'Heinous atrocity': Same-sex couple, two kids murdered in New York basement


While police details of this despicable crime are still a bit sketchy, it looks like a hate crime to me. Given the current political climate of hate and intolerance, it doesn't surprise me. My prayers go with the victims and surviving family members.
Probably done by LGBT mafiosos to promote the case in Michigan where two lesbians are suing Christians to force adoption agencies to disgorge children to motherless/fatherless homes. They've made nearly every single court advancement where they shouldn't technically, using kneejerk sympathy ploys and tactics.

I dunno. It's as likely an unproven theory as any other offered here. Let me guess. Next they'll find a "hate note" left by the bodies. But it will be discovered after the fact.

Did the LGBT legal machine make a couple of its own "take it for the team"? As good a theory as any.

And, why would the perp kill the children too? Were the kids also lesbians? Sounds more like some psycho drug addict let out of jail early camping out in the basement and they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or a stalker of one of the women, like the father of the kids?
My current working theory, with the info available...father of kids angry with mother for raising the children in that lezbo environment.
Poor theory.

Wanna know what it takes to get TWO people....psycho and willing enough....

to do such a thing, in the same fuckin room?

Drugs and money.
There were two killers? Then yes, drugs and money.
Yepp, and their perp walk is on video.

The older dude is clearly retarded, to me.
I was imagining an entirely different scenario.

So yeah...tied them up and questioned them (Where's the drugs? Where da money at?) while they tortured them. Possibly tortured the kids in front of them. High af.
Gotta be one sick puppy to do something ike that.
Two men have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of two women and two children in upstate New York.

James White, 38, and Justin Mann, 24, both of Schenectady, New York, were arrested in the Dec. 21 quadruple killing in Troy, New York, according to Troy Police Capt. Dan DeWolf.

Suspects charged in brutal killings of 2 women, 2 children in upstate New York
What's weird is they appear to be about the same age spread as the two lesbians. Hmmm.. And more black on black crime too.
Two men have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of two women and two children in upstate New York.

James White, 38, and Justin Mann, 24, both of Schenectady, New York, were arrested in the Dec. 21 quadruple killing in Troy, New York, according to Troy Police Capt. Dan DeWolf.

Suspects charged in brutal killings of 2 women, 2 children in upstate New York
What's weird is they appear to be about the same age spread as the two lesbians. Hmmm.. And more black on black crime too.
Maybe a love triangle?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
What's weird is they appear to be about the same age spread as the two lesbians. Hmmm.. And more black on black crime too.

The two nigers should be released back into the black community. I'm so sick of racist cops arresting blacks for crimes. LOL

I have no doubt that at least one of those lesbos was forcking on of those nigers.

While police details of this despicable crime are still a bit sketchy, it looks like a hate crime to me. Given the current political climate of hate and intolerance, it doesn't surprise me. My prayers go with the victims and surviving family members.
Probably done by LGBT mafiosos to promote the case in Michigan where two lesbians are suing Christians to force adoption agencies to disgorge children to motherless/fatherless homes. They've made nearly every single court advancement where they shouldn't technically, using kneejerk sympathy ploys and tactics.

Or.....you have no idea what you're talking about and are making up yet another batshit narrative based on nothing.

Your irrational hatred of gays and lesbians might make your nonsense tale of 'gay mafiosos' killing children to gain sympathy sound plausible. But that tell us far more about the wasteland of your mind than it does the case.
Two men have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of two women and two children in upstate New York.

James White, 38, and Justin Mann, 24, both of Schenectady, New York, were arrested in the Dec. 21 quadruple killing in Troy, New York, according to Troy Police Capt. Dan DeWolf.

Suspects charged in brutal killings of 2 women, 2 children in upstate New York
What's weird is they appear to be about the same age spread as the two lesbians. Hmmm.. And more black on black crime too.

What, another batshit conspiracy, Sil? What happened to your 'gay mafiosos killing kids for sympathy' theory?
What's not to approve of? They're just folks. You're gonna need a damn good reason for your hatred. As that learned behavior is toxic and destructive.....and has no particular basis.
To disagree with a BEHAVIOUR, is NOT "hate."
But that isn't the topic of this thread.

Are you more interested that they caught the murderers, or pushing your agenda?
What, another batshit conspiracy, Sil? What happened to your 'gay mafiosos killing kids for sympathy' theory?
And what about your leftist theories that these were Christians? Funny you never assume it could be the guys who actually throw them off buildings.
Two men have been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of two women and two children in upstate New York.

James White, 38, and Justin Mann, 24, both of Schenectady, New York, were arrested in the Dec. 21 quadruple killing in Troy, New York, according to Troy Police Capt. Dan DeWolf.

Suspects charged in brutal killings of 2 women, 2 children in upstate New York

Hopefully these are indeed the perps. Scumbags like that wandering around is a menace to everyone. All I can think of is those poor kids never had a chance.
We live in a world of monsters...

Whoever did this deserves to be tortured.

You can bet your ass some liberal attorney

will do their best to get them off...
"Police are working to try and unravel the mystery of who killed a woman, her partner and her two young children, whose bodies were found in a riverfront apartment house the day after Christmas.

"After being in this business for 43 years, I can't describe the savagery of a person who would do this," said Troy Police Chief John Tedesco. Police on Thursday identified the victims as Shanta Myers, 36; Brandi Mells, 22; Jeremiah Myers, 11; and Shanise Myers, 5. Shanta Myers, the mother of both children, was in a relationship with Mells, the police chief said. Investigators declined to confirm the method of death or any details regarding the scene of the crime.

Tedesco declared during a news conference that the killings were "not a random act," but wouldn't say why he believed that was the case." - Source

While police details of this despicable crime are still a bit sketchy, it looks like a hate crime to me. Given the current political climate of hate and intolerance, it doesn't surprise me. My prayers go with the victims and surviving family members.
Does it still look like a hate crime to you? Here are the suspects...


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