 1953 they got around to rectifying the situation.

Got curious and found this: Ohio became a state on March 1, 1803, although no formal declaration was made until 1953, when President Dwight Eisenhower officially signed the documents making it a state, retroactive to the original date.

That would disqualify at least seven past Republican presidents. Plus we have Republicans furthering their election fraud by nominating Goldwater in '64 and McCain in '08.

McCain and Goldwater...what? Dude, you're all over the place.

There is no requirement for a president to be born in a US state, only born a citizen. Someone born in San Juan or on Guam is a natural-born US citizen.
In 1993, the US government formally conceded that Hawaii was not legally made the 50th state.

THE APOLOGY - United States Public Law 103-150 (hawaii-nation.org)

Therefore we should grant them independence and send their Senators and Reps back from whence they came.

They can have Obama back too. We'll trade him for Pearl Harbor.

Since Hawaii wasn't legally a part of the USA, Obama was not born on US soil and therefore was never legally the US president. He was a usurper.

Where does it say that Hawaii was never legally made the 50th state? I see exactly the opposite:

" Whereas, on August 21,1959, Hawaii became the 50th State of the United States;"

Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum;

That means that the US admits that Hawaii was never legally a US territory to begin with.

Only US territories can become states.
I've long heard that back in 1803 there wasn't some paperwork done when Ohio was admitted to Union and finally in 1956 1953 they got around to rectifying the situation.

Got curious and found this: Ohio became a state on March 1, 1803, although no formal declaration was made until 1953, when President Dwight Eisenhower officially signed the documents making it a state, retroactive to the original date.

That would disqualify at least seven past Republican presidents. Plus we have Republicans furthering their election fraud by nominating Goldwater in '64 and McCain in '08.

McCain and Goldwater...what? Dude, you're all over the place.

There is no requirement for a president to be born in a US state, only born a citizen. Someone born in San Juan or on Guam is a natural-born US citizen.

Yep, you're right. I was just going with the flow in terms of the OP's jest that Obama wasn't born in a legitimate state thus shouldn't have qualify as candidate for president. Sure the U.S. took Hawaii against their will, but it isn't all that different than other states our government imposed upon the native people.

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