‘He Just Confessed To The Crime’: Indicted Trump Attorney John Eastman Admits On Fox News He Pressured Pence To Delay Certifying Election Results

I personally have no specific reason to suspect voter fraud, but the fraud to illegally interfere with the 2024 campaign if glaringly obvious.
Glaringly obvious to someone who suffers with Paranoia. What seems to be the problem that you`re already screeching Voter Fraud over an election that hasn`t happened and won`t happen for another 15 months? Traditionally, people scream Voter Fraud after they get their ass kicked at the polls. I get it, why wait?
Rigby5 knows his side does not have the votes for popular and electoral victory next year.

He is active in suggesting the 2024 election is rigged. Make him liable for defamation.
Dang..these guys should know better. Shut-up and don't talk to the press!

Former Trump attorney John Eastman defended his efforts to block or delay Congress from certifying the 2020 election results in an interview with Fox News Wednesday night, claiming he wanted former Vice President Mike Pence to stop Congress from certifying the votes for a week even as he’s now been indicted in Georgia for his post-election efforts.
Eastman claimed to Fox host Laura Ingraham that he “explicitly” told Pence on January 4, 2021, that rejecting the electoral votes entirely would be “foolish,” but he advocated for the vice president to give state legislators in battleground states “a week to try and sort out the impact” of purported “illegality” in the election results (which there is no evidence to support).
Legal experts on X, formerly known as Twitter, questioned why Eastman would admit to asking Pence to delay the results, given the attorney has been indicted on charges related to his efforts to block Congress from certifying the election results on January 6, 2021.
"He literally just confessed to the crime,” national security attorney Bradley P. Moss wrote, while Georgia State University law professor Anthony Michael Kreis noted Eastman was “admitting to committing federal crimes on television” and “should keep his mouth shut for his own benefit.”

Eastman has been indicted for racketeering, with the indictment citing his attempts to pressure Pence to reject or delay the results as furthering that alleged crime, and has also been indicted on separate charges for his role in the “fake elector” scheme, in which GOP officials submitted false slates of electors to Congress claiming Trump, rather than President Joe Biden, had won their states, which Eastman and others pushed as a way to help stop the results from being certified.
Not a word about “pressuring.”

Thread headline is a lie.
Pressuring is illegal?
There is nothing remotely illegal about trying to delay certification if there is any hint of voter fraud.

It was fascism to pressure Pence to refuse to count the certified results on January 6th from seven states that Trump lost.

The states “certified” their elections on December 14 2020 which by law meant no U.S. Congress member could challenge the certified results because none of the certified results were being contested in a court of law by the Trump campaign.

Pressuring Pence to violate his oath of office was a crime because it was a part of a larger criminal enterprise to achieve a result for the loser of the presidency to become the winner based on fraudulent certificates of electors that were not legal in anyway and only were in existence at the behest of co-conspirators within the criminal enterprise for the sole purpose of keeping Trump in power.
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Rigby5 knows his side does not have the votes for popular and electoral victory next year.

He is active in suggesting the 2024 election is rigged. Make him liable for defamation.
Another thing that they don`t have is a candidate for 2024. Their leader is, in the words of Former AG Bill Barr, "toast".
We really should just have a new natl holiday: Struggle Session Day, or TDS day, or Triggered Day, where the Lefties can take the whole day off to vent ALL their spleen. Cry, protest, rail, moan, scream at the sky. Get it all out. Allow them not to have to give reason to it. Like Two Minutes of Hate, but for 24 hours.

Then maybe we can all move on and get our country back, idk
We really should just have a new natl holiday: Struggle Session Day, or TDS day, or Triggered Day, where the Lefties can take the whole day off to vent ALL their spleen. Cry, protest, rail, moan, scream at the sky. Get it all out. Allow them not to have to give reason to it. Like Two Minutes of Hate, but for 24 hours.

Then maybe we can all move on and get our country back, idk
There it is again. The one and only defense of that man is screeching TDS. Whose fault is it that Biden, who I don`t care for, is running unopposed?
Greg Jacob (Pence Legal Council) harshly criticized Eastman in an op-ed he drafted in January, saying Eastman was part of a “cadre of outside lawyers who spun a web of lies and disinformation ... for the purpose of pressuring the Vice President to betray his oath.”​

Pressure it was but Saint BackAgain perhaps wants us to refer to it as John Eastman “wondering” in multiple easy going requests unaffiliated with any hint of pressure for the VIce President of the United States just simply to throw out 78 million certified votes by ‘not counting the electors” who were legally bound to vote for the winner on December 14 in a special legislative session in all fifty states.

Just declare 78 million voters have no say because the loser cannot handle rejection or accept the reality that he is a perpetual failure in a life that started with 70 million silver spoons in his mouth.

Pence furthermore, at the time before Jan6 understood the cold hard reality that his ticket lost the 2020 election based on no evidence of outcome determinative “fraud” or “foul play” ,

I’m Not a word about “pressuring.”

