Health Care - we gotta fix this shit...

The argument was to get rid of the insurance, make consumers of health care pay out of pocket and the price will drop accordingly.

Not going to happen.

Probably not. But it would reduce prices.


The MRI in your local hospital is probably made by either Seimens or GE. Next get MRIs costs about 2M each. Maintenance contracts alone run into the six figures. This thing has got to work flawlessly. Unless your hospital was constructed in the 80’s and hasn’t upgraded from the single dimensional resolution (also doubtful), the campus your visiting is probably still paying tens of thousands a month in their lease agreement on the MRI. Covering that has to come from somewhere. The price won’t magically go down from Seimens because Aetna is no longer in the picture. Sorry.

The problem is that the market fails.

One study I read looked at MRI prices hospitals were billed in a specific area. The prices varied wildly from hospital to hospital for what is essentially the same service. When asked about the prices, the doctors had no idea the cost disparities, let alone the patients.

For a market to work, people have to know what they are paying for.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.
Oh perfect! The government can do oversight!
Rather than your boss having oversight or the insurance companies making for profit decisions?

Ask old people how they like Medicare
Ask old people how many years they paid into Medicare before they drew a dime! Get back to me.

Most seniors take more out of the system than they put in. That’s a big reason why Medicare is in dire shape. It’s simple math.
Bull! Many die before using a dime! The system is in dire shape because demoncraps use it as a slush fund. They helped themselves to 960 billion Medicare dollars to fund Obamacare!

Nope. That’s a myth, believed by people with bias, political or otherwise.

In any risk pool, some people will always die without getting anything out of it. But others will take out far more before they die. Nobody knows who will die early or late. That’s why you enter a risk pool in the first place.

What you look for in a risk pool is the average. And the average senior citizen takes out more of Medicare than they put in.

That’s not necessarily the senior citizens’ fault. That’s the system they are in. But seniors are taking out more than they put in.

Many seniors don’t want to believe this, however. It’s easier to blame others.
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My coverage in retirement is fantastic, and since I paid for those before me, I want my cut.
I am almost 50, I will never see a penny from any socialist entitlement programs I have paid in all my adult life... I want to cut bait and get the fuck out of that shit I don’t want to pay anymore into the shit...

You are being alarmist.

If you retire at 65, you will receive benefits from the socialist entitlement programs Americans love so much.
I don’t want or need to participate in any socialist entitlement programs. They are bankrupt, there is no reason for me to continue paying into them.
Which is perfectly fine with me, but no one should be forced into socialize medicine.
Millions of conservative would benefit in no way from socialized medicine, In fact it would make their lives a living hell

....Single Payer, by definition is a system where government pays for everyone's healthcare, financed by INVOLANTARY taxation.

So when you say "perfectly fine with me" but then follow it up with, "but no one should be forced into it" you aren't making any sense.
It should be an opt in, that’s easy.
Sign up for the shit if you want it automatically Excluded if you don’t want it

Doesn't work - people simply don't participate in the system untill they get older and sicker or simply because they are totally irresponsible and when shit hits the fan...what? we are supposed to just let them die or get deformed because they can't afford the care?
See that’s unacceptable, you can’t force people into shit that They do not want, cannot afford, and will never benefit from.

The only way that would work is if you made a one-time choice when you entered the workforce and never had the option to opt-in after that.

Otherwise, you’d have a bunch of people opting not to pay taxes into the system, then choosing to opt in once they got sick.

Such a system would bankrupt the country faster than what we have now.
You can’t force people into something they do not want, can not afford and will not benefit from. And expect any of them to trust the system...
which party passed the across the board tax cut that cut the tax rate of everyone that pays taxes? Which party has created middle class jobs over the last two years? Which party is responsible for the growth in your 401K account? hint: not the dems.
Which party almost passed a bogus healthcare bill that would have taken access away from millions of people? They needed to kill ACA in order to do away with that pesky 3.8% cap gains tax on high earners.

Your claims about the tax cut are laughable, and your 401k value changes like the weather in this unstable market.
Hint...trump's job creation in the last two years still doesn't match Obama's in his last two years in office.

