Help me understand white people


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
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I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
Respectfully, I don't know what the hell you're seeing.

Poverty or frustration or failure or tragedy, or for that matter, wealth or ease or success or victory, are not based on skin color. Most people are struggling to some degree, stumbling through life, doing the best they can. Inside, we all want to the same things.

And there's a pretty decent chance that many of the people you're seeing spend like there's no tomorrow are putting it on a credit card: Americans now have the highest credit-card debt in U.S. history

Or are you just fooling around and it all went over my head?
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I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
Well, my brother died Saturday....and he had Parkinson disease and drug addiction. He's been on welfare since he left prison 25 years ago.
None of his kids have enough money to pay for his cremation. $2300
My older sister is a member of the LGBT community and had a stroke several years ago.
My oldest brother has Diabetes and is living off of Social Security.
My mother died last March after being handicapped for most of her life.
My Dad died of Prostate Cancer in 98'.
My wife needs another hip replacement.
But other than that my life has been perfect.
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.

Stop watching tv, go out into the real world, and make sure your eyes are really open.
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
Respectfully, I don't know what the hell you're seeing.

Poverty or frustration or failure or tragedy, or for that matter, wealth or ease or success or victory, are not based on skin color. Most people are struggling to some degree, stumbling through life, doing the best they can. Inside, we all want to the same things.

And there's a pretty decent chance that many of the people you're seeing spend like there's no tomorrow are putting it on a credit card: Americans now have the highest credit-card debt in U.S. history

Or are you just fooling around and it all went over my head?

I think dfens may be referring to the idea white people simply don't have a good reason to blame someone else for their problems.
In light of that ... It is often (not always) more productive for white people to handle their struggles and problems without making them a public issue.

It isn't about skin color ... It is about how people inherently find success through their problem solving abilities.
It is often easier to solve an immediate problem with a more localized or immediate solution.

You need to travel more.... have you ever been to a Walmart?

I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
1) Work. Using the mind or muscle to perform tasks that benefit oneself and ones family monetarily note: DOES NOT INCLUDE BASKETBALL, GANG BANGS, DRIVE BYS, RAPPING OR ROBBING TACO STANDS.

2) Not at all but with the modern(and ancient) miracles of psychotropic drugs and really good booze we have found ways to make living in a jungle full of noisy ass mud people 'somewhat' tolerable.
1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.
It's very simple

The white man went into the lands of black people, red people and brown people, robbed them off their land, colonized them, took them over and used their lands to build themselves up. So white people are in a superior position (Now matter what the social or political order is) because of the deeds of their forefathers
2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?
Whites have problems like anyone else but in spite of their personal problems in life (which of course non white people have too), dealing with the systematic racism is not an issue for them.

Whites are presumed competent until proven otherwise, they aren’t asked to speak for their entire group, and rarely are they in environments where they are likely to feel out of place.
All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
Don’t get it twisted.

Everyone has challenges in life. Few people are born with massive wealth. White people can be born with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. Their health might go, they might lose a loved one from an unfortunate death. .

However, it’s extremely unlikely that any hardship a white person may endure is due to social constructs engineered by black or any non white person.
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

I certainly don't have millions. My wealth is in the low to mid 6 figure range.

I have a job. I have had a lot of crap jobs, a few good ones. I have a crap job now.

Being very careful to live within my means has allowed me to save and invest for retirement.

If you've seen me blowing money, it was a rarity. When we managed to get a budget for something fun, we do do it.

A couple of years ago, in one summer we went to Disney World and a cruise to Bermuda. I'm sure some people might have thought we were wealthy.

That was right after two very good years, and we did that ONCE. Actually, my two BEST years ever.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.

House is pretty good, though the yard is tiny.

Family is pretty good.

Job sucks ass.

Health pretty good. Constantly fighting weight issue.

Do have a medical condition that requires daily medication and lab work. Could require more drastic treatment someday, hangover my head.

Wife has back and neck issues.

My white friends and family? Many have much more drama, struggling and risk.
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
White people built the capitalist system and got a head start on everyone else.
White people's lives are generally better because life is a little easier when you have money and a job.
You're a total dumbass noob. But stick around, we can clue you in.
This is funny. I'm looking at whites here making every excuse in the world. But while they all say they are struggling the median income for whites is above the national average. Their rate of poverty is half the national average. The average white family has 15 tunes more wealth than non whites and it's not all due to hard work, emphasis on education or anything similar. Much like the family with the abusive member, whites have chosen to sweep things under the rug and try to keep them hidden by bullying people who mention it.. We can go to Wal Mart and see sloppy looking whites, but those sloppy looking whites in many cases are racists. There are poor struggling whites but they blame non whites and immigrants for taking their jobs or promotions because they are racists. We can talk ablur whites spending themselves into poverty, but that means you had the money to spend. We can talk about whites who struggle because they misuse credit cads, but that means you have to have the money to exceed your credit limit. These things a lot of people of color do not have. And what is being asked here is how did whites get all this?
This is funny. I'm looking at whites here making every excuse in the world. But while they all say they are struggling the median income for whites is above the national average. Their rate of poverty is half the national average. The average white family has 15 tunes more wealth than non whites and it's not all due to hard work, emphasis on education or anything similar. Much like the family with the abusive member, whites have chosen to sweep things under the rug and try to keep them hidden by bullying people who mention it.. We can go to Wal Mart and see sloppy looking whites, but those sloppy looking whites in many cases are racists. There are poor struggling whites but they blame non whites and immigrants for taking their jobs or promotions because they are racists. We can talk ablur whites spending themselves into poverty, but that means you had the money to spend. We can talk about whites who struggle because they misuse credit cads, but that means you have to have the money to exceed your credit limit. These things a lot of people of color do not have. And what is being asked here is how did whites get all this?

