Health Care - we gotta fix this shit...

how about RW's stfu and get over the healthcare laws ..
Fuck the nanny state...

that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

only a fool would decline insurance, and put the burden on counties/states leaving taxpayers to pick up the bill.

or a Republican ....
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how about RW's stfu and get over the healthcare laws ..
Fuck the nanny state...

that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
Fuck the nanny state...

that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
I have been self employed for 25+ years, out of debt for 20+ years.
I have never claimed anything off of insurance, I have all always paid out of pocket for any medical issues with me and my family.
I have never borrowed any money for a vehicle, up till 25 or so I always bought $200 and $300 Rez runners.
I’ve built my own house in north western South Dakota... 20+ years ago
I have no problem if other people want to depend on the nanny state, but no one should force those that want nothing to do with it into the shit.

And yes I don’t want anyone to pay for my shit, and vice versa
Fuck the nanny state...

that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
There's a lot of merit to parts of this post. In many states, you cannot register a car without insurance. It's about liability, not collision. What many young people don't take into consideration, is that even healthy people break you mentioned above. Once Reagan passed COBRA, which included EMTALA, people got the impression that E.R treatment was 'free'. Do away with that, and see who rushes to get insurance.

I haven't been without insurance in 40 years, and at one point I hadn't seen a doctor in 10 years. Everyone gets hurt at some point in their life.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

only a fool would decline insurance, and put the burden on counties/states leaving taxpayers to pick up the bill.

or a Republican ....[/QUOTE]
Yep. Everyone who rails against our social safety nets, are typically the first ones in line after a catastrophe leaves them in dire straits.
that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
There's a lot of merit to parts of this post. In many states, you cannot register a car without insurance. It's about liability, not collision. What many young people don't take into consideration, is that even healthy people break you mentioned above. Once Reagan passed COBRA, which included EMTALA, people got the impression that E.R treatment was 'free'. Do away with that, and see who rushes to get insurance.

I haven't been without insurance in 40 years, and at one point I hadn't seen a doctor in 10 years. Everyone gets hurt at some point in their life.
Forcing anyone to pay for something that might or might not happen is ridiculous. Insurance assures waste, fraud and abuse is the norm...
that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
I have been self employed for 25+ years, out of debt for 20+ years.
I have never claimed anything off of insurance, I have all always paid out of pocket for any medical issues with me and my family.
I have never borrowed any money for a vehicle, up till 25 or so I always bought $200 and $300 Rez runners.
I’ve built my own house in north western South Dakota... 20+ years ago
I have no problem if other people want to depend on the nanny state, but no one should force those that want nothing to do with it into the shit.

And yes I don’t want anyone to pay for my shit, and vice versa

So if you're ever in a car accident you have the money to pay for all the damage you caused someone else?

I don't know about your state by my state requires everyone to have liability insurance so when you harm someone that person can be compensated for their loss and medical bills.

I guess you either break the laws in your state or live in one of the few states that don't require you to be financially responsible for the damage you cause to other people. Which I'm sure if that's the case, you live in a red state. Where people expect to get everything for free.

If you paid for your house great. But if there's a fire or any one of a number of natural disasters I'm going to have to bail your butt out with my federal FEMA dollars only because you weren't responsible enough to buy insurance on your home.

You may be heathy now but blink your eye. That's how fast you can go from being healthy to having cancer.

It happened to me. A simple surgery discovered a very deadly form of cancer. I had been healthy all my life. Just your normal colds and flu with a couple of broken ankles along the way.

I have insurance so I had the proper coverage to treat that very deadly form of cancer. My insurance and I paid for all of it. While when something like that happens to you, you're going to deadbeat on the bills or have to go into bankruptcy because of it. Which is typical for a conservative.

When you do get that diagnosis or are in that life threatening accident, you should be denied care you can't pay for with cash without borrowing it. You made the choice to not pay into the system so you shouldn't be able to mooch off the system when you finally need it.

Pull yourself up by your boot straps and die with dignity because you're too selfish to understand you live in a society and in that society you have some responsibilities as being a member of that society. One of them is to make sure you and your family have proper health care so that other people don't have to pay for your deadbeat butt. Another one is make sure you can compensate people you've harmed and to make sure your home is covered from disasters so we tax payers don't have to bail your deadbeat butt out.

You aren't an island to yourself.
have been self employed for 25+ years, out of debt for 20+ years.
I have never claimed anything off of insurance, I have all always paid out of pocket for any medical issues with me and my family.
I have never borrowed any money for a vehicle, up till 25 or so I always bought $200 and $300 Rez runners.
I’ve built my own house in north western South Dakota... 20+ years ago
I have no problem if other people want to depend on the nanny state, but no one should force those that want nothing to do with it into the shit.

And yes I don’t want anyone to pay for my shit, and vice versa

You must be SERIOUSLY rich if you think you can pay for a heart transplant or cancer treatment out of pocket.

Ans even there you're feakin stupid.

I know several VERY rich folks and guess what?

They have healthcare insurance.

Know why?