Obozocare was/is the worst legislation in the history of the USA. It would be history but for the arrogance of McCain. No one is denied medical care in the USA, now, before ACA, or after ACA. Obozocare was a failed attempt to have the government take over 1/5 of the economy and force healthy young people to pay huge premiums for insurance that they neither wanted or needed.

Capital gains tax is double taxation and should be eliminated. The tax cuts cut taxes for every tax paying American, probably not for you since its impossible to pay less than zero.

The unemployment rate is at record lows, especially for blacks and Hispanics. Your claim about obozo and jobs is bullshit.

Maybe they weren't denied health care but they sure were denied health insurance before obamacare for pre x medical conditions.
....Single Payer, by definition is a system where government pays for everyone's healthcare, financed by INVOLANTARY taxation.

So when you say "perfectly fine with me" but then follow it up with, "but no one should be forced into it" you aren't making any sense.
It should be an opt in, that’s easy.
Sign up for the shit if you want it automatically Excluded if you don’t want it

Doesn't work - people simply don't participate in the system untill they get older and sicker or simply because they are totally irresponsible and when shit hits the fan...what? we are supposed to just let them die or get deformed because they can't afford the care?
See that’s unacceptable, you can’t force people into shit that They do not want, cannot afford, and will never benefit from.

The only way that would work is if you made a one-time choice when you entered the workforce and never had the option to opt-in after that.

Otherwise, you’d have a bunch of people opting not to pay taxes into the system, then choosing to opt in once they got sick.

Such a system would bankrupt the country faster than what we have now.
You can’t force people into something they do not want, can not afford and will not benefit from. And expect any of them to trust the system...

Still working on those badges my internet is out at home so maybe I can work on design today at work.
if the government "managed" all healthcare for all americans it would be a huge increase of govt power and would require a new huge beauocracy to administer it. Do you really want you medical decisions made by some ignorant GS7 in a basement cubicle in DC?

Not at all an expansion of power, Redfish; it would just be Medicare covering more people than they already do. You don't talk about a huge expansion of government power in case Washington buys a new aircraft carrier group, along with the personnel to operate it, do you?

And no, there would not be a huge new bureaucracy; you may wish to compare Medicare's bureaucratic overhead to any insurance corp's.

And yes, some "medical decisions", if you want to call it that, are being made by some bureaucrats. You would rather these decisions be made by someone who has but one aim, that is, to profit from you?

But thanks for relaying the Insurance Corp's propaganda message anyway. Not that we haven't heard it all before, but still...

medicare for all would be the VA for all. Careful what you ask for, you might get it. Ask any Brit or Canadian how they like their "free" medical care. Ask them how they like waiting 6 months for a routine procedure. Ask them why they come to the US for treatment if they have a serious illness.

your naivety is amazing.

Most Canadians would rather have the Canadian system than the American system, flaws and all.
Conservatives would rather stay out of the collective... their participation is not necessary.
It should be an opt in, that’s easy.
Sign up for the shit if you want it automatically Excluded if you don’t want it

Doesn't work - people simply don't participate in the system untill they get older and sicker or simply because they are totally irresponsible and when shit hits the fan...what? we are supposed to just let them die or get deformed because they can't afford the care?
See that’s unacceptable, you can’t force people into shit that They do not want, cannot afford, and will never benefit from.

The only way that would work is if you made a one-time choice when you entered the workforce and never had the option to opt-in after that.

Otherwise, you’d have a bunch of people opting not to pay taxes into the system, then choosing to opt in once they got sick.

Such a system would bankrupt the country faster than what we have now.
You can’t force people into something they do not want, can not afford and will not benefit from. And expect any of them to trust the system...

Still working on those badges my internet is out at home so maybe I can work on design today at work.
Not needed, no sign up necessary
if the government "managed" all healthcare for all americans it would be a huge increase of govt power and would require a new huge beauocracy to administer it. Do you really want you medical decisions made by some ignorant GS7 in a basement cubicle in DC?

Not at all an expansion of power, Redfish; it would just be Medicare covering more people than they already do. You don't talk about a huge expansion of government power in case Washington buys a new aircraft carrier group, along with the personnel to operate it, do you?

And no, there would not be a huge new bureaucracy; you may wish to compare Medicare's bureaucratic overhead to any insurance corp's.

