He is still talking about the November election. Why?

Why is Trump, today, still talking about how he won the election? We can tell he won. Nobody would be giving him much beyond the time of day but for the fact that he did win it. Maybe people would watch him on the Apprentice or something.

The man is like my Great Aunt Bea who now, some 60+ years later, will still not miss an opportunity to tell anyone who'll listen about her being chosen as the 1930-whenever-the-f*ck-it-was high school prom queen. F*ckin'-A!

Get on with the business of governing! Please!

He is governing and all the lefty nut jobs are getting pissed off. It seems to me Obama had to keep telling us he was elected also. I don't think you thought that was stupid, however you partisan nutjobs are just that...nutjobs.
Trump simply has not govern for ALL Americans yet!!!! He's only governing for RED STATE Amerika thus far!!!

And Obama NEVER governed ALL Americans, just liberals.

Partisan nut jobs on both sides are exactly the same. You people are all insane.
Obama loved telling people that elections have consequences.

Now it's Trump's turn to spread the same message.

It really IS that simple.

Now get over it.
Trump hasn't govern for ALL Americans yet!! What the fuck are you talking about......you conservative IDIOT!!!! Trumps campaign rally in Melbourne Fla. Saturday, only attracted white hill billy's who voted for him. WHEN WILL TRUMP START BEHAVING AS PRESIDENT TO ALL AMERICANS and not JUST TO RED STATE CONSERVATIVE VOTERS?

Rage much kid?
Obama talked about Bush for 8 years.

You mean TRUMP is talking about something that happened 3 months ago?


3 whole months?

Obama said it's OK that Islam has terrorists because Christians had the Crusades. That was roughly 1000 years ago.
Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression. Do you understand that?

So when trump says Obama handed him a mess I want to laugh

Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong
Why is Trump, today, still talking about how he won the election? We can tell he won. Nobody would be giving him much beyond the time of day but for the fact that he did win it. Maybe people would watch him on the Apprentice or something.

The man is like my Great Aunt Bea who now, some 60+ years later, will still not miss an opportunity to tell anyone who'll listen about her being chosen as the 1930-whenever-the-f*ck-it-was high school prom queen. F*ckin'-A!

Get on with the business of governing! Please!

He is governing and all the lefty nut jobs are getting pissed off. It seems to me Obama had to keep telling us he was elected also. I don't think you thought that was stupid, however you partisan nutjobs are just that...nutjobs.
Trump simply has not govern for ALL Americans yet!!!! He's only governing for RED STATE Amerika thus far!!!

And Obama NEVER governed ALL Americans, just liberals.

Partisan nut jobs on both sides are exactly the same. You people are all insane.
I'll bet you anything you just admonished a liberal.

I've yet to see you admonish a con. It could be because you are a con yourself. Can you tell us why? What issues make you identify with the right?
Obama talked about Bush for 8 years.

You mean TRUMP is talking about something that happened 3 months ago?


3 whole months?

Obama said it's OK that Islam has terrorists because Christians had the Crusades. That was roughly 1000 years ago.
Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression. Do you understand that?

So when trump says Obama handed him a mess I want to laugh

Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Why is Trump, today, still talking about how he won the election? We can tell he won. Nobody would be giving him much beyond the time of day but for the fact that he did win it. Maybe people would watch him on the Apprentice or something.

The man is like my Great Aunt Bea who now, some 60+ years later, will still not miss an opportunity to tell anyone who'll listen about her being chosen as the 1930-whenever-the-f*ck-it-was high school prom queen. F*ckin'-A!

Get on with the business of governing! Please!

He is governing and all the lefty nut jobs are getting pissed off. It seems to me Obama had to keep telling us he was elected also. I don't think you thought that was stupid, however you partisan nutjobs are just that...nutjobs.
Trump simply has not govern for ALL Americans yet!!!! He's only governing for RED STATE Amerika thus far!!!
I knew papa would be arguing with a lefty. He always does yet claims neutrality. Bs meter going off.

But in trumps/Republicans defense they did win and they have a super majority so it's our job to complain and educate independents when Republicans do what we know is not popular.