Because they don;t want to pay those hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
I have been self employed for 25+ years, out of debt for 20+ years.
I have never claimed anything off of insurance, I have all always paid out of pocket for any medical issues with me and my family.
I have never borrowed any money for a vehicle, up till 25 or so I always bought $200 and $300 Rez runners.
I’ve built my own house in north western South Dakota... 20+ years ago
I have no problem if other people want to depend on the nanny state, but no one should force those that want nothing to do with it into the shit.

And yes I don’t want anyone to pay for my shit, and vice versa

So if you're ever in a car accident you have the money to pay for all the damage you caused someone else?

I don't know about your state by my state requires everyone to have liability insurance so when you harm someone that person can be compensated for their loss and medical bills.

I guess you either break the laws in your state or live in one of the few states that don't require you to be financially responsible for the damage you cause to other people. Which I'm sure if that's the case, you live in a red state. Where people expect to get everything for free.

If you paid for your house great. But if there's a fire or any one of a number of natural disasters I'm going to have to bail your butt out with my federal FEMA dollars only because you weren't responsible enough to buy insurance on your home.

You may be heathy now but blink your eye. That's how fast you can go from being healthy to having cancer.

It happened to me. A simple surgery discovered a very deadly form of cancer. I had been healthy all my life. Just your normal colds and flu with a couple of broken ankles along the way.

I have insurance so I had the proper coverage to treat that very deadly form of cancer. My insurance and I paid for all of it. While when something like that happens to you, you're going to deadbeat on the bills or have to go into bankruptcy because of it. Which is typical for a conservative.

When you do get that diagnosis or are in that life threatening accident, you should be denied care you can't pay for with cash without borrowing it. You made the choice to not pay into the system so you shouldn't be able to mooch off the system when you finally need it.

Pull yourself up by your boot straps and die with dignity because you're too selfish to understand you live in a society and in that society you have some responsibilities as being a member of that society. One of them is to make sure you and your family have proper health care so that other people don't have to pay for your deadbeat butt. Another one is make sure you can compensate people you've harmed and to make sure your home is covered from disasters so we tax payers don't have to bail your deadbeat butt out.

You aren't an island to yourself.
I don’t live my life that way, scared shitless of what “might” happen. I guess you can call it an Indian thing.
My family will never have financial problems, I’ve made sure of that.

It never takes a village
have been self employed for 25+ years, out of debt for 20+ years.
I have never claimed anything off of insurance, I have all always paid out of pocket for any medical issues with me and my family.
I have never borrowed any money for a vehicle, up till 25 or so I always bought $200 and $300 Rez runners.
I’ve built my own house in north western South Dakota... 20+ years ago
I have no problem if other people want to depend on the nanny state, but no one should force those that want nothing to do with it into the shit.

And yes I don’t want anyone to pay for my shit, and vice versa

You must be SERIOUSLY rich if you think you can pay for a heart transplant or cancer treatment out of pocket.

Ans even there you're feakin stupid.

I know several VERY rich folks and guess what?

They have healthcare insurance.

Know why?

Because they don;t want to pay those hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Those are the least of my worries...
Control the things you can, don’t worry about the things you can’t...

Fuck the nanny state...

that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
There are other options for your each of your questions.
Being mandated to buy health insurance leaves no other options.
And a one size fits all insurance is just plain BS.
that's a minority opinion .. the majority wants healthcare.
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
There are other options for your each of your questions.
Being mandated to buy health insurance leaves no other options.
And a one size fits all insurance is just plain BS.
Yep, I would rather be dead than being chained up like that
lets just use Trumps healthcare plan -


Hate to break it to you bub, but we already are. We did that when we put government in charge of our health care. Dr. Trump will see you now ...
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My coverage in retirement is fantastic, and since I paid for those before me, I want my cut.
I am almost 50, I will never see a penny from any socialist entitlement programs I have paid in all my adult life... I want to cut bait and get the fuck out of that shit I don’t want to pay anymore into the shit...

You are being alarmist.

If you retire at 65, you will receive benefits from the socialist entitlement programs Americans love so much.

social security and medicare are not entitlements, we paid for them with our money our entire working lives. Money that was taken out of our paychecks without our permission. Its ours. The government owes it to us. Its not welfare or charity or entitlement its the return of forced savings (taxes)

Entitlements are anything you get from the government.
Not at all an expansion of power, Redfish; it would just be Medicare covering more people than they already do. You don't talk about a huge expansion of government power in case Washington buys a new aircraft carrier group, along with the personnel to operate it, do you?

And no, there would not be a huge new bureaucracy; you may wish to compare Medicare's bureaucratic overhead to any insurance corp's.

And yes, some "medical decisions", if you want to call it that, are being made by some bureaucrats. You would rather these decisions be made by someone who has but one aim, that is, to profit from you?

But thanks for relaying the Insurance Corp's propaganda message anyway. Not that we haven't heard it all before, but still...

medicare for all would be the VA for all. Careful what you ask for, you might get it. Ask any Brit or Canadian how they like their "free" medical care. Ask them how they like waiting 6 months for a routine procedure. Ask them why they come to the US for treatment if they have a serious illness.

your naivety is amazing.