And yes, some "medical decisions", if you want to call it that, are being made by some bureaucrats. You would rather these decisions be made by someone who has but one aim, that is, to profit from you?

But thanks for relaying the Insurance Corp's propaganda message anyway. Not that we haven't heard it all before, but still...

medicare for all would be the VA for all. Careful what you ask for, you might get it. Ask any Brit or Canadian how they like their "free" medical care. Ask them how they like waiting 6 months for a routine procedure. Ask them why they come to the US for treatment if they have a serious illness.

your naivety is amazing.

Most Canadians would rather have the Canadian system than the American system, flaws and all.
Conservatives would rather stay out of the collective... their participation is not necessary.

Perhaps, but that’s irrelevant to what Redfish said about Canadians. Most Canadians would rather have Canada’s system than America’s.
....Single Payer, by definition is a system where government pays for everyone's healthcare, financed by INVOLANTARY taxation.

So when you say "perfectly fine with me" but then follow it up with, "but no one should be forced into it" you aren't making any sense.
It should be an opt in, that’s easy.
Sign up for the shit if you want it automatically Excluded if you don’t want it

Doesn't work - people simply don't participate in the system untill they get older and sicker or simply because they are totally irresponsible and when shit hits the fan...what? we are supposed to just let them die or get deformed because they can't afford the care?
See that’s unacceptable, you can’t force people into shit that They do not want, cannot afford, and will never benefit from.

The only way that would work is if you made a one-time choice when you entered the workforce and never had the option to opt-in after that.

Otherwise, you’d have a bunch of people opting not to pay taxes into the system, then choosing to opt in once they got sick.

Such a system would bankrupt the country faster than what we have now.
You can’t force people into something they do not want, can not afford and will not benefit from. And expect any of them to trust the system...

I don’t necessarily disagree. But if it’s an opt-in system, then it must be an opt-in system when they are 18, not 68. Otherwise, you will have 68 year-olds opting out for 50 years and not paying for the system, then opting in when their costs are highest. That would bankrupt the country much faster than the current system.
It should be an opt in, that’s easy.
Sign up for the shit if you want it automatically Excluded if you don’t want it

Doesn't work - people simply don't participate in the system untill they get older and sicker or simply because they are totally irresponsible and when shit hits the fan...what? we are supposed to just let them die or get deformed because they can't afford the care?
See that’s unacceptable, you can’t force people into shit that They do not want, cannot afford, and will never benefit from.

The only way that would work is if you made a one-time choice when you entered the workforce and never had the option to opt-in after that.

Otherwise, you’d have a bunch of people opting not to pay taxes into the system, then choosing to opt in once they got sick.

Such a system would bankrupt the country faster than what we have now.
You can’t force people into something they do not want, can not afford and will not benefit from. And expect any of them to trust the system...

I don’t necessarily disagree. But if it’s an opt-in system, then it must be an opt-in system when they are 18, not 68. Otherwise, you will have 68 year-olds opting out for 50 years and not paying for the system, then opting in when their costs are highest. That would bankrupt the country much faster than the current system.
Yes, opt in if you want to depend on socialist entitlement programs. An automatic exclusion if an individual has no desire to part of the collective.
I have no problem giving up everything I have paid in up to this point if could not participate any longer in these socialists entitlement programs.
I just don’t want any part of it anymore, and millions are just like me
Oh perfect! The government can do oversight!
Rather than your boss having oversight or the insurance companies making for profit decisions?

Ask old people how they like Medicare
Ask old people how many years they paid into Medicare before they drew a dime! Get back to me.

Most seniors take more out of the system than they put in. That’s a big reason why Medicare is in dire shape. It’s simple math.
Bull! Many die before using a dime! The system is in dire shape because demoncraps use it as a slush fund. They helped themselves to 960 billion Medicare dollars to fund Obamacare!

Nope. That’s a myth, believed by people with bias, political or otherwise.

In any risk pool, some people will always die without getting anything out of it. But others will take out far more before they die. Nobody knows who will die early or late. That’s why you enter a risk pool in the first place.

What you look for in a risk pool is the average. And the average senior citizen takes out more of Medicare than they put in.