I did none of that in my post.

And your assumption of racism in whites, is itself racism, you dumb race baiting bitch.
White people's lives are generally better because life is a little easier when you have money and a job.
Well here's where it get's interesting because you'd think dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, which is common for black people would be pretty stressful.

Yet, all data indicates it's whites and those with money who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes.

So what’s going on ?

It must the lack of coping skills among white people.

Those who face oppressive conditions must, as a matter of survival, learn to deal with these conditions from an early age, where as because white people (As a group) have been pampered and provided for they don’t learn the same lessons because they never have to

If their grades drop, they pay for tutors;
if they wreck their car, they get it fixed or get another one;
When white screw up, someone is usually there to bail them out.

But all that fks them ups.

Not to romanticize oppression, of course, but what studies show is that the folks whites have been taught to fear and loathe often have more self-control than those in your own families.

So blacks are more likely than whites to report having been offered drugs in the past month, we are less likely to actually use drugs than their whites.

Black people are also less likely to drink than whites. Despite targeted liquor and tobacco advertising in poor black communities.

Black people are less likely to commit suicide, as suicide is linked more to having one’s previously high status threatened than to absolute hardship. Too much money, too much power, and a mentality of entitlement and expectation that can leave a person dangerously ill-equipped to deal with the real world.

None of this is to say that I should now pity the whites, but if your going truthfully analyze what is wrong with the culture, u should begin with the folks at the top, as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
Well, my brother died Saturday....and he had Parkinson disease and drug addiction. He's been on welfare since he left prison 25 years ago.
None of his kids have enough money to pay for his cremation. $2300
My older sister is a member of the LGBT community and had a stroke several years ago.
My oldest brother has Diabetes and is living off of Social Security.
My mother died last March after being handicapped for most of her life.
My Dad died of Prostate Cancer in 98'.
My wife needs another hip replacement.
But other than that my life has been perfect.

Sorry for your loss, and the hard life you have endure.
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

1) How did you get so much money?

Honestly. I want to know how you came to acquire untold millions, billions which you freely spend on whatever you want. Do you honestly work hard? Did you inherit the wealth, do you own companies and the millions of dollars just flow your way like magic?
I feel like I've worked hard and made money in my life, and even though I don't spend like a drunken sailor, it all just disappears, vanishes down the black hole of housing, car payments, insurance, you name it. I don't understand who is on the other end, the people whose money just outpaces anything they spend it on. What is your secret? Trust me, it's not like I can do anything with the info.

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.
I am not rich, I don't have a perfect life. People of all races have the rich, the poor, etc. You are asking silly questions.
White people's lives are generally better because life is a little easier when you have money and a job.
Well here's where it get's interesting because you'd think dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, which is common for black people would be pretty stressful.

Yet, all data indicates it's whites and those with money who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes.

So what’s going on ?

It must the lack of coping skills among white people.

Those who face oppressive conditions must, as a matter of survival, learn to deal with these conditions from an early age, where as because white people (As a group) have been pampered and provided for they don’t learn the same lessons because they never have to

If their grades drop, they pay for tutors;
if they wreck their car, they get it fixed or get another one;
When white screw up, someone is usually there to bail them out.

But all that fks them ups.

Not to romanticize oppression, of course, but what studies show is that the folks whites have been taught to fear and loathe often have more self-control than those in your own families.

So blacks are more likely than whites to report having been offered drugs in the past month, we are less likely to actually use drugs than their whites.

Black people are also less likely to drink than whites. Despite targeted liquor and tobacco advertising in poor black communities.

Black people are less likely to commit suicide, as suicide is linked more to having one’s previously high status threatened than to absolute hardship. Too much money, too much power, and a mentality of entitlement and expectation that can leave a person dangerously ill-equipped to deal with the real world.

None of this is to say that I should now pity the whites, but if your going truthfully analyze what is wrong with the culture, u should begin with the folks at the top, as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.
You're the one with the problem of coping (with being black).
I've lived in the United States since I was 4 years old. To this day, though, I'm still not sure I completely understand white people. Maybe you guys can help. Here's some things I don't understand about you all:

2) Do you all have perfect lives?

Honestly. Does every single one of you have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect kids, the perfect job, being in perfect health, going on perfect vacations, etc? Do you people even get sick? Do you get into accidents? Do you ever in your life encounter anything that is even remotely tragic?

All I've seen my entire life is just white people partying. Happy, smiley white people partying like they have infinite money and not a care in the world. Please tell me there is at least one white person out there who is struggling just a little bit, or upset just a little bit. I want to know if you exist.

I don't think there's a lot of smiles going on in my beloved Poland.

Yeah... Even Blacks noticed we're angry... That's a good thing though... If you don't have anger, you end up like Western European bitches.... I think Western Europeans are too stupid to not smile, they're really one of the most worthless people to allow their own demise...

Yeah... Polish Rap icon Popek... He makes all Black rappers look like weak, smiley girls.

Popek looks like SMiley guy compared to Polish Metal musicians.


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