Hawking Says Universe Created Itself

But some scientists think it's OK to ignore the law of cause and effect.
What on earth are you talking about? Action and reaction?
Nope. Cause and effect. Nothing happens without something or someone else causing it to happen. So, who or what caused the big bang?
See how the far left is here to run their debunked narratives?

Proof the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet!
So, what, bad things come from god? That would seem to have to be the case if there is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator.

Once again the far left religious narrative runs as it proves that they do not believe in science, just debunked far left religious narratives.

Do you believe that humans are the superior conscience in the universe?

Yes sir. The science is absolutely on the side of a creator. I'd call it the "preponderance of the evidence". Atheists have nothing except to say that the universe came from nothing and that life created itself.
(Phys.org) —The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein's theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2015-02-big-quantum-equation-universe.html#jCp
Entropy. Don't forget about entropy. If the universe had always existed all the energy would be gone.

Not accord to the new "Theroy" based on a computer model.

As we all know (according to the far left religion) computer models are to be believed over everything!
It would indeed be a most unorthodox Christian who did not believe that a god created the world.

I encourage you to get on YouTube and do a search for atheist near death experiences. I don't pretend that every person that has posted their NDE on YouTube is being honest. But, if you watch some of them, I believe you can sort of glean who is being honest, especially when they're telling the whole world that they went to Hell and experienced pure terror and that, upon returning, decided to change their life. If you seek God, you will find him.
My Father in law died and then came back and he said he saw nothing, it was like going to sleep and waking up..

Yes, many people say the same. Many others have returned to share experiences. Some of them have shocked medical staff and families by telling them things they said or did or described things in the hospital that they couldn't have possibly known about. When my grandmother was in Hospice I had an opportunity to speak to many Hospice nurses. Every one of them had a supernatural experience to share with me and every one of them definitely believed in life after death.
There is no life after death according to Jesus and his views were the same as the Jews....or Hebrews...There is no life until after resurrection and judgement will decide if you exist anymore..

This would contradict that belief. It would also contradict the countless statements of people who have experienced a taste of the afterlife before returning to this realm.

New International Version
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
But Jesus didn't go to paradise the day he died...
Yes sir. The science is absolutely on the side of a creator.
I bet your family is enlightened by such scientific argument
I'd call it the "preponderance of the evidence". Atheists have nothing except to say that the universe came from nothing and that life created itself.
No, they say available evidence suggests that might be the case and that life came from chemical reactions.

But obviously a sky fairy is the common sense answer.
I encourage you to get on YouTube and do a search for atheist near death experiences. I don't pretend that every person that has posted their NDE on YouTube is being honest. But, if you watch some of them, I believe you can sort of glean who is being honest, especially when they're telling the whole world that they went to Hell and experienced pure terror and that, upon returning, decided to change their life. If you seek God, you will find him.
My Father in law died and then came back and he said he saw nothing, it was like going to sleep and waking up..

Yes, many people say the same. Many others have returned to share experiences. Some of them have shocked medical staff and families by telling them things they said or did or described things in the hospital that they couldn't have possibly known about. When my grandmother was in Hospice I had an opportunity to speak to many Hospice nurses. Every one of them had a supernatural experience to share with me and every one of them definitely believed in life after death.
There is no life after death according to Jesus and his views were the same as the Jews....or Hebrews...There is no life until after resurrection and judgement will decide if you exist anymore..

This would contradict that belief. It would also contradict the countless statements of people who have experienced a taste of the afterlife before returning to this realm.

New International Version
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
But Jesus didn't go to paradise the day he died...

How do you know? Perhaps he went to Heaven and then resurrected his body on Sunday. It would certainly be consistent with the countless numbers of people who have shared their NDE's.
My response to Hawking would be "whence comes existence?" Why does anything "exist" at all?

For every Yin there is a Yang. What is the comparable state of non-existence, and what catalyst altered that state?
Well said. There's too much logical thought here for an atheist to touch. They'll run from it like roaches to a light.
While you're so scared of it you have to invent a god of gaps to fill in your knowledge.
The future of God's followers is to be physically resurrected and to live on a remade Earth where Jesus will be King. Some remnants of Earth, such as the Nazi death camps that are now used as memorials, will apparently no longer exist.

Isaiah 65:17
Verse Concepts

"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.
On another note, I've noticed that atheists here are constantly demanding "PROOF!" while simultaneously offering up horseshit of their own.
On another note, I've noticed that atheists here are constantly demanding "PROOF!" while simultaneously offering up horseshit of their own.
There is no such high thing as an atheist. There are those who have accepted the fact that they are sinners in need of redemption, and those who love their sin more than God.
The universe was never created.
That may be true in a "closed universe" where the expansion driven by the Big Bang stops and causes its own eventual contraction, only to reform and expand again in another Big Bang. Hawking's theory is based on that. The existence of a god has no effect on that.
There is no compelling evidence that the "big bang" hypothesis is correct in the first place.

The universe is spreading outward and all evidence is that it's ALWAYS been spreading outward.
Outward to where?
There is absolutely no evidence that the universe is spreading outward.
On another note, I've noticed that atheists here are constantly demanding "PROOF!" while simultaneously offering up horseshit of their own.
There is no such high thing as an atheist. There are those who have accepted the fact that they are sinners in need of redemption, and those who love their sin more than God.
I'm an athiest because I've always found the theory that supernatural beings exist to be just patently absurd on it's face and I wasn't raised in a religious family.

However I am a tolerant athiest. I harbor no antipathy towards religious folks.

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