That’s not necessarily the senior citizens’ fault. That’s the system they are in. But seniors are taking out more than they put in.

Many seniors don’t want to believe this, however. It’s easier to blame others.
Nota myth. Fact!
My coverage in retirement is fantastic, and since I paid for those before me, I want my cut.
I am almost 50, I will never see a penny from any socialist entitlement programs I have paid in all my adult life... I want to cut bait and get the fuck out of that shit I don’t want to pay anymore into the shit...

You are being alarmist.

If you retire at 65, you will receive benefits from the socialist entitlement programs Americans love so much.

social security and medicare are not entitlements, we paid for them with our money our entire working lives. Money that was taken out of our paychecks without our permission. Its ours. The government owes it to us. Its not welfare or charity or entitlement its the return of forced savings (taxes)
if the government "managed" all healthcare for all americans it would be a huge increase of govt power and would require a new huge beauocracy to administer it. Do you really want you medical decisions made by some ignorant GS7 in a basement cubicle in DC?

Not at all an expansion of power, Redfish; it would just be Medicare covering more people than they already do. You don't talk about a huge expansion of government power in case Washington buys a new aircraft carrier group, along with the personnel to operate it, do you?

And no, there would not be a huge new bureaucracy; you may wish to compare Medicare's bureaucratic overhead to any insurance corp's.

And yes, some "medical decisions", if you want to call it that, are being made by some bureaucrats. You would rather these decisions be made by someone who has but one aim, that is, to profit from you?

But thanks for relaying the Insurance Corp's propaganda message anyway. Not that we haven't heard it all before, but still...

medicare for all would be the VA for all. Careful what you ask for, you might get it. Ask any Brit or Canadian how they like their "free" medical care. Ask them how they like waiting 6 months for a routine procedure. Ask them why they come to the US for treatment if they have a serious illness.

your naivety is amazing.

Most Canadians would rather have the Canadian system than the American system, flaws and all.

then why do the come to the USA if they have any serious medical problems? Surveys of Canadians contradict your claim, but that's ok, we understand that liberals lie.
which party passed the across the board tax cut that cut the tax rate of everyone that pays taxes? Which party has created middle class jobs over the last two years? Which party is responsible for the growth in your 401K account? hint: not the dems.
Which party almost passed a bogus healthcare bill that would have taken access away from millions of people? They needed to kill ACA in order to do away with that pesky 3.8% cap gains tax on high earners.

Your claims about the tax cut are laughable, and your 401k value changes like the weather in this unstable market.
Hint...trump's job creation in the last two years still doesn't match Obama's in his last two years in office.

Obozocare was/is the worst legislation in the history of the USA. It would be history but for the arrogance of McCain. No one is denied medical care in the USA, now, before ACA, or after ACA. Obozocare was a failed attempt to have the government take over 1/5 of the economy and force healthy young people to pay huge premiums for insurance that they neither wanted or needed.

Capital gains tax is double taxation and should be eliminated. The tax cuts cut taxes for every tax paying American, probably not for you since its impossible to pay less than zero.

The unemployment rate is at record lows, especially for blacks and Hispanics. Your claim about obozo and jobs is bullshit.

Maybe they weren't denied health care but they sure were denied health insurance before obamacare for pre x medical conditions.

wrong, they may have had to pay a higher premium, much like you pay more for car insurance if you have a bunch of wrecks and tickets, but no one was denied insurance. that is a left wing lie.

What obozocare did was raise premiums for everyone so that healthy young people were better off paying the penalty than paying the premiums for coverages that they did not want or need. Why did obozocare require a healthy 25 year old male to buy a policy that included maternity benefits? It was the absolute worst piece of legislation in the history of this country. and but for bitter old McCain it would have been repealed last year.
if the government "managed" all healthcare for all americans it would be a huge increase of govt power and would require a new huge beauocracy to administer it. Do you really want you medical decisions made by some ignorant GS7 in a basement cubicle in DC?

Not at all an expansion of power, Redfish; it would just be Medicare covering more people than they already do. You don't talk about a huge expansion of government power in case Washington buys a new aircraft carrier group, along with the personnel to operate it, do you?

And no, there would not be a huge new bureaucracy; you may wish to compare Medicare's bureaucratic overhead to any insurance corp's.

