Heartbreaking. Cohen's father: didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Why Michael Cohen Agreed to Plead Guilty—And Implicate the President

A personal turning point for Mr. Cohen was a conversation with his father, Maurice Cohen, a Holocaust survivor.

Mr. Cohen’s father urged him not to protect the president, saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump, according to a person who was told about the conversation.

On June 20, Mr. Cohen stepped down from his position as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chairman and tweeted his first public criticism of his former boss: “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy [are] heart wrenching.” The tweet no longer appears on Mr. Cohen’s Twitter account.


OMG. Could you imagine? Making your family so ashamed? I'm sure this is something felons go through all the time. Some probably don't care but some have got to feel just awful. And to have this put in front of the country? And involving the president?

Imagine the shame. This could drive someone to harm themselves. Knowing your kids will grow up ashamed of you. Your family members seeing you as a criminal. Your wife. Your neighbors.
I can't even imagine how awful this man must feel. Suddenly, I have a lot of empathy for Michael Cohen. He's still a felon. And he shouldn't have committed crimes. But I suddenly feel so sorry for him and his family.
Why Michael Cohen Agreed to Plead Guilty—And Implicate the President

A personal turning point for Mr. Cohen was a conversation with his father, Maurice Cohen, a Holocaust survivor.

Mr. Cohen’s father urged him not to protect the president, saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump, according to a person who was told about the conversation.

On June 20, Mr. Cohen stepped down from his position as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chairman and tweeted his first public criticism of his former boss: “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy [are] heart wrenching.” The tweet no longer appears on Mr. Cohen’s Twitter account.


OMG. Could you imagine? Making your family so ashamed? I'm sure this is something felons go through all the time. Some probably don't care but some have got to feel just awful. And to have this put in front of the country? And involving the president?

Imagine the shame. This could drive someone to harm themselves. Knowing your kids will grow up ashamed of you. Your family members seeing you as a criminal. Your wife. Your neighbors.
I can't even imagine how awful this man must feel. Suddenly, I have a lot of empathy for Michael Cohen. He's still a felon. And he shouldn't have committed crimes. But I suddenly feel so sorry for him and his family.

If you can sympathize with Cohen's voluntary criminal activities, surely then you must also find heartfelt feeling for our besieged President Trump whom in oft certainty you accuse of criminal behavior? Shoulders offered to cry on must stand in solidarity for the salty weeping of victims of consequence in this cold hard life. Especially those who are victims of the consequence of their own bad behaviors, right?
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So Papa Maury says to Babz : "Mine G*d. Zat beeg German guard, Hanz Farfergnuten, toldz me dat vun day I'da find out Hitler vuz aright. Now I seez it !
Well, it was only opinion on whether or not Cohen was just a POS. Now we have definitive proof he is, from his own mouth.

Lol lol lol the man is clearly deranged, probably from losing all those Big Bucks he never earned. The pattern we're seeing from these deep state fraudsters and liars and scumbags is their massive senses of entitlement they ll seem to have, in spades. This is typical of criminal sociopaths. We see it in Hillary and her husband, the serial rapist Bill, Pelosi, most certainly Diane Warbucks Feinstein, Podesta, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, and the list goes on and on forever; every single one of these scumbags actually believe themselves entitled to steal, lie, murder, sell out the country, and of course the press agrees with them.
Why Michael Cohen Agreed to Plead Guilty—And Implicate the President

A personal turning point for Mr. Cohen was a conversation with his father, Maurice Cohen, a Holocaust survivor.

Mr. Cohen’s father urged him not to protect the president, saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump, according to a person who was told about the conversation.

On June 20, Mr. Cohen stepped down from his position as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chairman and tweeted his first public criticism of his former boss: “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy [are] heart wrenching.” The tweet no longer appears on Mr. Cohen’s Twitter account.


OMG. Could you imagine? Making your family so ashamed? I'm sure this is something felons go through all the time. Some probably don't care but some have got to feel just awful. And to have this put in front of the country? And involving the president?

