He supposedly got 81 million votes.


That's how much we (including those of us who would not have normally voted for Biden or any other Democrat) wanted the orange buffoon out of office.

We had to vote for a guy who was/is clearly too old and not all that exciting. We had to lower our standards, hold our nose, ignore our distaste for the Democratic Party, and vote for him. That's what we thought and think of the profoundly damaged child who was running against him.

I know Trumpsters just can't believe that the whole country doesn't adore their earthly deity like they do, but it's true.
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That's how much we (including those of us who would not have normally voted for Biden or any other Democrat) wanted the orange buffoon out of office.

We had to vote for a guy who was/is clearly too old and not all that exciting. We had to lower our standards, hold our nose, ignore our distaste for the Democratic Party, and vote for him. That's what we thought and think of the profoundly damaged child who was running against him.

I know Trumpsters just can't believe that the whole country doesn't adore their earthly deity like they do, but it's true.
Mac, I hate to stick a pin in your bubble, but the Democrat Deep state has embedded people to continue their high-and-mighty Alinsky list following to get totalitarian power over the land of the free and the brave whose heroes and American ancestors they are trying to erase. They want the kind of total power that attracts subjugation and slavery of the masses, with special attention to dooming their adversaries to a lifetime of paying such high taxes they won't be able to put food on the table much less afford a hundred thousand dollars for cars that are inconveniently plugged into very expensive receptacles that take hours to get them to start again to their destination, and several such layovers if they are driving cross country. Pretty soon they are going to cancel cash, so nobody has a chance of surviving their crooked plans to steal money from people based on their opponents' political views to live and spend conservatively. The great minds online are telling everyone to invest in gold, when many have emptied their nest egg to get by on for the past two years and counting price raises that are twice the original cost at best. Last time I was at the grocery store, the hamburger I used to get for $5 for meatloaf is now $19.00. I almost fainted, and got myself out of Walmart fast when I saw that price tag. Just yesterday, Joe Biden, who opened up the border was driveling on about how the border he opened was all Donald Trump's fault. I had a hard time believiing my ears. Trump hasn't been in the White House for almost two and a half years, and the smarter people in the Democrat Party are not cheering his lies on with enthusiasm any more. I think Biden is very dangerous to the future of unity in the United States. I mean you no ill will because of your party, and because Democrat voters felt compelled to vote for a sick old man whose conscience is on a steep ride downhill on a one-way frozen trail. :(
IF we had a REAL vote Today.. I bet his Old pathetic Ass would not get 10 Million
The dog and pony show on the MSM is still going at full speed, bugs. Most people aren't paying close attention to know the end game is chaos, and Biden's getting closer and closer to total chaos, which is how the Deep State is revising their narrative hour by hour to conceal that horrific end game they have in mind. Maxine Waters never got chastised for this lie and call to her minions to stalk members of the Executive Branch, their families, work associates, and Trump supporters. Stalking is a crime everywhere else.
Mac, I hate to stick a pin in your bubble, but the Democrat Deep state has embedded people to continue their high-and-mighty Alinsky list following to get totalitarian power over the land of the free and the brave whose heroes and American ancestors they are trying to erase. They want the kind of total power that attracts subjugation and slavery of the masses, with special attention to dooming their adversaries to a lifetime of paying such high taxes they won't be able to put food on the table much less afford a hundred thousand dollars for cars that are inconveniently plugged into very expensive receptacles that take hours to get them to start again to their destination, and several such layovers if they are driving cross country. Pretty soon they are going to cancel cash, so nobody has a chance of surviving their crooked plans to steal money from people based on their opponents' political views to live and spend conservatively. The great minds online are telling everyone to invest in gold, when many have emptied their nest egg to get by on for the past two years and counting price raises that are twice the original cost at best. Last time I was at the grocery store, the hamburger I used to get for $5 for meatloaf is now $19.00. I almost fainted, and got myself out of Walmart fast when I saw that price tag. Just yesterday, Joe Biden, who opened up the border was driveling on about how the border he opened was all Donald Trump's fault. I had a hard time believiing my ears. Trump hasn't been in the White House for almost two and a half years, and the smarter people in the Democrat Party are not cheering his lies on with enthusiasm any more. I think Biden is very dangerous to the future of unity in the United States. I mean you no ill will because of your party, and because Democrat voters felt compelled to vote for a sick old man whose conscience is on a steep ride downhill on a one-way frozen trail. :(
You can write a long list of reasons you don't like Biden. And as an independent, I even agree with you folks on many of the issues, at least to a point.

But this particular choice was/is not about Biden. It's not even about Trump. This is about who we are going to be as a country. And I have to believe that we are better than this.

If Trump doesn't run, I'll more than likely go back to voting third party. But I refuse to believe that America is not better than this.
You can write a long list of reasons you don't like Biden. And as an independent, I even agree with you folks on many of the issues, at least to a point.

But this particular choice was/is not about Biden. It's not even about Trump. This is about who we are going to be as a country. And I have to believe that we are better than this.

If Trump doesn't run, I'll more than likely go back to voting third party. But I refuse to believe that America is not better than this.
So you now disclaim your support for left-wing policies?

Yeap that's what they say and still proud today.

The alternative to your conspiracy is taking personal responsibility for backing a poor candidate who ran a shit campaign in a struggling economy.

And we both know that's not going to happen. So fantastically elaborate Big Lies backed by jackshit to be laughed out of every court to hear them it is!
That's how much we (including those of us who would not have normally voted for Biden or any other Democrat) wanted the orange buffoon out of office.

We had to vote for a guy who was/is clearly too old and not all that exciting. We had to lower our standards, hold our nose, ignore our distaste for the Democratic Party, and vote for him. That's what we thought and think of the profoundly damaged child who was running against him.
I appreciate your honesty, but your rationale is indicative of emotional immaturity. It reminds me of Flip Wilson's famous quip: "The devil made me do it!"
The alternative to your conspiracy is taking personal responsibility for backing a poor candidate who ran a shit campaign in a struggling economy.

And we both know that's not going to happen. So fantastically elaborate Big Lies backed by jackshit to be laughed out of every court to hear them it is!

No court heard them.
The steal was right out in the open.
Like watching a fatal car crash except the fatality was the country
No court heard them.
The steal was right and in the open.
Like watching a fatal car crash except the fatality was the country

First, the Big Liars accusations backed by jackshit....are legion. Many, many claims have been heard and rejected in court. Every Big Lie case has lost, without exception. Whenever your ilk fail on one claim, they just make up another and claim its never been 'addressed'.

Like every Birther, Truther, or Flat Earther who has ever lived. Its TinFoil 101.

Second, Trump had a trial scheduled in Georgia where he could present his case, show any evidence he wanted, call his witnesses. But....they'd all be subject to cross examination. What do you think Trump did?

If you said 'Trump voluntarily dismiss his own case a day before the trial began', you'd be correct.

The Big Lie is an absurd, wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate, and baseless explanation of the 2020 election.

The reality is simple and boring: Trump, an unpopular incumbent in a struggling economy, just lost.

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