'He wrote all of it down?': Prosecutors claim to have handwritten notes of Trump hush money scheme

Rawley, we've done this dance before. You demand specific citations of the law, the charges, examples and evidence. I provide you with the indictment, laying that out.

You refuse to look at the indictment. Then insist that because you refuse to look at the laws, the citations and the charges, that there's nothing to back charges against Trump.

Watch, you'll do it again: http://manhattanda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-Indictment.pdf
The indictment cites the invoice from Cohen. Trump didn't falsify Cohen's invoice. It also cites a general ledger entry. Trump didn't make any general ledger entries. And the indictment doesn't allege the underlying crime Trump was supposedly covering up. Bragg told Trump's lawyers to go fuck themselves when they asked why the crime was.
Wow. Dense much?

At the center of the case is the accusation that Trump took part in a scheme to turn The National Enquirer and its sister publications into an arm of his 2016 presidential campaign. The documents detailed three “hush money” payments made to a series of individuals to guarantee their silence about potentially damaging stories in the months before the election. Because this was done with the goal of helping his election chances, the case implied, these payments amounted to a form of illegal, undisclosed campaign spending. And, Bragg argued, because Trump created paperwork to make the payments seem like regular legal expenses, that amounted to a criminal effort at a coverup. Trump has denied the charges against him.
You wasted 5 minutes of your life explaining that to a red hatted traitor.
What Trump did wasnt a crime before and isnt a crime currently.

This is an absolute fact. I enjoy watching leftist talk themselves and each other into these delusions of their expertise in the law. Every single leftard pretends to know and research the law on every subject. It’s facinating and hilarious at the same time.
The NY law that Trump is charged with breaking? Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, a class E felony §175.10

Here's the indictment citing the exact law.

Here's a link to the law.

Ignore as you will.
Where is the misdemeanor offenses required to get to the felony level? Every charge in the indictments is felony level. How does nobody see a problem here?
The NY law that Trump is charged with breaking? Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, a class E felony §175.10
Here's the indictment citing the exact law.
Here's a link to the law.
Ignore as you will.
Not the indictment, let me quote from your link which you did not do
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. today announced the indictment of DONALD J. TRUMP, 76
Not the law that was broke, let me quote from your link which you did not do
As New York White Collar criminal defense attorneys and former Manhattan prosecutors who handled every phase of fraud based prosecutions from investigation and Grand Jury presentations to hearings and trials, the lawyers at Saland Law know there is no substitute for knowledge, experience and advocacy. Simply, unless failure is an option you wish to embrace, Saland Law is your best defense before a judge, jury and prosecutor.

For both easily readable and informative material on White Collar crimes including those identified here, please review the New York White Collar Crime section of Saland Law's website. Additional information, including legal decisions, Penal statutes and cases in the news, can be found on the New York Criminal Lawyer Blog.

Call us at (212) 312-7129 or contact us online today to discuss your case and possible defenses.
what a fucking joke
Its pretty close. I leave a little wiggle room for the law of large numbers.

They don't have a clue how bias claims against a judge work. If Trump says it, they accept that as a legal standard. ANd then are confused and afraid when the court's laugh out baseless accusations of bias.

Every of MAGAs near perfect record of failures in court, they perceive as evidence of corruption.......as the judges are falling the ACTUAL law, rather than MAGA imagination.

You can't fix stupid. But you can charge it with 34 felonies and try it in court.

This one still believes the Steele dossier is legit and the pee pee tapes are going to be released soon.
The indictment cites the invoice from Cohen. Trump didn't falsify Cohen's invoice. It also cites a general ledger entry. Trump didn't make any general ledger entries. And the indictment doesn't allege the underlying crime Trump was supposedly covering up. Bragg told Trump's lawyers to go fuck themselves when they asked why the crime was.
The crime has been listed. Keep.up.

Second, there is a mountain of correspondence showing Trump was directing the scheme.
The indictment cites the invoice from Cohen. Trump didn't falsify Cohen's invoice. It also cites a general ledger entry. Trump didn't make any general ledger entries. And the indictment doesn't allege the underlying crime Trump was supposedly covering up. Bragg told Trump's lawyers to go fuck themselves when they asked why the crime was.

The general ledger for what? That would be the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust. A trust controlled by Donald J. Trump exclusively.

You've have to argue that Trump had no knowledge of the false general ledger entries in his OWN Trust. And Trump has already blown that defense to pieces, being unable to just shut the fuck up. As he already making it crystal clear that the ledger entries in question were exactly what Trump wanted them to be, going so far as to defend the ledger entries repeatedly.

Trump destroyed any 'but I didn't know' defense by his own admissions. The entries were listed exactly as he wanted them. And that's before any witness testimony of Trump's plot to capture and kill stories against him in exchange for cash, or Cohen describing the exact plan, or Trump's own handrwritten notes.

The evidence is not your friend.
This one still believes the Steele dossier is legit and the pee pee tapes are going to be released soon.

Remember when your ilk insisted that Trump being required to attend his own criminal trial (just like any other criminal defendant in NY) was a violation of Due Process?

The outrage! The drama!

The profound ignorance of MAGA of what due process was, and how the law actually works.
Not the indictment, let me quote from your link which you did not do
So you won't look at the indictment, citing the exact law in question, huh?

Not the law that was broke, let me quote from your link which you did not do

what a fucking joke

Laughing....I provided you with TWO links. One to the indictment citing the charge. ANd the other to a direct citation of that law, in detail.

