He supposedly got 81 million votes.

I am not changing the topic. You believing the crap you do is worse than me believing what I do.

But you are dodging and failing to present evidence to back your claims that 10s of millions of fake ballots were produced. Its the cornerstone of your entire conspiracy. And you have can't back it with evidence.

There's always an excuse why you can't back your claims. There's always a dodge. There's always a failure.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to run from this simple, direct, and immensely relevant inquiry.
But you are dodging and failing to present evidence to back your claims that 10s of millions of fake ballots were produced. Its the cornerstone of your entire conspiracy. And you have can't back it with evidence.

There's always an excuse why you can't back your claims. There's always a dodge. There's always a failure.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to run from this simple, direct, and immensely relevant inquiry.
Do we have to go through this again? I never said I could present evidence that you would not deny. Did I?
Democrats lied, rigged and cheated in 2020 the science proves it. Follow the science.

Neither your imagination nor your delusions are 'science'.

And the burden of proof of proving that the election results were fraudulent is entirely on you and your ilk.
Do we have to go through this again? I never said I could present evidence that you would not deny. Did I?

Then your conspiracy collapses. As its predicated on million of 'fake ballots' for which there is no evidence were ever produced.
Dems are good at covering their tracks, Dems have a LOT of practice rigging and stealing elections.

Laughing....so we're supposed to be convinced by the stunning LACK of evidence to support your conspiracy?

Good luck with that.
Laughing....so we're supposed to be convinced by the stunning LACK of evidence to support your conspiracy?

Good luck with that.
Nobody is trying to convince the lying election stealing Dems of anything, we are simply stating fact. We know Dems would just lie and deny it.
Nobody is trying to convince the lying election stealing Dems of anything, we are simply stating fact. We know Dems would just lie and deny it.

What election stealing? You've already admitted that you can't back your claims up with evidence.

The burden of proof is *entirely* on you. And you've got jack shit.
Then pull the scales from our eyes and show us the evidence that there were 10s of millions of fake ballots. This is the cornerstone of your entire conspiracy. This is your square one.

And yet, you always dodge. You always fail. You always and change the topic.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to run.
Give me full reign and government resources to investigate the 2020 election and I will, faggot.

Owait, you don't have that authority, so STFU.

You know, if the Biden regime wanted to assuage any doubts about a legitimate victory and "heal America"

they would have had an investigation from the beginning to reinforce the idea they legitimately won.

Ofc they didn't do that because the 2020 election was cheated as no other election in America ever has been. (and they know it)

Trump tried to investigate the 2016 election; The problem with that was he didn't exactly hire "the best people" and

they made unreasonable demands on governors that I damn sure wouldn't have complied with either.

The ballot number may not be off. Some ballots may have been counted multiple times apiece. Nobody knows,

because the ones in charge did not want to find out, or want it found out.
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IF we had a REAL vote Today.. I bet his Old pathetic Ass would not get 10 Million
Thanks for you opinion on no facts...

I agree that if Joe was going against God almighty...

But the only people who think Trump is the God almighty is MAGA idiots..
Certified vote totals from all 50 states is not a supposed number.

The allegations the Neo-GOP and the Trumpybear made in their haste to pretend Donnie Didn't Lose by 7 million votes, fell flat on its face in court nearly 100% of the time.
Thanks for you opinion on no facts...

I agree that if Joe was going against God almighty...

But the only people who think Trump is the God almighty is MAGA idiots..
The only people that say that about MAGA are the people that consider the state God almighty. They are your fellow idiots.
Nothing collaspes because you say so.

You're stuck at square one. Your conspiracy is utterly dependent on 10s of millions of fake ballots being produced.

And you have no evidence that this ever happened. Nested assumptions aren't evidence. They're an excuse for it.

You're stuck.
Certified vote totals from all 50 states is not a supposed number.

The allegations the Neo-GOP and the Trumpybear made in their haste to pretend Donnie Didn't Lose by 7 million votes, fell flat on its face in court nearly 100% of the time.

And the burden is completely on them to prove it.

The real fun starts in their sniveling excuses why.

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