Our message should be you should have voted Democrat party then Everytime someone complains about what's being done. And if people continue to not vote democratic then this country will continue to move right.

All I care about is the middle class. If they are doing OK or better in 2018 then Republicans will keep power. They have to suck like bush Tom delay and hastert did. I fear this administration is going to make bush look smart b7t we have to give it a chance. No choice.

And they will make excuses. I want to see results now that they're in charge but most likely their arguments will change. Debt won't matter, you are responsible for you, we need illegals to do jobs Americans won't do, companies should be free to send jobs overseas, American blue collar workers are overpaid and lazy, cheap shit from china is good

This was the GOP message in early 2008
Obama talked about Bush for 8 years.

You mean TRUMP is talking about something that happened 3 months ago?


3 whole months?

Obama said it's OK that Islam has terrorists because Christians had the Crusades. That was roughly 1000 years ago.
Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression. Do you understand that?

So when trump says Obama handed him a mess I want to laugh

Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.
Last edited:
Why is Trump, today, still talking about how he won the election? We can tell he won. Nobody would be giving him much beyond the time of day but for the fact that he did win it. Maybe people would watch him on the Apprentice or something.

The man is like my Great Aunt Bea who now, some 60+ years later, will still not miss an opportunity to tell anyone who'll listen about her being chosen as the 1930-whenever-the-f*ck-it-was high school prom queen. F*ckin'-A!

Get on with the business of governing! Please!

He is governing and all the lefty nut jobs are getting pissed off. It seems to me Obama had to keep telling us he was elected also. I don't think you thought that was stupid, however you partisan nutjobs are just that...nutjobs.
Trump simply has not govern for ALL Americans yet!!!! He's only governing for RED STATE Amerika thus far!!!

And Obama NEVER governed ALL Americans, just liberals.

Partisan nut jobs on both sides are exactly the same. You people are all insane.
I'll bet you anything you just admonished a liberal.

I've yet to see you admonish a con. It could be because you are a con yourself. Can you tell us why? What issues make you identify with the right?

Go over to the thread where they are going after Melania and they went after Michelle, and I went after them.

But if you are going to make a stupid comment like he did are you not going to call him out?
Obama talked about Bush for 8 years.

You mean TRUMP is talking about something that happened 3 months ago?


3 whole months?

Obama said it's OK that Islam has terrorists because Christians had the Crusades. That was roughly 1000 years ago.
Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression. Do you understand that?

So when trump says Obama handed him a mess I want to laugh

Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.
Why is Trump, today, still talking about how he won the election? We can tell he won. Nobody would be giving him much beyond the time of day but for the fact that he did win it. Maybe people would watch him on the Apprentice or something.

The man is like my Great Aunt Bea who now, some 60+ years later, will still not miss an opportunity to tell anyone who'll listen about her being chosen as the 1930-whenever-the-f*ck-it-was high school prom queen. F*ckin'-A!

Get on with the business of governing! Please!

Obama did the same thing....I remember the first meetings he had with Congressional Repubs and him saying over and over again, "I won, I'm president". Hard to imagine what it's like to BE president, the most powerful man in the world....it takes awhile for the reality to sink in and they can start to believe what's happened to them.
Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the great depression. Do you understand that?

So when trump says Obama handed him a mess I want to laugh

Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech
Why is Trump, today, still talking about how he won the election? We can tell he won. Nobody would be giving him much beyond the time of day but for the fact that he did win it. Maybe people would watch him on the Apprentice or something.

The man is like my Great Aunt Bea who now, some 60+ years later, will still not miss an opportunity to tell anyone who'll listen about her being chosen as the 1930-whenever-the-f*ck-it-was high school prom queen. F*ckin'-A!

Get on with the business of governing! Please!

Arithmetic is not one of your strong points, is it?


Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama spoke about former President George Bush for EIGHT YEARS!
Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Democrats actions leading to Mortgage Collapse B.B.

