Hell Has Frozen Over: Mainstream Media Goes From 'No Crisis' To 'Breaking Point'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Months after repeatedly dismissing and mocking President Trump’s claim of a national emergency at the Southern U.S. border, the mainstream media is grappling with reality, with no less than The New York Times declaring the border crisis at “breaking point.”

Yet as recently as February, a New York Times fact-checker of Trump's State of the Union speech
tweeted: “President Trump described illegal border crossings as a 'urgent national crisis.' This is false."

CNN, MSN, The Washington Post, and others have repeated the Left's talking point that 'there is no crisis' .... until now.

'Fast forward, the same media outlets are now scrambling to accurately portray the border crisis, no longer fearing to quote top officials and their data, and declare that the southern border is at a “breaking point” amid a surge in the number of illegal immigrant crossings.'.

From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media changes its tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge

I can't wait to hear the 180 degree spin by snowflakes, attempting to justify the sudden change. 'Better Late Than Never'? Their change has come almost / possibly TOO late, but the crisis has become so massive they can no longer lie / deny / spin their way in continuing to claim 'No Crisis!'
We really do not need the media any longer....lets let them know it....
Oh look, another weepy piece about what our nutty Conservative MSM supposedly said.

Nobody cares. It's a given that CNN and the rest will parrot the conservative line. They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.
Oh look, another weepy piece about what our nutty Conservative MSM supposedly said.

Nobody cares. It's a given that CNN and the rest will parrot the conservative line. They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.
Well we can all be sure that you don't bother with any news.
This is because the wealthy wankers who owns these papers are dusting off their history books on socialism, which is what will be ushered in if you allow unlimited illegal immigration; and they are shocked by what they read.

There on page 45 is the photo of the rich families being thrown out of their own mansions, kicked around by the locals, and being thanked for sharing their wealth with the peasants.

Amazing to see and as I've warned you all (as I could hear the rumblings of a Canada in the words of some in your political system), if you don't address it, it WILL come. Human nature is to follow those who offer false dreams. I just find it astonishing that the same clowns who profited from a few bucks in savings on their labour costs didn't see the long term danger of such an illegal bombardment.
The MSM are the DNC's stooges, so the moment a Dim leader began disputing Trump's claim of a crisis on the border, they immediately began repeating the Dim lie for them.
Oh look, another weepy piece about what our nutty Conservative MSM supposedly said.

Nobody cares. It's a given that CNN and the rest will parrot the conservative line. They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.

They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.


Because to a fool, bad press is good for a candidate.

are you going back home this weekend?

'Months after repeatedly dismissing and mocking President Trump’s claim of a national emergency at the Southern U.S. border, the mainstream media is grappling with reality, with no less than The New York Times declaring the border crisis at “breaking point.”

Yet as recently as February, a New York Times fact-checker of Trump's State of the Union speech
tweeted: “President Trump described illegal border crossings as a 'urgent national crisis.' This is false."

CNN, MSN, The Washington Post, and others have repeated the Left's talking point that 'there is no crisis' .... until now.

'Fast forward, the same media outlets are now scrambling to accurately portray the border crisis, no longer fearing to quote top officials and their data, and declare that the southern border is at a “breaking point” amid a surge in the number of illegal immigrant crossings.'.

From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media changes its tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge

I can't wait to hear the 180 degree spin by snowflakes, attempting to justify the sudden change. 'Better Late Than Never'? Their change has come almost / possibly TOO late, but the crisis has become so massive they can no longer lie / deny / spin their way in continuing to claim 'No Crisis!'
If the border is at a "breaking point" it's because Trump & his goon squad are a bunch of screwups. Did you forget who's calling the shots, you imbecile? Did your boy think his wall would be up already, cultist?
They're already saying there wasn't a crisis until Trump created one with his policies.
well good - talking points out ahead of schedule.

predictable, but ahead of schedule.

It is the media matters crowd, trust me on this. It has been exposed over, and over, and over again, but nobody pays attention. Between them and the Southern Poverty group, they have people everywhere. Some are on here!

Doubt me?

Remember Lara Logan from 60 minutes?

Well, I took a 12 minute clip from her in depth interview. Let us see what SHE has to say, and may I suggest that other people start opening their eyes at WHO/WHOM is actually driving this, and what they are really trying to DO, and WHY!

Spend the 12 minutes, it will teach you something, trust me on this!

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Hilarious, that there are cultists out there brainwashed enough to still claim that our nutty conservative MSM is really liberal, despite them all them shilling for Trump for years.

If you encounter such cultists, smile and back away slowly, before you get drooled on. You can't help them. They're too far gone into their alternate reality, and they're never coming back.
Oh look, another weepy piece about what our nutty Conservative MSM supposedly said.

Nobody cares. It's a given that CNN and the rest will parrot the conservative line. They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.

CNN busted their butts to put Trump in office? You're seriously the dopiest poster on this board these days, Mamooth! You make R-Derp look sane! Take some time off and get your shit together...you're embarrassing yourself with the nonsense that you're posting!
Oh look, another weepy piece about what our nutty Conservative MSM supposedly said.

Nobody cares. It's a given that CNN and the rest will parrot the conservative line. They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.
CNN is conservative? HAHAHAHAHAHA! So when Hannity's contract expires with Fox he may show up on CNN, that what ya think, Ace? If you say so!
CNN busted their butts to put Trump in office?

Obviously. Every non-retard knows that. Anyone saying otherwise is screaming "I'M A CULT BOOTLICKER! TELL ME WHAT TO SAY, MASTER!".

What you need to understand is that just because you're a mindless cult imbecile, it doesn't mean anyone else shares in such stupidity.

I'm not sorry for triggering you here. Anyone raving that the media is liberal is sloppy drunk on what their cult masters have been pissing down their willing cultist throats, and they need to be humiliated for allowing themselves to reach such a sorry state.
Oh look, another weepy piece about what our nutty Conservative MSM supposedly said.

Nobody cares. It's a given that CNN and the rest will parrot the conservative line. They all busted their butts to put Trump in office, and they can't abandon him now.

“The country is now unable to provide either the necessary humanitarian relief for desperate migrants or even basic controls on the number and nature of who is entering the United States.”

— The New York Times

So hard to understand isnt it?
CNN busted their butts to put Trump in office?

Obviously. Every non-retard knows that. Anyone saying otherwise is screaming "I'M A CULT BOOTLICKER! TELL ME WHAT TO SAY, MASTER!".

What you need to understand is that just because you're a mindless cult imbecile, it doesn't mean anyone else shares in such stupidity.

I'm not sorry for triggering you here. Anyone raving that the media is liberal is sloppy drunk on what their cult masters have been pissing down their willing cultist throats, and they need to be humiliated for allowing themselves to reach such a sorry state.

Anyone claiming that the media ISN'T liberally biased is one of two things, Mamooth...either incredibly ignorant or willing to lie through their teeth! After watching what you post...I'm guessing you might be the former.

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