Thread headline is a lie.


We can bring truth to morons but morons can’t let truth nourish the brain because apparently being a moron is bliss.

A scathing criticism by an ex-aide of former Vice President Mike Pence about “coup memo” lawyer John Eastman has become a key part of one group’s effort to push the California State Bar Association to investigate Eastman.​
Greg Jacob harshly criticized Eastman in an op-ed he drafted in January, saying Eastman was part of a “cadre of outside lawyers who spun a web of lies and disinformation ... for the purpose of pressuring the Vice President to betray his oath.” The nonpartisan U.S. Democracy Center this week used Jacob’s arguments in a letter sent to the bar association calling for an investigation of Eastman’s activities aimed at overturning the presidential election.​
Jacob also lashed Rudy Giuliani, who has already been suspended from practicing law in New York and Washington, D.C.
The op-ed was not published at the time, but its existence and contents were revealed by The Washington Post late last month. Jacob also wrote that the “legal profession should dispassionately examine whether the attorneys involved should be disciplined for using their credentials to sell a stream of snake oil to the most powerful office in the world, wrapped in the guise of a lawyer’s advice.”​
After the election, Eastman met with then-President Donald Trump and his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, in the Oval Office and outlined in memos how Pence could unilaterally throw out electoral votes to circumvent American voters’ choice for president and swing the election to Trump.​
True colors? Your inner commie just came out for all to see, duck. First there was no coup or attempted coup, saying it does not make it true. Second, in America, we don't kill our political opposition. You must be wishing you were back in Russia where that is the norm.
"your inner commie".............. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

"no coup or attempted coup"...............:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
We really should just have a new natl holiday: Struggle Session Day, or TDS day, or Triggered Day, where the Lefties can take the whole day off to vent ALL their spleen. Cry, protest, rail, moan, scream at the sky. Get it all out. Allow them not to have to give reason to it. Like Two Minutes of Hate, but for 24 hours.

Then maybe we can all move on and get our country back, idk
Tissue, hun?
It was fascism to pressure Pence to refuse to count the certified results on January 6th from seven states that Trump lost.

The states “certified” their elections on December 14 2020 which by law meant no U.S. Congress member could challenge the certified results because none of the certified results were being contested in a court of law by the Trump campaign.

Pressuring Pence to violate his oath of office was a crime because it was a part of a larger criminal enterprise to achieve a result for the loser of the presidency to become the winner based on fraudulent certificates of electors that were not legal in anyway and only were in existence at the behest of co-conspirators within the criminal enterprise for the sole purpose of keeping Trump in power.
How is that fascism? Arresting someone is fascism. You have no argument and are warping American law to suit your purposes.
The Bible tells the story of God’s hand writing on the wall. And only Daniel of all the wisemen could read and explain it.

At this point, it is more likely that God’s own hand will appear and write the message that Trump is right than the election is proven to be stolen.

Because you wish to be a cult member and believe this nonsense does not make it true. And it does not give you or anyone the right to act in a conspiratorial criminal manner.

For years now, we asked what it would take to convince you believers the election wasn’t stolen. For years you kept saying a real investigation. There have been several that came up empty. How many more do you demand?

Two years the FBI, GBI, and SOS, investigated those two women in Fulton County. Two years and the investigations came up empty.

Cyber Ninja’s? Remember them? How they were going to prove Maricopa County was stolen? You could fart in a plastic bag and get more evidence than they did.

When they were finally shut down, remember what they wanted to do to prove the election was stolen? Interview every voter to ask them how they voted. Papers Comrade?

But we haven’t had a real investigation we are told. Any Real Investigation would totally prove it.

Riverside County California. The District Attorney, County Sheriff’s office, and Police, received more than 1,000 tips of people double voting. Dead people voting, and people from out of state voting.

Each claim was checked out by cops. Each one was investigated and afterwards they had uncovered Voter Fraud. One guy. One guy out of a thousand. One guy voted twice.

But we need a real investigation. You guys won’t even admit that every investigation has come up empty so far. You denounce them as part of this imaginary deep state. Corrupt police, politicians, lawyers, judges, and everyone is in on it.

Look up Paranoid Delusion and get back to me.
You're trying to invent my position for me, on the question of the election being stolen or valid.

Trump's success or failure is the only way that question can be answered.

FWIW, being none of my business directly, I'm rooting for Trump. Or more to the point, against Biden's war.
You're trying to invent my position for me, on the question of the election being stolen or valid.

Trump's success or failure is the only way that question can be answered.

FWIW, being none of my business directly, I'm rooting for Trump. Or more to the point, against Biden's war.

Trumps success or failure. Huh. That’s interesting. Trump has succeeded in getting indicted. He has succeeded in being charged. And he is probably going to enjoy success at the trials. If you define Success as guilty verdicts.

Oh I’m sure the Russians are rooting for Trump. Or at this point any of the Republicans who want to leave Europe to Putin.

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