Headline: "I’m Going to War for Israel. Palestinians Are Not My Enemy."

I blame nations for electing leaders, but...

nuance and a few caveats exist.

and teenagers? Please.

You're welcome to look for the video, those were 100% not Hamas people who did that. Very young Gazans.

And massive support Hamas recieves in Gaza speaks volumes. Ignoring it will be ignoring reality.

Also, him saying Israel didn't do enough for peace is kind of detached. 2005 was a total failiure. So was Oslo. and the Israeli people went not in a hurry to sacrifice more without guarantee of some efforts from the other side.
I blame nations for electing leaders, but...

nuance and a few caveats exist.

and teenagers? Please.
Many of the Palestinians are educated on a belief that Jews are European colonizers who stole their land.

Many of the children are trained in "summer Camps" to fight the enemy, the Jew/Israel.

Not only teenagers but younger that that.

It is on their tv, radio, social media.

I do not know what you choose to know, it is all archived on this site. What they think, what they say, what they do.
Posting a video from the graduation ceremony of a Fatah summer camp for boys – “lion cubs” – Abbas’ Fatah Movement provided a glimpse of what goes on in these camps. The video from the camp for high school kids, which is accompanied by a song promoting “revolution and a rifle,” shows that masked teenage boys wearing yellow Fatah headbands were taught to handle and assemble Kalashnikov assault rifles, and were trained in close combat:


Lyrics: “My brother, my cousin, my friend, Shabiba
Train me in the streets of pride and sort me into Shabiba
Light and fire are my path, Shabiba
My brother, my cousin, my friend, Shabiba
Fatah is a revolution and a rifle
Birzeit of self-sacrifice
Knights in the lion’s den

And here the self-sacrificing fighters have set out
Fatah is a revolution and a rifle
Birzeit of self-sacrifice
Knights in the lion’s den
And here the self-sacrificing fighters have set out
Shabiba is the path of the revolutionaries
Shabiba is free men
Sort me, teach me to follow the difficult path
Enlist me and train me in the Shabiba camp”
Posted text: “The graduation ceremony of the lion cubs (i.e., boys) of the [Fatah] Shabiba High School [Student Movement], the Al-Asifa (i.e., Fatah military unit) [summer] camp in Salfit.”
[Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page, Aug. 3, 2023]​

It happens in Gaza and under the PA.
I believe it's much more nuanced. People support an idea. Some the idea of the destruction of Israel, but many the idea of a homeland -- a nation state. Jews supported Irgun. Palestinians support groups very similar to Irgun.
There is no difference between those Palestinians who want a "homeland" and those who want the destruction of Israel, since the homeland they want is all of Israel.
please, go back to Twitter
It's a great place to grab reputable facts to disturb YOUR narrative.

There is a religion based war going on. One I wish wasn't going to be fought. But it is and there's nothing I can do about it. One that is a complete waste of life on both sides of the conflict.
And where it is based loosely upon religion it really is over money and power as they always are.
It's a great place to grab reputable facts to disturb YOUR narrative.

There is a religion based war going on. One I wish wasn't going to be fought. But it is and there's nothing I can do about it. One that is a complete waste of life on both sides of the conflict.
And where it is based loosely upon religion it really is over money and power as they always are.

Twitter does not fact check all the content of the Pusillanimous pussyfooters; the nattering nabobs of negativity, the nitwits twittering away.

Twitter does not fact check all the content of the Pusillanimous pussyfooters; the nattering nabobs of negativity, the nitwits twittering away.
This is why I'm very selective with whom I quote for facts.

The post I copied and pasted here is one of the most accurate and factual posters on Twitter. He has an excellent reputation for truth....unlike so many others including MSM.
Yep....the devil is in the details. It's a hit piece by MSM against an independent news writer. READ the article. It's about past employees being disgruntled and making a scene.

You seem proud of the fact that you consider opinions on social media to be equal to or more reliable than main stream news organizations.

Did your experiences with FOX News, sour you on real news?

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