Hawking angers Republicans

Only in the mind of someone who doesn't have the best interests of America on their mind Trump is a disaster ,,,,and I'm being kind

What is sad is both the Clinton supporters and the Trump supporters can't point to their candidate as being better because...
They can only knock down the other candidate.

They are both bad alternatives for President. They are both disasters. Trump may be the better executive, which is very scary, Clinton maybe a better diplomat which is even scarier.

Untrue ^^^
  • HRC served as this nation's First Lady
  • HRC served as a US Senator
  • HRC served as Sect. of State
See: Hillary Rodham Clinton | United States senator, first lady, and secretary of state

The Donald was not featured in Britannica, but:

Donald Trump Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Donald Trump

She lied about Libya, something the Obama administration now says was a bad decision. She is a disaster, sorry but your rhetoric proves it.

She lied about Libya? Please explain the lie and how it was meant to mislead? Better yet, thought it takes honesty, admit you are echoing on a topic you've never considered seriously and simply echo out of a need for attention.

"we didn't lose a single person in Libya"
"It was caused by a video"
"there wasn't enough time to get help to them"

RW thinks these quotes are funny. Tell us what is funny about them winger. Tell us what is funny about letting americans die for imagined political gain.

We'll be waiting you pathetic slug.
Moments after Hawking made the remark, Google reported a sharp increase in searches for the terms “demagogue,” “denominator,” and “Stephen Hawking.”
Probably liberals trying to learn the meaning of the words demagogue and denominator and trying to find out how Stephen Hawking is.
Thanks for editing your syntax, now it makes sense but remains logically impossible.

What the hell are you blabbering about?

You seem to be utilizing the same lib tactic of all ad hominems..

I made a point which you didn't understand. That I can't help, but I do pity you, I hope that makes you feel better.

Insulting seems to indeed be your ONLY tactic.

Too bad your insults are extremely dumb. If you can't even insult properly, just give up, it's likely you have IQ of a moron.

My tested IQ is well above moron, and at least three standard deviations above yours. That you failed to understand was a statement of fact, it was not meant as an insult. Strike two.

You must have taken an internet test. Moron...

Once in high school, the other time in grad school, the latter in a two semester course, testing for counselors (we took several dozen tests, and graded the tests of others in the class anonymously. No names on test, or by the test grader, simply codes known only to the Prof and TA.) How about the GED, have you passed it yet?
Trump is an asshole and I love him being an asshole. I just don't want him as POTUS.
Hillary is an asshole and I hate her lying guts. I don't want her as POTUS.

Hawking is brilliant in some aspects. Not so brilliant in others. I don't give a fuck what his opinion is in either way.
What is sad is both the Clinton supporters and the Trump supporters can't point to their candidate as being better because...
They can only knock down the other candidate.

They are both bad alternatives for President. They are both disasters. Trump may be the better executive, which is very scary, Clinton maybe a better diplomat which is even scarier.

Untrue ^^^
  • HRC served as this nation's First Lady
  • HRC served as a US Senator
  • HRC served as Sect. of State
See: Hillary Rodham Clinton | United States senator, first lady, and secretary of state

The Donald was not featured in Britannica, but:

Donald Trump Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Donald Trump

She lied about Libya, something the Obama administration now says was a bad decision. She is a disaster, sorry but your rhetoric proves it.

She lied about Libya? Please explain the lie and how it was meant to mislead? Better yet, thought it takes honesty, admit you are echoing on a topic you've never considered seriously and simply echo out of a need for attention.

"we didn't lose a single person in Libya"
"It was caused by a video"
"there wasn't enough time to get help to them"

RW thinks these quotes are funny. Tell us what is funny about them winger. Tell us what is funny about letting americans die for imagined political gain.

We'll be waiting you pathetic slug.
Your quotes are grossly inaccurate.....care to talk about them?

Hillary never said we never lost a single person in Libya.....that came from the rightwing echo chamber

Hillary Clinton: 'We Didn't Lose a Single Person' in Libya
Mister Hawking is British, which make him unfit to comment on anything here in the United States; especially our politics.
What is sad is both the Clinton supporters and the Trump supporters can't point to their candidate as being better because...
They can only knock down the other candidate.

They are both bad alternatives for President. They are both disasters. Trump may be the better executive, which is very scary, Clinton maybe a better diplomat which is even scarier.

Untrue ^^^
  • HRC served as this nation's First Lady
  • HRC served as a US Senator
  • HRC served as Sect. of State
See: Hillary Rodham Clinton | United States senator, first lady, and secretary of state

The Donald was not featured in Britannica, but:

Donald Trump Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Donald Trump

She lied about Libya, something the Obama administration now says was a bad decision. She is a disaster, sorry but your rhetoric proves it.

She lied about Libya? Please explain the lie and how it was meant to mislead? Better yet, thought it takes honesty, admit you are echoing on a topic you've never considered seriously and simply echo out of a need for attention.

Hillary Clinton Continues to Lie About the Failed State She Helped Create

The second part of your post is just a left wing nut job, spouting stupidity.
PAP is this left wing nut job stuff too?
What a pathetic pos.

Trump Tweets FAKE Photo Of Black Supporters After Racist Meltdown
Trump tries to cover for his racial meltdown with a fake photo of black supporters.

Not voting for Trump or Clinton. Clinton lied and cost civilian lives. She is worse than Trump in that regard.

The other thing is you bash Trump, you have nothing positive about your candidate, so you bash the other guy.
Last edited:
Once more the left relies on the news analysis of an unfunny comedian hanging on by his fingernails to a dying magazine. No surprises here
Once more the left relies on the news analysis of an unfunny comedian hanging on by his fingernails to a dying magazine. No surprises here
We could be listening to college dropouts Limbaugh and Hannity
Untrue ^^^
  • HRC served as this nation's First Lady
  • HRC served as a US Senator
  • HRC served as Sect. of State
See: Hillary Rodham Clinton | United States senator, first lady, and secretary of state

The Donald was not featured in Britannica, but:

Donald Trump Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Donald Trump

She lied about Libya, something the Obama administration now says was a bad decision. She is a disaster, sorry but your rhetoric proves it.

She lied about Libya? Please explain the lie and how it was meant to mislead? Better yet, thought it takes honesty, admit you are echoing on a topic you've never considered seriously and simply echo out of a need for attention.

"we didn't lose a single person in Libya"
"It was caused by a video"
"there wasn't enough time to get help to them"

RW thinks these quotes are funny. Tell us what is funny about them winger. Tell us what is funny about letting americans die for imagined political gain.

We'll be waiting you pathetic slug.
Your quotes are grossly inaccurate.....care to talk about them?

Hillary never said we never lost a single person in Libya.....that came from the rightwing echo chamber

Hillary Clinton: 'We Didn't Lose a Single Person' in Libya

nice try, but snopes has been revealed to be a left wing propaganda machine.

But how about the other quotes that I posted? She knew it wasn't due to a video and still lied about it. She knew that help could have been sent but was told to stand down, and she lied about that.

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