Most Canadians would rather have the Canadian system than the American system, flaws and all.
Conservatives would rather stay out of the collective... their participation is not necessary.

Perhaps, but that’s irrelevant to what Redfish said about Canadians. Most Canadians would rather have Canada’s system than America’s.

but they come to the USA for serious conditions. That says quite a lot.

Yes. Very true.

But more Americans go abroad proportionally for medical treatment because of cost than Canadians go to the US because of rationing
Insurance is not healthcare

riiiiiiiiiiiight - having medical insurance covers hail damaged cars.
Only a fool would depend on and trust insurance companies

So you buy your vehicles with cash? If you finance your vehicle, you have to buy insurance.

So you paid for your house with cash? If you financed your house, you have to buy insurance.

If you don't have a car then you take public transportation and if you don't own a house you must rent.

If you're renting, you're paying the insurance on the building and apartment with a portion of your rent. Along with the property taxes.

If you're saying that only health care insurance is for fools, do you have the cash to pay for every medical issue that arises? If you're healthy great. If you think that you will be healthy for the rest of your life and never need to see a doctor, you're fooling yourself.

Or do you expect to have all that health care for free?

I personally think that anyone who makes the choice to not pay for insurance such as health insurance should never be able to have any sort of health care that you can't afford. So if you break your leg or arm or something like that, you pay for it all or you don't get the care. If you are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or any one of many conditions that people are diagnosed every day in America, you refused to pay for insurance so you can only pay for what you can afford. You can't borrow the money to pay for it. You just have to go without.

If you insist on standing on your own two feet then do so and stop giving those who know that insurance is necessary since we don't have a single payer system a hard time. At least we do the responsible thing. We pay our own way into the established system.

You don't. You expect all the benefits of our nation and expect it all for free.
There's a lot of merit to parts of this post. In many states, you cannot register a car without insurance. It's about liability, not collision. What many young people don't take into consideration, is that even healthy people break you mentioned above. Once Reagan passed COBRA, which included EMTALA, people got the impression that E.R treatment was 'free'. Do away with that, and see who rushes to get insurance.

I haven't been without insurance in 40 years, and at one point I hadn't seen a doctor in 10 years. Everyone gets hurt at some point in their life.
Forcing anyone to pay for something that might or might not happen is ridiculous. Insurance assures waste, fraud and abuse is the norm...


Dude, that’s fucking retarded.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.

No thank you.

The first biggest problem we have is government interference in the health care markets. It's not a coinkydink that health care inflation has sky rocketed as government's share has increased.

The second biggest problem is that consumers are shielded from prices due to routine and maintenance care being co-mingled with catastrophic insurance. Routine and maintenance care end up being overpriced prepaid services masking as insurance. I'm convinced that without the insurance overhead and cost plus distorted incentives for the insurance middleman - supplier duopoly, that what we currently pay as co-pays would be what routine appointments and prescriptions would cost without insurance.

So - we should break up the insurance bundles. Consumers should be free to choose catastrophic care only and to self-fund routine care or subscribe to a concierge service...or other models as the market is free to experiment.

One size fits all is one size fits none.
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I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.

No thank you.

The first biggest problem we have is government interference in the health care markets. It's not a coinkydink that health care inflation has sky rocketed as government's share has increased.

The second biggest problem is that consumers are shielded from prices due to routine and maintenance care being co-mingled with catastrophic insurance. Routine and maintenance care end up being overpriced prepaid services masking as insurance. I'm convinced that without the insurance overhead and cost plus distorted incentives for the insurance middleman - supplier duopology, that what we currently pay as co-pays would be what routine appointments and prescriptions would cost without insurance.

So - we should break up the insurance bundles. Consumers should be free to choose catastrophic care only and to self-fund routine care or subscribe to a concierge service...or other models as the market is free to experiment.

One size fits all is one size fits none.

I don't get it. They've finally figured out that employer provided health care is a bad idea. It's made us virtual slaves to our employers, dependent on them for our very health. And the only fix they can come up with is to shift the dependency to government.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.

No thank you.

The first biggest problem we have is government interference in the health care markets. It's not a coinkydink that health care inflation has sky rocketed as government's share has increased.

The second biggest problem is that consumers are shielded from prices due to routine and maintenance care being co-mingled with catastrophic insurance. Routine and maintenance care end up being overpriced prepaid services masking as insurance. I'm convinced that without the insurance overhead and cost plus distorted incentives for the insurance middleman - supplier duopology, that what we currently pay as co-pays would be what routine appointments and prescriptions would cost without insurance.

So - we should break up the insurance bundles. Consumers should be free to choose catastrophic care only and to self-fund routine care or subscribe to a concierge service...or other models as the market is free to experiment.

One size fits all is one size fits none.

I don't get it. They've finally figured out that employer provided health care is a bad idea. It's made us virtual slaves to our employers, dependent on them for our very health. And the only fix they can come up with is to shift the dependency to government.

I've often said the the underlying ideology of Progressivism turns people into slaves. It's actually incredibly reactionary (hence the deceptive branding) as most people throughout history have lived as serfs, slaves or chattel.

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