From New York Times
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

From Bloomberg News
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis

The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs, ie Fannie, Freddie etc.)
Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis; Meltdown

The Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble
Barney's Rubble

Mashup of Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street
Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 ALONE, here dating back to 2001! Duplicate of Whitehouse.archives Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 | Sweetness & Light
Good lord. While Bush indeed had a hand in it, your Boy Bill did too. To deny that would show you are an abject idiot.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Seriously? The problem started when we tried to jump from a 64% homeownership level to a 70% in the 90's and it continued to 2008. When people are mortgaging 125% of a home value, when you can just make up income and when appraisers ask you what do you need this to appraise for, it was a set up for disaster. Several federal policies over decades created the mess. Of course simplicity is easier isn't it?
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Seriously? The problem started when we tried to jump from a 64% homeownership level to a 70% in the 90's and it continued to 2008. When people are mortgaging 125% of a home value, when you can just make up income and when appraisers ask you what do you need this to appraise for, it was a set up for disaster. Several federal policies over decades created the mess. Of course simplicity is easier isn't it?

Yup, the roots go all the way back to Carter.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Democrats actions leading to Mortgage Collapse B.B.

From New York Times
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

From Bloomberg News
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis

The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs, ie Fannie, Freddie etc.)
Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis; Meltdown

The Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble
Barney's Rubble

Mashup of Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street
Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 ALONE, here dating back to 2001! Duplicate of Whitehouse.archives Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 | Sweetness & Light

It wasn't Republicans or Democrats, it was both party's. It was policies put into place by the federal government and no one had the common sense to question or remove the federal regulations.

To blame one side or the other is simplistic and very incorrect.
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Seriously? The problem started when we tried to jump from a 64% homeownership level to a 70% in the 90's and it continued to 2008. When people are mortgaging 125% of a home value, when you can just make up income and when appraisers ask you what do you need this to appraise for, it was a set up for disaster. Several federal policies over decades created the mess. Of course simplicity is easier isn't it?
Just don't fuck up again. If trump McConnell and Ryan fuck us like bush hastert and delay did please don't blame obama
If you truly understand that "bush had a hand in it" give us some examples.

You saying that is like a child saying sorry. You have to ask them what they are sorry for to make sure they really understand what they did wrong

You seem to labor under the impression that your "opinions" matter to me, why is that?
Who are you?

I liked your post enough to comment. You should be honored

You aren't intellectually honest enough to have a conversation with.

You won't have the conversation because you'll have to admit we were right about what Republicans did to cause the great recession. 8 years of bush, Tom delay and Dennis hastert caused the 2007 recession. It most certainly wasn't 2006 pelosi and reed. There is a reason Democrats took control of both houses in 06 and we won white house 2008. The Republicans caused the great recession.

The 2008 recession caused by Republicans? Lol! Clinton had as much to do with the Great Recession as Bush, in fact many people and laws had much to do with the Recession, but go ahead and spout your BS without proof.

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

Democrats actions leading to Mortgage Collapse B.B.

From New York Times
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

From Bloomberg News
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis

The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs, ie Fannie, Freddie etc.)
Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis; Meltdown

The Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble
Barney's Rubble

Mashup of Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street
Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 ALONE, here dating back to 2001! Duplicate of Whitehouse.archives Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 | Sweetness & Light

Utter nonsense...

Your first link was about Clinton putting pressure on the GSE's to extend credit to those who were close to qualifying, but fell short. The GSE's complied but built up their portfolios of AAA-rated PLS, which did not cause the bubble and subsequent crash.

Your second link goes to a non-existent page.

Your third link is about Bush warning the Congress to increase oversight of the GSE's, but the Congress, controlled mostly by Republicans, passed nothing until the 2007 Democrat-led House passed two such bills and in 2008, the Democrat-led Senate passed one of them to get it to Bush's desk.

Your 4th, 5th and 6th links are to 2 videos and one WSJ article about how Barney Frank fought against GSE reform. While it's true he did; it's also true that he did at a time when Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and he was but one House member of the minority party and helpless to prevent the House from passing GSE reform. Which, by the way, the Republican-led House did pass one such bill in all those years and Bush ripped it up for being ineffective and not addressing the problem.

Your 7th link blames the Republican-led Congress.

Your 8th link is about the same story as your 3rd link.

And again, we have Bush and Republicans taking credit for the boom before blaming Democrats for the bust...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high." ~ George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

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