You refused to look at either. And then insisted that because you won't look at them, no law has ever been cited.

That is adorable. Here's they are again for the willfully ignorant. The indictment. And the exact citation of the law.

Feel free to give us more sniveling excuses why you refuse to look at the indictment or the direct citation of the law you asked for. Me, I'm gonna just keep laughing.
Last edited:
The crime has been listed. Keep.up.

Second, there is a mountain of correspondence showing Trump was directing the scheme.

oh, yeah. Hand written notes, witness statements, the works. Trump himself has made it crystal clear that the ledger entries are exactly what he wanted them to be.
So you won't look at the indictment, citing the exact law in question, huh?
You did not link to the indictment or quote from the indictment, as I stated in the post you responded to.

Quote and link, is that so hard. I quoted from your link, no indictment there.
You did not link to the indictment or quote from the indictment, as I stated in the post you responded to.

Quote and link, is that so hard. I quoted from your link, no indictment there.

Since you refuse to do the slightest research on your own, fear not baby bird. I'm here to spit the knowledge you lack into your little gaping maw.

Here is it again, for the desperately, willfully ignorant. The indictment. And the exact citation of the law.

Let the sniveling excuses why you'll ignore both continue!
The crime has been listed. Keep.up.

Second, there is a mountain of correspondence showing Trump was directing the scheme.
No it hasn't. The indictments cite the same crime, lack the predicated misdemeanors, and make no mention of this mystery 'other crime'. This is a farce.
Laughing....I provided you with TWO links. One to the indictment citing the charge. ANd the other to a direct citation of that law, in detail.
You refused to look at either. And then insisted that because you won't look at them, no law has ever been cited.
Skyliar, I quoted from your links

It is now obvious, that when challenged, Skyliar scrambled to google, did a search, copy/paste from the first two links without reading what the links were to.

Once again, I will quote from Skyliar's links,, first link

District Attorney Bragg Announces 34-Count Felony Indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump​

2nd link, an advertisement
Far from a trifle accusation, should you find yourself charged with this offense or facing the prospect of a Grand Jury indictment or trial, consult with criminal defense counsel who can identify and implement your best defense.
Skyliar, I quoted from your links

It is now obvious, that when challenged, Skyliar scrambled to google, did a search, copy/paste from the first two links without reading what the links were to.

Once again, I will quote from Skyliar's links,, first link

No, you're predictably given me snivelling excuses why you refuse to look at the indictment nor the law in question. Here they are again:

The indictment. And the exact citation of the law.

A pdf link to the actual indictment from the district attorney. All 34 counts, with the exact law Trump is charged in violating in each one. And a full citation of the actual law, 175.10.

Keep running. You were always going to give excuses why you refuse to look at them, Elektra. And I was always going to point and laugh when you did.
The general ledger for what? That would be the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust. A trust controlled by Donald J. Trump exclusively.

You've have to argue that Trump had no knowledge of the false general ledger entries in his OWN Trust.

You know the trust is where all the business are held, don't you? Their accounting department probably makes a thousand entries a week, if not more. Of course he wouldn't know of the entry.

Which still begs the question of what was false about the entry? They wrote down that they paid an invoice from their lawyer. Nothing false about that.

And Trump has already blown that defense to pieces, being unable to just shut the fuck up. As he already making it crystal clear that the ledger entries in question were exactly what Trump wanted them to be, going so far as to defend the ledger entries repeatedly.

Trump destroyed any 'but I didn't know' defense by his own admissions. The entries were listed exactly as he wanted them. And that's before any witness testimony of Trump's plot to capture and kill stories against him in exchange for cash, or Cohen describing the exact plan, or Trump's own handrwritten notes.

The evidence is not your friend.
Since you refuse to do the slightest research on your own, fear not baby bird. I'm here to spit the knowledge you lack into your little gaping maw.

Here is it again, for the desperately, willfully ignorant. The indictment. And the exact citation of the law.

Let the sniveling excuses why you'll ignore both continue!
closer still no law, I will quote from your 2nd link
You know the trust is where all the business are held, don't you? Their accounting department probably makes a thousand entries a week, if not more. Of course he wouldn't know of the entry.

Again, Trump has already made it clear that these entries are EXACTLY what Trump wanted them to be.

Here is Trump describing and defending the ledger entries in question.

So what are you arguing? That this was some mistake? Trump has already made it clear, it wasn't.

Which still begs the question of what was false about the entry? They wrote down that they paid an invoice from their lawyer. Nothing false about that.


That hush money payments to porn stars are 'legal expenses'. They aren't. Here's the statement of fact accompanying the indictment. They get very specific.

"The defendant DONALD J. TRUMP repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New
York business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the
voting public during the 2016 presidential election."

With the AMI Editor in Chief already testifying that Trump was an explicit participant in the scheme to catch and kill unflattering stories. With these 'catch and kill' payments being fraudulently listed as 'legal expenses'.

This was no mistake. This was by design. With Trump to this day admitting that the entries are exactly what he wanted them to be.

closer still no law, I will quote from your 2nd link
View attachment 937265

Again, nonsense. Here are the links you asked for yet AGAIN. The indictment. And the exact citation of the law.

And here's a screenshot of the second link.


You've been given EXACTLY what you asked for. And as predictable as water being wet, you've given us snivelling excuse after snivelling excuse to ignore it.

Ignore as you will. Your willful ignorance doesn't change a single thing about the charges Trump faces.

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