Imagine the shame. This could drive someone to harm themselves. Knowing your kids will grow up ashamed of you. Your family members seeing you as a criminal. Your wife. Your neighbors.
I can't even imagine how awful this man must feel. Suddenly, I have a lot of empathy for Michael Cohen. He's still a felon. And he shouldn't have committed crimes. But I suddenly feel so sorry for him and his family.
Cohen's father didn’t survive the Holocaust?
Why Michael Cohen Agreed to Plead Guilty—And Implicate the President

A personal turning point for Mr. Cohen was a conversation with his father, Maurice Cohen, a Holocaust survivor.

Mr. Cohen’s father urged him not to protect the president, saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump, according to a person who was told about the conversation.

On June 20, Mr. Cohen stepped down from his position as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chairman and tweeted his first public criticism of his former boss: “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy [are] heart wrenching.” The tweet no longer appears on Mr. Cohen’s Twitter account.


OMG. Could you imagine? Making your family so ashamed? I'm sure this is something felons go through all the time. Some probably don't care but some have got to feel just awful. And to have this put in front of the country? And involving the president?

Imagine the shame. This could drive someone to harm themselves. Knowing your kids will grow up ashamed of you. Your family members seeing you as a criminal. Your wife. Your neighbors.
I can't even imagine how awful this man must feel. Suddenly, I have a lot of empathy for Michael Cohen. He's still a felon. And he shouldn't have committed crimes. But I suddenly feel so sorry for him and his family.

Pretty shitty to use your father's holocaust survival to spin your craven cowardice.

Really, insanely vile and disgusting.
Why Michael Cohen Agreed to Plead Guilty—And Implicate the President

A personal turning point for Mr. Cohen was a conversation with his father, Maurice Cohen, a Holocaust survivor.

Mr. Cohen’s father urged him not to protect the president, saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump, according to a person who was told about the conversation.

On June 20, Mr. Cohen stepped down from his position as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chairman and tweeted his first public criticism of his former boss: “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy [are] heart wrenching.” The tweet no longer appears on Mr. Cohen’s Twitter account.


OMG. Could you imagine? Making your family so ashamed? I'm sure this is something felons go through all the time. Some probably don't care but some have got to feel just awful. And to have this put in front of the country? And involving the president?

Imagine the shame. This could drive someone to harm themselves. Knowing your kids will grow up ashamed of you. Your family members seeing you as a criminal. Your wife. Your neighbors.
I can't even imagine how awful this man must feel. Suddenly, I have a lot of empathy for Michael Cohen. He's still a felon. And he shouldn't have committed crimes. But I suddenly feel so sorry for him and his family.

Mark Steyn said this Resistance is like having cockroaches lay eggs in your brain...like an infestation. Witness it above. It really is. A parasitic infestation of the brain.

I feel bad for you, deanrd, you seem to be unduly obsessed by the president. But then you would be, right? You have a parasitic infestation of the brain. So now it makes sense.
Why Michael Cohen Agreed to Plead Guilty—And Implicate the President

A personal turning point for Mr. Cohen was a conversation with his father, Maurice Cohen, a Holocaust survivor.

Mr. Cohen’s father urged him not to protect the president, saying he didn’t survive the Holocaust to have his name sullied by Mr. Trump, according to a person who was told about the conversation.

On June 20, Mr. Cohen stepped down from his position as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chairman and tweeted his first public criticism of his former boss: “As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy [are] heart wrenching.” The tweet no longer appears on Mr. Cohen’s Twitter account.


OMG. Could you imagine? Making your family so ashamed? I'm sure this is something felons go through all the time. Some probably don't care but some have got to feel just awful. And to have this put in front of the country? And involving the president?

Imagine the shame. This could drive someone to harm themselves. Knowing your kids will grow up ashamed of you. Your family members seeing you as a criminal. Your wife. Your neighbors.
I can't even imagine how awful this man must feel. Suddenly, I have a lot of empathy for Michael Cohen. He's still a felon. And he shouldn't have committed crimes. But I suddenly feel so sorry for him and his family.

Mark Steyn said this Resistance is like having cockroaches lay eggs in your brain...like an infestation. Witness it above. It really is. A parasitic infestation of the brain.

I feel bad for you, deanrd, you seem to be unduly obsessed by the president. But then you would be, right? You have a parasitic infestation of the brain. So now it makes sense.
I'm not the one coming apart at the seams. Terrified the crimes are finally catching up.

That would be Trump.
trump is beyond the point of redemption, more like toast ... jail time for the hack.

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