And yes, some "medical decisions", if you want to call it that, are being made by some bureaucrats. You would rather these decisions be made by someone who has but one aim, that is, to profit from you?

But thanks for relaying the Insurance Corp's propaganda message anyway. Not that we haven't heard it all before, but still...

medicare for all would be the VA for all. Careful what you ask for, you might get it. Ask any Brit or Canadian how they like their "free" medical care. Ask them how they like waiting 6 months for a routine procedure. Ask them why they come to the US for treatment if they have a serious illness.

your naivety is amazing.

Most Canadians would rather have the Canadian system than the American system, flaws and all.
Conservatives would rather stay out of the collective... their participation is not necessary.

Perhaps, but that’s irrelevant to what Redfish said about Canadians. Most Canadians would rather have Canada’s system than America’s.

but they come to the USA for serious conditions. That says quite a lot.
For a market to work, people have to know what they are paying for.

People aren't paying for health care. That's the problem. They're paying for insurance instead. The important value decisions are being made by people who are spending someone else's money. That's what breaks the market.
The argument was to get rid of the insurance, make consumers of health care pay out of pocket and the price will drop accordingly.

Not going to happen.

Probably not. But it would reduce prices.


The MRI in your local hospital is probably made by either Seimens or GE. Next get MRIs costs about 2M each. Maintenance contracts alone run into the six figures. This thing has got to work flawlessly. Unless your hospital was constructed in the 80’s and hasn’t upgraded from the single dimensional resolution (also doubtful), the campus your visiting is probably still paying tens of thousands a month in their lease agreement on the MRI. Covering that has to come from somewhere. The price won’t magically go down from Seimens because Aetna is no longer in the picture. Sorry.

The problem is that the market fails.

One study I read looked at MRI prices hospitals were billed in a specific area. The prices varied wildly from hospital to hospital for what is essentially the same service. When asked about the prices, the doctors had no idea the cost disparities, let alone the patients.

For a market to work, people have to know what they are paying for.

People aren't paying for health care. That's the problem. They're paying for insurance instead. The important value decisions are being made by people who are spending money someone else's money. That's what breaks the market.

absolutely right, the problem is that most people today think that insurance should pay for ALL medical costs. In the not too distant past medical insurance was hospital insurance, it only kicked in if you were hospitalized, you paid routine medical costs out of pocket.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.

Wow. That’s very leftist of you.

As a naturalized American from Canada, I will tell you this - the American system is better for upper middle class people and higher, the Canadian system is better for lower middle class and lower.

And I have NO problem with Canada single payer with a population of 36.7 million of which 83.8% are Caucasian...
Versus the USA...327.7 million... nearly 9 times!
But see this is where the ONE size fits all concept of single payer breaks down!
Canada with less then 1/9th the population can manage it and with 10 providences versus 50 states?
So why not get YOUR state to have single payer health insurance and let me in my state make up whether I want single payer?
I don't understand that this "one size fits all" mentality because people in Florida hardly freeze to death versus Minnesota!!
And people in Texas probably have a different health issues than Iowa.

So why this need for "one size fits all"? Comparing a country with less than 1/9th the population as a model? Get real!
The argument was to get rid of the insurance, make consumers of health care pay out of pocket and the price will drop accordingly.

Not going to happen.

Probably not. But it would reduce prices.


The MRI in your local hospital is probably made by either Seimens or GE. Next get MRIs costs about 2M each. Maintenance contracts alone run into the six figures. This thing has got to work flawlessly. Unless your hospital was constructed in the 80’s and hasn’t upgraded from the single dimensional resolution (also doubtful), the campus your visiting is probably still paying tens of thousands a month in their lease agreement on the MRI. Covering that has to come from somewhere. The price won’t magically go down from Seimens because Aetna is no longer in the picture. Sorry.

The problem is that the market fails.

One study I read looked at MRI prices hospitals were billed in a specific area. The prices varied wildly from hospital to hospital for what is essentially the same service. When asked about the prices, the doctors had no idea the cost disparities, let alone the patients.

For a market to work, people have to know what they are paying for.

I’m sure the costs vary widely. Did the study discuss why the costs varied widely?

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